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在分析不同投资区位对外直接投资促进我国产业升级机理的基础上,选取46个样本国家(地区),运用灰色关联分析法和GM(1,1)模型进行实证研究。研究结果表明,对其他发展中国家的对外直接投资对我国产业升级的促进作用越来越明显,而对周边发展中国家的对外直接投资对我国产业升级的影响在逐步减弱;对发达国家的对外直接投资对我国产业升级的促进作用较小。因此,为了更好地促进产业升级,中国企业应逐步减少对周边发展中国家对外直接投资,增加对其他发展中国家对外直接投资,并加快发展对发达国家的对外直接投资。  相似文献   

近年来,发展中国家流出外国直接投资增长迅猛。本文系统地分析了发展中国家流出外国直接投资跨国公司的绩效,并以经验证据论证了流出FDI有助于提高发展中国家跨国公司竞争力。最后,针对我国的流出外国直接投资的具体情况,提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

对我国对外直接投资区位选择的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熊洁敏 《特区经济》2007,(5):147-148
本文认为我国对外直接投资的区位选择不能过于集中,目前的对策是重点投资东南亚地区,开展对发达国家周边发展中国家和资源丰富国家的投资,鼓励中小企业投资发展中国家,有针对地投资发达国家。  相似文献   

试析我国入世对美在华直接投资的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
美国是全球第一大对外直接投资国 ,我国是接受外国直接投资最多的发展中国家 ,但目前美国对我国的直接投资却远少于对其他发展中国家的直接投资。本文通过对美国在华直接投资的发展历程、在华投资强度、投资行业分布、投资动机和投资战略等方面的研究 ,来分析了我国加入WTO对美国在华直接投资的影响。  相似文献   

吸引外国直接投资已经成为当今大多数发展中国家促进经济发展的一个重要手段。虽然加入多边投资框架、承诺遵守一个全面的具有法律约束的多边投资规则 ,可以改善发展中国家投资政策环境的稳定性 ,提高投资者信心 ,吸引那些在不承诺时不会发生的投资 ,但发展中国家现阶段加入这一框架却存在过度承诺的可能和风险。由于多边投资框架对发展中国家在权利和义务上的不平衡 ,维持现有国际投资规则并逐步向多边投资框架过度是发展中国家当前的明智抉择。  相似文献   

传统理论认为东道国恶劣的制度环境会降低外国直接投资的经营绩效,进而不利于东道国吸引外国直接投资。但近年来,中国对外直接投资在发展中国家增长迅速,而后者往往制度环境较为恶劣,制度风险比较突出。本文基于制度距离的视角,从理论和实证上对中国向中低收入发展中国家对外投资进行检验。结果表明:制度距离与我国对发展中国家对外直接投资呈反向关系,并在此基础上为我国企业"走出去"提供了政策建议。  相似文献   

发展中国家证券投资流入的新形势与我国证券市场的国际化袁堂好,赵岳在过去的五年里,流向发展中国家的私人证券投资飞速发展,成为这些国家融资的重要来源。一、发展中国家证券投资流入的新特点1.流量迅速增长。从90年代初开始,流向发展中国家的证券投资流量迅速增...  相似文献   

跨国公司,技术进步与发展中国家产业结构升级   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何东 《亚太经济》2000,(4):9-11
技术进步在产业结构升级和经济增长中具有极为重要的作用,发展中国家技术水平的落后在一定程度上制约着其经济的发展,如何提高技术水平是发展中国家工业进化进程中需要解决的现实问题。本文认为跨国公司对发展中国家的直接投资与非股权投资对发展中国家技术进步具有重要意义。  相似文献   

当今经济日益全球化,许多发展中国家都将外国直接投资视为一个有助于其经济长期发展的因素,我国作为世界上最大的发展中国家也不例外,但对外直接投资对不同类型国家的影响是不同的,是一个双方博弈的过程。基于这一认识,本文分别分析了对外直接投资对我国的影响及利弊得失,在此基础上,提出了中国作为最大的发展中国家如何趋利避害,抓住机遇,积极应对经济全球化的问题及应采取的若干措施。  相似文献   

肖利秋  许晶 《特区经济》2010,(9):220-222
实施"走出去"战略,积极开展对外直接投资,有助于缓解我国出口企业面临的日益严重的国际贸易壁垒和贸易摩擦,对于推进我国产业结构提升和增强企业国际竞争力,具有现实而长远的重要意义。伴随着中国经济国际竞争力的不断增强,越来越多有条件的本土企业选择"走出去"投资战略。研究发展中国家对外直接投资理论,可以为现阶段我国企业成功"走出去"提供战略投资和路径选择的有益借鉴。  相似文献   

We argue that competitive diffusion is a driver of the trend toward international investment agreements with stricter investment rules, namely defensive moves of developing countries concerned about foreign direct investment (FDI) diversion in favor of competing host countries. Accounting for spatial dependence in the formation of bilateral investment treaties and preferential trade agreements that contain investment provisions, we find that the increase in agreements with stricter provisions on investor-to-state dispute settlement and pre-establishment national treatment is a contagious process. Specifically, a developing country is more likely to sign an agreement with weak investment provisions if other developing countries that compete for FDI from the same developed country have previously signed agreements with similarly weak provisions. Conversely, contagion in agreements with strong provisions exclusively derives from agreements with strong provisions that other FDI-competing developing countries have previously signed with a specific developed source country of FDI.  相似文献   

