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Counterfactual conditional statements are ubiquitous in any scientific endeavour. This paper contains an analysis of the nature of counterfactual conditionals and the conditions under which they are considered assertable by scientists. The paper then applies this analysis to the use of counterfactuals in evolutionary economics, arguing that because evolutionary economics is inherently concerned with historical processes it cannot avoid the use of counterfactual history as one of its tools of empirical analysis. We discuss the strengths and pitfalls of counterfactual history. We argue that because evolutionary economics starts from the foundation that randomness may be inherent in any economic system, the very aspects of evolutionary economics that make counterfactual history a desirable empirical tool also make that tool difficult to employ. RID="*" ID="*" We thank the participants of the International Seminar on Evolutionary Economics as a Research Programme in Stockholm, May 1997, for many helpful comments. We also thank Lorri Baier for many helpful substantive and textual comments. Correspondence to: R. Cowan  相似文献   

Conclusions The main conclusion of this study is that in the general case we cannot make any predictions regarding the effects of discrimination on the welfare of whites or blacks. To reach definite results special assumptions have to be made, and even then much depends on in terms of which good the effects are measured.Joseph E. Stiglitz has criticized the trade approach to discrimination on the grounds that once the step is taken from the simple Beckerian one-good model to the full-fledged two-by-two-by-two framework used in international trade theory this approach can no longer explainwage differences, since the factor equalization theorem will apply, at least as long as the two groups are not totally specialized in production8. This criticism can be extended in the light of the results of the present work. We have in the foregoing seen how even in a model that assumes total specialization in production we cannot reach any clear-cut conclusions regarding under which circumstances it pays for the majority group to discriminate against the minority. Maximization of majority welfare by means of economic discrimination simply requires too much information, at least when the trade approach is used. Other theories are likely to yield better explanations regarding the causes of discrimination, and future research is likely to become more fruitful if attention is concentrated more on alternative approaches.The research was financially supported by the Swedish Council for Social Science Research (Statens råd för samhällsforskning). Thanks are due to an anonymous referee for thorough and helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

Inflation and growth: Explaining a negative effect   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents a monetary model of endogenous growth and specifies an econometric model consistent with it. The economic model suggests a negative inflation-growth effect, and one that is stronger at lower levels of inflation. Empirical evaluation of the model is based on a large panel of OECD and APEC member countries over the years 1961–1997. The hypothesized negative inflation effect is found comprehensively for the OECD countries to be significant and, as in the theory, to increase marginally as the inflation rate falls. For APEC countries, the results from using instrumental variables also show significant evidence of a similar behavior. The nature of the inflation-growth profile and differences in this between the regions are interpreted with the credit production technology of the model in a way not possible with a standard cash-only economy. Research assistance by László Konya, Rezida Zakirova, and Anton Nakov and comments by Michal Kejak, Myles Wallace and Toni Braun are kindly acknowledged, along with comments from the 17th European Economic Association Meetings, Venice, and the 10th International Panel Data Conference, Berlin. We also thank the editors and referees for valuable comments, and the first author is grateful to Central European University for research funds.  相似文献   

Since the objective of economic policy is to change target variables in the DGP, when economic policy analysis uses an econometric model, it is important that the model delivers reliable inferences about policy responses in the DGP. This requires that the model be congruent and encompassing, and hence exogeneity, causality, cointegration, co-breaking, and invariance all play major roles. We discuss these roles in linear cointegrated VARs, prior to illustrating their importance in a bivariate model of money and interest rates in the UK over the last century.Financial support from the UK Economic and Social Research Council under grant L116251015, and the EUI Research Council grantEconometric Modelling of Economic Time Series, is gratefully acknowledged. Early research for the paper was done whilst Mizon was Visiting Fellow in the Economics Program of the RSSS at ANU, where he benefited from the excellent research environment and discussions with Adrian Pagan. We are grateful to Hans-Martin Krolzig for helpful discussions on the topic. We also thank members of the Research Department, Norges Bank, Oslo, the particpants at theWorkshop on Money Demand in Europe, Humboldt University, October 1997, two referees, and the editors Helmut Lütkepohl and Jürgen Wolters for their valuable comments. The data may be obtained from the internet, http://wotan.wiwi.huberlin.de/oekonometric./engl/data.html  相似文献   

