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This paper examines the tie between the popular black box neoclassical quantity-setting firm under demand uncertainty and a firm with a rudimentary but explicit employee relation organizational structure in which workers are offered fixed wages for following management directives. Surprisingly, the quantity-setting firm unambiguously mimics optimal employment relation hiring and work rules when the contract is incentive-compatible ex post. The attitude toward risk is shown to be the key determinant of whether or not the quantity-setting firm replicates the optimal employment relation contract when ex post incentive-compatibility is relaxed.  相似文献   

The groundzero premise (so to speak) of the biological sciences is that survival and reproduction is the basic, continuing, inescapable problem for all living organisms; life is at bottom a survival enterprise. It follows that survival is the paradigmatic problem for human societies as well; it is a prerequisite for any other, more exalted objectives. Although the term adaptation is also familiar to social scientists, until recently it has been used only selectively, and often very imprecisely. Here a more rigorous and systematic approach to the concept of adaptation is proposed in terms of basic needs. The concept of basic human needs has a venerable history – tracing back at least to Plato and Aristotle. Yet the development of a formal theory of basic needs has lagged far behind. The reason is that the concept of objective, measurable needs is inconsistent with the theoretical assumptions that have dominated economic and social theory for most of this century, namely, valuerelativism and cultural determinism. Nevertheless, there have been a number of efforts over the past 30 years to develop more universalistic criteria for basic needs, both for use in monitoring social wellbeing (social indicators) and for public policy formulation. Here I will advance a strictly biological approach to perationalizing the concept of basic needs. It is argued that much of our economic and social life (and the motivations behind our revealed preferences and subjective utility assessments), not to mention the actions of modern governments, are either directly or indirectly related to the meeting of our basic survival needs. Furthermore, these needs can be specified to a first approximation and supported empirically to varying degrees, with the obvious caveat that there are major individual and contextual variations in their application. Equally important, complex human societies generate an array of instrumental needs which, as the term implies, serve as intermediaries between our primary needs and the specific economic, cultural and political contexts within which these needs must be satisfied. An explicit framework of Survival Indicators, including a profile of Personal Fitness and an aggregate index of Population Fitness, is briefly elucidated. Finally, it is suggested that a basic needs paradigm could provide an analytical tool (a biologic) for examining more closely the relationship between our social, economic and political behaviors and institutions and their survival consequences, as well as providing a predictive tool of some value.  相似文献   

Summary We consider both Nash and strong Nash implementation of various matching rules for college admissions problems. We show that all such rules are supersolutions of the stable rule. Among these rules the lower bound stable rule is implementable in both senses. The upper bound Pareto and individually rational rule is strong Nash implementable yet it is not Nash implementable. Two corollaries of interest are the stable rule is the minimal (Nash or strong Nash) implementable solution that is Pareto optimal and individually rational, and the stable rule is the minimal (Nash or strong Nash) implementable extension of any of its subsolutions.We wish to thank Professor William Thomson for his efforts in supervision as well as his useful suggestions. We are grateful to the participants in his reading class, workshops at Bilkent University, University of Rochester, and in particular Jeffrey Banks, Stephen Ching, Bhaskar Dutta, Rangarajan Sundaram and an anonymous referee for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

Substantive and procedural uncertainty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Different sources of uncertainty are analysed and a representation of decision-making in principle consistent with behavioural evidence is proposed. The endogenous emergence of innovations, in the forms of unexpected events and novel behaviours is also examined.  相似文献   

The computer revolution took very long to pay off in productivity growth in the computer-using sectors. The relative wage of skilled workers, however, has risen sharply from the early days of the computer revolution onward. As skilled workers wages reflect their productivity, the two observations together pose a puzzle.This paper provides a micro-based explanation for the long diffusion period of the computer revolution. The general equilibrium model of growth zooms in on the research process and provides an explanation for sluggish growth with booming relative wages of the skilled. Technological progress in firms is driven by research aimed at improving the production technology (innovation) and by assimilation of ideas or principles present outside the firm (learning). A new General Purpose Technology (GPT) like the computer revolution generates an initial slowdown in economic growth and an increase in the skill premium.Acknowledgement I am indebted to Theo van de Klundert for suggestions and encouragement. Suggestions by Jan Boone, Bas Jacobs, Patrick Francois, Henri de Groot, Lex Meijdam, Niek Nahuis Sjak Smulders, Harald Uhlig and anonymous referees have contributed to the paper.  相似文献   

