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论食物过敏原标签对中国食品出口的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯馨 《现代商贸工业》2010,22(20):129-130
食物过敏是一种至今除了严防接触外尚无有效预防方法的免疫症状。大部分的食物过敏是由花生、坚果类、鱼类、甲壳类、乳类、小麦、大豆和蛋类引起。这八种过敏原合称"八大类",是食品过敏原标签的重点。回顾了美国等国家对食物过敏原标签管理所作的努力和食物过敏原标签的现状,简单分析了食物过敏原标签对我国食品出口可能产生的影响,并提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

大豆是八大食物过敏原之一,如何快速、准确、低成本地检测大豆过敏原已成为科研、食品工业以及保健食品行业关注的焦点。大豆中的主要过敏原是大豆球蛋白、β-conglycinin Gly m Bd 60K、Gly m Bd30K和GlymBd28K。其中,大豆过敏原的检测方法有多种,本文主要阐述了酶联免疫试剂检测法,旨在为不同食物中大豆过敏原的检测提供参考,以保障大豆过敏患者安全。  相似文献   

加拿大食品过敏原标签解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了加强食品过敏原及麸质致敏原标签的管理,2011年2月14日加拿大宣布出台了食品过敏原标签的新规定。这意味着有食物过敏和腹腔疾病的加拿大人在购买食物时将有更多的选择权。同时也给出口到加拿大的食品加工企业增添了一道严格的准入门槛。该规定自2012年8月4日起实施。检验检疫部门提醒我国食品出口企业应给予高度关注,积极采取措施提早应对,避免因出口食品过敏原标签不符合加拿大的规定而造成不必要的经济损失。  相似文献   

食品过敏原的HACCP控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
食物过敏作为食源性疾病,越来越引起广大食品消费者、生产者和研究者的普遍关注.本文应用HACCP原理,通过对食品中过敏原的危害分析,探讨建立适合我国实际的食品过敏原的控制途径.  相似文献   

<正>秋季天气渐凉,人体新陈代谢减慢,消耗相对减少。秋冬进补能够使营养物质转化的能量储存于体内,从而扶正固本,增强抵抗力。养胃即养人,我们在日常饮食中要多吃一些温补暖身的食物,不要让胃受累。1暖胃食物——温性食物温性食物有强身益气,滋补肠胃的作用。太过热性的食物会造成肝火、胃火旺盛,适得其反;过寒性的食物易造成腹泻、肠胃炎等疾病,因此养胃需吃温性食物,例如:牛肉、瘦肉、鱼肉、龙眼、荔枝、石榴、大豆、牛奶等。2暖身食物——蛋白质、优质脂肪蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物被称为产热营养  相似文献   

动物源性食品中β-内酰胺类药物残留检测研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1928年青霉素抗生素发现以来,β-内酰胺类抗生素已增至几百种,其品种和数量居各类抗生素之首。β-内酰胺类抗生素在食物源性动物体内残留,易使人类产生过敏反应和细菌耐药性,目前许多国家已开始严格监控β-内酰胺类抗生素在动物饲养过程中使用剂量和方法。为全面了解动物源性食品中β-内酰胺检测研究现状,本文详细介绍了动物源性食品中β-内酰胺类药物残留的样品前处理与检测方法研究进展。  相似文献   

畜牧业是为食品加工业提供原料的主要产业,也是为人类提供动物性蛋白质来源的重要产业。畜牧业的发展和生产方式直接关系到动物源性食品的供应、卫生与安全。而动物源性食品是否卫生安全对人类的生命与身体健康有着比其他产品更大的影响,任何卫生安全问题都可能对人体的生命或健康造成严重的危害。无论是前些年国外发生的疯牛病、口蹄疫,  相似文献   

<正> 食物结构改革的关键是提高国民蛋白质的供给水平,我国食物消费的不合理主要是优质蛋白质所占比例不足。依据我国国情并借鉴发达国家的经验教训,提高国民的蛋白质供给水平,应坚持植物性食物为主,动物性食物为辅的食物模式,五谷五菜仍将是我国食物的结构的基础。 为适应食物结构调整,粮油机械工业的首要任务是开发利用植物蛋白,主要是大豆蛋白、花生蛋白、棉籽蛋白和油菜籽蛋白。大豆蛋白是可以代替动物蛋白的优质蛋白。我国年产大豆1000万吨左右,但从整体上讲,加工工艺不够先进,浸提加工工艺仅占30%,而其中采用先进工艺低温综合利用蛋白质和油脂的企业更少,有的浸提工艺依然温度偏高  相似文献   

对徽州裹粽进行超高压处理,能解决传统裹粽难消化、难贮藏等问题。解决难消化问题可以增加裹粽的受众群体,让消化能力较低的青少年和老年人更易接受。同时,超高压技术对裹粽的非热杀菌可以解决其难贮藏问题,使裹粽在不添加防腐剂的情况下延长其保质期,便于储藏,同时,超高压也可以降低蛋白质过敏原致敏性。  相似文献   

