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△文登市住宅工程处抓住机遇 拓宽市场 实现“四个转变” 取得良好的效果 文登市住宅工程处长期从事住宅建筑,市场放开后,他们抓住机遇,拓宽市场,积极由低层建筑向高层建筑发展,实现了“四个转变”取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

■我国住宅“四耗”严重建设部副部长刘志峰说,目前,我国城市住宅“耗地”已占整个城市用地量的30%,住宅“耗能”已占全国总能耗的37%,“耗材”、“耗水”的状况也不容乐观,住宅建筑用钢量已占全国用钢总量的20%,住宅水泥消耗量占全国总消耗量的17.6%。如果综合考虑住宅使用中的耗能和建材耗能,则住宅总能耗已占全国能耗的37%。尽管我国2/3的城市缺水,但住宅建筑耗水量还是占到了全国耗水总量的32%。■工程建设项目招投标将实行“分餐制”为进一步规范工程建设项目审批(核准)时有关招标内容的核准工作,国家发改委近日印发了《意见》,该《意…  相似文献   

铁道部:2007年铁路基建投资预计达2500亿元;《90平米以下住宅设计要点(征求意见稿)》被“叫停”;交通部:将广泛开展内河航运领域的国际合作;湖北:将注销262家不合格建筑企业资质证书;上杭:扶持建筑产业壮大地方经济;  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的不断发展与生活质量的提高,人们对住宅有着与时俱进的理解和认识,并对其提出了更高的需求。然而大多数住宅的同质化设计无法从根本上满足人们从“住有所居”到“住有优居”的需求变化。本文浅谈如今住宅设计的同质化问题,并从“思路拓展”、“文化赋能”与“技术赋能”三个方面,结合固始珑翠园的设计案例研究应用于现代住宅...  相似文献   

未来住宅规范应该如何制定?2000年小康住宅的目标是要达到国际水平。把国际高水准的规范拿来,让设计人员遵照执行就能建设成高水平的住宅吗?对于我国未来住宅建筑电气规范应如何制定,美国《国家电工法规委员会》一位委员讲了这样一句话:“我不想用任何方式把我们的经验强加于中国,也不希望任何国家完全接受美国的建筑电气规范,但这些规范对于其他国家确是一个很好的范例”。他建议我们认真研究一下“国际建筑电气规范”在美国是如何应用的,把美国建筑电气规范作为参考制定适应自己国家的条  相似文献   

基于性能的住宅建筑抗震设计方案既要技术先进,也要结构合理、安全和实用;既要降低工程造价,也要保证抗震设防要求和抵御地震风险的能力。基于性能的住宅建筑抗震设计方案应采用定性与定量相结合、理论与实践相结合的方法;应采用专家、技术人员和工人三结合;应符合现行的设计标准和规范的规定;应依据工程特点和功能要求,合理地选择建设场地和地基;应该选择有利于抗震的住宅建筑平面和立面布置、选择合理的抗震结构体系、处理好非结构构件和严格选用结构材料。  相似文献   

近年来,由于国家住宅产业化政策的引导和住宅市场的需求,我国住宅的生产工业化研究与实践已经到了迫在眉睫的地步,虽然住宅产业现代化与住宅的生产工业化得到国内同行的普遍关注,在行业的探索实践上也取得了很多进步,但是对住宅生产工业化课题的认识并非十分清晰,也缺乏对住宅生产工业化方面系统性体系化的研究和实践。提高住宅工业化水平迫在眉睫当前,我国正面临“十二五”建筑产业转型升级的关键时期。转型升级涉及理念的转变、模  相似文献   

曾经常有人说“住宅建筑工程是鸡肋,只能养队伍,保资质;高档次的场馆楼堂会所、高新产业厂房、智能化建筑项目才是肥肉,可以创效益,求发展”。今天江苏建筑市场还是如此?  相似文献   

▲湖南省建筑工程总公司 所属的潇湘建筑设计公司麦重浪同志设计的“蝶形住宅”方案,荣获了“湖南省93商品住宅建筑设计竞赛”二等奖,在数千名参赛者中跻身前8名。 该建筑采用一梯两户、套型为三室二厅二卫的设计中,以湖南地区的人文、地理、环境为构思的出发点,结合当今欧美最流行的现代建筑手法,同时揉进中国传统建筑和港台建筑特点,以过厅为中心组织室内空  相似文献   

上世纪60年代,“集成住宅”曾风靡瑞典全国,成为房地产开发商趋之若骛的一大热点。近几年来,瑞典再次掀起了建造“集成住宅”热潮。 据瑞典著名的斯堪卡土木工程和建筑承包公司(SKANSKA)住宅部经理马茨·约翰松向记者介绍,30多年前出现的第一次“集成住宅”热是在另外一种社会与商业背景之下出现的。当时,经过二次大战后20年的高速发展,瑞典变得非常富裕起来,人们对住宅的要求越来越高,这导致全国住房空前紧张。为此,瑞典议会在60年代中期通过议案,决定在10年内建造100万套住宅,  相似文献   

现代住宅综合小区智能化电气设计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现代住宅小区在很多城市已慢慢发展成为集办公与住宅为一体的综合性小区。分析住宅综合性小区的供电、综合布线系统、网络与通信系统、办公自动化系统、安全技术防范系统、建筑设备监控系统、管理信息系统和中央集成系统等智能化电气设计。  相似文献   

