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Although the great majority of UK farms are run as family businesses, the family dimension of these businesses is frequently neglected. There are nevertheless important inferences to be drawn from studying the farm family, its forms and functions, and the way that the family and the business interact. This calls for a multidisciplinary approach and the review attempts to draw together insights from industrial economics, social anthropology, history and rural sociology as they apply to the farm family business. It then relates these insights to considerations of the family development cycle, processes of inheritance and succession, roles of farmers' wives and multiple-job farming families. The literature review points to opposing tendencies within the population of farm businesses. Family forms of organisation and relationships may have become less relevant to farming at the lower end of the size scale but more relevant to the conduct of a successful large farm business.  相似文献   

面对油茶林大规模经营模式受到推崇而家庭经营模式受忽视的状况,以江西省宜春市为研究范围,基于抽样调查和典型调查的数据,测算不同经营模式的投资回收期和内部收益率,运用典型案例分析不同经营模式的特点和发展趋势。结果表明:油茶林大规模经营不可行,小规模经营才是保障原料供应的关键,建议完善现行补贴政策,结合精准扶贫,引导农户进行集约化经营,以实现油茶产业发展规划目标。  相似文献   

Due to consumers’ increased demand for leisure and farmers’ need for income diversification, researchers and policymakers have significant interest in topics related to agritourism. This study provides a supply‐side analysis on agritourism using Taiwan as a case study. Utilising a sample of 720,148 family farms from the 2010 agriculture census survey in Taiwan, we quantify the effects of engaging in the agritourism business on farm income, on farm succession, and on family members’ labour supply decisions between on‐farm and off‐farm work. An analytical framework that combines the doubly robustness regression model and semiparametric estimation is proposed to address the endogeneity bias. Results indicate that participation in agritourism increases farm income and family farm succession. Farms engaging in agritourism also have more family members working on the farm, and fewer family members working off‐farm, compared to farms not engaging in agritourism. Although agritourism enterprises are developed to meet consumers’ demand for leisure, our results show that they also improve the economic welfare of farm households.  相似文献   

目的 新型农业经营主体是推动农业现代化发展的重要力量,研究其生产效率及变化趋势、分析比较不同类型新型农业经营主体的效率对于推进农业高质量发展、促进乡村振兴具有重要意义。方法 文章聚焦水产养殖领域,基于2018—2021年全国429个养殖生产新型农业经营主体样本面板数据,采用随机前沿生产函数分析了全要素生产率(TFP),并分解其驱动因素。采用共同随机前沿模型比较分析了龙头企业、农民专业合作社和家庭农场3类新型农业经营主体模式的生产技术效率。结果 (1)增加物质资料、劳动力、固定资产等方面的投入对产出增长有显著促进作用,但增加服务投入并未显著促进产出。(2)TFP增长的动力来源是技术进步,规模报酬率的贡献不大,而技术效率和配置效率的下降对TFP增长起到阻碍作用。(3)龙头企业、合作社、家庭农场3类新型农业经营主体的技术效率各有特点,以群组前沿面为基准时家庭农场的技术效率最高,以共同前沿面为基准时合作社的技术效率最高,以技术差距比表征的技术水平衡量,则龙头企业技术水平最高。结论 建议加强科技投入,提升技术效率,优化成本投入结构,加强各类新型农业经营主体的联合与合作。  相似文献   

[目的]通过对农业经营主体可持续发展能力测算方法的研究及可持续发展能力的实证分析,为提高农业经营主体可持续发展能力及培育新型农业经营主体提供理论支持和经验参考。[方法]借助典型案例调查及官方统计数据,采用物质—价值流和能值分析法对农业经营主体可持续发展能力问题展开研究。[结果]物质—价值流实证结果表明,家庭农场、种植大户和普通农户的单位土地净收入分别为1.778 4万元/hm~2、1.153 1万元/hm~2和0.439 6万元/hm~2;能值分析实证结果显示,家庭农场、种植大户和普通农户的可持续发展指数依次为24.49、4.21和3.58。[结论]从经济效益和可持续发展能力的视角来看,新型农业经营主体优于普通农户,家庭农场单位土地净收入最高,有较大的发展空间,可持续发展能力最大。  相似文献   