要从食物中吃出美丽来,就要注意生活的饮食习惯。食物中的蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、维生素、矿物质、纤维素和水等营养素对人体皮肤健康美容具有重要作用。通过科学进食,合理调配,饮食多样化,全面摄取人体所需的营养物质,是皮肤护理最重要的物质基础。  相似文献   

Food allergy is a chronic disease that can only be managed through avoidance of problematic proteins in the diet. Inappropriate communication about food allergens can cause stress and insecurity, which may have a negative impact on quality of life. The aim was to investigate whether information provided through current labelling practices meets the need of food allergic consumers. A total of 40 participants (20 adult food allergy suffers and 20 parents of food allergic children) were recruited from two different European countries (Greece and The Netherlands), and interviewed while shopping in a supermarket. Participants were asked to purchase 15 potentially problematic food items as if for their own household. Their information search behaviour was observed, and participants were questioned about their preferences for food allergen information provision. Participants reported experiencing problems associated with current food allergy information provision. It was reported that inappropriate use of fonts, colours and languages, application of precautionary labelling and lack of harmonization in labelling practices across countries can cause (un)necessary dietary restrictions for food allergic consumers. Research is needed to investigate the feasibility and implementation possibilities for new information delivery strategies and amendments to existing European labelling policy.  相似文献   

As a result of mandatory labelling legislation, major food allergens that commonly cause allergic reactions are declared on packaging. The usage of precautionary allergen labelling (PAL) on packaging is not regulated in all countries, and the food industry uses various forms of “may contain” labelling which firstly is often inconsistent and secondly over time may diminish the value of such advisory statements. Hence, the aims of this paper are to review the current industry usage of PAL and to provide recommendations on future use that are of value to academics, policy makers, food industry, and consumers. A case study example is used to illustrate the likely costs and benefits of improving the current PAL status by considering a “peanut-free” product and calculation using the Voluntary Incidental Trace Allergen Labelling (VITAL) calculator. Governance such as addressing the inconsistent usage of PALs, promoting the harmonization of language used in PALs, and improving PAL status to quantified PAL statements would be helpful in communicating risks to consumers, so they can make informed choices when purchasing food products.  相似文献   

Differences in food expenditures in married‐ and single‐parent families are examined using the Consumer Expenditure Survey Diary Component (1990–2003). Single parents, compared to married parents, allocate a greater share of their food budget to alcohol and food purchased away from home; conversely, they spend a smaller share of their food budget on vegetables and fruits. Compared to married parents, single fathers spend a greater share on alcohol and food purchased away from home and a lesser share on vegetables, fruits, meat and beans, desserts and snacks, and prepared foods. Single mothers, compared to married parents, spend a greater share on grains and nonalcoholic beverages and a lesser share on vegetables and alcohol. Single mothers and fathers differ from each other in almost all categories of food and beverage expenditure. We also find important differences based on the employment status of parents in the household: families where all parents are employed, irrespective of family structure, spend a greater share of their food budgets on food purchased away from home and a lesser share on vegetables, fruits, milk, and meat and beans compared with married‐couple families in which the mother is not employed. We discuss ways in which family structure and parental employment status may be associated with food purchasing decisions.  相似文献   

The livelihood diversification significantly contributes to the family income having effect on food varieties' consumption in rural families of different sizes. This study investigated the food intake differences among rural families considering different income levels and family sizes. Moreover, barriers faced by the rural families to increase the consumption of food varieties were also analysed. A total of 200 rural families were selected through multistage purposive and random sampling techniques in the Punjab province of Pakistan and were directly interviewed and categorized first into low and high livelihood diversified families. The food groups were derived by assigning individual food to conventional food group taxonomies, and two‐way ANOVA (4 (income groups) × 3 (family size groups) was separately conducted for low and high livelihood diversified families. The income instability, prices of food items, market distance and storage were perceived as barriers for increasing food consumption. The high livelihood diversified families significantly and regularly consumed more food items than low diversified families. The rural households both in low and high livelihood diversified family categories having low income and high family size consumed less expensive food items. The regular consumption of fruits, bakery products, and livestock and dairy items was greatly associated with high income and small family size. One of the most remarkable findings of the multivariate multiple regression model was the households belonging to the lowest income group were significantly lowering the consumption of livestock and dairy food items as the family size increased from small to large family size. The interaction effect was highly associated with per capita income because the consumption of food items increased with the rise in income irrespective of the family size. However, family size groups showed different patterns of food intakes with different income levels. Government agencies should assist rural households to diversify their income portfolios for better nutrition.  相似文献   

