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A new approach for estimating urban housing demand by dwelling type is suggested and tested empirically. The approach is based on the assumption that households choose their residential location and dwelling type in a way to maximize the communal utility. The model used is the Dynamic General Linear Expenditure System which allows determination of (1) urban housing demand by dwelling type, and (2) expenditure and own- and cross-price elasticities (compensated and uncompensated).  相似文献   

Permanent income has for some time been recognized as the appropriate income variable for models of housing demand. This paper examines a recently developed model wherein permanent and transitory income are considered to be the fitted and residual components, respectively, of a regression of actual income on several household characteristics. An important caveat for these models is pointed out. One logical remedial strategy is shown to result in underidentification for the coefficient on permanent income. However, the technique uncovers a tangential result which summarizes why an alternative class of models can be expected to underestimate income elasticities.  相似文献   

The notion that the elasticity of substitution in urban housing production should vary with changing intensities of land use seems to be realistic and theoretically viable. Hence the variable elasticity of substitution production function has been proposed by some authors. However, it suffers from a serious shortcoming that the elasticity of substitution should not exceed unity. To allow for flexibility in the range of the elasticity of substitution, we explore a general functional form for the housing production function, the weak disposability of inputs production function in particular. Our empirical findings, based on the Santa Clara County single-family housing data, provide evidence that this general function is a more accurate specification of urban housing production than the variable elasticity of substitution function.  相似文献   

Economists have suggested that wealthy communities use “fiscal zoning” in order to protect their tax bases. Such zoning would be unnecessary if tastes for local public goods were sufficiently correlated with tastes for the taxed good, residential property. The common notion of “bid rent” can be extended to derive a formula to show under what conditions fiscal zoning is redundant. Our information about the values of the relevant parameters is not sufficiently precise, however, to determine whether these conditions are met.  相似文献   

A bias in estimating urban population density functions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper demonstrates that because of the rules used to delineate census tracts, unweighted estimation of an urban population density function using census tract observations leads to a severe upward bias in the estimated function. A weighted estimation procedure which leads to an unbiased estimate is proposed. The paper also points out that if one computes the integral of an unbiased estimate of a density function over the area of a city, that integral is not necessarily an unbiased estimate of total population. The paper thus explains the “disturbing” empirical results concerning density functions reported by McDonald and Bowman.  相似文献   

我国城市移民的住房需求分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农民工是构成城市移民的主要成分,尽管住房并不是移民支出的主要部分,大多数农民工在进城后选择低端房屋,但家庭聚居方式让移民对住房的要求逐步提高。计算发现,我国每年新增约200万-250万城市移民,即使按照廉租住房标准给他们提供住房,每年的需求增量也多达2600万平方米。因此,解决城市移民的住房问题对经济社会协调发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Past attempts to estimate the price elasticity of the supply of housing have erred by using aggregate data. Many houses are built in areas where the volume of residential construction is low. Consequently, the influence of observations from higher-volume areas where costs may be higher is diminished. This problem is eliminated by using cross-sectional data from 61 different American urban areas, for a total of 223 observations from 1976 to 1981, to estimate a translog cost function for housing. The supply elasticity is found to be infinite.  相似文献   

Housing demand is examined by looking quite specifically at the income and price variables based on individual household data. Permanent and transitory incomes are computed through instrumental variables related to human and nonhuman wealth. A price is constructed by spatially varying hedonic techniques. Separation of measured income into permanent and transitory components substantially improves the predictive power of the housing demand estimation and leads to demand elasticities of +1 and ?1 with respect to permanent income and price. The permanent income elasticity is roughly twice the measured income elasticity.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the determination of housing price, permanent income, tenure choice, and housing demand. Full housing demand elasticities incorporate the interactive effects among the four stages of the model. Price and income have major effects in the tenure choice equation. Sociodemographic variables, such as age, have complex effects that may be lost in simpler forms of estimation.  相似文献   

We show that recent developments in hedonic pricing theory allow modeling of the equilibrium pricing function as the marginal cost of an additional housing unit plus a markup that varies inversely with the elasticity of demand. Useful information about demand elasticity at a given point on the envelope function can be recovered from the hedonic regression and limited information on marginal costs. In particular, the elasticity of the envelope with respect to any characteristic such as interior area provides information on the elasticity of demand. Relative price elasticities (i.e., elasticities that vary from a base value in a known way with interior area, unit type or neighborhood characteristics) can be computed from the elasticity of the hedonic envelope. Like Yinger (2010), our method is based on a single hedonic equation.We test our method using sales of new high rise condominiums in two districts within Shenzhen, China: Futian and Longgang. The results strongly confirm the main hypothesis of this paper: price elasticity with respect to size is increasing for more complex types of units. Together with estimates of marginal costs of production, these results imply that relative demand elasticity is declining for larger, more complex units.  相似文献   

Many of the models which have been developed to explain urban spatial structure and land-use patterns rest on the properties of production functions. Differing factor price ratios within urban areas, particularly land prices, result in capital-land ratios exemplified by high-rise apartments and single-family dwellings. The purpose of this paper is to explore a new functional form for the housing production function. Specifically, a variable elasticity of substitution production function is proposed and some preliminary empirical evidence is provided using data for single-family housing.  相似文献   

文章认为,许多经济学教材中关于需求价格弹性对销售收入影响的结论存在明显缺陷,通过严格的数学分析,无论如何都不能得出需求价格弹性大于1时,降价会使销售收入增加这样的结论。正确的结论应该是:对同一条需求曲线,对应不同的点有不同的弹性,中点的价格弹性为1,是销售收入最大点,销售收入的变化由销售点在需求曲线上的位置及移动方向共同决定。  相似文献   

As developed in Muth's “Cities and Housing,” attainment of locational equilibrium within an urban area implies a necessary functional correspondence between wage and price gradients and the compensated price elasticity of demand for housing. In this paper estimates of the rent and wage gradients are utilized to generate price-elasticity estimates via this equilibrium correspondence. The Box-Cox transformation technique is used with data from the metropolitan Chicago area to test for the functional forms of the wage and rent gradients. The optimal maximum-likelihood functional forms for both gradients yield a price-elasticity estimate of ?0.40.  相似文献   

The demand for money in China is estimated separately for the periods before and after the economic reform. Besides the traditional transactions demand variable, the expected rate of inflation (as a measure of the opportunity cost of holding money) and the monetization process are also incorporated into the demand function. The preliminary results show that the demand for money in China has changed in response to the institutional changes during the economic reform. Adding the monetization and inflation expectation variables into the money demand function has enhanced significantly its explanatory power.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the Mankiw-Weil forecast of a 47% decline in house prices over the period to 2007 is based on a serious misinterpretation of their demand variable. In a time-series context this variable, which comes from a cross-section regression of house values against the age of occupants, is a measure of the adult population, not the demand for housing services or the stock of houses. Econometric work suggests that in addition to adult population, real income, relative prices and real interest rates are important factors determining the aggregate demand for housing. To be credible, forecasts of house prices need to integrate information on demand with information on cost factors and the supply of new houses.  相似文献   

Important methodological problems in applying Rosen's (1974) model of implicit markets to housing characteristics are inadequately addressed in the literature. This paper summarizes these methodological issues and discusses advantages and disadvantages of various means of coping with these problems in empirical applications. Structural housing characteristics demand estimates are presented, along with an assessment of their accuracy. The results generally are insensitive to specification choices, suggesting the findings are plausible.  相似文献   

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