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网络文化是以网络为媒介的新型文化形态,它的出现和普及改变了人们的生活方式、交往方式和思维方式,为人类文化的创造和传播开辟了新的空间。大众文化是网络文化中表现最为活跃的文化形态,它在影响网络空间其他文化的同时,也受网络中其他文化形态的影响。网络文化与大众文化既相互区别,又有着紧密的联系,研究两者之间的关系对于如何在网络空间发展大众文化,如何拓展大众文化的发展渠道具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

从古今中外学者对“文化”概念的理解和文化价值批判理论出发,分析当代中国大众文化的“非文化化”现象,认为当前大众文化丧失了精神价值的视野和人文精神的关怀,导致文化的内在性价值逐渐失落而工具性价值却El益高扬。因此,制定切合中国实际情况的大众文化发展战略、正确处理好大众文化发展中经济价值和内在价值的关系以及实现主流文化、精英文化与大众文化的健康互动是大众文化重建的基本思路。  相似文献   

张颐武 《商周刊》2013,(21):79-79
《媳妇的美好时代》属大众文化范畴。大众文化在传播过程中的“文化折扣”较少,有利于异国公众了解自己的国家,认识其社会生活和风土人情,产生文化上的亲近感。  相似文献   

对待当前的大众文化,采取愤世嫉俗的激进主义态度和放任自流的消极主义态度都是不正确的.应该从把握先进文化的前进方向,正确处理大众文化与主流文化、精英文化的关系;提升大众文化的人文含量和美学意义;承载和传播先进文化的内容;通过行政和法制手段规范大众文化市场;从大众生活的实际和特点出发这五个方面入手来建设我国大众文化.  相似文献   

我国文化体制改革为大众文化的发展带来了新机遇。大众文化是当代中国主要的文化形态,人民大众是大众文化生产和消费的主体。和谐价值是大众文化的必然追求,引导大众文化健康发展,能更好地满足人民日益增长的精神需要,保证文化体制改革的成效。  相似文献   

袁文英  石成全 《时代经贸》2007,(5Z):157-157
近年来,气象新闻由原来的天气信息逐渐变成了一种重要的新闻强档,对于这个新兴的新闻栏目,并不会因为其先天的信息优势,而毅然“素面朝天”。面对日益挑剔的受众,以娱乐的形式向受众传播天气信息是不可逆转的趋势,娱乐化路线,形式各异的气象新闻节目如雨后春笋纷纷露面。当然,低级而拙劣的娱乐固然让受众大倒胃口,但是为了适应市场经济、迎合受众人群需求,气象新闻节目就必须采取争夺注意力。而真正的娱乐化传播模式也正是广大受众所喜闻乐见的,也是媒体所应追寻的,那么,气象新闻到底该不该“变脸”?怎样才能让受众接受,虽然众口难调,但笔者也想就此发表一己之见:  相似文献   

郭丹丹 《经济师》2011,(11):29-30
随着社会主义核心价值体系与和谐经济社会的构建,人们的文化结构也随之发生了很多改变,尤其是近年来精英文化与大众文化都得到了很大发展。如何构建大众文化和精英文化的对接也已成为和谐社会背景下文化建设中迫切需要解决的现实问题。文章从于丹、易中天现象分析了精英文化与大众文化的对接。  相似文献   

计算机Web2.0技术的应用使得网络传播发生巨大变化,传统媒体广告状态下被动接受的广告的受众成为主动发布信息的主体,其使用和接触网络媒体的方式也发生变化,在互动程度很高的网络媒体中,Web2.0时代的广告创意策略主要从整合、创意的执行性、与受众沟通的方式、品牌传播的回报和创造有吸引力的内容五个方面结合案例提出建议。[编者按]  相似文献   

(一)大众文化(popwar culture)意即通俗文化、流行文化,它是一种主要由社会大众阶层的各式各样的生活需要促成的庞大的传播媒介体系和文化产业的统一体,是一种大众的社会文化生活。在西方发达国家,大众文化的存在和发展久已受到人们的关注和研究。例如在  相似文献   

科学构建公共文化服务体系 大力推进文化大发展大繁荣   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金建鸿 《江南论坛》2008,(10):45-46
公共文化服务体系涵盖文化政策、基础设施、人才队伍、技术技能等多方面内容,它的根本特征是公益性和服务性。只有大力推进公共文化服务体系建设,才能更好的满足大众文化需求,让人民群众在共享文化发展成果中提升自身素质。作为“文化昆山”战略的重要组成部分,构建公共文化服务体系是昆山进行新一轮文化建设的重要抓手,是文化大发展大繁荣的基本指标和首要前提。  相似文献   

该文的中心议题是投资效率.我们从基于标准生产函数的投资需求模型出发,从投资需求所处的非均衡状态入手来讨论投资效率.投资需求的非均衡状态由实际投资与理论投资间的偏离来定义.我们将投资效率分成投资的配置效率和投资的生产效率两个方面,并将配置效率与经济制度因素联系起来.我们使用样本期为1989-2000年的中国分省面板数据作为模型分析的实例.分析的重心是中国的过度投资需求在多大程度上是由总投资的配置效率欠佳所造成的.从实例分析中我们发现,资本价格对投资需求几乎无影响,而扩张性的中央与地方财政却对投资需求有着强烈的影响.我们还发现,各省过度投资间存在彼此攀比的网络效应.然而,一旦将这些制度因素分离开来,投资配置效率还是渐有改善的.同时,地区间投资不均的程度也不断有所下降.从投资的生产效率指标估值看,东部沿海省份的效率一般高于西部省份的效率,这是与地区经济的发展水平基本一致的.  相似文献   

