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The first objective of this article is to clarify which model best captures the structure and trend of the influence of social origin on children's education. The second objective is to analyse how general conclusions on historical trends in educational reproduction change if we add mother's status background to the model. Six contrasting hypotheses are derived fromthe body of literature dealing with models on families' socioeconomic status. All hypotheses are translated into empirical models and their explained variance is compared. A pooled data set is used that contains data from the Netherlands, West Germany, and the USA. The Modified Dominance Model, that distinguishes the influence of the highest from thelowest status parent, has the best model fit. Regarding the second objective we see that adding the mother's influence to that of the father's does not change general conclusions on trends in educational reproduction. Over time the influence of both parents decreases continuously. However, the influence of the mother's education and occupational status on children's educational attainment is substantive.  相似文献   

This paper gives an introduction and overview to the often under‐used measurement error model. The purpose is to provide a simple summary of problems that arise from measurement error and of the solutions that have been proposed. We start by describing how measurement error models occur in real‐world situations. Then we proceed with defining the measurement error model, initially introducing the multivariate form of the model, and then, starting with the simplest form of the model thoroughly discuss its features and solutions to the problems introduced due to measurement error. We discuss higher‐dimensional and more advanced forms of the model and give a brief numerical illustration.  相似文献   

曹野 《价值工程》2012,31(2):153-155
文章应用GARCH族模型对黄金现货价格的收益率及波动性进行实证研究,实证结果表明黄金价格日收益率具有"尖峰厚尾"和"波动聚类"的特征。通过TGARCH及EGARCH模型发现我国黄金市场存在非对称性现象,正的冲击对黄金价格波动影响更大。  相似文献   

马颖辉  夏冰  柴健  张军喜  蒋丽芳 《价值工程》2010,29(28):161-162
目的:了解河南省人口和计划生育部门各级各地科技档案信息化建设状况,针对科技档案信息化建设中存在的问题提出对策和建议,为政府制定科技档案信息化建设提供理论依据。方法:采用定性研究方法对项目县分管领导进行个人深入访谈。结果:计划生育科技档案信息化建设无明确统一标准;科技档案信息化建设经费不到位、人员短缺,重视硬件建设,相对轻视人才培养,项目县的科技档案工作不仅数量少,规模小,而且还极其分散;信息化程度不高,科技档案信息利用率和可及率低。结论:河南省人口和计划生育部门各级各地科技档案信息化建设状况不容乐观。  相似文献   

徐舒 《价值工程》2011,30(9):215-215
随着社会经济的发展,我国家庭旅馆取得了迅速的发展,但仍处于发展初期。本文运用波特五力模型分析北戴河家庭旅馆的行业发展状况和竞争态势,并提出规范化、差异化与战略联盟的竞争战略。  相似文献   

Nonlinear relationships in structural equation analysis became moreinteresting for applied researchers since the implementation of nonlinearconstraints in software programs (i.e., LISREL). This article provides acomprehensive application of the expectancy × value part of the Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1991) including interactions of latent variables.The main purpose of the study is to overcome limitations of similarprevious analyses of Baumgartner and Bagozzi (1995) and Yang Jonsson (1997,1998) with an empirical example from representative survey data. Nonlinearrelationships of the theories' constructs (Attitude toward the behavior, subjectivenorm and perceived behavioral control) are analyzed one upon another withmultiple group comparisons and latent interaction models. Results confirmthe strategy to use multiple group techniques for preliminary analyses(i.e., detection of an interaction effect). With latent interaction models thestrength and the significance of the interaction is estimated under controlfor random measurement error. Parameters, standard errors, andgoodness-of-fit statistics are compared between three estimationtechniques (ML, GLS and WLS). Multiple group analyses and latentinteraction modeling detect a significant interaction for perceivedbehavioral control but not for attitude toward the behavior and subjective norm. Variations of the estimators of the perceived behavioral controlsubmodel is proved by bootstrapping. Further model improvements andalternative model techniques are discussed in the final chapter.  相似文献   