This paper discusses how to bridge the gap between foresight research oriented to the long-term, and traditional market research oriented to the medium to short term, when applied to an early stage of a technology's life cycle. It proposes using an integrating approach, i.e. a combination of methods and both foresight and traditional market research. A mix of complementary methods for the acquisition and analysis of data is presented in a case study. This helps to overcome the deficits of some qualitative foresight methods and quantitative methods often used in traditional market research and allows us to examine research results from the different methods applied both on their own and as a group. In the absence of a single fully-fledged and accepted economic approach, this paper argues that combined market research and foresight modules are the best possible approach for analyzing the economic potential of emerging technologies like nanotechnology. In the future, similar applications of such market foresight modules may be useful, for example, as elements of foresight. They will also be useful in studies of emerging technologies (e.g. converging technologies, cognitive science and Web 2.0) where traditional market research does not produce a realistic market assessment.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we consider a class of time discrete intertemporal optimization models in one dimension. We present a technique to construct intertemporal optimization models with nonconcave objective functions, such that the optimal policy function coincides with any pre-specifiedC 2 function. Our result is a variant of the approach presented in a seminal paper by Boldrin and Montrucchio (1986). Whereas they solved the inverse problem for the reduced form models, we address the different question of how to construct both reduced and primitive form models. Using our technique one can guarantee required qualitative properties not only in reduced, but also in primitive form. The fact that our constructed model has a single valued and continuous optimal policy is very important as, in general, nonconcave problems yield set valued optimal policy correspondences which are typically hard to analyze. To illustrate our constructive approach we apply it to a simple nonconcave model.We are grateful for the helpful comments of L. Montrucchio, K. Nishimura, T. Mitra and an anonymous referee. Financial support of the Austrian Science Foundation under contract No. P7783-PHY and No. J01003-SOZ is gratefully acknowledged. This paper was written while M. Kopel was visiting the Department of Economics, Cornell University.  相似文献   

Transport development and the evolution of economic geography   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper, based on the recent advances in the new economic geography (e.g., Fujita et al. [12]), we analyze impacts of transport costs on the spatial patterns of economic agglomeration. We first identify prototypes from the existing models, and explain the mechanism of how transport costs influence the balance between economic forces of agglomeration and dispersion. We then investigate the transformation of the agglomeration/dispersion patterns given gradually decreasing transport costs for different goods.Received: Received: July 2004 / Accepted: January 2005, Accepted: Received: July 2004 / Accepted: January 2005, JEL Classification: R12Tomoya Mori: Correspondence toThe authors are grateful to David Bernstein, Tatsuo Hatta, Komei Sasaki, Tony E. Smith, and two anonymous referees for their valuable comments. This research is partly supported by The Grant in Aid for Research 08403001 of Ministry of Education, Science and Culture in Japan, the Murata Science Foundation, and WESCO Civil Engineering Technology Foundation.  相似文献   

Recent studies have found unmeasured intangible capital to be large and important. In this paper we observe that by nature intangible capital is also very different from physical capital. We find it plausible to argue that the accumulation process for intangible capital differs significantly from the process by which physical capital accumulates. We study the implications of this hypothesis for rational firm valuation and asset pricing using a two-sector general equilibrium model. Our main finding is that the properties of firm valuation and stock prices are very dependent on the assumed accumulation process for intangible capital. If one entertains the possibility that intangible investments translates into capital stochastically, we find that plausible levels of macroeconomic volatility are compatible with highly variable corporate valuations, P/E ratios and stock returns. We thank Ellen McGrattan, Edward Prescott, Rene Stulz and an anonymous referee for their helpful comments as well as workshop participants at FAME, the 5th Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research, the European Central Bank, Columbia Business School Finance Free Lunch and the University of Zürich. This research has benefited from financial support from the National Center for Competence in Research “Financial Valuation and Risk Management”. The National Centers of Competence in Research are managed by the Swiss National Science Foundation on behalf of the Federal Authorities.  相似文献   

A new framework is presented for the study of the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Koopmans’ equation in the unbounded case, that is based on the contraction mapping approach. In the bounded below case with bounded consumption streams, uniqueness of the solution in the whole class of weak-star continuous utility functions is obtained. When the aggregator is unbounded below and/or consumption streams are unbounded, existence of a weak-star continuous solution is shown, and a simple criterium to check the sufficient conditions for existence is provided. Juan Pablo Rincón-Zapatero and Carlos Rodríguez-Palmero gratefully acknowledge financial support by the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia and FEDER funds under Research Projects MTM2005-06534 and SEJ2005-08709/ECON, respectively, and by Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León under Research Projects VA99/04 and VA017B05, respectively. This paper has substantially benefited from the comments of an anonymous referee. Particular and special thanks are due to Robert Becker for his very helpful comments and valuable suggestions.  相似文献   

