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郭剑华 《中国农史》1999,18(2):19-28
在批判地继承中国传统农业思想的基础上,孙中山顺应世界进化的潮流,力图把中国农业推上现代化轨道。其农业现代化思想是他整个“为中国谋幸福的革命学”的重要构成部分。这些构想对于后世特别是对今天改革开放条件下的农业现代化事业有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

经济学视角:日本农业现代化经验及其对中国的适用性研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
日本农业在农户小规模经营基础上实现现代化的基本经验可以概括为:第一,最大限度地将农户土地经营规模扩大到有效使用现代生产要素的最低临界规模以上;第二,工业和城市扩散以适应农民兼业和促进农村发展;第三,大力发展外向型工业以促进农业;第四,政府财政对农业高补贴;第五,充分发挥农协的组织化作用。中国推进农业现代化的条件与日本相比有差距。日本的经验有的对中国借鉴价值较大,而有的借鉴意义有限。借鉴价值较大的是以上第一、第二和第五方面,这三个方面便成了现阶段中国推进农业现代化的基本途径。  相似文献   

中国最早的土地管理文津中国的土地管理出现很早,约在部落内部生产产生分工之后。专职管理土地的官员最旱出现在夏商国家形成时刻。中国自古以农立国,农业是国家政治命脉所系。因此,五千年文明史上,很早就开始了对与农业息息相关的土地的管理。中国农业起源于传说的"...  相似文献   

理解中国农户家庭经营的变迁逻辑对构建现代农业经营体系、促进农户特别是小农户衔接现代农业发展具有现实意义。本文梳理分析了20世纪20年代以来中国农户家庭经营的变迁过程,探讨不同年代农户家庭经营的特征差异,揭示中国农户家庭经营不断融入工业化、现代化和大市场的总体趋势与演变规律。研究发现:中国农户家庭经营从自给自足向市场化的要素购买和产品出售转变,农户通过运用以现代机械和生物技术为代表的现代生产要素,大幅提升了要素配置效率和经营收益,但小农经营是中国过去、现在以及未来农业发展的一个基本特征;农户家庭劳动力兼业化程度逐步提高;土地要素随着农村劳动力的非农转移呈现集中态势,土地制度变迁产生的产权激励促进了土地资源的有效配置,以经营转入地为主的农户家庭的土地规模远大于近百年前农场的平均规模;在农业现代化进程中,农户通过生产高附加值农产品或扩大土地规模来优化家庭劳动力和土地等资源的配置,进而出现农户家庭经营的生产专业化和区域层面的产品多样化并存。本文还讨论了中国农户家庭经营的发展趋势,并结合研究发现提出了几点思考。  相似文献   

在美国,自20世纪70年代以来,本已衰落的农夫市场由弱渐强迅猛地发展起来。美国农夫市场的复兴与美国农业现代化进程中小农阶级的发展相得益彰,一方面,它拓宽了小型农场主的发展生存空间;另一方面,小型农场主通过农夫市场这个平台展现了对于社区、社会以及农业发展的重要性。而美国农场市场复兴与小型农场发展背后所隐含的理念转变对中国的农业发展无疑具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为建设好示范区提前实现农业现代化而努力──在辽宁省农业经济学会第六次会员代表大会暨农业现代化示范区学术讨论会上的讲话李军首先,我祝贺这次会议胜利召开,也祝贺我们农经战线的同志,在1995年和已过去的年代里,在农经工作方面所作出的贡献和所取得的优异成绩...  相似文献   

20世纪初期,世界农业传教运动悄然兴起。在采用农业技术和作物育种改良等科学手段来传播福音的思想指导下,受到专业训练的来华农业传教士们,将美国农业现代化经验结合中国本土条件,积极进行推介和实践。他们卓有成效地创建和发展了中国农业现代教育、培育养成农业科技改良的思想和实践、开展国际化农业交流、推广新型农业技术和改良品种等,这些都成为中国传统农业转向现代化征程中的又一源头。  相似文献   

中国式农业农村现代化是中国智慧和中国经验在乡村发展领域的集中体现,具有丰富的理论意涵。中国式农业农村现代化在探索起点、基础动力和发展战略上展现了鲜明的中国特色。中国式农业农村现代化丰富了现代化所具有的规范性含义,是乡村振兴、农业农村优先发展的现代化,是统筹效率与安全的现代化,是全体农民共同富裕、乡村社会全面发展的现代化。中国式农业农村现代化塑造了小农家庭和集体村社的现代形式,推动构建了城乡融合与生态和谐的新型文明社会,使传统农耕与乡土文明经由中国特色社会主义走向现代,是通向人类文明新形态的重要探索途径。  相似文献   

