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这种凯夫拉 Kevlar 内裤一套两件,内裤“protective under-garment”简称PUG,可以为士兵提供基本的裤裆防护;外裤“protective outer-garment”简称POG,防护能力比内层要更强。  相似文献   

男性内裤结构设计作为男装设计的一部分,正朝着运动化、舒适化、时尚化、个性化几大方向发展,基于对男性内裤起势的原因,在调研基础上结合当今男性内裤发展趋势,提出如何合理地设计男性内裤。  相似文献   

Calvin Klein内裤广告又闯祸了!CK不知有多少次曾因为内裤广告的大尺度而遭受撤换、禁播,甚至曾在挂有CK内裤广告的路段引发交通堵塞。但其制造的"内裤风波",往往预示CK对时尚潮流的挑战和巨大的经济效益,并屡试不爽。不可否认,CK早期的成功主要仰仗于其创始人Calvin Klein及其团队出色的产品设计,  相似文献   

本文通过对当今国内外男性内裤市场现状的分析以及市场前景的预测,旨在对男性内裤市场进行分析,力求能够对特色品牌的前期设计、广告宣传以及后期营销模式与营销方法等方面对中国男性内裤市场在一定程度上起一个引导作用。  相似文献   

梁莉萍 《中国纺织》2014,(10):156-156
据国际卫生组织研究报告,一条脏内裤平均带有0.1克细菌,其中必定有沙门氏菌、大肠杆菌等病菌。由于个人清洗未必到位,随着时间推移,内裤残留的细菌也会越多,容易造成湿疹、瘙痒等。一般内裤不干净引起念珠性阴道炎患者相对多见,这是因为阴部温度、湿度本来就高,极易滋生念珠菌生长、繁殖,这就跟内衣的好坏与健康息息相关。从目前内衣采用的材料,化纤内裤透气性和吸湿性比较差,容易滋生细菌,尽管价格便宜,但对健康极为不利。  相似文献   

PANZZ为韩国新窜起之当红卡通肖像,由于没事就喜欢把内裤戴在头上趴趴走,网友也叫他“内裤狗”。努力玩耍的可爱小狗狗。自称是电影明星,外表上看起来似乎很善良双很乖,但实际上他不喜欢人家模仿他,所以时常喜欢做出一些怪事或意想不到的行为(例如用放屁来击破砖块)。好奇心很重,又喜欢模仿别人的动作,最大坏习惯就是不喜欢把内裤穿在该穿的地方,而喜欢把内裤戴在头上。  相似文献   

现在的女生中间流传着这么一句话:嫁个好男人可以减少20年的打拼。抱着这种思想,只剩下内裤的中国汽车如同势利的女孩,眼睛紧紧盯着是大款或者伪大款的老男人,尽管身上仅仅剩下了一条内裤。内裤到底有什么用???我看见网络中流传了很多版本,我来归纳如下:1、打劫时可以蒙面2、在  相似文献   

产品名称产品规格报价单位产品名称产品规格报价单位艾芳时装内裤M、L、XL3一3 .50元/条儿童裤M、L、XL6 .50一7,50元涤爱妈咪内裤M、L、XL1 .80一2.20元了条艾涛内裤M、L、XL650一7.50元涤堡威龙内裤M、L、XL6一7元/条安妮芳孕妇裤XL、XXXL5一5 .50元/条创雅若女仕内裤M、L、XL7 .50一8.50元涤碧丹舒时装时装M、L、XL3一3 .50元涤蝶尔康女仕内裤M、L、XL7 .50一8.50元/条黛安娜文系列32.34.3616.50一17元价格雅妮收腹裤M、L、XL6 .50一7.50元/条港锋文胸系列36.38.407 .50一10元价红豆文胸系列32.34.368 .50一13元/个恒丝…  相似文献   

李夏 《中华商标》2023,(11):4-5
<正>一、基本案情被异议商标:■第53028941号“奶糖女神NAITANGNVSHEN及图”商标(下称被异议商标)由黄某倩(下称被异议人)申请注册在第25类“服装;针织服装;内衣;内裤;睡衣;塑身内衣;T恤衫;鞋;帽;袜”商品上。  相似文献   

注重内在美,可不光是女人的专利!虽然走进台湾男性内裤的专卖区,架子上几乎不脱三角、四角、子弹型等货色,花色也多为白、黑、花等常见的颜色,而就算你想要到街上的情趣用品店,买几条特别、具质感,平日穿起来也舒适的内裤,通常它们的质料和设计上的狂野呛俗,也都超乎一般人的想像,更别说自己要穿着它们每天上下班了。 其实,只要连上国外网站,就可以发现:男性内裤不仅在剪裁和质料上大有讲究,就连功能也区分得十分细致喔!除了一般俗称的「三角裤」,也就是最常见的  相似文献   

樊兰 《IT经理世界》2012,(11):64-65,8
无论你做着多么传统的生意,一间餐厅、一个连锁超市或是一家银行…不容否认的是,在过去的十年里,互联网实实在在地改变了你所处的商业生态。你建起了网站,购买门户或搜索引擎广告、  相似文献   