Summary. In this paper a two sector dynamic general equilibrium model is developed in order to evaluate the implications of the underground economy from a business cycle perspective. There are three main results. First, introducing an underground sector improves the fit of the model to the data, especially along several important labor market dimensions. Second, the model produces substantial internal propagation of temporary shocks. Third, it is shown that underground activities offer risk sharing opportunities by allowing households to smooth income through a proper labor allocation between the two sectors.Received: 17 June 2002, Revised: 25 April 2003, JEL Classification Numbers: E320, E260, J22, H200.We have benefited from the comments and suggestions of John Donaldson. We would also like to thank Paolo Siconolfi, Jean Pierre Danthine, Fausto Gozzi, Edmund Phelps, Gustavo Piga, Domenico Tosato, and the participants in the seminars at various universities, David Giles and Stefano Pisani for providing useful information on the underground data, Francesca Caponi for the comments and the information concerning the legal and fiscal aspects involved in the calibration, and Glenn Williams for the research assistance. Finally, we thank two anonymous referees for helpful comments on this and on earlier versions of the paper. Chiarini acknowledges financial support from the Ateneo Research fund of the University of Rome, La Sapienza, Dinamiche dell'integrazione europea e scelta di politica economica. All errors are ours. Correspondence to: F. Busato  相似文献   

In this article we analyse the specificity and generality of firm-financed training in Norway. Compared to most other OECD countries Norway has a compressed wage structure. According to non-competitive theories of training we should expect to find much firm-sponsored training in such an economy, and furthermore we should expect to find relatively much firm-sponsored general training. The results in this paper suggest that firm-financed training in Norway contain much general skills. We find that training paid for by previous employers has a positive effect on current wages, and the effect is at least on par with the impact on wages from training paid for by the present employer. We use two methods to control for selection bias in training; an instrument variable (IV)-approach and a fixed-effect approach. The IV-approach suggests that the original training estimate is biased downward. However, our training variable may be subject to measurement error, and recent research has shown that the IV-estimate will be biased upward when a mismeasured variable is binary (as in our case). This finding receives support when using a fixed-effect approach. The IV-estimate for training considerably exceeds the fixed-effect estimate. The fixed-effect estimate is also lower than the original OLS-estimate indicating that some selection bias in training is present.First revision received: January 2002/Final revision received: October 2003The paper is financed by grant 108728/510 from the Norwegian Research Council. The financial support is gratefully acknowledged. The author thanks Erling Barth and Hege Torp at the Institute for Social Research, Yngve Willassen at the Department of Economics, University of Oslo, Håkan Regnér at the Swedish Institute for Social Research, two anonymous referees, and participants at the Seminar for education and labour market in Stavern June 2000 for valuable comments and suggestions. All remaining errors are my own  相似文献   

Conclusions A particular aspect of the present paper is the introduction of specific policy measures for the government, whose behavior on the goods market was described in earlier work as purely exogenous, like in Malinvaud. In our context, the government appears as an active economic agent, acting at absorbing any excess supply or reducing any excess demand on the goods market. Though this behavior may look somewhat arbitrary, it has the advantage to force the state of the economy towards a SME if combined with natural endogenous behavior of the other agents! Furthermore, it does not contradict observed policies through which governments stimulate or restrain economic activity via purchases or fiscal and monetary policies. Perhaps alternative policies, like direct actions on the labor market by supplying (non-productive) jobs or unemployment compensations, could have done as well: this remains an open door for further research. The preceding feature also contrasts with the recent work done by V. Böhm (1978) in a macroeconomic set up. In this paper, he studies the stability of stationary Keynesian unemployment or stationary repressed inflation states but without imposing a particular policy on the government. Comparing his work with ours, it is easily verified that if the government would keep its consumption at the levelg *, the SME would be stable if the economy starts out in Keynesian unemployment and unstable if the economy starts out in repressed inflation, confirming Böhm's result.Our analysis is related to an earlier work of Archibald and Lipsey (1958), dealing with the adjustment of the economy to a Stationary Equilibrium after a change in real balances. The Quantity Theory of Money postulates that along a SME, a change in the price and the wage rate from (p,w) to (p,w) leads to an adjustment in the level of stationary money holdings from mi * to mi *, mi *=i * (p,w). In this paper, Archibald and Lipsey suggest that the economy follows a sequence of temporary market equilibria: Starting from a change in real balances,prices adjust at each period through a tâtonnement process so as to match supply and demand. Our paper proposes an alternative path: At each period,quantities adjust through a tâtonnement process at constant prices.This paper is a revised version of CORE Discussion Paper 7701. We wish to thank Paul Champsaur, Jacques Drèze, Werner Hildenbrand and Reinhard John for stimulating discussions. We are grateful to Volker Böhm for valuable comments and criticisms.Research supported by the Fonds National Belge de la Recherche Scientifique.  相似文献   

