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文章以可压缩堆积模型为基础,计算了水泥-粉煤灰-硅灰三元体系的堆积密实度。并通过三元体系的硬化浆体抗压强度试验,探讨了不同的龄期、水胶比和细度下的密实效应与硬化浆体抗压强度之间的相关性。  相似文献   

本文依据热传导理论及有限单元法,通过建立中空玻璃微球填充水泥复合材料的有限元模型,利用有限元法来研究其热行为.通过设定模型边缘的温度条件,采用有限元软件ABAQUS模拟二维单元的热传递.研究了微珠壁厚对复合材料有效热导率的影响.数值计算结果表明,当中空玻璃微珠的体积分数、水泥基体导热系数、微珠导热系数一定时.微珠水泥基复合材料的等效导热系数Keff随着微珠壁厚的增大而呈线性的增大.  相似文献   

介绍了水泥基渗透结晶型防水材料的特性及适用范围,通过对该类型防水材料的作用机理的分析,得出了水泥基渗透结晶型防水材料优于传统防水材料的应用前景。  相似文献   

水泥稳定碎石基(垫)层具有强度高、水稳性好、整体性好、抗冲刷及抗冻性能强等优点,因此水泥稳定类半刚性基层是我国公路特别是高等级公路的主流,因此水泥稳定类基(垫)层的施工技术就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

在某条高速Superpave13混合料施工过程中现场随机抽取试样,通过抽提试验确定混合料的级配。在混合料铺筑完成后次日现场取芯分析路面压实度,同时采用铺砂法确定路面构造深度(TD),采用多元非线性回归法分析构造深度与级配关系,并在路面通车半年、一年后对路面构造深度进行测试,分析构造深度随时间衰变规律。通过分析得知在施工过程中路面压实度满足要求的情况下,级配与构造深度有着很好的相关性。同一公路不同路段,由于交通量的差异,导致构造深衰变规律有一定的差异,在排除交通轴载对构造深度的影响因素后,构造深度随时间有着很好的相关性。  相似文献   

水泥、添加剂、超轻骨料、混合材、玻璃纤维网格布和水是进行水泥基复合材料保温板生产的原材料,需要经过制浆、搅拌、碾压、挂浆、养护、切割等多个步骤才能制成一块合格的保温板。水泥基复合材料保温板有很多特点,如防火性能高、保温隔热性能好、不容易摔碎变形、无毒无害并且使用时间较为长久。因为水泥基复合材料保温板的发展前景比较好,本文将对水泥基复合材料保温板的生产与应用进行简要的分析与阐述,希望能够对建筑行业有所帮助。  相似文献   

深层水泥搅拌桩是一项软基处理的新技术,水泥搅拌桩在软基工程施工中分别对准备阶段、施工阶段、检测阶段的质量控制措施做了一点探讨。  相似文献   

本文在分析水泥搅拌桩在水利工程中成桩机理的基础上,阐述了水泥搅拌桩处理软土地基的施工方案、施工准备及质量检验措施,供类似工程参考。  相似文献   

文章研究了水泥剂量、养护龄期和含水量对无侧限抗压强度的影响规律,通过不同影响因素的研究,结果表明:水泥剂量并不是越多越好,其最佳掺量在5%左右,养护龄期虽然对抗压强度有影响,但是影响效果不明显。  相似文献   

本文开创性地以能力成熟度模型为参照分析高校科技活动的任务,并将工程网络技术应用于校企合作这一系统化工程,以获取相应关键路径,从而为学校科技管理机构顶层设计提供依据。  相似文献   

文章分析了泥质板岩的化学成分和矿物成分,并提出用生石灰和水泥改良的方案,结合正交试验设计方法,对改良后混合料的无侧限抗压强度进行影响因素分析,确定了压实度、含水量、掺灰量、泡水时间等因素对无侧限抗压强度的影响权重,从而为改良方案提出更科学可信的方法。  相似文献   

