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In this paper, we introduce a model of ‘spatial public goods’, whose provision costs depend on the size of the benefit area. It is assumed that there are many developers providing spatial public goods in their towns. Each developer chooses the area size of his/her town and the quality of its spatial public good so as to maximize profit, taking the market price system as given. Each consumer chooses the level of the public good, and hence the town that supplies it, so as to maximize his/her utility. We show that the competitive equilibrium allocation of this economy is efficient.  相似文献   

Measuring the effects of mixed land uses on housing values   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mixing land uses has become one of the key planning principles of the Smart Growth movement and other land use planning strategies. This article analyzes the impact on the prices of single family houses when mixed land uses are included in neighborhoods. We first develop several quantitative measures of mixed land uses through the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) data and compute these measures for various neighborhoods in Washington County, OR. We then incorporate those measures in a hedonic price analysis. We conclude from this research that housing prices increase with their proximity to—or with increasing amount of—public parks or neighborhood commercial land uses. We also find, however, that housing prices are higher in neighborhoods dominated by single-family residential land use, where non-residential land uses were evenly distributed, and where more service jobs are available. Finally, we find that housing prices tended to fall with proximity to multi-family residential units.  相似文献   

Perhaps the single most distinctive character of urban activity that distinguishes it from rural and regional activities is the intensive use of urban land. While the nature of density variations of urban land uses and their associated land rents are well understood, there have been few operational urban models that explicitly address the density variations of land uses. The paper presents a combined land use-transportation model, in which transportation congestion costs on networks of various transportation modes are simultaneously determined with the efficient intensity level of land uses. The procedure uses a nonlinear programming approach within the context of a multicommodity flow/input-output model.  相似文献   

现行的城乡规划和管理单一强调建设用地,忽视了对整个区域起生态支撑作用的非建设用地,对城乡生态环境产生了很大的负面影响。提出应重新审视建设用地与非建设用地之间的关系,探索相应的规划思路。总结了快速城市化进程中城乡非建设用地面临的困境,并分析了其原因。在辨析城乡非建设用地的用地类型和构成要素的基础上,总结了城乡非建设用地的识别方法。最后,基于城乡一体化理论,探索了城乡非建设用地的规划框架。  相似文献   

土地使用与交通的整合:新城市主义和理性增长   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
文章的主要目标是评论美国交通与土地利用整合的实践,同时试图针对中国的城市规划实践提出建议.文章由三个部分组成.第一部分介绍城市理性增长作为区域尝试来促进土地利用与交通的整合;第二部分简要评述用以土地利用和交通整合的定量模型和评价可以用于土地利用与交通整合的指标体系;第三部分介绍新城市主义.  相似文献   

The spatial effects of a tax on housing and land   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analytically investigates the spatial consequences of a tax on housing and land. In general, a property tax is not spatially neutral; instead it disproportionately affects certain parts of the city. The property tax can therefore create distributional inequities and can distort the pattern of residential and industrial location. We derive conditions on locational preferences and housing production that determine which parts of a city will be disproportionately affected by a property tax. Empirical estimates suggest that central locations will be disproportionately affected by property taxes.  相似文献   

城市土地空间结构演变及其驱动机制分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
城市土地利用空间结构及其演变一直是城市地理学、城市经济学、城市规划学、土地利用学等学科研究的核心与热点问题.当前我国城市土地利用正处在快速城市化的开端,在未来近半个多世纪的时期中,将一直处于急剧突变进程之中.加强对我国城市土地空间结构演变及其驱动机制的研究,有助于我们从城市用地结构演变的根源分析问题.本文简要概括了城市土地利用空间结构的相关研究,分析了城市用地空间结构演变在空间上的两种表现形式,并在此基础上分析了城市用地空间结构演变的动力主体、驱动力和驱动机制,以期为更好地促进城市土地利用结构的优化提供相应的参考.  相似文献   

This paper extends the standard model of urban land rent to consider the spatial equilibrium conditions in a local public goods market as hypothesized by Charles M. Tiebout. An analysis is made of the spatial dimensions of public goods, their degree of ‘localness’ and their impact on land values. It is shown that the optimal population size of the community (Tiebout's sixth assumption) is simultaneously derived with the optimal supply of local public goods and local taxes. It is also shown that land rent is a poor output indicator of Tiebout's equilibrium conditions and that the capitalization assumption is not the appropriate test for his hypothesis.  相似文献   

土地政策改革时期的城市空间发展:北京的实证分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
论文探讨北京城市空间发展的特征、并探究空间发展的特征与正在发展壮大的土地市场和土地制度改革之间的关系.利用1993年到2000年上半年北京城市建设区土地使用权出让数据,实证分析显示土地价格及土地开发密度都随着距城市中心区的距离增加呈下降趋势.实证分析还表明地租的曲线的空间变化与土地使用类型相关.这些实证证据支持如下结论:正在形成的土地市场确实影响城市土地开发和空间形态.实证分析还显示地租曲线的斜率和土地-资本替代弹性系数都随着时间的推移而变化.正如城市经济理论所预测,地租曲线斜率的下降是由于北京大量的交通投资降低了交通成本,从而又反过来使城市土地地租空间变化曲线发生旋转.土地-资本替代弹性指数的增加意味着价格影响土地开发密度.这两者的变化都反映出北京的土地市场正走向成熟.应该指出,在土地市场之外(在行政划拨的土地上)进行的大量开发对北京正在形成和发育的土地市场会产生扭曲.  相似文献   

