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This paper shows how international capital flows originate boom‐bust and sunspot episodes in a neoclassical growth model of a small, open economy. A limit is imposed on how much the economy can borrow from foreign creditors and it is made endogenous by assuming that the debt‐to‐GDP ratio is procyclical. The steady state is locally indeterminate when the credit multiplier is larger than some threshold level, whereas saddle‐point stability prevails when the credit multiplier is low enough. As a consequence, high levels of the credit multiplier lead to both booms followed by busts and sunspot‐driven volatility near the steady state, while, in contrast, low levels ensure monotonic convergence. Compared with saddle‐path equilibria, boom‐bust and sunspot equilibria are associated with both lower welfare and debt overhang, that is, a crowding‐out effect of credit: when the economy is highly leveraged, it uses savings to cut down foreign debt, at the expense of both human and physical investment. Numerical examples show that indeterminacy arises for debt‐to‐GDP ratios that fall within the range of available estimates. Finally, the effects of shocks to the world interest rate on output and consumption are amplified and persistent in the debt overhang regime.  相似文献   

This paper uses a dynamic general equilibrium two-country optimizingmodel to analyse the consequences of international capital mobilityfor macroeconomic volatility. To this end, the dynamic macroeconomiceffects of a monetary policy, a fiscal policy, and a labor supplyshock are analysed. Simulations are used to analyse the implicationsof changes in the degree of capital mobility for the propagationof shocks. The simulation results obtained for a bond economyare compared with the simulation results obtained for a complete-marketeconomy. It is shown that allowing for a home-product bias inpreferences has a number of interesting implications for theway changes in international capital mobility and in the structureof international financial markets affect how shocks propagatethrough an open economy.  相似文献   

I present an endogenous growth model where innovations are factor saving and model the choice of technologies in an Overlapping Generations framework. Markets are competitive and factor prices are determined by marginal productivity of factors; therefore, the income share of reproducible factors increases with the stage of development. Beyond the standard results of this type of model I find that (i) without bequests long‐run growth is not possible, (ii) if the economy presents long‐run growth then intrageneration inequality may last forever but if the economy does not present long‐run growth then in steady state, there is no intrageneration inequality, (iii) when the economy is open, the pattern of capital flows depends not only on the relative abundance of factors but also on the technologies and, for this reason, capital may not flow from rich to poor economies, and (iv) consistently, capital flows may not help to break poverty traps.  相似文献   

Tax policy and international capital flows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Summary This paper re-examines the relationships between short term capital flows and monetary policy, in the light of a new theoretical approach of the forward exchange market. They contend that the traditional forward exchange market theory is a misleading one as it fails to give all the importance it deserves to the distinction between covered and uncovered exchange transactions and to the actual role of the arbitrageurs. As a consequence of this analysis, they demonstrate that the problem of monetary management in an open economy must be dealt with in a way different from what has been usual, and they conclude that monetary policy, central banks' intervention on the foreign exchange market and direct controls on capital movements can still have some efficiency in the struggle against inflation, either of the domestic or the imported type.  相似文献   

This paper studies the relationship between real financial market exchange rate volatility and US cross-border equity flows. We found strong evidence that causality goes from real financial market exchange rate volatility to equity flows. According to our results, real financial market exchange rate volatility negatively influences purchases of foreign equity. This finding is in line with the portfolio optimization theory. The impact of real financial market exchange rate volatility on sales of foreign equity is also negative. This result can be explained by the theory of behavioral finance which states that investors are reluctant to realize losses of their portfolios. This is why investors decrease sales of assets when riskiness of the assets increases. The impact of real financial market exchange rate on net purchases of foreign equity is positive. It follows from these results that sales of foreign equity decrease more strongly than purchases of foreign equity when riskiness of foreign assets increases.  相似文献   

Review of World Economics - One of the famous puzzles in macroeconomics, the Lucas (Am Econ Rev 80:92–96, 1990) paradox on “why doesn’t capital flow from rich to poor...  相似文献   

