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This paper investigates the impacts of possible measures to enhance HSR market share in the London-Amsterdam market. To this aim, we adopted a two-level aggregate nested logit model able to jointly model trip distribution and trip generation, thus taking into account that the tested policies may increase or decrease the overall demand. The model was applied to an extensive dataset about passenger flows traveling between London airports and HSR station and Amsterdam in the period 2015–2019. The results show that both the reduction of HSR fares and the application of an air ticket tax, albeit with different impacts in terms of stimulus or reduction effect on overall demand, are ineffective in increasing HSR market share, if not adequately supported by improving HSR service. Increasing HSR frequency and reducing HSR travel times constitute the best opportunities to increase HSR ridership by stimulating a higher substitution effect than modifications in relative fares. Lastly, the recent queueing at airports, following staff shortages and strikes, significantly lower air transport demand and potentially has a substantial upward effect on HSR market share.  相似文献   

卜一丁  张娜 《价值工程》2011,(14):152-152
伴随着中国进入WTO市场,中国企业开始与国际经济接轨,开始参与国际企业之间的竞争。面对越来越强大的国际市场经济竞争压力,如何创建中国企业自己的品牌,如何能够占到更大的市场份额,如何以良好的品牌形象在国际经济中立足,这是中国企业迫切需要解决的问题。中国企业应该重视并合理运用其企业形象,而不能只是单纯的追求其产品质量,同时要大力发展VI设计,使世界范围内的消费者对其品牌了解认知并对其品牌喜欢有依赖性,从而争取国际市场上大部分的市场份额,这样中国品牌才能在世界经济浪潮中占有不败之地,成为世界顶尖品牌。  相似文献   

We investigate the implications of product market imperfections on negotiated wages and equilibrium unemployment under profit sharing. We show that intensified product market competition reduces equilibrium unemployment in a strictly monotonic way when the trade union's bargaining power exceeds the profit share. If the profit share exceeds the trade union's bargaining power, the effect of product market competition is ambiguous: there is a threshold for the benefit–replacement ratio above (below) which intensified product market competition increases (decreases) equilibrium unemployment. The profit share and the union's bargaining power affect the wage mark-up, and thereby equilibrium unemployment, in different directions.  相似文献   

Transit alternatives, including conventional technology used in innovative ways, are compared on the basis of full costs (capital and operating costs plus user time costs). Bus wagon jitneys are estimated to have lower full costs than conventional buses for short-haul, low-density residential collection or inner-city circulation, particularly at higher travel time values. Rail rapid transit has much higher full costs than express bus for suburban CBD commuters. Rail's much higher capital and operating costs buy virtually identical user time costs for the entire commuter trip.  相似文献   

市场占有行为是经济主体的理性行为,市场占有的实现方式有市场竞争与政策约束。文章构建市场占有均衡模型,指出经济主体基于自身的市场占有偏好进行市场占有,并根据市场收益的增减或发展目标的重新设计分别对市场占有偏好进行自发性纠正、战略性纠正,从而形成新的市场占有均衡。市场占有均衡因对手的竞争反应的差异而表现出不同的均衡状态。基于市场占有均衡模型,文章以新的角度审视了公共产品供给不足、厂商恶性竞争及国企改革等经济现象。  相似文献   

陈章波 《价值工程》2007,26(1):52-54
随着我国自助游的盛行,客运市场出现了非站场式客运服务。通过对澳中汽现阶段价值链的深刻剖析,提出了非站场式客运只有通过价值链重构,与旅行社、酒店结成三角联盟,才能将劣势转变为优势,形成自己的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