We examine behavior in a Coasian contracting game with incomplete information. Experimental subjects propose contracts, while automaton property right holders or robot players with uncertain preferences respond to those proposals. The most common pattern of proposals observed in these games results in too many agreements and, in some games, payoffs that are stochastically dominated by those resulting from rational proposals (which imply fewer agreements). In this sense, we observe a winner's curse similar to that observed in bidding games under incomplete information, such as the common value auction (Kagel, J.H. and Levin, D. (1986) American Economic Review. 76, 894–920) and the takeover game (Samuelson, W. and Bazerman, M.H. (1985) In Research in Experimental Economics, Vol. 3. JAI Press, Greenwich, pp. 105–137; Ball, S.B., Bazerman, M.H., and Carroll, J.S. (1990) Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 48, 1–22; Holt, C. and Sherman, R. (1994) American Economic Review. 84, 642–652). While the naïve model of behavior nicely predicts the winner's curse in those previous bidding games, it does not do so here. Instead, an alternative model we call the guarantor model explains the anomalous behavior best. Hence, we suggest this is a new variant of the winner's curse.  相似文献   

Smeral  Egon 《Empirica》1978,5(2):243-277
Summary The present study analyses the simultaneous problem of consumption and saving by means of a consistent demand system; for this purpose the linear—expenditure—system (LES), developed by R. Stone, has been modified and used as a methodological base. Saving takes, for the sake of operationality, the character of a consumer—good and becomes an argument of the utility function. The usual neoclassical assumption of utility maximization allows the derivation of a linear expenditure system of consumption and saving (LESSC) when prices and income are given. The simultaneous LESSC-model has remarkable weaknesses, however: the assumption of certainty, the static character of the model, the disregard for major savings—motives and private expenditure on homebuiding led to bad elasticity—estimates. The assumpion of directly—additive utility functions causes furthermore collinearity between income—and price—elasticities such that the meaning of the derived elasticities is greatly reduced.The income—elasticities derived from the LESSC are positive throughout but show a remarkable variance. The calculation of the Friedman—bias demonstrates a rather strong bias due to the assumption of certainty. A modification resulted in income—elasticities of private consumption and savings of around 0,93 (unmodified: 0,88) and 1,41 (unmodified: 1,76). The demand for consumption goods of great necessity was income—inelastic whereas the demand for goods of less importance to survival was income—elastic. An analysis of income—elasticities of the disaggregated system and the relation between transitory components of consumption and income existing in Austria gave the impression that unexpected changes in income are not only reflected in saving but also in changes of the consumption—structure.The respective price—elasticites are all negative and smaller than 1. For less important consumption—goods lower price—elasticities have been measured and for easily substitutable goods higher ones. Marked crossprice—elasticities could only by discovered with clothing and food products. Generally it can be said that an increase in prices of goods of the daily needs hits both the expenditure on easily substitutable consumption goods and causes dissaving.A comparison with the elasticities calculated through OLS shows a greater reliance of LESSC—elasticities as far as data of differing aggregation levels are concerned.

Mécanique Sociale may one day take her place along with Mécanique Celeste throned each upon the double—sided height of one maximum principle, the supreme pinnacle of moral as of physical science.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungVortrag, gehalten am 7. Juni 1957 in der Nationalökonomischen Gesellschaft in Wien.  相似文献   

Neoclassical welfare economics still looms large in the discipline of public choice. Particularly, by constructing analogies of political competition fundamental shortcomings of old neoclassical paradigms found their way into a new theory of political economy. Especially the failure to deal with the problem of limited knowledge and with the role of institutions obscured fundamental differences between political and economic systems of coordination and control. Hence, I propose a non-neoclassical perspective, using Hayekian concepts like competition as a discovery procedure or spontaneous order to develop an alternative agenda for many fields of public choice. I shall first outline a critique of neoclassical equilibrium settings in economics and in similarly constructed models of democracy. Then various properties of economic and political institutions, the competition of ideas and institutional competition among jurisdictions will be discussed in an evolutionary perspective. Not surprisingly, these applications reveal some similarities to central themes of constitutional political economy.  相似文献   