本文结合美国和日本1985年以后汇率干预的历史,分析为何两国不通过国内制度来解决根本的经济问题,而却偏好使用汇率政策?这种汇率干预政策形成的经济和政治因素是什么?能否实现预期的政策目标?本文在对美国和日本汇率干预政策的分析基础上探讨我国的汇制改革问题。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the impact of foreign direct investment flows into ASEAN in a gravity model using the bilateral FDI data from 2000 to 2009. In particular, we study the key factors that determine the FDI flows into the region including human capital development and whether membership of a bilateral or regional trade agreement has a differential impact on FDI flows using an extended gravity model. The empirical results indicate that free trade agreements do have positive impact on FDI inflows. However, the returns on FDI inflows depend on the domestic absorptive capacity of the economy and region. It is imperative for ASEAN to align its infrastructure, human capital and technologies to provide MNCs with the necessary linkages to the global network and also to move the domestic industries seamlessly up the global production value-chain. The paper highlights that this is crucial for deeper ASEAN integration and for sustainable growth in the region.  相似文献   

Review of World Economics - In a two-country OLG model with interest rate wedges capturing financial frictions, international capital flows can follow a non-linear pattern, depicted as a U-shaped...  相似文献   

Conclusion This study derives long-run income distributional impacts of immigration and capital flows in a general equilibrium model of Canada. While each factor is its own enemy, results indicate that capital and skilled professional labor are enemies as well. Both of these productive inputs are friends of other labor groups, which are common enemies. Factor friendship patterns are useful in evaluating income distributional impacts of a variety of policies designed to influence the international flow of productive labor and capital.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Abwertung, Kapitalverkehr und die Zahlungsbilanz: Eine Respezifizierung. — Dieser Aufsatz stellt ein Zahlungsbilanzmodell der Abwertung für einen Zwei-L?nder-Fall vor, in dem beide L?nder gro\ genug sind, um die Zinss?tze sowohl im Inland als auch im Ausland beeinflussen zu k?nnen. Das Modell legt besonderes Gewicht auf abwertungsinduzierte ?nderungen der Kapitalstr?me, die entstehen, wenn das Portefeuille-Gleichgewicht nach der Abwertung wiederhergestellt wird. Zus?tzlich werden langfristige abwertungsinduzierte Ver?nderungen des ?steady-state? Kapitalverkehrs bei Aufrechterhaltung des Portefeuille-Gleichgewichts untersucht. Der Aufsatz gibt eine Synthese der Handelsbilanzwirkungen in den herk?mmlichen Abwertungsmodellen und der Kapitalverkehrswirkungen im Zahlungsbilanzmodell. Abschlie\end werden die Implikationen für die Geldpolitik aufgezeigt.
Résumé Dévaluation, mouvements de capitaux et balances des paiements: une ré-spécification. — Cet article présente un modèle de balance des paiements pour le cas d’une dévaluation oè les deux pays sont assez grands pour influencer les taux d’intérêt à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur. Le modèle met l’accent sur les ajustements des mouvements de capitaux associés avec les tendances de regagner l’équilibre du portefeuille après la dévaluation. En outre, l’auteur étudie les changements à long terme des mouvements de capitaux induits par la dévaluation pour le cas où l’équilibre du portefeuille est maintenu pendant toute la période. L’article intègre les effets sur la balance commerciale élaborés par des modèles synthétiques de la dévaluation avec les effects sur les mouvements de capitaux élaborés par le modèle de balance des paiements: A la fin de l’étude, l’auteur donne des implications pour la politique monétaire.

Resumen Devaluación cambiaria, flujos de capital y la balanza de pagos: una re-especificación. — Este artículo presenta un modelo de balanza de pagos para analizar la devaluación en el supuesto de existir solamente dos países lo suficientemente grandes como para influenciar las tasas de interés tanto internas como externas. El modelo se centra en los ajustes de los flujos de capital inducidos por una devaluación cambiaria y ocurridos en el momento de reestablecerse el equilibrio portfolio. Además, se estudian los cambios en los movimientos capital inducidos a largo plazo por una devaluación, manteniéndose el equilibrio portfolio durante todo el período. El articulo intégra los efectos de balanza de marcancías en los modelos de devaluación estándar con los efectos de balanza de pagos de los flujos de capital. Al final se se?alan las implicaciones del anàlisis para la política monetaria.