为了解城市公交信息化服务对公交乘客出行方式转移的影响,以上海市杨浦区为例,进行关于公交信息化服务下乘客出行方式转移的调查,获取个人属性、公交出行经历、公交出行评价、出行方式转移意向以及公交信息服务需求等信息。从公交信息使用者角度,重点关注公交信息化服务对乘客出行方式转移的影响,分别构建信息化服务情境下(公交到站时间与计划出发时间相差过大和车辆未在提示的时间内到达)的公交出行方式转移二项logit模型。模型结果表明:乘客平均候车时间、是否经常使用公交到站服务、是否有道路拥挤车辆未按时进站等原因而产生出行延误的经历、公交信息准确性评价与是否有必要提示同公交线路连续班次的到站时间等因素对不同情景下的乘客出行方式转移具有显著影响。  相似文献   

王辉 《价值工程》2012,31(32):85-86
城市轨道交通作为解决城市交通拥堵的有效手段,已经在我国多个城市开始建设或已投入使用。但其造价昂贵、投资巨大的问题日益凸显,已经严重制约着城市轨道交通的可持续发展。本文从轨道交通方式的选择、前期工作、客流预测、建设标准和限额设计等5个方面进行思考,分析、总结出了影响城市轨道交通造价的关键因素,并提出了一些有效的建议,为今后降低城市轨道交通投资提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

铁路运输在我国占据很重要的地位,与公路运输、航海运输、航空运输来比较,受到行业垄断、运输成本低以及运力不足等很多因素的制约,铁路运输市场的竞争力比较小。我国物流产业发展迅速,传统的铁路运输方式已经不能够满足物流发展的需要,铁路系统企业需要加快物流发展的脚步,通过资源的整合,发展成为我国物流市场的主导力量。  相似文献   

We develop a new approach to endogenizing technological spillovers. We analyze a game in which firms can first invest in cost-reducing R&D, then compete on the human-capital market for their knowledge-bearing employees, and finally enter the product market. If R&D employees change firms, spillovers arise. We show that technological spillovers are most likely when they increase total industry profits. We use this result to show that innovation incentives are usually stronger for endogenous than for exogenous spillovers and that endogenous spillovers may reverse the result that innovation incentives are stronger under quantity competition than under price competition. Finally, we explore the robustness of our results with respect to contractual incompleteness and the number of R&D workers.  相似文献   

中部地区旅游产业链优化路径研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
未来旅游产业的竞争取决于产业整体的竞争力和产业链的整体优化.中部旅游产业的仍然存在市场导向程度低、产业价值链的协同竞争不够、产业链利益分配和协调机制尚未建立、产业链瓶颈环节和薄弱环节较多等问题.需要通过转化政府的引导作用,优化企业的协作行为,强化中介组织的协调功能,整合优化旅游产业链,提升产业整体竞争优势.  相似文献   

Using a quasi-natural experiment and various measures of competition intensity, we examine whether an increase in product market competition is a key driver of firm cash holdings. We find that firms increase cash holdings when competition is intense. The results suggest that the degree of increase in cash holdings is magnified among firms exposed to high predatory threat and financing friction. In addition, we examine if increasing cash holdings offers a competitive advantage in the product market. Our results indicate that firms with large cash reserves make gains in market share at the expense of their rivals. Gains in the product market are more pronounced among firms with low exposure to predatory risk and financing frictions.  相似文献   

基于中国A股上市公司2008—2020年数据,考察了产品市场竞争对超额商誉的影响及作用机制。研究发现,产品市场竞争具有抑制超额商誉的效应,并能够降低后续商誉减值的可能性;作用机制检验结果表明,产品市场竞争通过降低管理层代理成本、提高股票流动性抑制了超额商誉;异质性检验结果表明,内外部环境对产品市场竞争与超额商誉之间的关系具有异质影响,在内控质量、独立董事比例高或机构投资者持股比例、分析师关注度低时,产品市场竞争对超额商誉的抑制作用更加显著;经济后果分析发现,产品市场竞争对超额商誉的抑制具有缓解融资约束和提升企业价值的效应。  相似文献   