The paper investigates a climate-economy model with an iso-elastic welfare function in which one parameter measures relative risk-aversion and a distinct parameter measures resistance to intertemporal substitution.We show both theoretically and numerically that climate policy responds differently to variations in the two parameters. In particular, we show that higher but lower leads to increase emissions control. We also argue that climate-economy models based on intertemporal expected utility maximization, i.e. models where = , may misinterpret the sensitivity of the climate policy to risk-aversion.  相似文献   

Collective action can take place at a plurality of levels. It has to be based on a constitution which defines the basic rules of interaction. Here, we are concerned with the problem of the constitutional setting of bottom-up formal institutions with a club nature. The pressure to improve the efficiency of services pushes local administrations to co-ordinate to produce public goods. This process has stimulated the birth of different forms of agencies or private companies with a club nature. The aim of this paper is to discuss the effects of institutional interdependence on the efficiency of this kind of collective action. In order to shed some light on this problem, the paper first discusses the problem of the relativity of efficiency to the institutional setting. A framework of analysis is then discussed to identify the main factors affecting collective action. Finally some evidence will be provided by a comparative institutional analysis performed on some case studies concerning local associational forms among communes in north-eastern Italy.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungDie Übersetzung der im Text enthaltenen Zitate aus Garniers Abrégé élémentaire des principles de l'économie politique habe ich selbst nach dem französischen Original vorgenommen. Alle übrigen Zitate, einschließlich der Kommentare Garniers zu Smiths Reichtum der Nationen, sind im Original wiedergegeben.Für wertvolle Literaturhinweise bin ich Prof. T. W. Hutchison und R. L. Meek zu tiefem Dank verpflichtet, desgleichen Sir R. F. Harrod für Anregungen und P. Sraffa für Informationen betreffend den literarischen Nachlaß und die private Bibliothek von J. M. Keynes. Selbstverständlich bin ich für die in der vorliegenden Arbeit vertretenen Ansichten allein verantwortlich.  相似文献   

The paper compares the relative efficiency of country models in the relationship between finance and investments. Results, confirmed under three different panel data estimates (Arellano-Bond GMM method, random and fixed effect estimates) suggest that: i) the UK thick market reduces informational asymmetries for large firms and for those firms providing good signals to shareholders; ii) the Japanese vertical (between firms and banks) integration and horizontal (among firms) integration almost eliminates financial constraints (the horizontal integration effect) and equates agency costs across firms (the vertical integration effect). These results are consistent with the short-termist hypothesis which assumes that the Japanese economic system can process information more efficiently reducing managerial myopic behaviour and thereby determining positive effects on long term growth.  相似文献   

In general, synergies across license valuations complicate the auction design process. Theory suggests that a simple (i.e., non-combinatorial) auction will have difficulty in assigning licenses efficiently in such an environment. This difficulty increases with increases in fitting complexity. In some environments, bidding may become mutually destructive. Experiments indicate that a properly designed combinatorial auction is superior to a simple auction in terms of economic efficiency and revenue generation in bidding environments with a low amount of fitting complexity. Concerns that a combinatorial auction will cause a threshold problem are not borne out when bidders for small packages can communicate.  相似文献   

Coordination as a Criterion for Economic “Goodness”   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Welfare economics requires a criterion for economic goodness in regard to a society. Unlike conventional criteria, coordination (among independent decisionmakers) does not violate methodological individualism. The coordination criterion can be objectively deployed to judge events or policies, referring only to the given preference rankings of relevant individuals, given their initial positions. An important variant refers not to the attained (or unattained) state of achieved coordination, but to the ability of events or policies to affect the process through which a better-coordinated state may be approached. Several implications of the coordination criterion are explored.  相似文献   

Summary In the present paper we explore the set of equilibria in a game-theoretic model in which players can jointly exploit a productive asset. As in repeated games, we find that under certain circumstances there may be efficient as well as inefficient equilibria. In the model we study, efficient trigger-strategy equilibria may exist from some starting states (stocks of assets) but not others. More precisely, there is a stock level, sayy, such that an efficient trigger-strategy equilibrium exists from starting stocks greater than or equal toy, but not from those strictly less thany. (This statement is meant to include the cases in whichy is zero or infinite.) Under some circumstances, there may exist a new kind of equilibrium, which we call aswitching equilibrium. We show that, in our model, whenever y is positive (and finite), there is an open intervalI with upper endpoint y such that, from any starting stock inI there is an equilibrium of the dynamic game with the following structure: the players follow an inefficient but growing path until the stock reaches the levely, and then follow an (efficient) trigger strategy after that. The use of a continuous-time model enables us to conveniently decouple the delay of information from the time interval between decisions.We thank the C. V. Starr Center at New York University for research support. The views expressed here are those of the authors, and not necessarily those of AT&T Bell Laboratories.  相似文献   