This study considers workplace ostracism as a source of stress and examines its spillover effects on the family. By integrating the work‐family interface model with boundary theory, we investigate the impact of workplace ostracism as perceived by employees on their family satisfaction by examining the mediating role of work‐to‐family conflict and the moderating role of work‐home segmentation preferences. The results from a three‐wave field survey of 233 employees in China indicate that workplace ostracism is negatively related to family satisfaction; this relationship is also mediated by work‐to‐family conflict. In addition, work‐home segmentation preferences attenuate the mediating effect of work‐to‐family conflict on the relationship between workplace ostracism and family satisfaction. The theoretical and managerial implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that family firms differ from non‐family firms with regard to aggregate measures of corporate social responsibility (CSR). We argue that CSR is a multidimensional concept that comprises several aspects, which range from employee relations to ecological concerns and product issues. Based on an organizational and family identity perspective, we argue that the effect of family ownership can differ across various CSR dimensions. Family firms can be responsible and irresponsible regarding CSR at the same time. We use a dataset of large US firms to test our hypotheses. Our Bayesian regressions show that family ownership is negatively associated with community‐related CSR performance and positively associated with diversity‐, employee‐, environment‐ and product‐related aspects of CSR. The largest positive effect of family ownership on CSR performance exists with regard to product‐related aspects of CSR. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

This study compares the effect of printed recruitment advertisements and recruitment websites on applicant attraction and shows how these recruitment activities interact with one another. Our results indicate that websites have a significantly stronger impact on applicant attraction than printed advertisements. We show that websites and printed recruitment advertisements have an indirect effect on applicant attraction that is mediated by employer knowledge. Furthermore, printed advertisements supplement the positive effects of websites and, thus, the simultaneous use of multiple recruitment activities directly influences applicant attraction. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Bentler and Raykov (2000, Journal of Applied Psychology 85: 125–131), and Jöreskog (1999a, http://www.ssicentral.com/lisrel/column3.htm, 1999b http://www.ssicentral. com/lisrel/column5.htm) proposed procedures for calculating R 2 for dependent variables involved in loops or possessing correlated errors. This article demonstrates that Bentler and Raykov’s procedure can not be routinely interpreted as a “proportion” of explained variance, while Jöreskog’s reduced-form calculation is unnecessarily restrictive. The new blocked-error-R 2 (beR 2) uses a minimal hypothetical causal intervention to resolve the variance-partitioning ambiguities created by loops and correlated errors. Hayduk (1996) discussed how stabilising feedback models – models capable of counteracting external perturbations – can result in an acceptable error variance which exceeds the variance of the dependent variable to which that error is attached. For variables included within loops, whether stabilising or not, beR 2 provides the same value as Hayduk’s (1996) loop-adjusted-R 2. For variables not involved in loops and not displaying correlated residuals, beR 2 reports the same value as the traditional regression R 2. Thus, beR 2 provides a conceptualisation of the proportion of explained variance that spans both recursive and nonrecursive structural equation models. A procedure for calculating beR 2 in any SEM program is provided.  相似文献   

在家族企业研究领域,社会情感财富自2007年提出后便获得越来越多学者们的认同和追随。目前中国家族企业如何进行代际交接以实现企业可持续发展是时代要求下的重要课题。本文回顾以往文献,通过对8家案例企业的深度访谈,进行多案例对比分析,并利用扎根理论研究方法论的数据编码技术,建立了社会情感财富5个维度的传承路径与路障理论模型。研究发现:通过家族培养、公司治理、家族鞭策、家族决策,家族成员拥有对企业的控制权和影响力;家族通过培养家族归属感和自我效能感来培养家族成员对企业的认同;家族通过创设实践共同体、拓展重构在代际传承过程中传递并保持紧密的社会关系;家族通过关系管理以及权威治理凝聚家族情感,维系家族成员间情感依恋;家族通过构筑共同愿景、设计传承模式以及家庭教育实现跨代传承意愿。此外,权威路障、情感路障、制度路障、市场路障等4类路障会影响社会情感财富在家族企业中的传承。  相似文献   