Accounts of economic change recognize that markets create selective pressures for the adaptation of technologies in the direction of customer needs and production efficiencies. However, non-adaptational bases for technological change are rarely highlighted, despite their pervasiveness in the history of technical and economic change. In this paper the concept of exaptation -a feature co-opted for its present role from some other origin - is proposed as a characteristic element of technological change, and an important mechanism by which new markets for products and services are created by entrepreneurs. Exaptation is a missing but central concept linking the evolution of technology with the entrepreneurial creation of new markets and the concept of Knightian uncertainty.JEL Classification: O3, M13, D8, D52Correspondence to: Nicholas DewThe authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Batten Institute of the Darden School of Business Administration, University of Virginia, for carrying out this research. We also wish to thank Rama Velamuri and an anonymous referee for their comments, which significantly improved this paper. All remaining faults are the sole responsibility of the authors.  相似文献   

Summary. We consider an optimally managed renewable resource with stochastic non-concave growth function. We characterize the conditions under which the optimal policy leads to global extinction, global conservation and the existence of a safe standard of conservation. Our conditions are specified in terms of the economic and ecological primitives of the model: the biological growth function, the welfare function, the distribution of shocks and the discount rate. Our results indicate that, unlike deterministic models, extinction and conservation in stochastic models are not determined by a simple comparison of the growth rate and the discount rate; the welfare function plays an important role.Received: 20 October 2004, Revised: 28 February 2005, JEL Classification Numbers: D90, O11, O41, Q32.Santanu Roy: Correspondence toResearch on this paper was completed when the second author visited Cornell University in July, 2003. We thank the Center for Analytic Economics and the Department of Economics at Cornell University for making this research visit possible. The current version has gained considerably from the comments made by an anonymous referee.  相似文献   

Learning by doing,spillovers and shakeouts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies industry evolution driven by non strategic learning by doing and spillovers. We characterize a dynamic process of cost and output changes and its effect on welfare and industry profits. The paper gives conditions for shakeouts to occur and analyzes the key factors affecting these conditions. Since shakeouts could lead to a long-run social loss due to higher market concentration, there is a role for a government to play in limiting unnecessary shakeouts. The most effective way to do so is to enhance spillovers.JEL Classification: L11, L13, O31Correspondence to: Michael TroegeWe would like to thank Hans Mewis, Christophe Moussu and an anonymous referee for valuable comments and suggestions. We also benefited from comments of seminar participants at WZB, Humboldt University, Northwestern University and the EEA/ESEM 1999 meetings. Part of the research was carried out while Michael Tröge was visiting Northwestern University. Financial support by the German Research Council (DFG) is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary This paper uses the approach of Wold to prove the existence of a continuous utility function on a subset ofR n with a path monotonicity assumption. This result is then extended to a Banach space.The research for this paper was begun while visiting the University of Cambridge and the London School of Economics in 1988. I should like to thank Dr. A. Beardon, Professor M. Desai, Professor L. Foldes and Dr. A. Horsley for their hospitality. Also, I am grateful to an anonymous referee for comments that led to an improvement in the exposition.  相似文献   