Parents play a pivotal role in socializing their children for healthy eating. The objectives of the present study were (1) to identify food socialization outcomes valued by parents, and (2) to study how parents socialize their children for (healthy) eating at home and during food shopping. Including both parents' perceptions of valued food socialization outcomes and associated processes addresses a significant gap in the food socialization literature. The study used semi‐structured, in‐depth interviews with parents of young children. Data were subsequently analysed by interpretive, thematic procedures. The sample consisted of middle‐ to high‐income families from two cities in Denmark. Findings reveal four main food socialization goals valued by parents: (1) Nutrition and Health, (2) Healthy Relationship with Food, (3) Food Assimilation and (4) Self‐Regulation and Autonomy. Parents prioritized children's acquisition of a healthy relationship with food which included preserving family relations and harmony, more than strictly attending a nutritious diet, contrasting the focus on the nutritional value of diet usually emphasised by public health authorities. The study therefore concludes that parents' notions of what constitutes healthy diets for their children is not completely aligned with common nutrition‐oriented recommendations. Also, fathers were found to play a very active role in their children's food‐related consumer socialization. The findings underline the importance of addressing the priorities and strategies of both mothers and fathers when marketers and policy makers target contemporary families regarding children's food socialization.  相似文献   

The authors surveyed consumers for preferences on allergen advisory statements on food labels (N = 1,243). They also conducted an experiment to assess how consumers use advisory statements (N = 4,049) to make food consumption decisions. Results show that food allergic individuals, including caregivers to food allergic individuals, and a control group of nonallergic people preferred “Allergen Information: May Contain …” over three other statements tested. The experiment revealed measurable differences among the statements in how they are used to make food consumption decisions. Statements rated as more believable and more helpful also received higher ratings on a “likelihood of eating/serving” measure.  相似文献   

The food habits of people generally dictate their nutritional well‐being, which subsequently affects their physical and mental health. A change in environment is one of the major factors that could bring about positive or negative changes in food consumption patterns. The food habits of 50 migrant families living in a suburb of Accra were studied to find out what changes have taken place as a result of a change in living environment. The homemaker in each family was interviewed to obtain information on socioeconomic characteristics, past and present food procurement and consumption patterns, food avoidances and factors that influence food selection and consumption. The findings revealed that, although the majority stuck to foods they were accustomed to, there were striking changes in sources of food procurement, the number of meals prepared at home and the relative frequency of consumption of some staple foods. One‐third of the study group felt that their diets had become poorer as a result of the change in environment. Two factors, time and money, were associated with the changes that had taken place. The study provides some evidence for the existence of inadequate diets among migrant families. This might even reflect a more serious situation facing the numerous migrant youth, who have no families to cater for them and, hence, put their health at risk. Home economists and other related professionals could be instrumental in drawing up intervention programmes to ensure adequate selection and consumption of food to promote good health among migrants to the city.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to provide increased understanding of what ‘feeding the family’ means to Somalian women in Sweden. Focus group interviews were carried out with Somalian women, analysed by means of the Grounded theory method. The results show that factors both in the family and in the outside world influenced their food choice and traditions, both in their home country of Somalia and in their new country, Sweden, after migration. The categories generated in the analysis were brought together in a model showing the women ‘struggling for their own cultural identity’ and oscillating between ‘remaining Somalian’ and ‘becoming part of Swedish society’, food being an important instrument in maintaining the cultural identity of their families. Cultural identity in this respect is a matter of the wishes of the husband, followed by those of the women and children and, at the same time, the strong pressure of the Swedish host country. This indicates how important it is for professionals to be aware of the trust people have in their own cultural food and therefore also how necessary it is to give culturally adapted food advice through public health work, in this case to Somalian families.  相似文献   

Single-parent families are becoming a larger part of American society. But what is known about their decision-making processes? Role strain is of particular interest when studying single parents because of their need to serve multiple family roles otherwise carried out by dual-parent families. In this study, the consumer decision process for single parents is empirically examined in the context of grocery shopping. Role strain was found to have a significant effect on problem recognition style and reactive shopping behaviors. Advertising positively influenced proactive shopping behaviors and had a negative relationship with reactive shopping behaviors. Implications for food retailers are provided.  相似文献   

When cultures interact within the family, consumption decisions take on meaning beyond simply who is the decision maker. The usual compromises all spouses face are amplified when one spouse is displaced from another country. Interviews and observation are used to examine the lived-world of bi-national (where spouses are from different countries of origin) and mono-national families. Key themes emphasize how members of families insert their cultures in navigating consumption decisions and reconciling preferences. Using food consumption as context, findings reveal the extent to which individual partners relinquish part of their personal cultural identities to gain a synergistic collective identity at the family level. In discussing strategies of acknowledgment, negotiation, accommodation and unification, implications are drawn for family decision-making, family identity and consumer–brand relationship theory.  相似文献   

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