郑州航空港经济实验区航空物流发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物流业被誉为“第三利润源”,随着全球经济一体化和航空业的快速发展,航空物流更是成为物流业的重中之重,是推动航空港区经济发展的强劲动力。通过对国际先进航空物流运作特点和郑州航空港航空物流发展现状的分析发现,郑州航空物流面临航空市场竞争激烈、腹地资源匮乏、多式联运体系存在风险、基础设施不完善等问题,在此基础上提出了相应的发展对策,对郑州航空港建设航空物流枢纽提供借鉴。  相似文献   

张蕊  雷熙文  滕佳焱  毛保华 《物流技术》2011,(11):107-109,125
以我国大城市客运交通系统为研究对象,对各出行方式的出行距离与出行时耗分别进行了分布拟合。研究发现,采用k阶爱尔朗分布拟合表现出良好的适用性。在出行距离方面,小汽车与自行车的出行距离分布随机性最大,常规公交次之,城市轨道交通相对来说出行距离随机性最小;在出行时耗方面,自行车的时耗分布最为集中,小汽车与出租车次之,常规公交与城市轨道交通出行时耗分布范围最广。  相似文献   

In a credit market, a low-cost foreign entrant is likely less informed than a domestic bank with information endowments. We present a steady-state model in an infinite-period framework, and analyze how the informational asymmetry affects the lending equilibrium and the foreign banks’ entry modes. Firstly, we show that the domestic bank's initial informational advantage from its relatively large market share at the beginning of competition is not enough to hinder the entry of a low-cost foreign bank. In addition, the foreign bank is more likely to be the winner in the steady state of an infinite-period game than that in a static game. Secondly, the comparative static analysis show that the likelihood of foreign bank becoming the winning party increases with borrower quality, project payoff and the growth rate of potential new borrowers. Thirdly, when the foreign bank wins game in the steady state, its market share is decreasing in project payoff and the growth rate of new borrowers, while changes non-monotonically with borrower quality. Finally, we extend our model to characterize the domestic bank's sustainable advantage in being relatively familiar with new market, and provide valuable explanations for the observed entry modes of foreign banks in China.  相似文献   

Research and development (R&D) competition among firms has recently been extended to R&D competition involving research joint ventures. It was previously shown that in an industry conducting cost-reducing R&D followed by competition in the product market, if all firms both fully share R&D information and coordinate investments to maximize pint profits, final products prices are lower, and firms' profits are higher than with information shriving alone, joint profit maximization alone, or no cooperation. In this paper we question whether a single research joint venture (RJV) cartel is the best form of industry R&D coordination. We show that there are circumstances in which splitting a single RJV cartel into several competing ones yields lower product prices. Moreover, we show that in these circumstances, splitting the industry into exactly two competing RJV cartels would be best.  相似文献   

Using a nested multinomial logit model (NMNL), this paper estimates the choice probabilities and demand elasticities of various modal alternatives for Mumbai using 1990 trip origination and destination data. The results indicate that with an increase in the cost of private transit system, market share is reduced. The result of this experiment is highly elastic private commuting mode demand. In addition, reduction in the market share of own vehicles is larger than that of hired vehicles. The increase in the cost of mass transit system reduces its share but is inelastic. Decrease in the market share of one mode is accompanied by increase in the market share of others. Income has a positive effect on the market share of private transit modes, particularly on the own vehicles' share. Other explanatory variables such as distance have a negative effect on mass transit system and duration has a negative elasticity for all modes of transportation.  相似文献   

不同交通方式市场份额划分问题及竞争策略   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
首先描述客运市场上航空、铁路、公路市场份额的决定,然后决定了航空公司的价格策略和铁路系统的时间策略,以得到它们在市场中的最优竞争策略。  相似文献   

现代物流是铁路货运企业发展的重要方向,是适应货运市场需求。铁路运输应在原有基础上加快改革,完善体制、机制建设,尽快完成向现代物流的转变,以在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。文中分析了铁路运输在现代物流中的地位和存在的问题,根据所提问题提出了一些铁路运输改革措施以适应现代物流发展的步伐,更有利于我国经济的发展。  相似文献   

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