This paper proposes contingent behavior survey questions as a valuable supplement to observed data in travel cost models of non-market demand for recreational resources. A set of observed and contingent behavior results for each survey respondent allows the researcher to control for individual heterogeneity by taking advantage of panel data methods when exploring the nature of respondent demands. The contingent scenarios also provide opportunities to (a) test for differences between observed and contingent preferences and/or (b) assess likely demands under conditionsbeyond the domain of observed variation in costs or resource attributes. Most importantly, contingent scenarios allow the researcher to imposeexogenously varying travel costs. Exogenous imposition of travel costs together with panel methods reduces the omitted variables bias that plagues observed-data travel cost models of recreational demand. Using a convenience sample of data for illustrative purposes, we show how to estimate the demand for recreational angling by combining observed and contingent behavior data. We begin with simple naive pooled Poisson models and progress to more theoretically appropriate fixed effects panel Poisson specifications.The authors are at the University of Nevada and UCLA, respectively. We gratefully acknowledge the comments of both Scott Shonkwiler and participants in the W133 meetings in Santa Fe, New Mexico and for research material provided by Wayne Gray. The data were provided by Rang Narayanan. Research assistance was provided by Jerry McGraw and Natalie Tucker. Research partially supported by the Nevada Experiment Station. Any errors or omissions remain the authors' responsibility.  相似文献   

Studies of knowledge and innovation as driving forces of regional development and growth offer a myriad of approaches. Here, questions asked, methods used and answers given are manifold. In our overview, we cover recent developments in this research area. Moreover, we explore the question as to the extent to which approaches in this research area compete with or complement one another. It turns out that the various studies are much more complementary than competitive. However, there is still much ground to be covered before we fully understand the processes underlying the creation and dissemination of knowledge and innovation leading to regional development and growth.JEL Classification: R11, O32, O33, O18 Correspondence to: Claudia WerkerThis Special Issue is the outcome of the workshop on Knowledge and Innovation in Creating and Sustaining Regional Growth in a Global Environment held at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, July 10 th until 12 th , 2003. Financial support by the Dutch research council (NWO), the Centre for Economic Research (CfER) of the Open University Milton Keynes (UK) as well as by Eindhoven Center for Innovation Studies (ECIS, The Netherlands) is gratefully acknowledged; as is the organizational support by ECIS. We are grateful for helpful comments by Ron Boschma and Joachim Schwerin. Moreover, we would like to thank Uwe Cantner for his kind support in making this Special Issue happen. Naturally, the usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

Summary. Following the seminal works of Schmeidler (1989), Gilboa and Schmeidler (1989), roughly put, an agents subjective beliefs are said to be ambiguous if the beliefs may not be represented by a unique probability distribution, in the standard Bayesian fashion, but instead by a set of probabilities. An ambiguity averse decision maker evaluates an act by the minimum expected value that may be associated with it. In spite of wide and long-standing support among economists for indexation of loan contracts there has been relatively little use of indexation, except in situations of extremely high inflation. The object of this paper is to provide a (theoretical) explanation for this puzzling phenomenon based on the hypothesis that economic agents are ambiguity averse. The paper considers a general equilibrium model based on Magill and Quinzii (1997) with ambiguity averse agents, where both nominal and indexed bond contracts are available for trade and all relevant prices are determined endogenously. We obtain conditions which prompt an endogenous cessation of trade in indexed bonds: i.e., conditions under which there is no trade in indexed bonds in any equilibrium; only nominal bonds are traded.Received: 7 April 2003, Revised: 8 March 2004, JEL Classification Numbers: D81, E31, D52, E44.Correspondence to: Sujoy MukerjiWe thank seminar members at Birkbeck, Oxford, Paris I, Southampton and Tel Aviv, the audience at the 00 European Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory, and especially, E.Dekel, I. Gilboa, D. Schmeidler and A. Pauzner for helpful comments. The first author acknowledges financial assistance from an Economic and Social Research Council of U.K. Research Fellowship (# R000 27 1065). The second author thanks financial support from the French Ministry of Research (Action Concertée Incitative).  相似文献   

Quantile estimation of frontier production function   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of the paper is to provide new information on the performance of frontier estimation methods, using data from Italian hotel industry. Quantile regression is also suggested as solution to frontier production function estimation. It is shown that, while the choice of estimation methods among conventional techniques significantly affects the economic analysis, quantile regression provides valuable new information by estimating the whole spectrum of production functions corresponding to different efficiency levels. In addition, the method makes available a coherent framework to analyze the performance of the conventional techiniques. Jel classification: C14, C16, D24We would like to thank the Co-Editor, the Associate Editor and an anonymous referee for comments and suggestions. The research was supported by the University Research Council and the National Research Council. The usual disclaimer applies.The estimates were computed using the Roger Koenker and StatLibS-Plus routine of quantile regression and the Tim Coelli and CEPA Web site FRONTIER 4.1 Program. The data set is provided by the Ho.Re.Ca. survey conducted by ISTAT in 1992.First version received: June 2001/Final version received: December 2002  相似文献   

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