The contribution which farmers' wives make to the farm business is typically overlooked and under-valued, yet the farm could not function without it. The paper describes the nature of the work done by wives on farms in the UK and Ireland as revealed by two recent postal surveys. Using data from the Farm Business Survey for England and Wales, it attempts to quantify some aspects of the work. It is suggested that farm wives may contribute 5 per cent of the manual hours worked by the regular labour force and 9–10 per cent of the total regular labour input on main holdings. Further, as hired and family labour is shed and farmers seek additional employment, the wife's labour contribution is likely to become more significant. Continued neglect of women's involvement may jeopardise the future of the family farm. The paper suggests how data collection procedures might be improved to give a more realistic picture of the wife's contribution.  相似文献   

从资源错配理论的视角出发,以森林猪养殖合作社和家庭养殖厂(企业)的案例为研究材料,采用归纳性案例分析方法比较其效率表现,发现林下经济的发展存在资源错配。合作社凭借其良好的社会关系网络,获取了大量资源,不断进行基地建设,却并不具有打开猪肉销售市场的意识和能力(初始销售能力的存量低),销售乏力下又扩大基地建设(没有提高销售能力的增量),形成了小而全的发展模式,因而产出是低效率的。而家庭养殖厂着力于市场开拓,不断回笼资金,最终走上了以销带产的良性发展之路。上述案例剖析,丰富了对资源错配理论微观过程的认知,发现资源错配的发生具有一定的逻辑起点,资源错配和低效产出存在一定的中间环节,并且二者能够形成负向反馈。因此,提出国有林区在产业转型过程中应发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用,以市场瞄准为先导,带动基地建设,培育具有自生能力的林下经济经营主体。对于经营不善的林下经济经营主体,应精简规模,整合资源,着力培育市场。  相似文献   

测算农村减贫成效并考察减贫成效的影响因素对我国打赢"脱贫攻坚战"具有重要的现实意义。本文基于覆盖我国东、中、西和东北四大地区的CFPS调查数据,在Quah(1997)的分布动态学(Distribution dynamics)基础上构建了完整的减贫成效分析框架。首先测算出各地区农村家庭贫困内部状态的Markov转移概率矩阵,并在此基础上构建了可分解的绝对、相对减贫指数,以综合考察各地区的农村减贫成效,随后本文通过首次构造的"条件Markov模型"进一步考察了减贫成效的影响因素。研究结果发现:(1)样本考察期内,我国各地区的农村贫困状况随着时间的积累逐渐变好,贫困发生率均有所下降;(2)减贫过程中仍存在着脱贫又返贫的现象,农村家庭的深度贫困固化问题比轻度贫困问题更加严重,意味着扶贫开发工作正式进入攻坚时期,扶贫难度加大;(3)家庭成年成员特征、家庭特征以及收入类型对农村减贫成效的影响显著性情况存在着时段和区域的异质性。其中,家庭成年成员受教育水平、家庭中是否有成员从事有薪酬的农业劳动、工资性和营业性收入对家庭的贫困状态变动具有更显著的影响。基于此,政府应贯彻落实精准扶贫,将扶贫重点放在中西部地区和处于深度贫困的家庭,另外应再调整和倾斜扶贫资源与扶贫政策,将提高农民受教育水平、增加非农业就业机会作为主要减贫途径,将促进农村工资性和营业性收入增长作为主要的政策倾斜方向。  相似文献   

当前,广东正进行新一轮促进粤东西北地区振兴发展的部署,而发展新型农业经营主体是振兴粤东西北地区农业的重要手段。新型农业经营主体与传统经营主体相比具有集约化、标准化、市场化和科技化的优势。文章将广东省欠发达地区农业经营主体划分为农垦集团、农业企业、种养大户、家庭农场、专业合作社和普通农户等6类,通过调查1 238个农业经营主体,评价其第一产业、第二产业和第三产业营收结构,分析不同类别农业经营模式发展的利弊,得出农业经营主体通过产业化经营,发展适宜现实情况和当地环境的经营制度,依托互联网和物联网,提高产品价值和利润空间,能更快地摆脱欠发达的经济地位的结论,并提出提高营商环境水平和大力发展物联网的政策建议。  相似文献   