In developing countries, green consumption is still in its infancy, and the institutional environment is very important for it. In the implementation of environmental policies to stimulate green consumption, environmental corruption may affect production cost or residents' environmental responsibility. This paper aims to reveal the impact of environmental corruption on green consumption, quantify environmental corruption by collecting the cases of China's Judicial Document Network, and quantify green consumption by constructing an evaluation index system based on Baidu Index. First, baseline results show that environmental corruption is negatively correlated with green consumption. Second, impact path test is carried out from production side, sales side and consumption side. In the production side, environmental corruption inhibits green consumption by weakening green products quality and environmental investment. In the sales side, environmental corruption suppresses green consumption by weakening sales expenses and market share of green products. In the consumption side, environmental corruption inhibits green consumption by reducing government information disclosure and environmental responsibility. Third, threshold effect test is carried out from the perspective of economic basis and human capital basis. The impact of environmental corruption on green consumption is not significant as per capita GDP is lower than 9600 yuan. As the per capita GDP is higher than 13000 yuan, the inhibition of environmental corruption on green consumption is weakened. As the average education is more than 8.14 years, the inhibition effect is significantly weakened. Fourth, this paper compares the spatial impact of different types of environmental corruption on surrounding green consumption by building a spatial Durbin model. Environmental bribery has a higher inhibition on local green consumption, and environmental malfeasance has a higher negative impact on surrounding green consumption.  相似文献   

In this paper, after reviewing the existing modeling approaches for reverse indicators, we opt for the use of the inverted Benefit-of-the-doubt (IBoD) model when all the considered indicators are reverse, as is the case with composite indicators related to social inclusion. Using EU data for 2014 we provide comparative empirical results using the IBoD model and three data transformations employed by previous studies. We also provide a thorough analysis of the performance of EU countries during the period 2011–2020 in terms of the composite indicator obtained from the IBoD model. Our empirical results indicate that relative performance across the EU has neither improved nor deteriorated and there is evidence supporting local instead of global convergence in social inclusion with certain groups of countries.  相似文献   

Human resource (HR) strength research has substantially informed an understanding of the relationship between HR practices and employee-level outcomes. However, a key unresolved issue is whether employee perceptions of HR strength act as a mediator or a moderator in the relationship between HR practices and these outcomes. A meta-analysis of 42 studies (comprising 65 samples and 29,444 unique participants) was conducted to address this issue. Results support the mediating hypothesis for all five employee outcomes: employee reactions, proactive behavior, burnout, performance, and perceived organizational effectiveness. Conversely, the moderating hypothesis was only supported for employee performance. In addition, we examined five study characteristics (the operationalization of perceived HR strength, research study design, industry, sampling strategy, and publication status) as moderators. Using this analysis, we test the robustness of our main results and identify sources of heterogeneity in the results across studies. The results show that the mediating hypothesis still holds under different study designs and contexts. Theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

基于知识的人力资源管理模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘振国  戚啸艳  周长江 《价值工程》2007,26(12):124-127
在综合评述知识管理与人力资源管理理论研究状况基础上,从知识的含义、分类入手,结合人力资源管理自身特点,构造出以企业知识和个体知识为基础的人力资源管理新模式,并从设计理念、运作机制及组成体系三方面分别进行了阐述,对人力资源规划、招聘与配置、培训与开发、薪酬管理、绩效管理、企业文化等五方面的管理措施进行了较为详细的说明。  相似文献   


This article considers autoregressive (SAR) models. We method to estimate the parameters of likelihood (ML) method. Our Bayesian by the Monte Carlo studies. We found the efficient as the ML estimators.  相似文献   

赵德海  王锋军 《物流科技》2007,30(4):123-127
东北老工业基地装备制造业作为东北振兴的重点,一直备受关注.但是由于计划经济的影响和自身特点所致,发展缓慢,在一定程度上已影响了东北振兴的进程.本文从分析东北三省装备制造业发展规模、发展水平、产值变动和劳动力变动着手,对东北装备制造业发展的优势和障碍进行了阐述,提出了东北老工业基地装备制造业创新政策及措施.  相似文献   

This paper adopts a contingency approach to the resource‐based view (RBV) of the firm and seeks to establish boundary conditions for the value of certain information technology (IT) capabilities. We first identify inter‐organizational alliances as a specific strategy context in which IT capabilities are particularly valuable. We then consider more detailed boundary conditions that can shape the value of these capabilities within the alliance context. Our study shows that firms with better IT capabilities can derive greater value from an alliance, yet this effect also varies across different types of alliances depending on an individual alliance's characteristics. Specifically, IT capabilities are more valuable for alliances with a non‐equity governance structure, as well as those involving a high degree of interdependence between partners. We highlight the implications of our findings for opportunities to advance the RBV.  相似文献   

高亚妮 《价值工程》2007,26(7):90-92
近年来,传统采购模式在价值管理中越来越不适用,暴露出不少问题。文中简单介绍了价值管理,以及其与采购模式的关系,并详细介绍了现行采购模式,特别是PFI(私人主动融资)采购模式在价值管理中的优势。  相似文献   

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