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《诗经·蓼莪篇》唱道:蓼蓼者莪,匪莪伊蒿。哀哀父母,生我劬劳。蓼蓼者莪,匪莪伊蔚。哀哀父母,生我劳瘁。……父兮生我,母兮鞠我。拊我畜我,长我育我。顾我复我,出入腹我。欲报之德,昊天罔极。这几句的意思是说:那高大的植物是莪蒿吧,哦,不是莪蒿,是青蒿。可怜的父母亲啊!为了生我养我,你们  相似文献   

正常有人问我对自身价值和追求的看法,我说,"我的目标是一切为了祖国的需要""人生的价值在于贡献是我的信念"。正因为这样的信念,我才能将精力全部用于我从事的科学研究和事业上。说实在的,我满脑子自始至终也只容得下科研工作和试验任务,其他方面我就很难搞明白。一次,有人对我说"你当过官",我说"我从没认为我当过什么官",我从来就认为我只是一个做研究的人。  相似文献   

"感谢我的头发,感谢我的眉毛,感谢我的大眼睛,感谢我一双巧嘴,感谢我的乳房,感谢我的身体,感谢我所有的健康,感谢岁月,感谢这个春天……"王潮歌说。这种独特  相似文献   

<正>每次从荒原上回家探亲,当我临走的时候,我是多么渴望娘能送我出门,哪怕是送我到门外几步也行,可每一次都让我失望了。因为娘从不送我出门。在我的想象中,我是多么渴望娘能像儿时一样牵着我的手或是挽着我的胳膊,一直走到村头的老槐树下,然后与娘挥手告别,我就朝前走,娘就默默看着我,我猛一回头看到了娘被风吹起的一缕缕白发……可是,娘从不送我出门。  相似文献   

我习惯靠闹钟叫醒.前些日子,母亲来看我.此后每天早上我睁开眼睛时,总是发现母亲早已坐在了我身边,直至我起床、她才离去,为我准备早餐.  相似文献   

我是一名新兵,“新兵蛋子”的称呼伴我走过人生跨越之初;我是一名老兵,火热军营铸就了我钢铁般人生。我是一名新兵,褪去军装我熔进了金质盾牌;我是一名老兵,数年的质检生涯重塑了我别样人生。  相似文献   

"如果事实证明我活得没有我家人那么成功,并不说明我活得不好,并不是我糟蹋了这一辈子,我活得还是比较自由自在的,过我自己想要的生活。"  相似文献   

一个月月友供职于日本丰田,我问她为什么不考虑去欧美企业,她说她呆在丰田不是因为薪水,只是觉得太喜欢丰田的文化了,然后她给我介绍丰田的文化:“我是一个喜欢自由的人,不喜欢被人颐指气使的,我们经理给我下达一个任务,我觉得合适我就去执行,如果我觉得不合适我会和他辩论,他说过我了,我就去执行,说不过我,我不会去执行,经理白己就去做,等他做完了,他会告诉我到底谁的决策是对的。”  相似文献   

《宁夏审计》,是我真挚的朋友。 2007年秋天,我刚刚从县会计核算中心调到审计局,办公室主任手里拿着一本《宁夏审计》对我说:我向你介绍一位朋友,她就是《宁夏审计》,在我多年的审计生涯中,她像一位良师益友一样陪伴我,指导我工作,指导我学习,使我受益匪浅。  相似文献   

通过电视或者网络,我想在座的各位.对遥远的高密东北乡,已经有了或多或少的了解,你们也许看到了我的90岁的老父亲.看到了我的哥哥、姐姐、我的妻子、女儿和我的一岁零四个月的外孙女。但有一个我此刻最想念的人,我的母亲,你们永远无法看到了。我获奖后,很多人分享了我的光荣,但我的母亲却无法分享了。  相似文献   

Foundation workers, people who do the daily tasks to serve customers, have long been ignored and misused in the productivity equation. Every person in a company can and must contribute to improved performance. Equipping out foundation workforce with knowledge and skills via a team-based education and training process is prerequisite to their effective engagement in the business management process.  相似文献   

业务流程是企业的重要资源,如何有效地管理业务流程是众多企业面临的重大问题和挑战。业务流程管理成熟度模型是用于判断业务流程管理所处阶段、了解管理现状并分析管理弱点,为后期改进提供方向的框架体系。本文从初始、评估、改进和继承四个阶段构建了业务流程管理成熟度模型的实施流程:初始阶段需要组建模型实施的团队并实施培训;评估阶段主要通过问卷的形式,分析组织的业务流程管理水平;改进阶段确定改进工作,并改进配套管理体系;继承阶段主要整理并记录实施资料,进行实施后评估,制定再次实施计划。通过这四个阶段的实施,能够有效地分析并逐步提高其业务流程管理水平。  相似文献   

马飞  王炼  王小建 《物流技术》2012,(17):10-12
针对目前铁路物流企业在业务流程管理方面存在的问题,提出了IT与业务融合模型。在此基础上,给出铁路物流企业业务流程再造(Business Process Reengineering,BPR)的具体模式,并以西安某铁路物流公司在新的竞争环境下实施业务流程再造为例,对IT与业务融合视角下的BPR模式进行了具体应用。  相似文献   

