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布雷顿森林体系崩溃后,运行至今的是美元占主导地位的多元化国际货币体系,美元在事实上成了国际货币的核心和领导。欧元,堪称第二大国际货币,已经显示出国际货币的些许实力,正在由弱变强,将成为国际货币体系中的一个重要支柱。虽然,美元在国际货币体系中的主导地位一时难以改变,但是欧元能够弱化美元的主导地位,有能力、也有可能逐步取代美元在国际货币体系中的一部分份额,使国际货币体系真正形成美元、欧元、日元相抗衡的多元化格局。 相似文献
国际评级机构标准普尔2011年12月6日公布的报告维持中国长期主权信用评级AA-,短期主权信用评级A—l,展望为“稳定”,国内外均有投资机构认为标普对于中国的评级过于保守,甚至严重低估。 相似文献
欧洲主权债务危机爆发后,欧元汇率出现先贬后升的趋势。与此同时,中国股市也曾一路下行并触底反弹,二者的走势如出一辙。本文通过一系列实证分析论证了二者之间的动态关系,得出的结论为:欧元的人民币汇率与中国股价存在长期均衡关系,欧元汇率是中国股价的格兰杰原因,欧元汇率对中国股价有明显影响,但中国股价对欧元汇率影响不明显。最后对结论进行了理论分析并提出了政策建议。 相似文献
新年伊始,就在饱经欧债危机摧残的欧元区各国在希腊债务减记协议达成以后都以为能缓口气的当口,1月13日欧元区又遭遇评级下调的重击:国际信用评级机构标准普尔宣布下调欧元区9国信用评级,其中法国和奥地利的长期主权信用评级由最高的3A级下调一级,意大利、西班牙和葡萄牙下调两级,只有欧元区第一大经济体德国维持其3A评级。 相似文献
迪拜危机连累了欧洲,进而引发了希腊危机。希腊危机背后不仅是欧元危机,更是美国债务危机。全面危机的爆发,将引起欧洲主权信用危机 相似文献
“秒杀”:谁是赢家? 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
“秒杀”大行其道秒杀一词,源起网络游戏,指的是瞬间置敌死命。本是网游打怪招数的“秒杀”被购物网站拿去后,如今已成为风靡网络的营销利器,并正向实体商家蔓延:家具、电器、服装、零食……都被列入了秒杀范围。 相似文献
J. Sapir 《Studies on Russian Economic Development》2011,22(3):225-236
This paper analyzes problems of the eurozone, which are aggravated by the crisis. It proposes architectural transformations of the European monetary system targeted at combating the crisis and promoting economic growth and employment in today’s structurally inhomogeneous Europe. 相似文献
Kateřina Šmídková 《Atlantic Economic Journal》2004,32(4):302-311
When published, the Czech Euro-area Accession Strategy signalled a rather cautious approach to adopting the euro in comparison
to the intentions of other EU acceding countries. The euro adoption was scheduled around 2010 and the ERM II was viewed only
as a waiting room. The Czech strategy was attuned to specific features of the Czech economy. Although inflation and nominal
interest rates converged to the EMU levels before EU entry, large fiscal deficits and the need for significant fiscal reform
did not make it possible to meet the Maastrich criteria soon. Moreover, real convergence was viewed as a priority for the
forthcoming years and, consequently, the strategy was aimed at maintaining nominal flexibility in order to cushion consequences
of price and wage rigidities during the peak period of the catch-up process. 相似文献
Georg Rich 《Atlantic Economic Journal》2000,28(3):309-311
Switzerland is not a member of the European Union and, therefore, does not belong to the euro area. Nevertheless, the exchange
rate of the Swiss franc against the euro has remained fairly stable. This stability does not imply that the Swiss National
Bank pegs the exchange rate to the euro. On the contrary, the Swiss National Bank continues to pursue an autonomous monetary
policy since monetary autonomy conveys various benefits to the Swiss economy. 相似文献
硒鼓作为激光打印机的"心脏"与"粮食",70%以上的打印功能要由其完成。因此,硒鼓在耗材行业中一直出演着"主角儿"的地位。长期以来,国外品牌始终居于硒鼓市场优势地位,价格不菲。正是由于打印机原装硒鼓的价格过高,使大约80%的用户被迫选择对旧硒鼓加粉后再使用,同时也催生了大量假冒伪劣产品充斥市场。近日,记者走进位于山大路的济南市科技市场。 相似文献
Andrew Hughes Hallett 《Atlantic Economic Journal》2002,30(3):335-348
Britain's possible entry into the Eurozone has proved highly controversial, both on economic and political grounds. The British
government has set up a series of tests to be satisfied before entry. Besides being vaguely defined, these tests are time
dependent. This paper attempts to evaluate the case for British entry on more general Optimal Currency Area criteria, and
argues that the failure of some of these criteria would provide a logical explanation of the British reluctance to join. 相似文献
尽管投资者见过大风大浪,然而很多人对于投资在一天之内亏掉一半的事情,并没有足够的心理准备。此事就出在一个有熔断机制但不设涨跌幅,且允许T+O交易的品种--可转债身上。泰晶转债的黑色三分钟5月7日,泰晶科技股份有限公司可转债(泰晶转债)开盘即暴跌,价格从上一日收盘价364.94元下泄至255.46元,触发临时停牌。 相似文献