于敏 《农村经济》2005,(7):23-25
重农主义是近代资本主义经济学说,它的主要经济思想是视农业为根本,大力发展农业。自其形成以来,对世界经济产生了重大影响。本文认为,“三农”问题现已成为我国改革开放和现代化建设亟待解决的问题之一,古典重农主义的经济思想和政策主张对解决现代“三农”问题具有重要的启示作用和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

农业现代化是我国实行乡村振兴战略的一个重要内容,但是小农户生产在我国依旧根深蒂固,小农户所具有的生产经营规模小、收入低等众多特点阻碍着我国农业现代化的进程。在展开城乡大变革的历史过程当中,精准把握我国在小农生产领域的现实情况具有重要意义。对中国长期所坚持的传统承包农户展开研究,分析其发展前景以及最终的出路,首先对小农户的概念进行阐述,探讨了众多与小农户相关的理论以及思想;其次,对世界上的一些著名理论展开分析,发现它们对于中国小农发展的重要意义;最终得出我国小农经济在短期内不会消失,我国应该走多元化混合型发展道路的结论。以期对于我国农业发展道路有一个良好的借鉴。  相似文献   

In earlier debates on economic development, the agricultural sector's role was somewhat controversial. While dualistic models highlighted the importance of agriculture, the mainstream literature placed a greater emphasis on the creation of a modern industrial sector. Soon agriculture disappeared from the mainstream development literature to re‐emerge recently with a variety of multiple‐sector growth models emphasizing the key role of agriculture and specifically technology in agriculture. This article is an empirical cross‐country analysis of agricultural technology's role in economic development. Specifically, the hypothesis being tested is whether improvements in agricultural technology have a significant impact on long‐run economic growth. The results indicate that agricultural modernization has a positive effect on both measures of economic growth and human development.  相似文献   

被媒体炒得沸沸扬扬的"林木市场成熟理论"林木市场价格和市场需求达到最大,这是有悖于经济学常识的,不管从命名还是内容等方面看该理论都是个伪命题,经不起理论的推敲和实践的检验。在该理论的验收会上,实际上大多数学者更是强调了中国商品林发展要尊重市场经济规律,而没有给该理论太多的肯定。被媒体超常吹捧的"柏理论"不是一个孤立的事件,它昭示着多种歪风邪气,在本质上揭示了中国林业界浮躁的心态。  相似文献   

A country’s economic dependence on its trade with various other countries is often expressed in terms of trade values and shares. A country’s vulnerability to economic coercion by the countries with which it trades is similarly expressed in such terms. Using the recent issues relating to Australia’s coal trade with China as an example, we propose a better framework for assessing vulnerability to coercive trade instruments. We argue that the capacity for a given export trade to fund real consumption is a superior indicator of economic vulnerability than the simple value of the underlying trade flow. Our framework takes account of trade diversion, foreign capital ownership, the terms of trade, resource mobility, and capital and production tax rates. Using this framework, we demonstrate that the damage from trade sanction is far less than might be expected from a simple focus on the value of the affected trade flow alone.  相似文献   

[目的]建立休闲观光农业发展评价体系,评价新疆休闲农业发展程度。[方法]以新疆为例,利用问卷调查法确定反映新疆休闲农业发展状况的4个一级指标、10个二级指标、17个三级指标建立指标体系,并建立模型加以改进;以层次分析法验证该评价体系的可行性与全面性。[结果]一级指标权重值由大到小排序为:资源类型资源功能区位条件传统农业关联;二级指标权重值由大到小排序为:自然资源经济和社会资源可进入性休闲性观赏性对农业生产影响体验性可比性对农业文化影响对农业专业化影响;三级指标权重值由大到小排序为:生物土地与客源地距离气候水体民风民俗农耕文化农业科技交通条件文化艺术基础设施农副产品美食购物差异化程度农村人力民居民宅与周边资源距离。得到了交通状况和客流量,特别是新疆资源占据着当地休闲农业发展的重要地位的结论。并通过对该研究结论进行等级评价,得到等级为A,即具有全面性的结论。并对新疆地区提出发展建议。[结论]新疆休闲农业发展依托的是当地丰富资源。  相似文献   