针对农村建筑节能改造设计中不同结构的附加式阳光间节能效果差异较大的情况,改良阳光间建筑结构形式并分析其温度场和气流组织分布情况,确定了最优建造方案。以河北省石家庄市某农宅为基础,对其阳光间进行开孔设计。在阳光间内侧墙面上开设不同半径和数量的通风口,设计12种不同的模型。结合Fluent模拟数据,对不同变量进行对比分析,研究不同半径和数量的通风口对室内热环境的影响,确定运行效果最优模型,对运行效果最优和效果最差的两种模型进行对比分析,进行通风口优化设计。结果显示,通风口半径为0.15 m,设置3个进风口2个出风口时,室内温度最高。研究成果可以为附加式阳光间的设计提供参考,可用于改进农宅建筑形式,提升农宅附加式阳光间的节能效益。  相似文献   

Rational Expectations, Market Fundamentals and Housing Price Volatility   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
This paper derives a forward-looking rational expectations house price model and empirically tests its ability to explain short-run fluctuations in real house prices. A novel approach to proxying the imputed rents of owner-occupied housing, as a function of observable housing market fundamentals, is combined with a housing market arbitrage relation to derive a present value model for real house prices. Tests of the rational expectations, nonlinear cross-equation restrictions reject the joint null hypothesis of rational expectations and the asset-based housing price model for quarterly, single-detached house prices in the city of Vancouver, British Columbia from 1979–1991. The model fails to fully capture observed house price dynamics in two real estate booms but tracks real house prices well in less volatile times, suggesting that prices may temporarily deviate from fundamental values in real estate price cycles.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the determinants of house search duration of consumption‐driven buyers and individual investors in different housing market environments. We use data from surveys of recent house‐buyers in “hot” and “cold” housing markets in the 2000s housing bubble in California characterized by rising and declining residential house prices, respectively. The average house price and the surveyed geographical area are the same for both periods. Expected house ownership horizon is shown to be an important determinant of the realized search duration in addition to commonly considered housing and buyer characteristics. We find a statistically significant positive effect of it on the time until purchase in both housing price environments for consumption‐driven buyers. We also find that consumption‐driven house purchases were highly pronounced in coastal areas in the hot market and inland areas in the cold market. In contrast, long‐horizon investment activity leads that of consumption activity in those areas. Short‐horizon investors, on the other hand, concentrated their house search activity in inland areas in both housing market environments.  相似文献   

宅基地置换工程的效益内涵及其量度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从理论与方法论上探讨当前我国大城市郊区宅基地置换工程的效益这一核心问题。界定了宅基地置换的定义,分析了宅基地置换工程效益的内涵,提出了宅基地置换效益的量度指标及估算方法。认为宅基地置换效益是包括政府与农民双重经济行为主体下,包含经济、社会和生态在内的综合性效益。只有处理好2个主体之间的效益关联,并使总效益最大化,才能顺利推进宅基地置换工程。可采用直接市场价值法和间接评估法对效益进行估算。  相似文献   

在中国传统服饰文化宝库中,传统面料可谓是一朵璀璨的奇葩,而我国丰富的天然纤维资源也正为这朵奇葩的产生提供了必不可少的物质基础。同时,现今人们对服饰生活的舒适与环保的需求,也呼吁在现代服饰设计中采用传统面料元素。本文通过对我国丰富的天然纤维资源、深厚的传统面料文化以及当下人们对服装服饰的要求等几个方面来谈传统面料在现代服饰设计中应用的意义,倡导在服饰设计中适当运用传统面料元素来体现时尚健康的现代服饰设计理念。  相似文献   

This article examines the effect of a change in housing consumption of various reference groups on predicted own house price. I employ a spatial autoregressive model and find that an increase in average house size of the eight nearest neighbors and the largest houses in the district has a negative effect on predicted house price, whereas the effect of an increase in average house size of the further neighbors (9th through 16th neighbors) and the smallest houses in the district on predicted house price is positive. This suggests that the “envy effect” dominates with respect to the nearest and largest neighbors, whereas the “basking in the reflected glory” effect dominates with respect to the further smallest neighbors.  相似文献   

Using a unique administrative panel data from Denmark, this article documents the dynamic evolution of households' financial wealth, the equity market participation rate (extensive margin), and the conditional risky asset share of financial wealth (intensive margin) over a 7-year period around a house purchase. We find that households' equity market participation rate falls during the year of house purchase. Conditional on participation, the risky asset share of financial wealth follows a V-shape around the house purchase. It decreases and reaches the lowest point 1 year before a house purchase, but jumps up immediately after. This finding suggests that of the three channels identified in the literature that are related to the risky asset demand after a house purchase, the debt retirement channel and the diversification effect dominate the liquidity concern.  相似文献   

In models of optimal household behavior, the value of housing affects consumption, savings and other variables. But homeowners do not know the value of their house for certain until they sell, so while they live in their home they must rely on local house price data to estimate its value. This article uses data from the recent housing boom and bust to demonstrate that changes in households' self‐assessed home values are strongly consistent with the predictions of a model in which households optimally filter available house price data. Specifically, we show that self‐assessed house prices did not increase as rapidly as house price indexes during the boom and did not decline as severely during the bust. A Kalman filter model nearly perfectly replicates these data. These findings have direct implications for economists studying asking prices during booms and busts, optimal default decisions and other key housing‐related phenomena.  相似文献   

Canadian Inter-City House Price Differentials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to identify the sources of intercity house price differentials in Canada. The results indicate that demand factors are important explanatory variables; a 1% increase in the income of households raises house prices by 1.11%; higher rates of anticipated inflation result in higher house prices as households increase their demand for real assets such as housing during inflationary periods; and finally, the fraction of households that are non-family households is positively associated with house prices. These results are in agreement with those of other countries.  相似文献   

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