目的 新型农业经营主体的创新发展是我国实现农业农村现代化发展的重大战略,通过对山东省3类新型农业经营主体发展特征进行研究,有利于以点带面,提升各类新型农业经营主体发展质量。方法 文章以山东省1 585个新型农业经营主体为研究对象,综合运用空间分析方法和地理探测器模型系统揭示山东省3类新型农业经营主体空间分异特征及其创新发展机制。结果 (1)山东省3类经营主体呈集聚型分布,3类经营主体的空间离散程度均处在高非均衡水平,空间分布结构的区域差异明显。(2)3类经营主体呈现“多中心,连片化”的空间分布特征,家庭农场整体呈“带状”分布,农民专业合作社和龙头企业整体呈“环带状”分布。(3)家庭农场与农民专业合作社在县域层面呈显著的空间正相关性,龙头企业在市域层面呈显著的空间负相关性。(4)生产要素、政府能力、劳动力质量、技术创新、产业结构、金融服务、电子商务和市场化水平共同推动各类经营主体创新发展,且两两之间的交互能对3类经营主体创新发展具有协同增强的作用。结论 因此,针对不同类型新型农业经营主体创新发展特性,采取多元化、差异化的发展策略组合有助于推动各类经营主体的创新发展。  相似文献   

The pace of technological advance in agriculture appears to have quickened since 1966 producing a dichotomy in the way agricultural products are produced. The production of agricultural commodities is being concentrated. Large farms are becoming larger and producing an increasing proportion of agricultural products. At the same time small and part-time farms are growing as a proportion of all farms, though their contribution to the economy in proportional terms is becoming smaller despite their large numbers.
Agricultural production is being concentrated among fewer, larger, more specialized operations, dependent upon purchased inputs, borrowed capital and more integrated with the food processing and distribution sectors. The benefits from such changes have been a highly productive food system, abundant supplies of quality, inexpensive food products and higher incomes for both those who farm and those who leave for non-farm employment opportunities.
Change, however, has come at a cost to the traditional structure of Canadian agriculture. For instance, a consequence has been an increase in the proportion of food being produced by farms organized as family corporations, integrated industrial corporations, family trusts and large proprietorships. Change has also meant declining opportunities and higher barriers to entry so that fewer people have the means to become established in agriculture. Greater mechanization and capitalization have meant fewer jobs in agriculture, and this in turn has meant a smaller rural population and the demise of some rural communities.
As farms become larger it becomes more difficult for subsequent generations to purchase them as the capital invested and credit requirements exceed amounts that can be paid for in one generation. The growth in organizational structures such as corporations or trusts which leave the farm business intact, beyond the life of the proprietor, seems in-evi table.  相似文献   

基于2018年甘肃省集体林改监测课题组实地调查数据,运用DEA模型对4种类型家庭林场的经营效率进行比较分析。结果表明:甘肃省家庭林场经营效率整体偏低,不同类型间存在较大差异,经营效率相对较高的是林下养殖型和多功能型家庭林场;各类型家庭林场投入变量都存在不同程度的冗余;家庭林场的经营效率和经营规模关联度不高,更多受技术因素影响。相对而言,种养结合型家庭林场经营面积在0~6.67 hm~2和20~33.33 hm~2,多功能型经营面积在6.67~10.31 hm~2和24.45~25.80 hm~2,能发挥集约优势或规模优势。因此,提出加强对家庭林场主的技术培训;鼓励有实力的家庭林场进行规模化、集约化发展;鼓励种植型家庭林场等拓展经营内容;打造多种功能经营,打造品牌特色等建议。  相似文献   

我国家庭农场发展现状及其对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭农场是在我国农村现有基础上建立的,是新型的农业生产主体,是实行农业现代化的金钥匙。家庭农场的出现,既增加农民的收入,又可以实现农业生产的产业化。文章运用文献分析和实地调研相结合的研究方法,分析了当前我国家庭农场的发展现状,即我国家庭农场呈现出经营规模不同、经营品种不同、经营效益较好、具有市场竞争力等明显特征。家庭农场的发展面临大好机遇,但是也存在土地产权认识不明晰、资金短缺、劳动力缺乏等瓶颈问题。并提出明确家庭农场认定标准、引导土地向家庭农场流转、农民的技术培训、完善农业保险、政府给予一定的资金政策等建议,旨在为各地区制定发展家庭农场政策提供参考。  相似文献   

袁赛男 《南方农村》2013,29(4):4-9,15
本文通过梳理家庭农场等相关概念,认为家庭农场作为一种新型农业经营主体,具有家庭经营、适度规模、集约化生产、商品化经营、农业收入为主等五个基本特征;并通过比较家庭农场、传统小农户和雇工农场三种经营主体,发现家庭农场既把现代农业要素融入到了传统意义上的农户家庭经营中,又避免了雇工农场大规模流转土地带来的解放劳动力过多、企业运行风险累及农民、农作精细化程度不够等问题,是农业从传统农业走向现代农业的路径选择。  相似文献   

