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自香港金融管理局宣布,从8月1日起,香港银行业可为非香港居民开户和提供各类离岸人民币服务后,汇丰银行、中银香港、恒生银行等纷纷打出优惠利率招揽生意,这意味着香港银行业首次正式对非香港本地居民开放人民币业务。  相似文献   

2008年全球金融危机对世界经济特别是金融业带来了巨大冲击,各国的金融体系和金融机构都经历了不同程度的考验,香港银行业由于其市场化程度高和严格的监管体系在危机后盈利状况不断好转,资产质量稳步提升,资本状况持续改善,实现了平稳健康发展。香港银行业的许多管理理念和做法,特别是后危机时代香港银行业的变化,值得内地银行业加以借鉴。  相似文献   

在经济增速放缓和金融改革提速的大背景下,我国银行业转型升级也在艰难前行,把握住银行业未来发展的五大趋势,才能更好地适应未来充分竞争的市场环境。 第一,银行业服务实体经济将进一步深化。银行业金融机构进一步服务实体经济,既符合国家经济政策的导向,也符合银行业自身的利益,是未来银行业转型发展的关键。  相似文献   

关爽 《上海企业》2024,(2):60-62
<正>随着大数据、人工智能等技术的不断发展,金融科技在银行业数字化转型中发挥着重要的引领和推动作用,如提高金融服务效率、降低金融服务成本、提升客户满意度及有效防控风险等。因此,本文分析了银行业数字化转型的重要意义,并提出了金融科技助推银行业数字化转型的策略,以期为银行业的进一步发展提供有益参考。  相似文献   

当前,中国正处于经济转型升级的关键时期。面对外部环境的变化和内在发展的要求,银行业金融机构也面临着转型的压力。党中央、国务院把支持小微企业发展作为推进经济结构战略性调整、加快转变经济发展方式的必要举措。小微企业这片广阔的蓝海,已成为银行业金融机构探索转型的普遍选择。近年来,监管部门引导银行业金融机构不断深化认识,加强创新,在提高小微企业金融服务能力的同时,自身也取得了长足进步。在小微企业和银行业金融机构都在加快转型升级的背景下,如何继续深化小微企业金融服务,引领银行业金融机构支持实体经济健康发展,是监管部门和银行经营管理者面对的重要课题。银行业服务小微企业实现四个优化  相似文献   

当前,银行业面临着利率市场化、金融脱媒和货币政策趋紧等多重压力,业务模式不得不加速转型。社区银行作为银行转型的一个重要方向,受到银行业广泛关注。目前国内对"社区银行"概念的理解尚不统一,对社区银行的定位及发展模式等方面还存在一些模糊的认识和值得商榷的观点,本文对此进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

<正>随着金融科技的迅猛发展和银行业的数字化转型,银行财务会计向管理会计的转型成为重要议题。本研究旨在探讨在金融科技时代下,银行业实现财务会计向管理会计转型的策略和实践,以适应新的市场环境和业务需求。本文旨在探讨金融科技时代下银行财务会计向管理会计转型的策略。通过对金融市场开放、监管要求、综合效益最大化和内部管理水平提升的需求进行分析,  相似文献   

"十二五"期间,我国利率市场化将进入加速推进时期,并有可能最终完全实现利率自由化。即将实现的利率自由化,必将对以存贷利差为主的传统银行业的经营模式带来转变和挑战。因此,我国银行业在未来也必将面临经营模式的转型,而在这个过程存在的各种不确定因素,我国商业银行在业务转型的过程中也必将存在巨大的风险,  相似文献   

香港与内地商业银行收费之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对香港银行业和内地商业银行的收费进行比较,找出内地商业银行收费(主要是中间业务收费)中存在的问题,并提出相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

近年来,国内银行业在管理、服务水平、经营业绩等方面与国际先进银行之间的差距在不断缩小。但是,在我国经济飞速发展的今天,银行业也面临着各种风险、严峻的挑战和转型的趋势。银行业面临的风险首先是体制上  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical framework for explaining the entry and exit decisions of a firm, motivated by the differential returns in its home and a host market. Within this framework, the factors underpinning the entry and exit decisions of foreign banks in Hong Kong are examined, using a duration (accelerated failure time) model. It can be seen that a foreign bank, with international experience from having more overseas markets will take a shorter (longer) time to enter (exit) the Hong Kong market. Faster (slower) growth both in home trade with Hong Kong and in the Hong Kong banking sector itself will increase the likelihood of entry (exit). Ceteris paribus, Asian banks enter at a faster rate and survive longer in the Hong Kong market. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In Hong Kong, after its smooth establishment as a Special Administrative Region, there is a major deregulation effort. A deregulation committee is pursuing cases of unnecessary red tape and the private sector is becoming more involved in the delivery of public services. Hong Kong is the best place in Asia to do business.  相似文献   