Summary SupposeY n is a sequence of i.i.d. random variables taking values in Y, a complete, separable, non-finite metric space. The probability law indexed by, is unknown to a Bayesian statistician with prior, observing this process. Generalizing Freedman [8], we show that generically (i.e., for a residual family of (,) pairs) the posterior beliefs do not weakly converge to a point-mass at the true. Furthermore, for every open setG , generically, the Bayesian will attach probability arbitrarily close to one toG infinitely often. The above result is applied to a two-armed bandit problem with geometric discounting where armk yields an outcome in a complete, separable metric spaceY k. If the infimum of the possible rewards from playing armk is less than the infimum from playing armk', then armk is (generically) chosen only finitely often. If the infimum of the rewards are equal, then both arms are played infinitely often.  相似文献   

The usefulness of the public-choice approach for a better understanding of international organizations can be demonstrated by applying it to the analysis of the structure and functions of a new international organization, the International Sea-Bed Authority, established in 1994, after two decades of negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations, with the aim to control the oceans' mineral resources beyond the limits of national jurisdictions (which have been proclaimed by the U.N. Assembly common heritage of mankind). First, the reasons for establishing this organization, whose basis is the common heritage of mankind nature of ocean resources, are examined under two aspects: 1) definition and protection of property rights; 2) environmental control of sea-bed mining activities. Secondly, the organization's decisionmaking system is presented, including such features as the assembly, council with chamber voting, finance committee with decision by consensus, features that balance the voting power of members and protect those countries that bear the financial responsibility for the budget. Finally, some comments are offered about more general aspects of the theory of international organizations: the bureaucracy (and diplomacy) of these organizations as well as the interdependence among international organizations, which opens the way to forms of international logrolling and makes it advisable for countries not to exit from these organizations, even when they have no primary interest in them.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we consider Anonymous Sequential Games with Aggregate Uncertainty. We prove existence of equilibrium when there is a general state space representing aggregate uncertainty. When the economy is stationary and the underlying process governing aggregate uncertainty Markov, we provide Markov representations of the equilibria.Table of notation Agents' characteristics space ( ) - A Action space of each agent (aA) - Y Y = x A - Aggregate distribution on agents' characteristics - (X) Space of probability measures onX - C(X) Space of continuous functions onX - X Family of Borel sets ofX - State space of aggregate uncertainty ( ) - x t=1 aggregate uncertainty for the infinite game - = (1,2,...,t,...) - t t (1, 2,..., t) - L1(t,C ×A),v t Normed space of measurable functions from t toC( x A) - 8o(t,( x A)) Space of measurable functions from tto( x A) - Xt Xt= x s=1 t X - X t Borel field onX t - v Distribution on - vt Marginal distribution of v on t - v(t)((¦t)) Conditional distribution on given t - vt(s)(vts)) Conditional distribution on t given s (wheres) - t Periodt distributional strategy - Distributional strategy for all periods =(1,2,...,t,...) - t Transition process for agents' types - ( t,t,y)(P t+1(, t , t ,y)) Transition function associated with t - u t Utility function - V t (, a, , t) Value function for each collection (, a, , t ) - W t (, , t ) Value function given optimal action a - C() Consistency correspondence. Distributions consistent with and characteristics transition functions - B() Best response correspondence (which also satisfy consistency) - E Set of equilibrium distributional strategies - x t=1 ( t , (x A)) - S Expanded state space for Markov construction - (, a, ) Value function for Markov construction - P( t * , t y)(P(, t * , t , y )) Invariant characteristics transition function for Markov game We wish to acknowledge very helpful conversations with C. d'Aspremont, B. Lipman, A. McLennan and J-F. Mertens. The financial support of the SSHRCC and the ARC at Queen's University is gratefully acknowledged. This paper was begun while the first author visited CORE. The financial support of CORE and the excellent research environment is gratefully acknowledged. The usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungNach einem in der Nationalökonomischen Gesellschaft in Wien am 27. April 1954 gehaltenen Vortrag.  相似文献   

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