基于过程管理的土地信息系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究目的:为解决土地信息系统难以适应土地管理业务处理流程变化的问题,提出将工作流思想应用于较低层次的管理支撑层,采用面向过程管理的机制,定义、协调、监督和控制管理过程的土地信息系统建设模式.研究方法:对过程管理的组织模型结构和管理过程控制系统进行总体设计,并对过程控制中信息处理对象的流转、接续和客户端应用程序接口的代理(Agent)技术以及结合土地管理系统的具体开发实现等问题进行理论研究.研究结果:基于过程管理的土地信息系统有较好的灵活性、可操作性、可伸缩性及对动态应用的支持能力,研究思想在广州土地房屋管理信息系统建设中得到了实践应用.  相似文献   

家庭农场在推动农业经济增长、促进资源优化配置和推进农业现代化等方面取得了一定的成效,并逐渐成为解决"三农"问题、实现农村可持续发展的有效途径。本文基于湖南省99个家庭农场的问卷调查与实地调研分析了其创业现状:首先,湖南省家庭农场主群体以低学历中老年人为主、农场大多处于生存与成长阶段、创业动机以发现商机为主;其次,探讨了家庭农场的三大创业瓶颈:合法性约束、创业资源约束、政治环境约束;最后,立足于乡村振兴战略的新时代背景从农场创业生态系统、农场主创业者特质、政府行为规范等方面提出了促进家庭农场可持续成长的实现路径。  相似文献   

In a world of high food and energy prices, Africa has an imperative to do a better job feeding itself and ensuring that its people are food secure. At the same time, there is a new business opportunity to work with the private sector in developing the continent's potential to produce significantly more food, raw materials, and biofuels for regional and world markets. A challenge for African policy makers is to find the right balance between a food security and a business agenda, and to ensure that the business agenda engages with large numbers of small farms. Agricultural development requires many things, but the fundamentals for Africa are developing markets, increasing agricultural productivity, and managing volatility. This cannot happen at sufficient scale and speed without strong public sector leadership, enabling policies and investments, and well‐focused implementation strategies.  相似文献   

随着农业的发展,传统的农户模式已不能满足现有的农产品市场需求,新型农业经营主体的出现丰富了农民生产经营农产品的形式。新型农业经营主体主要包括家庭农场、专业大户、农民合作社、农业企业4种类型。新型农业经营主体优势在于更加规模化、集中化、市场化,符合现代农业发展方向。文章通过对家庭农场、专业大户、农民合作社、农业企业等新型农业经营主体发展现状进行分析,探究新型农业经营主体面临的阻碍难题,提出完善政府支持政策、加大金融扶持及提高农技服务等相应的措施。  相似文献   

Produce suppliers have raised concerns over retailer demands for slotting fees and other promotional allowances. These business practices have long existed in packaged goods trade, but are new to produce, which suppliers attribute to recent retail consolidation. Others argue that these allowances are consistent with the a competitive market, which is confronted with an enormous number of new products, most of which fail. Questions on the applicability of existing antitrust laws has limited their use. Eventually, the situation may rectify itself as more retailers adopt new business strategies that obviate the need for slotting fees and allowances.  相似文献   

Perspectives from business and academia on the relative importance of various skills and attributes were compared. The perspective from academia came from the University of Guelph learning objectives and the AEB simple and complex skills required for undergraduate majors. A survey of Canadian agribusiness firms, including governmental agencies, provided the business perspective. Different types and sizes of businesses were consistent in ranking the relative importance of the various skills and attributes. The rankings by business were also consistent with the hierachial learning objectives from the University of Guelph and the disciplinary skills from the AEB. The hypothesis that business and academia are more convergent than divergent as to what our students should know is supported by these results.
Both business and academia rank communication skills highly. Business ranks personal qualities slightly higher than communication skills, but universities recognize that they can only screen for personal qualities, as opposed to the skills that they can enhance through education. Relatively low rankings of technical, computer and quantitative skills and experience should not be interpreted to mean they are unimportant, but rather that they are necessary but not sufficient for entry-level employees to succeed in agribusiness firms.  相似文献   

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