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张俊  陈维 《玩具世界》2010,(11):29-31
为期6天的第二届中国国际影视动漫版权保护和贸易博览会(以下简称漫博会)于10月5日在广东东莞完美落幕。本届博览会设置了东莞国际会展中心主会场和松山湖分会场,据组委会数据统计,展会参展企业506家,共吸引了超过60万人次进场参观。签约项目125个,签约金额89亿元,成交金额38亿元,总金额达到127亿元,与首届的80亿元相比.劲增47亿元。  相似文献   

10月18日,河北省邢台宁晋首届纺织服装节闭幕,共签约合资合作项目15个,总投资6.7亿元;贸易销售合同45个,成交金额达22.8亿元。纺织服装在宁晋是起步较早  相似文献   

中国首家环境能源交易机构——上海环境能源交易所8月5日宣布,其各类环境资源权益交易的累计成交金额已近60亿元人民币,相关的交易机制日趋成熟,已初步构建成为全国性的环境资源类交易市场平台。  相似文献   

2014年3月11-21日,第16届澄海玩博会全国玩具市场招商推广活动举行。澄海玩博会组委会会同《玩具世界》杂志社组成的澄海玩博会和《玩具世界》杂志招商推广活动小组历时11天,沿着河南郑州-陕西西安-四川成都-湖北武汉等路线出行,沿途对上述省市的16个玩具市场进行一次深入和全面的探访、招商、邀约及推广工作,共发放澄海玩博会观展商邀请函1.3万份,有近30%的商户表示有观展意向,并对本届澄海玩博会充满期待。  相似文献   

1974年凯蒂猫诞生伊始人气低迷。1980年起第三代设计师山口裕子放弃节假日走访店铺,听取孩子们意见后不断摸索。有来信希望“制作高中生也能带的凯蒂猫”,为此山口以当时流行的黑色制成了“Monotone Kitty”,将市场扩展到儿童之外。当上班族与主妇等开始购买后,凯蒂猫商品扩大到了厨房用具等领域。  相似文献   

"我国动漫行业今年将达1000亿元的产值规模,增长率大概为15%左右。"上海早鸟投资管理中心联合创始人、董事总经理谢坤泽11月18日在首届中国移动互联网内容开发者大会暨中国智能内容及开发者大会上说。在他看来,动漫领域有很多机会,精品、质量在未来将成为行业发展的趋势。  相似文献   

目前,已经投入市场的世博特许商品达28大类6000余种,计划增加至8000-1万种产品;世博特许商品零售点达3000余家,遍及中国31个省市自治区,  相似文献   

动漫产业近年来迎来了井喷式的发展,动漫企业遍地开花。借着完善的产业基础配套,江苏常州的动漫产业便在这一股发展风潮中脱颖而出,成为国内领先的动漫产业基地之一。然而,跟整个中国动漫产业一样,常州动漫同样有着"高投入高产出低回报"的困扰。正如常州市动漫行业协会会长徐冠东所说:"虽然年产出动画片1万分钟,但如何获得盈利,企业们却没有多少办法"。  相似文献   

六一儿童节是孩子的节日,不过父母们似乎也过得很带劲。来自淘宝网的数据显示,今年儿童节前一周,淘宝网上销售的儿童用品达到了4.3亿元,和2009年相比增长超过115%。根据淘宝数据魔方显示,在给孩子过节的花销上,购  相似文献   

Hypothetical bias is a common research problem in measuring intentions. This study examines differences in individuals' hypothetical and nonhypothetical willingness to pay (WTP) based on purchase intention level. The purpose of Study 1 is to see if hypothetical bias is affecting all groups of individuals when segmented by purchase intentions. The contingent valuation method (CVM) was used to assess to individuals' purchase intentions and hypothetical WTP for an environmentally friendly (EF) offering. Individuals then participated in an auction that required them to bid on the same offering, thus requiring an actual monetary commitment. Through segmenting individuals into three purchase intention groups (high, moderate, and low), WTP biases were found to be positively related to stated intention level. High and moderate purchase intenders significantly overstated their hypothetical WTP. However, low purchase intenders did not. Further, no significant differences existed in nonhypothetical WTP between the three groups. The price that low purchase intenders were willing to pay through the CVM represented closely what they and the rest of the market were willing to pay in practice. The purpose of Study 2 was to examine several reasons why higher purchase intenders may be overstating their hypothetical WTP, with normative pressure and social desirability bias taken into consideration. Individuals indicated their purchase intentions and hypothetical WTP for an EF and a non‐EF product, and then participated in an auction. The higher purchase intenders again overstated their actual WTP for both products, whereas low purchase intenders did not. Results suggest that both normative pressure and social desirability bias contribute to hypothetical bias for products that carry a normative dimension (EF products). Controlling for these two factors eliminated the differences between hypothetical and nonhypothetical WTP. For products that did not have a normative component (non‐EF products), controlling for social desirability eliminated the gap between the hypothetical and nonhypothetical WTP amounts. A main implication from this research is that hypothetical bias is not a universal phenomenon and does not operate equally in all groups of purchase intenders. Marketers may want to consider only using lower purchase intenders in their pricing estimates for new products, especially for those that carry a normative component. Further, the CVM has received much criticism for measuring hypothetical WTP. However, estimates produced by the CVM were nearly exact for the low purchase intender group and were reliable when controlling for social desirability bias and normative pressure for the higher purchase intenders.  相似文献   

全球领先孕婴童展——第14届CBME中国孕婴童展、童装展(以下简称2014 CBME中国)于2014年7月22日在上海新国际博览中心盛大开幕。本次展会不仅聚焦业内关切热点,更以前瞻视野放眼产业未来,通过诸多亮点和精彩活动,筑就产业高效商贸平台,推动产业创新升级。  相似文献   

An analysis of postacquisition top management turnover among 168 cross-border and 102 purely domestic acquisitions, and a control group of 120 nonacquired U.S. firms, revealed that turnover rates in firms acquired by non-U.S. acquirers were significantly higher than in firms acquired by other U.S. firms or the control group. Further, the timing of postacquisition turnover differed in the foreign vs. domestic acquisitions. Finally, the nationality of the foreign acquirer was found to be an important predictor of turnover in certain acquisition categories. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Some scholars (Chandler, 1977; Penrose, 1959) believe that firms grow by transferring inimitable marketing, production, and research skills from one line of business to another. Extending this view and emphasizing the role of the central office of a multidivisional firm to transfer administrative skills, Williamson (1975) argues that competition among business units within the firm mimics a competitive capital market and leads to an effcient allocation of resources. Coase (1937), however, argues that firm size is limited by the costs of organizing diverse transactions and Chandler (1991) claims that growth is constrained by the technical and marketing expertise of the top managers. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the scope of the multidivisional firm is limited by the transferability of firm-specific skills and the efficiency of capital markets. Support comes from a case study of 19 oil companies over the 1930–90 period.  相似文献   

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