Designing and managing a company's specific landscape and its business processes has been identified as a great challenge for several years. Business processes are highly dynamic and distributed and can only rarely be planned, modeled and analyzed completely. For a computer-aided business process system, which supports the designing and managing process, first of all a powerful uniform formalism is necessary, where all necessary knowledge concerning company's and its processes can be represented. In this paper we will concentrate on the introduction of such a formal methodology to describe business processes, company organization structures and information technology structures in one uniform formalism. The ideas we use are mainly based on methods from graph grammars, process management, Artificial Intelligence and business process (re)engineering.  相似文献   

为满足企业发展和质量管理提升需要,兰州石化分公司根据重组后的质量管理现状,从业务整合入手,建立了专业化、扁平化、一体化运行的质量管理新机制;通过导入“零缺陷”、“精细化”等管理思想和方法,推进卓越绩效管理模式,推进质量管理从符合向卓越型转变。从产品质量管理向企业质量经营转变,以全员、全过程、全方位管理为基本原则,以过程管理为基本方法,以质量攻关和QC小组活动为基本手段,以PDCA循环和持续改进为基本法则,建立了完整的质量指标体系和绩效评价体系,并有效应用于企业管理的全过程,企业质量经营绩效和客户满意水平大幅改进,达到行业领先水平。  相似文献   

商业模式体系重构   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
商业模式从根本上讲是企业价值创造的逻辑。基于此种认识,笔者提出了商业模式的“3-4-8”的构成体系。“3-4-8”构成体系实质是一种从“远—中—近”三个层次对商业模式进行全面考察的立体架构。根据模块化的思想,商业模式变革可以遵循的三种基本路径:基于价值模块的商业模式变革路径、基于界面规则的商业模式变革路径、基于二者混合的商业模式变革路径。在三种基本路径的基础上,商业模式变革可以进一步分为四种类型:完善型商业模式变革、调整型商业模式变革、改变型商业模式变革、重构型商业模式变革。这四种类型商业模式变革对商业模式核心逻辑的改变程度不同,分别适用于不同的环境动态性和产业生命周期。  相似文献   

规制促减贫:以公用事业改革为视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
减贫是现阶段我国面临的重大而亟待解决的问题。公用事业的民营化与引入竞争等改革措施对贫困人群存在直接与间接影响。为了促进减贫,可以实施恰当的公用事业规制措施,具体可分为亲贫规制与效率规制两类。通过规制促进减贫是一项复杂工程,在实施各规制措施时要考虑它们之间存在的权衡。最后,文章阐释了规制促减贫对我国公用事业改革与规制的启示。  相似文献   

On a daily basis, we are bombarded with the news of yet another mega–merger. The business press generally greets these announcements with breathless projections based on extrapolations of combined sales, earnings, and R&D spending, with little emphasis on whether the merged companies will be worth the sum of their parts. In this paper we examine patent analysis techniques for evaluating the technological strength of merger candidates, and explore the notion that the technological quality of the merged company may be diluted rather than enhanced. We will also use patent analysis methods for examining the market value of companies, to determine whether a merger target is over– or under–priced. We will explore all of these techniques within the context of a case study of the proposed merger between Glaxo–Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham, although the techniques can be readily applied to any merger within an R&D intensive industry.  相似文献   

刘琪 《IT经理世界》2012,(7):26-28,8
“支付行业正处在一个转折点,今后2年内的商业变革将比过去10年还要猛烈。” 3月中旬,全球支付巨头PayPal推出了一个新玩意“PayPal Here”——一种可以被插入iPhone和安卓手机的微型读卡器,只要下载相关的手机应用程序,这个蓝色的三角形设备就可以让你的手机变成收银机,相比之下,  相似文献   

贫困问题既是经济问题,也是社会、文化和精神现象,而农村反贫困问题既是我国经济发展中的重点问题,也是难点问题,是关系到我国社会和谐度和新农村建设成败的关键。文章从人力资本的视角分析了贫困的本质,论述了人力资本在反贫困中的作用机理,阐释了我国农村人力资本投资的现状,进而提出了基于人力资本视角的农村反贫困政策。  相似文献   

The importance of poverty reduction to the world development agenda has motivated greater interest in the geographic dimensions of poverty and food security. This special issue of Food Policy includes examples of poverty and food security mapping used to support policy development in agricultural and rural areas. The volume includes eight country case studies and one cross-country comparison that illustrate advances in our capacity to assess welfare over large areas and at detailed spatial resolutions. Poverty mapping facilitates assessments of the role of environmental factors on the broad spatial pattern of poverty and food security. Evaluating proximity and accessibility in welfare outcomes can improve our knowledge of poverty patterns and processes. Spatial statistics can enhance our understanding of geographic and neighbourhood effects on poverty and food security outcomes. The development of effective policies requires increased collaboration among stakeholders, researchers and policy makers in constructing and using poverty and food security maps.  相似文献   

Firms engage increasingly in open business models. While most research has previously focused on typologies or challenges of open business models, their specific antecedents have not been studied so far. We use data from eight open business model cases to explore this question and identify five main antecedents of open business models: (1) business model inconsistency, (2) need to create and capture new value, (3) previous experience with collaboration, (4) open business model patterns, and (5) industry convergence. Based on openness characteristics from the existing literature, we differentiate four basic types of open business models and develop an initial understanding of the relevance of the identified antecedents for each of them. We thereby provide first guidelines for practitioners in choosing the right form of business model openness for their company.  相似文献   

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