文中就信用管理在企业管理应用中的作用进行了探索,阐述了信用管理体现了现代财务管理以资金管理为核心的经营理念,是降低企业经营风险的有效选择。重视和加强企业管理,及时与国际惯例接轨,既是应对国际强势资本竞争的要求,也是净化竞争环境、淘汰劣势企业文化的过程。  相似文献   

企业物流供应链管理系统的结构思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈戈止 《价值工程》2005,24(1):40-42
企业物流管理是现代企业管理的重要内容,企业要发展和壮大自己的市场份额,就必须要有强大的、灵活的企业物流管理为支撑,发展以自身为主体,以市场背景为条件的,具有现代信息流管理技术的企业物流管理系统。本文认为.企业的物流管理必须形成一条商品供应链管理系统。在这条供应链管理系统中。试图解决企业内部物流、资金流、信息流和商品供应流的管理问题,并由此提出了企业的物流管理供应链结构和物流管理的过程及整体框架。  相似文献   

Rodney  William  Brendan  Don 《Technovation》2005,25(12):1418-1429
The complex and dynamic behaviour associated with technology transfer business processes combined with the technological risk involved in the participating small firms, has led to a lack of business process definition and improvement in this area. Furthermore, the embryonic firms are highly individualistic with differing needs for assistance and development. There may also be a tendency to provide infrastructure and basic services with an avoidance of business process definition and hence, improvement.The aim of this paper is to investigate how potential business and management inputs can be used to define and to suggest improvements for two key technology transfer business processes, namely the technology licensing process and the business building process.A stratified pathway process mapping approach is used. This research approach includes semi-structured interviews with University Innovation Centre small firms, focus groups with Innovation Centre stakeholders and best practice benchmarking.The findings indicate that a modified processual approach can be adopted to define key business processes within technology transfer. Using this approach it is possible to show where business and management interventions can most effectively be deployed in each process.  相似文献   

Based on the business environmental literature and system dynamics, this paper develops a simulation model for managing the business risks derived from climate change. In particular, the purpose of this paper is to transform the valuable findings from the literature regarding climate change and corporate implications into an effective business management model with a broad applicability, regardless of the size of the business or the sector in which it operates. A methodology consistent with the basic principles of the system dynamic modeling process is developed, and a case study is designed to determine the level of completeness of the simulation model and its ability to address different aspects of business performance. To do so, three different scenarios have been simulated to analyze the reactive, proactive and inactive stance of managers against climate change risks. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

Over the last decade, our world has changed dramatically due to the growing phenomenon of globalization and revolution in information technology. There is tremendous demand on companies to lower costs, enlarge product assortment, improve product quality, and provide reliable delivery dates through effective and efficient coordination of production and distribution activities. To achieve these conflicting goals, companies must constantly re-engineer or change their business practices and employ information systems.In 1990s, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have emerged as an enabling technology, which integrates various functional (operations, marketing, finance) information systems into a seamless suite of business applications across the company and thereby, allowed for streamlined processing of business data and cross-functional integration. Thus, ERP systems provide an enticing solution to managers who have struggles with incompatible information systems and inconsistent operations policies. However, successful implementation of ERP systems requires active participation from senior-level managers from various functional areas so as to delineate its impact on the business level as well as functional level strategies.In this paper, we have endeavored to provide operations managers a brief overview of ERP systems and highlight its implications for operations function. Specifically, the objective of this paper is to give a broad based overview of enterprise resource planning systems. Using SAP R/3 as an example system, we discuss how an ERP system can assist in enhancing strengthening business strategy and making consistent operations decisions: process design, production planning and scheduling, inventory management, quality management, human resource management.  相似文献   

The article elaborates on business process maturity, which indicates how well an organisation can perform based on its business processes, i.e. on its way of working. This topic is of paramount importance for managers who try to excel in today's competitive world. Hence, business process maturity is an emerging research field. However, no consensus exists on the capability areas (or skills) needed to excel. Moreover, their theoretical foundation and synergies with other fields are frequently neglected. To overcome this gap, our study presents a conceptual framework with six main capability areas and 17 sub areas. It draws on theories regarding the traditional business process lifecycle, which are supplemented by recognised organisation management theories. The comprehensiveness of this framework is validated by mapping 69 business process maturity models (BPMMs) to the identified capability areas, based on content analysis. Nonetheless, as a consensus neither exists among the collected BPMMs, a classification of different maturity types is proposed, based on cluster analysis and discriminant analysis. Consequently, the findings contribute to the grounding of business process literature. Possible future avenues are evaluating existing BPMMs, directing new BPMMs or investigating which combinations of capability areas (i.e. maturity types) contribute more to performance than others.  相似文献   

从客观角度上来看,企业流程管理水平与企业内部控制管理效果存在较强的关联性。究其原因,企业流程管理工作主要通过合理调配企业现有资源,实现对各项业务的全过程管理,借此提高企业内部管理水平。不难看出,企业流程管理与企业内部控制管理之间存在相辅相成、相互影响的作用关系。为确保企业流程管理可以在内部控制中发挥良好的作用效果,论文主要结合企业流程管理原则,对企业流程管理在内部控制中的应用策略进行总结归纳。  相似文献   

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