This paper examines co-integration models in testing for spatial market integration and the Law of One Price (LOP) for Turkish wheat market. The multivariate co-integration tests show that there is one co-integrating vector in the system which implies that though the markets are integrated, the LOP does not hold. Vector error correction model restrictions tests also show that structural breaks have impacts on the long-run linkage among the prices. These results are important for wheat production policies and for wheat market liberalization considerations in the future.  相似文献   

Consider the durable goods monopoly game with uniformly distributed consumers' valuations. To establish the Coase-Conjecture in this context takes an infinite time horizon and a negligible delay between market rounds. An infinite time horizon or patience of market participants alone are not sufficient for the Coase-Conjecture, nor is an arbitrarily small delay between price offers within a finite time horizon. Received: 20 March 1996 / Accepted: 15 December 1997  相似文献   

Water used for irrigation is essential for global food production. Increased water scarcity, due to climate change, is a constraint to agricultural development, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. This increases pressure on agriculture which often manages water inefficiently and competes with other sectors for water use. Enhancing farmers’ production efficiency may lead to substantial water savings and conservation. Public sector is called to play a role in water governance and to introduce appropriate multilevel regulatory and incentive measures for better water management. This work applies a spatial stochastic frontier model to the case of high water-demanding fruit and vegetable crops in the Apulia region of Southern Italy, where water is scarce due to semi-arid climate and erratic rainfall. Using cross-sectional data from the EU Farm Accountancy Data Network, this work incorporates firm specific heterogeneity into technical efficiency analysis and implements an autoregressive specification of the inefficiency component. Results support the hypothesis that spatial heterogeneity exists in on-farm efficiency of irrigated crop production and is adequately captured by the spatial stochastic frontier model approach. Technical efficiency of farms with similar structural and management characteristics greatly varies across crops and geographical areas, because of the different natural resource endowment and agro-climatic factors. Policies providing incentives to on-farm adoption of modern water-saving technologies and measures to promote small family farm activities could effectively contribute to water conservation goal, but they should be well-articulated to account for agriculture spatial diverseness.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how a durable-goods owner responds to a once-for-all unanticipated shock in a stationary state market. This problem is examined in the context of housing. The circumstances are determined under which a landlord will respond in each of the following five ways: (i) abandon his building immediately; (ii) run down his building optimally and then abandon; (iii) operate his building forever; (iv) demolish his building immediately, and reconstruct a new building on the site; and (v) run down his building, demolish it, and reconstruct a new building on the site. The analogous cases for other durable goods should be obvious.  相似文献   

过去,我国铁路车辆轮对一般按照不同规格露天平库存放(见图1).为了节省存储空间,提高工作效率,车辆轮对的存储开始采用自动化立体库.某铁路局客车车辆段轮对自动化立体仓库是国内第一座把轮对从平面库转入立体库的设计,其中许多独到的思路对今后类似的设计具有一定借鉴作用.  相似文献   

This paper develops general equilibrium conditions for urban areas where a pure public good is provided at a level decided upon by majority voting. Models with a property tax and a head tax and external land ownership are analyzed, and equilibrium solutions are compared using a specific form for the utility function. Optimal cities are characterized and compared to those emerging from the majority voting equilibria. Models where aggregate land rent is divided equally among the urban residents are also developed.  相似文献   

Affluent towns often deliver high-quality public services to their residents. I estimate the willingness to pay to live in a high-income suburb, above and beyond the demand of wealthy neighbors, by measuring changes in housing prices across city–suburban borders as the income disparity between the two municipalities changes over time. I find that a $10,000 increase in town-level median income is associated with a seven percent increase in housing values at the border. The estimated demand for high-income municipalities is primarily driven by school quality and lower property tax rates.  相似文献   

Centralized and decentralized provision of public goods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We model the trade-off between centralized and decentralized decision making on the provision of local public goods. Decisions are influenced by spillover effects and differences in jurisdictional size. Centralized decisions are made in a legislature of locally elected representatives, and this creates a conflict of interest between citizens in different jurisdictions. The legislature can be self-interested or benevolent and this can result in either efficient, excessive, or misallocative provision of public goods. The form of centralized decision making has a significant influence on the incentives for centralizing decision making.  相似文献   

人口的快速增长,对林地和耕地产生了巨大的压力,特别是在我国的南方林区,普遍存在着林业和农业分散经营的现象,因此便产生了林地与耕地之间的矛盾。文章着重从法律实践角度分析了林地、耕地相邻权问题,并对退耕还林中因林地与耕地矛盾产生的问题及其解决方法进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

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