The present study extends knowledge of the performance consequences of workgroup diversity climate. Building upon Kopelman, Brief, and Guzzo's ( 1990 ) climate model of productivity, we introduce workgroup discrimination as a behavioral mediator that explains the positive effects of diversity climate on workgroup performance. In addition, we investigate group size as a moderator upon which this mediated relationship depends. We test these moderated‐mediated propositions using a split‐sample design and data from 248 military workgroups comprising 8,707 respondents. Findings from structural equation modeling reveal that diversity climate is consistently positively related to workgroup performance and that this relationship is mediated by discrimination. Results yield a pattern of moderated mediation, in that the indirect relationship between workgroup diversity climate (through perceptions of workgroup discrimination) and group performance was more pronounced in larger than in smaller workgroups. These results illustrate that discrimination and group size represent key factors in determining how a diversity climate is associated with group performance and, thus, have significant implications for research and practice. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Drawing on conservation of resources theory, this study examined the link between negative mentoring experiences (i.e., interpersonal problems) perceived by mentors and their work‐family conflict (WFC) by focusing on the mediating role of emotional exhaustion and the moderating role of revenge. The results of a field survey of 187 mentors in China supported all of our hypotheses, indicating that interpersonal problems perceived by mentors were positively related to their WFC. This relationship was also found to be mediated by the mentors’ emotional exhaustion. In addition, revenge against protégés was found to moderate the main effect of interpersonal problems on emotional exhaustion and the indirect effect of interpersonal problems on WFC. Specifically, revenge exacerbated the positive relationship between interpersonal problems and emotional exhaustion. Further, emotional exhaustion mediated the indirect effect of interpersonal problems on WFC when the level of revenge was high, but not when it was low. The findings of this study provide insightful theoretical contributions and managerial implications that indicate new directions for research related to mentoring and work‐family relationships. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In recent years, both quality management practices (QMP) and knowledge transfer (KT) have been studied extensively from inter-organisational and intra-organisational perspectives. However, to the best of our knowledge, the interaction between QMP and KT in a supply chain and their joint effects on organisational performance have not been addressed fully. The purpose of this paper is to provide insights for improving performance by mapping the relationship between supply chain quality management practices (SCQMP) and KT. A survey of 157 Chinese manufacturing firms is used to test a conceptual model that proposes relationship among SCQMP, KT and organisational performance (including operational performance and innovation performance). Structural equation modelling reveals that internal QMP have significantly positive effect on internal KT, while QMP at supply chain level have highly positive effect on cross-organisational KT. Furthermore, the results show that both internal KT and cross-organisational KT can promote operational and innovation performance, although the influence from internal KT is much more significant than cross-organisational KT for Chinese firms. The findings contribute to theory as well as practice by increasing understanding of how to improve the operational and innovation performance through enhancing SCQMP and KT.  相似文献   


We empirically examine the heterogeneity in the effects of multiple dimensions of distance on trade across detailed product groups. Using finite mixture modelling on bilateral trade data at the three-digit Standard International Trade Classification level, we endogenously group product categories into an a priori unknown number of segments based on estimated coefficients of multiple dimensions of distance in the gravity equation. We find that institutional distance, belonging to the same trade bloc and especially geographical distance are crucial and distinct factors for classifying commodities into homogeneous product groups.  相似文献   

Borgers  Natacha  Sikkel  Dirk  Hox  Joop 《Quality and Quantity》2004,38(1):17-33
Social researchers increasingly survey children and young adolescents.They are convinced that information about perspectives, attitudes, and behaviors of childrenshould be collected from the children themselves. Methodological expertise on surveying childrenis still scarce, and researchers rely on ad-hoc knowledge from fields such as child psychiatry and educationaltesting, or on methodological knowledge on surveying adults. Regarding adults, empirical evidenceshows that respondent characteristics (cognitive abilities) as well asquestion characteristics (question difficulty) affect response quality.This study reports on a methodological survey experiment on theeffect of negatively formulated questions, the number of response options and offeringa neutral midpoint as response option question characteristics on the reliability of theresponses, using children and young adolescents as respondents.The study shows no effects of negatively formulated questions onthe reliability measures, although children respond consistently differently on negativelyformulated questions than on positively formulated questions. Taking all results on the effectsof number of response options and offering a neutral midpoints on the different reliabilitymeasures into consideration; it would appear that offering about four responseoptions is optimal with children as respondents.  相似文献   

Human resource policies and practices must consider the issues associated with an aging workforce, and, more specifically, the stress experienced by those involved in caring for elders. This study examined such stress by studying the relationship between work–elder caregiving conflict and well‐being, as well as the role of perceived financial need in moderating that relationship. The sample included 583 women who worked full‐time and had significant elder caregiving responsibilities. The analysis showed that work interfering with caregiving (WIC) was significantly associated with both positive and negative affect, but caregiving interfering with work (CIW) was not significantly associated with either. Perceived financial need decreased older women's psychological well‐being and moderated the relationship between work–elder caregiving conflict and psychological well‐being such that the negative effect of WIC was stronger for older women with higher perceived financial need, while CIW decreased the well‐being of older women with lower perceived financial need but not for those with higher need. The results stress the importance of considering elder care as a source of work‐family conflict when managing the aging workforce as well as suggest a way to attenuate the negative effect of work‐family conflict by managing the perception of financial resources and needs of the employees. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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