The economic reform in Poland has changed dramatically both the income and social position of farmers. The competitive structure of the farming sector versus the monopolized-monopsonized economy, liberal agricultural import, and virtual lack o financial assistance from the state are the main features of the new situation. Specipc for the market reorientation of Polish agriculture has been the dramatic pace of the change. The paper highlights the background of the market reform in Polish agriculture, discusses accessible strategies and formulates some expectations for the future. La réforme économique en Pologne a modifié radicalement, à la fois, le revenu et la position sociale des agriculteurs. Le passage d'une économie de monopole-monopsone à une structure concurrentielle du secteur agricole, la libération des importations agricoles et l'absence virtuelle de route aide jinancière de l'État sont les traits principaux de la nouvelle situation. Ce qui est particulier à la réorientation du marché agricole en Pologne c'est le rythme effréné auquel les transformations se sont produites. L'auteur examine les stratégies accessibles et formule quelques attentes pour l'avenir.  相似文献   

In the mid-1980s, Tanzania adopted a programme for economic liberalization of the entire economy, including agriculture. After pressure from the IMF and the World Bank in particular, but also from most of the bilateral donors, agricultural producer and input prices were decontrolled, panterritorial prices were abolished, subsidies were removed and trade in agricultural products and inputs was to a large extent taken over by private traders. The international donor community promised that economic liberalization would provide a strong stimulus to Tanzanian agriculture, resulting in increasing yields, increased labour productivity, rising agricultural production and higher incomes. However, available data show that, as far as food crop production is concerned, this promise has not been fulfilled. Even compared to the 'crisis years' 1979–1984, labour productivity, yields and production per capita of food grains stagnated or declined up to the end of the 1990s. Some causes of this failure are discussed.  相似文献   

《Land use policy》1987,4(3):321-330
The role of agriculture in economic development is crucial in developing countries. The progress of Indian agriculture requires not only irrigation facilities, supply of seeds, fertilizers and innovations in cultivation methods, but also the creation of a sound, progressive and just land tenure system. This article evaluates the present system of land tenure in India in terms of its adequacy in providing a structurally viable base for agriculture. The main elements of the Indian Land Reform Policy form a balanced and coordinated approach to the problems of economic development. However, it must be pointed out that any more delay in the implementation of land reforms may eventually thwart the pace of economic development in India.  相似文献   

This paper represents an international, comparative, empirical study of the relationship between financial crises and real estate development, with a focus on China. We review recent major crises around the world from 1980 to 2014.We then discuss the ways real estate crises develop into financial crises (considering that most recent financial crises actually trace their origins to real estate bubbles). We also look at China’s current economic situation, and identify potential threats to the country's economic development by comparing it with other countries’ historical experiences. A comprehensive analysis of the relationship between real estate and finance predicts an upcoming burst in China’s bubble economy. We explore the deep-seated underlying Chinese systemic causes and characteristics that explain why China’s economic bubble has yet to burst and the possible financial consequences of the real estate bubble in China. Our findings suggest that a financial crisis often emerges from a weak financial system which is too closely linked to the country’s real estate sector. These linkages allow real estate crises to mushroom into financial crises. In turn, these financial crises balloon into macroeconomic crises. China’s current situation is extremely alarming, though the country shows remarkable resilience to crisis as the government seems to possess the tools and capacity to avoid a hard landing. The findings of this research advance our understanding of the consequences of China’s real estate bubble and sound a clear warning to China’s policymakers.  相似文献   

The signing of the Cotonou Convention in June 2000 established a new trading relationship between the European Union and African, Caribbean, and Pacific States. Negotiations to establish new trading arrangements have already commenced and will lead to the establishment of economic partnership agreements or other viable alternatives. In this study, the economic impact on the Senegalese groundnut sector is assessed for the case in which Senegal enters into an economic partnership agreement with the European Union, or into an enhanced form of the Generalized System of Preferences. The preferred choice depends on whether Senegal's economic status classifies it as a least developed country (LDC) or not, as well as on other external trading arrangements. Findings indicate that as a non‐LDC, the best option for Senegal would be to enter into an economic partnership agreement. As a LDC, the best option would be to move to the enhanced generalized system of preferences, thereby allowing Senegal to retain Lomé‐style trade preferences. Furthermore, increased development funding under the Cotonou Convention could help shield the Senegalese groundnut sector from adverse economic impacts arising from either trading option.  相似文献   

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