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Three methodologies to measure the aggregate price of housing JEL Classification C82,R31  相似文献   


This article presents a systematic investigation of how Spending Propensity moderates consumers’ perceptions of prices. Results from three studies are presented. Studies 1 and 2 reveal that, in the absence of any external cues, consumers who are predisposed to spending freely evaluate a posted price more favorably than those who are not. Such consumers also report anticipating less pain associated with spending than those who are not inclined to spend. Additionally, Study 2 informs that simple price communication tactics, without any real reduction in price, may be effective at mitigating the pain felt among those who are less inclined to spend. Furthermore, such tactics are capable of reducing, and even reversing, the gap between those who are not predisposed to spending and those who are. Finally, Study 3 explores how spending propensity moderates consumers’ perceptions of a discount.  相似文献   

Moorthy  Sridhar  Zhao  Hao 《Marketing Letters》2000,11(3):221-233
Marketing Letters - In this paper we examine the relationship between advertising spending and perceived product quality. The questions we ask are: Does a product's advertising spending...  相似文献   

以房地产财富效应为分析依据,通过构建模型,分别以我国1991—2007年的年度数据和31个省(市、区)2000—2007年面板数据对我国房地产价格波动与消费关系进行实证检验,分析结果表明中国房地产价格对消费支出是负向抑制影响,而财富效应尚未显现,应不断完善和规范房地产市场,最大限度地降低房地产市场信息不对称程度。  相似文献   

公平有"价",这个价格不仅体现在"生产"公平的工具性成本上,而且体现在公平作用于市场运行之上可能产生的效率增进或效率损失上。住房保障作为一种"公平品",公平目标的选择受到经济发展阶段的制约,而公平实现形式或工具的选择受到市场条件的制约。在房地产市场"泡沫化"的过程中,住房保障应以廉租房建设等供给导向型政策为主;在房地产市场低迷的情况下,住房保障应以存量房的租房补贴等需求导向型政策为主。同时,住房市场供求关系的地域差异决定了住房保障政策工具选择的分权化模式更具效率。  相似文献   

如何遏制房价过快上涨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为,国家遏制房价过快上涨并不等于不允许房价上涨.治理当前房价过快上涨可采取三项治本措施:一是迅速恢复股票市场的保值功能,以此扭转房地产市场成为投资市场的市场错位;二是积极而果断地开征房屋财产税,以有效制止过度的住房消费需求:三是要求中央企业全部退出房地产市场,即必须通过立法建立公营企业制度,不允许公营企业进入市场竞争性领域.  相似文献   

李祥  高波  李勇刚 《财贸研究》2012,23(3):67-75
利用中国大陆1998—2009年的省际面板数据研究地方房地产税负、公共服务供给与房价间的关系,结果表明:在整体层面,房地产持有税、交易税与房价显著负相关,而公共支出强度与公共服务水平则与房价显著正相关,并且公共服务正资本化效果大于房地产税负的负资本化效果,人均收入水平与人口密度同样与房价正相关;在区域层面,东部地区房地产税负对房价的影响较大,而在中西部地区,人均收入水平与人口密度则是影响房价的最重要因素。  相似文献   

Brand communities have been proven to be successful with commercial brands. However, a review of the literature indicated that brand community has not been studied in charity organizations. To shed light on this issue, a qualitative research was conducted among stakeholders of an internationally well-known charity organization using three different techniques: in-depth interviews, netnography, and nonparticipant observation at the charity’s brandfest. The results suggest that cause-brand communities exist, sharing the same elements of commercial-brand communities, but the two have some unique characteristics, such as the existence of different stakeholders and small communities that demonstrate an extreme commitment, the promotion of consumer citizenship among them, and the lack of oppositional brand loyalty. A cause-brand community has important managerial implications as it helps build the charity’s brand equity; at the same time, a well-known brand supports the construction of the brand community.  相似文献   

消费者增权理论与我国消费者权益保护法的完善   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
消费者增权理论是近年来西方社会科学领域关注的热点问题之一,在消费者增权理论中,信息供给型增权和制度供给型增权是两种主要模式。我国现阶段的消费模式和消费者权益保护实践表明,制度供给型消费者增权可以更好地保护消费者利益。所以,从消费者增权理论出发,完善消费者权益保护法律体系,是增进消费者利益保护和实现消费和谐的重要举措。  相似文献   

殷慧芬 《商业研究》2011,(6):203-206
消费信用与消费者破产之间存在密切的联系。进入消费者破产程序的消费者必然有无法偿还的债务,而消费者只有接受了消费信用,才可能成为债务人,因此,消费信用是消费者破产的根本原因。消费信用越容易获得,消费者过度负债的可能性就越高,相应地,消费者对宽松的消费者破产制度的需求就越强烈。从消费市场的繁荣程度和消费者破产数量的关系来看,二者是成正比关系的。消费者破产制度作为消费信用的回收制度将影响消费信用的供给与需求,促进信用体系的建设。消费信用在我国进入快速发展时代,从控制社会危机的角度来看,消费者破产制度的建立已经迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