The cross-border transmission of a financial shock has been a subject of rich literature. While a large number of studies have focused on the phenomenon of strong co-movements of asset prices and capital flows in the event of financial stress, very few discussed the contagion or spillover effects in terms of capital flow volatility. This paper is one of the first attempts to assess, empirically, whether or not there is a global and regional spillover effect in the volatility of capital flows to emerging and developing countries. Based on the sample of 49 emerging and developing countries for the period 1980–2009, the empirical results suggest strong and significant contagion effects in the volatility of capital flows to individual economies. The magnitudes of contagion vary depending on the type of capital flows, whether it is foreign direct investment (FDI) or portfolio and other investment (mostly bank lending). The findings also suggest the volatility dynamics of gross flows is different from that of net flows. The volatility of net inflows is more exposed to intra-regional contagion compared to that of gross inflows.  相似文献   

The paper examines hypothesized linkages between external borrowings and capital flights as presented in [Boyce, J. K. (1992). The revolving door? External debt and capital flight: Philippine case study. World Development, 20(3), 335–349]. The results for Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand show that large sums of capital flowed in and out of these economies in a revolving door fashion. The findings suggest the necessity for sound domestic management as well as effective international involvement in capital flows.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Kurzfristige Kapitalbewegungen bei flexiblen Wechselkursen. — In dieser Arbeit werden die kurzfristigen Kapitalzuflüsse in ihrer Eigenschaft als ausl?ndische Nachfrage nach heimischem Geld behandelt. Unter diesem Aspekt hat ein exogener Zufluβ bei flexiblen Wechselkursen eine unmittelbar deflation?re Wirkung. Auβerdem werden die wechselkursinduzierten kurzfristigen Kapital-bewegungen in einem einfachen makro?konomischen Modell analysiert. Selbst wenn man den mehr traditionellen Typ von zinselastischen Kapitalbewegungen in dem Modell berücksichtigt, führt der hier gew?hlte Ansatz zu bedeutsamen Modifikationen der Standardargumentation.
Résumé Les flux des capitaux à court terme sous les conditions de cours de change flexibles. — Cet article se concentre sur les afflux des capitaux à court terme compris comme démande extérieure en faveur d’argent local. Un afflux exogène sous cet angle a un effet directement déflationniste sous les conditions de cours de change flexibles. De plus, cet article analyse le r?le des afflux des capitaux à court terme induits par le cours de change. Même en considérant le type plus traditionel des flux des capitaux étant élastique envers l’intérêt dans notre modèle cette approche mène aux qualifications signifiantes du modèle de standard.

Resumen Flujos de capital de corto plazo bajo tasas de cambio flexibles. — Este artículo se concentra sobre los influjos de capital de corto plazo considerados como demanda extranjera por moneda doméstica. Un influjo exógeno tiene, bajo este punto de vista, un efecto deflatorio directo bajo tasas de cambio flexibles. Además, este articulo analiza el rol de los flujos de capital de corto plazo inducidos por variaciones en la tasa de cambio en un modelo macro-económico simple. Incluso considerando en nuestro modelo flujos de capital elásticos con respecto a la tasa de interés del tipo más tradicional, este enfoque nos muestra cualificaciones significativas del modelo standard.

Summary In this comment it is argued that the theoretical explanation of Coulbois and Prissert of the functioning of the forward exchange market (the cambist theory) is nothing but a simplified version of the interest parity theory, because in their theory the horizontal arbitrage function implicitly plays a dominant role.Further some critical remarks are made concerning the role of non-bank arbitrages and the influence of interest arbitrage on the spot rate, on the size of the international short-term capital movements and on the domestic money supply.They want to thank Mr. William Schep for his helpful comments with regard to the translation into English of the original text.  相似文献   

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