近年来关于对外直接投资的讨论是学界关注的热点,但鲜有文献研究洗钱在我国对外直接投资中所扮演的角色。本文以2007-2012年我国对外直接投资存量前50个国家(地区)为研究样本,运用知识资本模型和知识资本-洗钱模型,分析洗钱行为对我国对外直接投资的影响。结果发现:知识资本模型解释了我国投资于低风险洗钱国家(地区)的原因;而知识资本-洗钱模型解释了我国投资于高风险洗钱国家(地区)的原因,KK1-MON和KK2-MON模型表明,洗钱因素对我国直接投资驱动的规模分别为590.66亿美元和849.18亿美元,占投资总量25.01%和29.64%;并验证了模型的稳健性进。本文的结论即延伸和拓展了我国对外直接投资的研究又为我国反洗钱对策提供依据。  相似文献   

万婷 《改革与开放》2011,(10):18-19
随着经济实力的增强和经济结构的调整,越来越多的发展中国家具备了进行对外直接投资的实力.然而,大规模进行对外直接投资,对于发展中国家而言,既能扩展市场,但也容易导致资本和技术的外流,以至于影响国内经济的可持续发展.  相似文献   

In reply to recent assertions of a sharp diversion of metal mineral exploration and mining investment from developing to industrialized countries, the author argues that these worries are misdirected because they concentrate entirely on foreign direct investment and fail to consider the changes in other forms of mineral investments in developing countries. This paper shows that despite the political and economic changes which have diminished the willingness of multinational mining firms to undertake new traditional direct investment commitments in the Thrid World, the share of developing countries in Western World metal mineral activity is rising.  相似文献   

The recent boom of investor-state disputes filed under international investment agreements has fueled a controversial academic and policy debate. We study the impact of these compensation claims on foreign direct investment (FDI) flows to the responding host country. Our econometric analysis focuses on differences in the FDI response from BIT-partner and non-partner countries of developing host countries. This approach allows us not only to distinguish competing hypotheses about BIT function, but also to address endogeneity concerns in earlier studies. We find that BITs stimulate bilateral FDI flows from partner countries—but only so long as the developing host country has not had a claim brought against it to arbitration. Our results provide an additional explanation for the policy-changes observed in many states subsequent to their first experience of an investor-state dispute.  相似文献   

This study provides a comprehensive and accurate measurement of investment facilitation in 66 countries along the Belt and Road from 2007 to 2018. The expanded gravity model analyzes the impact of host country investment facilitation on China's outward foreign direct investment, and the panel threshold model examines the nonlinear relationship between investment facilitation and outward foreign direct investment. The results indicate significant differences in the level of investment facilitation among countries along the Belt and Road. Overall, spatial distribution characteristics are higher in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Europe compared to other regions. An increase of 1% in the level of investment facilitation provided by the host country can generally promote a 2.173% increase in China's outward foreign direct investment. Market size (GDP) and technological progress rate (Tec) were used as thresholds for dividing countries along the Belt and Road into four economic regions. Countries in the different economic regions have different levels of sensitivity to investment facilitation and first-level indicators. Currently, Chinese outward foreign direct investment is based on market acquisition but will be based on technological upgrading in the future.  相似文献   

This paper examines theoretically and empirically how employment protection legislation affects location decisions of multinationals. We depart from the “conventional wisdom” by examining not only the effect of protection on inward foreign direct investment (FDI), but also a country’s ability to “anchor” potential outward investment. Based on our simple theoretical framework, we estimate an empirical model, using data on bilateral FDI and employment protection indices for OECD countries, and controlling for other labour market institutions and investment costs. We find that, while an “unfavourable” employment protection differential between a domestic and a foreign location is inimical to FDI, a high domestic level of employment protection tends to discourage outward FDI. The results are in line with our conjecture that strict employment protection in the firm’s home country makes firms reluctant to relocate abroad and keeps them “anchored” at home.  相似文献   

本文以发展中国家之间的国际贸易与国际直接投资为研究对象,通过对国际贸易与国际直接投资之间关系的综述,结合发展中国家贸易投资的发展过程和趋势,研究发展中国家间国际贸易与国际直接投资的关系,论证了普遍适用的国际贸易与国际直接投资关系的相关理论的确存在于发展中国家之间,并且发现比较优势作为其主要诱发因素,发生于发展中国家的发展前期。最后,选取中国与东盟之间的贸易与投资数据进行实证考察,得出相应的结论。  相似文献   

随着区域经济一体化程度的加深,发展中国家逐渐将吸引FDI作为参与区域经济一体化的主要目标。本文以古诺数量竞争模型为基础构建了一个三国模型,指出区内贸易壁垒下降可以促进跳过关税型投资和重组性平台投资。通过对中国、东盟地区1992年——2004年FDI影响因素进行检验,指出市场规模、进口额、工资水平、对区内市场的开放程度等因素对FDI流入有影响。中国一东盟自由贸易区通过影响上述因素而提高区位优势,促进区内FDI流入的整体水平,同时中国相对于东盟国家的优势可以使一体化条件下厂商增加在中国的重组性投资。  相似文献   

China receives a huge inflow of foreign direct investment in absolute dollars. But China is huge, and large countries normally receive a large amount of foreign investment. Does China receive a fair share of the world's investment after controlling for its vast size and other factors? What is China's potential to attract more investment? This paper investigates these questions by using a newly available data set that covers over a hundred recipient countries and five major source countries. Relative to an “average” host country, China appears to receive too little foreign investment from the four major source countries (U.S., Germany, France, and U.K.), although it may receive an adequate share of outward Japanese investment.  相似文献   

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