Although U.S. economic growth is likely to continue to be robust, the growth of private and public spending on health care presents long-run public policy challenges. To meet these challenges health care resources must be used more efficiently. Currently, there are few incentives to put health care dollars to the highest value use. This is true in both public and private spending. An important element of the problem lies in the tax-preferred treatment given to employer-provided insurance but not to out-of-pocket spending. The resulting bias towards first-dollar insurance coverage means that consumers are insulated from the real costs of the health care that they consume and have little reason to evaluate whether the benefits are greater than those costs. Moreover, they seldom have sufficient price and quality information to make informed decisions. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are a promising way to remove the tax-penalty for enrolling in catastrophic insurance and paying for routine care out of pocket. Given the information that they need, consumers would then have more choices and more control, strengthening their role in reducing waste, improving efficiency, and promoting competition. Coupled with other policies, HSAs can be a critical component in moving toward an efficient and equitable health care system. JEL Classification I11  相似文献   

Brand Equity, Consumer Learning and Choice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this paper is to explore the links between brand equity, consumer learning and consumer choice processes in general and considering two recent trends in the market place: store brands and the Internet. We first review the advances that have occurred in brand equity research in marketing in the past decade, with particular emphasis on integrating the separate streams of research emanating from cognitive psychology and information economics. Brand equity has generally been defined as the incremental utility with which a brand endows a product, compared to its non-branded counterpart. We amplify this definition: we propose that brand equity be the incremental effect of the brand on all aspects of the consumer's evaluation and choice process. We propose an agenda of research based on this amplified definition.  相似文献   

This research explores relatively short, low‐intensity flow states, called microflow and demonstrates that they differ from their longer, more complex deepflow variants with regards to antecedents. As an advancement to flow theory, we demonstrate that the ideal condition to elicit microflow is when skills are slightly higher than the difficulty of the task. Importantly, despite being relatively shorter, microflow experiences still have a strong positive influence on consumer attitudes. Our research also advances theory by demonstrating that the two dimensions of microflow have different relationships with the level of difficulty and consumer attitudes. We discuss both theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

A case is made for the place of transdisciplinary inquiry in consumer scholarship. After framing consumer studies as a discipline, the paper explains seven conventional modes of disciplinarity. Then, the discussion turns to the nuances of the transdisciplinary approach, and what consumer scholarship would look like within this perspective. Seasoned and emerging consumer scholars and practitioners are invited to brave the repercussions of stepping outside of their disciplinary boundary onto a rich fertile space where the academy meets society for the betterment of humanity. Consumer scholarship will never be the same.  相似文献   

Consumer ethics continues to draw the attention of academicians and practitioners as a significant economic and social issue globally. Consumer ethics refers to moral principles that govern a consumer's behaviour. This literature review seeks to enrich the discourse on consumer ethics through a comprehensive and detailed review of 106 articles, covering 21 journals from 2010 to 2020. Through an examination of theories, contexts, characteristics, and methodologies used in consumer ethics research, our review (1) presents a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the research in this field and (2) sets a future research agenda to spur scholarly research. We found studies have primarily relied on a single theoretical lens such as the theory of marketing ethics, planned behaviour, and neutralization theory. Further consumer ethics research focuses on advanced countries, with a narrow focus on developing countries. We have diagnosed the need to examine boundary conditions impacting consumer ethics. Finally, we provide actionable inputs to combat unethical consumer actions as well as promote ethical consumption.  相似文献   

大力发展社会保障住房,尤其是非盈利性住房是加拿大成功解决中低收入居民住房问题的基本经验,也是作为福利国家政府社会福利措施的重要体现。本文对加拿大社会保障住房的发展历程进行了概括介绍,对加拿大社会保障住房的主要形式包括公共住房、非盈利住房、合作住房等从供给主体、融资来源、租赁对象、运作管理等进行了梳理与概括,对政府在加拿大社会保障住房发展中的作用及其政策实际效果进行评价,并结合我国住房保障事业发展的实际思考加拿大经验对我们的启示。  相似文献   

郭玉坤 《商业研究》2012,(5):176-181
一般而言,在城市可持续发展与可负担住房之间存在一定的冲突,可负担住房和城市可持续发展是世界各国普遍面临的重大挑战。可持续发展意味着要发展紧凑型城市,而紧凑发展的成本要高于低密度住房开发。本文对可持续发展与可负担住房的关系进行了研究,旨在提高人们对可持续住房开发和可负担住房现行做法的理解和认识,认为可负担住房的很多目标与可持续发展的目标是密切联系的,许多旨在实现可持续发展的政策同样有助于提高住房的可负担性。  相似文献   

Consumer competence is increasingly important in today’s commercialized society. This paper refers to some main findings from a national representative survey on consumer competences and practices in Norway. To be a competent consumer, it is decisive to be informed about products and to be familiar with how markets function. In this paper, consumers’ self‐reported efforts to keep themselves informed about specific markets is treated as an indicator of consumer competence. First, the results indicate that Norwegian consumers’ competence, according to their own judgement, is rather mediocre. Second, different groups of consumers seem to have different consumer competence profiles. Accordingly, we find that some consumers are price‐conscious in their daily purchases, others are price‐conscious when they make their yearly dispositions in the financial markets, while a third group is community‐oriented and active in the environmentally friendly and ethical product markets. Third, the analysis indicates that consumer competence is an important indicator of how market‐rational and reflective consumers’ choices and practices are.  相似文献   

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