Amartya Sen's capability approach to human welfare recognizes the impact of social institutions on human capabilities. But as an evaluative framework, it does not analyze the role of institutionalized power in causing or perpetuating inequalities in individual opportunities to achieve. Drawing on authors who are receptive to the capability approach and who have examined the political aspects of advancing human capabilities, this paper presents a view of social power and its exercise that is congruent with the capability approach. This examination of power continues the exploration of intergroup relationships that Sen has advocated, and it can be expected to yield new criteria for policy evaluation as well as new policy options.  相似文献   

This study attempts to measure the inefficiency associated with aggregate investment in a transitional economy. The inefficiency is decomposed into allocative and technical inefficiency based on standard production theory. Allocative inefficiency is measured by the deviation of actual investment from the theoretically desired investment demand. Institutional factors are then identified as part of the driving force of the deviation. The resulting model is applied to Chinese provincial panel data. The main findings are: Chinese investment demand is strongly receptive to expansionary fiscal policies and inter-provincial network effects; the tendency of over-investment remains, even with signs of increasing allocative efficiency and improving technical efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the predictive ability of financial variables for euro area growth through bivariate and multivariate non-parametric Granger causality tests. Apart from assessing the within-country forecasting ability of commonly-employed financial variables, such as the term spread, the stock market returns and the growth of real money supply, we also test for cross-country influences. In this way, we reveal the countries that are more useful in predicting growth in other member countries along with the ones that are more receptive to other countries' financial developments. Our results suggest that financial variables are useful leading indicators for euro area growth at a joint level, albeit at different horizons, ranging from one to six quarters. Our finding of overall increased levels of receptivity among member states provides useful information for policy makers, especially in the case of monetary union such as the euro area.  相似文献   

The comparable worth approach is a radical departure from market determination of wages. This paper considers some economic issues pertinent to the comparable worth dialogue and focuses on implications of comparable worth legislation at the state and local levels. We show that current sex differentials in wages could reflect voluntary labor supply choices and/or discrimination. We also discuss the reverberations of comparable worth and note that some women in an occupation targeted with a wage increase could be made worse off as a result of employer cutbacks. We discuss why state or local officials may be hesitant to adopt comparable worth and also offer possible explanations for their being receptive to it. The intent throughout is to provide a balanced discussion that will aid individuals in taking an educated stand on the issue.  相似文献   

目前,国内外对企业文化领域的研究,国外重点在于企业文化基因的研究,国内重点在于企业文化的应用研究.本文第一次提出企业文化轨道的研究方向,并就企业文化四个层面的发展与企业价值之间的函数关系进行研究与分析.首先,通过介绍文化与企业文化明确文化和企业文化的发展连续性以及可传承性;其次,通过建立一系列的企业文化测量指标作为支撑,形成企业文化与企业价值之间的函数曲线;最后,将四层曲线——即企业文化发展的四个轨道,重叠在一起,发现企业文化建设过程中不仅有一定的层次而且有一定的动态顺序.这一发现将为更多的企业逐步走向成熟以及打造以企业文化为核心竞争力的过程中,提供科学的借鉴和指导.  相似文献   

江西区域经济发展的文化因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶滢  莫明浩  章定富 《经济地理》2007,27(3):400-403
现代市场经济发展的重要趋势,就是经济与文化的一体化发展,文化作为一种重要的生产要素和社会资本,成为经济发展的一个重要促进因素。江西有着丰富的文化资源,吸收外来文化使江西区域文化有着特殊的文化底蕴,而传统文化中的负面因素制约了江西经济的发展,无法形成良好的发展环境。为使江西文化在经济发展中起积极的促进作用,必须注重文化建设,加强文化创新,促进文化产业发展,重视企业文化和社区文化等人文环境的建设,实现江西文化与经济的良性互动。  相似文献   

生态文化:中国先进文化的重要前进方向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生态文化是人类社会一种重要的先进文化,是中国先进文化的重要前进方向。在中国先进文化建设中,必须大力培育和发展生态文化。这是落实科学发展观,实现经济社会全面协调可持续发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

This paper examines some of the experiences in information and knowledge sharing involving MERCOSUR firm. It finds that while technological collaborations by MERCOSUR firms are relatively few, located in low-tech sectors and taking place in an environment of little innovation, they are motivated by the need to 'fuse' their own knowledge with that of partner or to improve available information. Modes of governance vary accordingly, with equity or contractual forms being used for new developments and informal agreements for improvements. Govmments and business associations can be important facilitators of technological collaborations. The analysis of technological collaborations suggested that the better prepared a corporation entered an agreement the more successful it was likely to be. It also pointed out that where interactions were intense, well intended and transparent, included personnel exchanges, were properly assessed and involved receptive participants, learning progressed smoothly and partners were satisfied. Benefits of the collaborations included new patentable and non-patentable products new factories, as well as building trust between partners. Premature termination of some collaborations was the result of financia1 limitations unrelated to the success of the collaboration.  相似文献   

基于共享经济、企业战略导向与文化的互动关系,揭示创新文化对共享经济下企业战略导向的推动作用。从现有创新要素,即创新基因、创新人才与创新环境、创新科技与创新资源出发,探讨共享经济下企业战略导向对创新文化的需求。通过剖析我国保守性的农耕文化和自给自足的小农意识,反思传统文化的制约作用。最后,结合文化进化论,深入研究观念文化、制度文化和器物文化,进而建构创新文化以推动共享经济下企业战略导向的有效实施,促进国家和企业在观念变革、制度建设、技术创新等方面采取措施,从而实现共享经济及企业持续、健康发展。  相似文献   

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