By employing the robust cross-correlation function approach proposed by Hong (2001), and conducting pre-tests for structural breaks in the variances as well as removing the causality-in-mean effects in the causality-in-variance tests, we investigate volatility and mean transmissions between the credit default swaps (CDS) indexes of three US financial sectors. We use daily series on five-year banking, insurance, and financial services sector CDS indexes at the sector level from January 2004 to December 2011. We find evidence of significant causality-in-mean effects running from the banking sector to the insurance and financial services sector CDS indexes and from the financial services to the insurance sector CDS indexes, suggesting the leading role of the banking and financial services sectors in terms of price discovery. Moreover, we find significant causality-in-variance effects from the financial services sector CDS index to that of the banking sector, implying the existence of information transmission and contagion from the former, the least regulated of the three. The implications of these findings on traders and policymakers are also provided.  相似文献   

Housing in Hong Kong is of interest as an example of how improvements in living conditions have not kept pace with the territory's economic growth. This paper describes basic housing conditions in Hong Kong, and assesses them against the background of progress over time and within the context of housing conditions in other countries. Housing affordability is a growing problem, particularly for population groups that are marginal to the housing market. We discuss the emerging affordability crisis, especially for homeowners in the private sector, analyze the reasons behind it and review government policies to overcome the housing problems.  相似文献   

Hong Kong's businesses have been slow to embrace environmental management principles, particularly in the SME sector. This article analyses key barriers and incentives to engaging Hong Kong businesses with voluntary environmental initiatives and compares their relevance for companies of different sizes. As in other countries, SMEs show a much lower uptake of such activities than larger companies. Their approach towards environmental management is predominantly reactive, and legislation remains the key driver for engaging them with environmental change. Inadequate government policy and support, societal attitudes and corporate culture all contribute significantly to the comparatively poor development of corporate environmental management among Hong Kong companies. As long as most SMEs regard voluntary environmental activities as costly and unnecessary ‘extras’ that endanger their competitiveness and detract resources from their core business without offering any tangible benefits, fundamental improvements in their environmental performance will be difficult to achieve. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

周瑶 《价值工程》2010,29(23):127-128
2009年,香港成为世界最大的首次公开上市(IPO)证券融资市场,被誉为全球最自由的经济体系和最廉洁的地区之一。随着内地企业在港上市数量日益增多,廉政公署加强打击金融业界贪污罪行,基于属地管辖原则,近年来"国美电器"黄光裕、"创维数码"黄宏生等内地企业案中发挥显著作用。面对金融海啸,廉政公署将上市企业规范的问题摆在首位,开展廉署及企业的专业培训,全方位治理贪腐问题,值得研究与借鉴。  相似文献   

2008年金融海啸对香港经济贸易冲击很大,作为与经济息息相关的物流行业也受到严重挫伤。进入后经济危机时代,香港物流发展受到国际经济形势、中国大陆经济形势和香港本身条件的影响,呈现不确定的发展趋势。本文通过分析从经济危机到后危机时代香港物流业的发展状况和影响因素,由此预测本港物流未来发展的趋势。  相似文献   

This study investigates the recent trends in occupational sex segregation in Hong Kong. It employs census data for 1991 and 1996 on the occupational distribution by sex to construct several segregation indexes. Based on these indexes, the relative impacts of the changes in the employment structure and in the gender composition of jobs are evaluated. The concentration of men and women in the occupational structure is also examined. It is found that economic restructuring in Hong Kong has brought about subtle changes in the pattern of occupational sex segregation over time. Specifically, the growth of managerial and professional occupations has facilitated the entry of young and better-educated women into these prestigious jobs. The expansion of low-level service jobs has also absorbed a great number of middle-aged women moving from the declining manufacturing sector. Finally, some policy and organizational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper adopts the robust cross-correlation function methodology developed by Hong (J Econom 103:183–224, 2001) in order to test for volatility and mean spillovers between Greek long-term government bond yields and the banking sector stock returns of four Southern European countries, namely Greece, Portugal, Italy, and Spain. Its primary focus is on investigating the potential impacts of the recent European sovereign debt crisis. While most previous studies have focused on within-country causalities, we rather assess cross-country transmission effects. The presented results provide evidence of bidirectional volatility spillovers between Greek long-term interest rates and the banking sector equities of Portugal, Italy, and Spain that emerged during the European sovereign debt crisis. We also find significant unidirectional causality-in-mean from bank stock returns in Greece to Greek long-term bond yields during the crisis period as well as significant causality at the mean level from the bank equity returns in Portugal, Italy, and Spain to Greek bond yields.  相似文献   

香港与世界级金融中心的差距及发展优势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国经济规模正在迅速扩大,越来越需要世界级金融中心的支撑.香港目前是排在伦敦和纽约之后第二梯队的国际金融中心;认为香港金融业的成长具有优越的条件,分析了香港与伦敦和纽约的差距及向世界级金融中心迈进的有利条件.  相似文献   

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