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The paper aims to contribute to the advancement of our understanding of how strategy practice processually unfolds. It directs attention to temporal relationality, accounting for a philosophical contextualization of practice in the application of the lived experience perspective. As pointed out, practitioners entwine with activities that constitute a nonlinear fluid and open strategy process. It accords to future-oriented movements a dimension of a past, and a dimension of a future to past-oriented movements. What is crucial are not linearity, event, cause, and an entity that moves but present future-oriented and present past-oriented movements, chiseled out by nouns and verbs and their interlinks. Present–future and present–past orientations also account for the iterational, projective and practical-evaluative dimensions of temporal relationality.  相似文献   

文章以实测数据为基础,对热点地区的话务量进行统计分析,对CS信号覆盖情况。信号强度分布、CS覆盖层数进行分析,对各Slave基站相对于Master基站的相对时间差的测量,通过实际的通话路测来得到整个呼叫建立到呼叫释放过程中发生的无线事件的统计,并通过信令分析各种事件失败的原因,由此得出PHS网络优化调整方案,切实提高PHS网络的覆盖效果和用户满意度。  相似文献   

为证明知识产权制度的合理性与正当性,法哲学思想家们提出了众多的理论,这些理论的启迪与联系,成就了早期知识产权观念和知识产权制度的建构,甚且影响到当今国际社会政治或法律制度的确立。  相似文献   

Occupational commitment and occupational (career) entrenchment are two multidimensional constructs in the “early development” stages. The construct validity evidence to date for each multidimensional construct is constructively critiqued. Suggestions for building stronger measures of occupational commitment and occupational entrenchment are offered. It is argued that using longitudinal research designs and revisiting the nomological net can provide stronger discriminant validity evidence for each multidimensional construct. Finally, research simultaneously studying both constructs is needed. Preliminary work suggests that occupational entrenchment can be integrated within the continuance dimension of occupational commitment. Human resource implications for studying such occupational-level constructs are discussed.  相似文献   

We performed a systematic literature review to explore and understand how the 23-year long debate about dynamic capabilities has addressed sustainability issues. Based on this, we propose a unifying framework that distinguishes different facets of dynamic capabilities for sustainability (DCsS) based on the different types of performance they are more suitable to predict. The theoretical contribution is twofold. First, we add to the literature by highlighting the dependence of different forms of DCsS on different levels of the centrality of sustainability outcomes in corporate strategies. Second, we shed light on the operationalizations of DCsS by providing guidance on the adoption of pertinent constructs and measurement models. The review concludes with a discussion of the managerial implications of the proposed conceptual framework to help decision makers better understand, which strategic moves to make to achieve their intended sustainability goals.  相似文献   

As starting and managing a small business means both social and economic risk taking so is building a robust community a social as well as an economic endeavour. Such a community is a most vital context for entrepreneurship. If located in a remote area and if the environment is hostile cooperation is stimulated between firms and other community groups. Their success is especially ascribed to qualified community entrepreneurship, i.e. personal and innovative ways of building support for local autonomous entrepreneurs. An integrative approach to local economic development is illustrated by two successful, albeit contrasting, Swedish cases.

The cases are reviewed with the help of a conceptual framework that particularly points out the importance of local and global networking in both community and autonomous entrepreneurship. In a mixed economy such networks must be carefully managed and encompass linkages on, beside the market, institutional and political arenas. The very role of the community entrepreneur is to bridge these different settings through alert leadership, if required organized as a team.  相似文献   

班队干部是班主任的左膀右臂,在班级中起到核心骨干的作用,通过他们团结一致,带动其他集体成员,沟通信息,协调配合,开展集体工作。因此,选拔和培养好班干部,是班主任工作的一个重要任务。  相似文献   

The current paper addresses three important yet generally overlooked issues regarding the conceptualization and measurement of counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs). First, we argue that the field would benefit from the adoption of situation-specific CWB measures that are tailored to the organization or occupation being studied. Such an approach would ensure that CWB measures include sample-relevant behaviors and exclude irrelevant behaviors. Second, we discuss several potential sub-dimensions of CWBs that should be examined in future research. These sub-dimensions include: 1) legal vs. illegal activities, 2) hostile vs. instrumental aggression, and 3) task-related vs. non-task-related counterproductive behaviors. Finally, we consider the relevance of the bandwidth-fidelity principle to the measurement of CWBs.  相似文献   

We advance the understanding and measurement of the concept of time by offering a taxonomy of four distinct time constructs: duration, frequency, timing, and sequence. On the basis of a literature review of human resource management and allied fields (i.e., organizational behavior, industrial and organizational psychology, general management, entrepreneurship, and strategic management studies), we offer recommendations on how to measure each construct as well as illustrations drawn from different domains and theories on how these recommendations can be implemented. In addition, for each construct, we offer specific, practical, and actionable recommendations regarding critical design choices, dilemmas, and trade-offs that must be considered when investigating time conceptually and empirically. We discuss these recommendations in the form of a sequential decision-making process that can be used as a roadmap by researchers. We hope our conceptualization and recommendations will serve as a catalyst and useful resource for future conceptual and empirical research that aims to formulate better time-sensitive and temporally falsifiable theories.  相似文献   

The term collaboration has been used throughout a variety of research disciplines to describe multiple types of interaction; yet, a unified, comprehensive definition of the construct remains elusive. This lack of clarity regarding the distinctions and commonalities between collaboration and other interaction concepts has resulted in conceptual confusion that affects practice and research in human resource management. Practitioners see collaboration as more of a buzzword than as an effective human resource strategy. Previous theory development efforts have not yet taken a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach. This has resulted in failure to integrate key themes across disciplines into an overall view of collaboration, which is a commonplace practice in business and military sectors alike. This paper describes a multidisciplinary conceptualization of collaboration and discusses the implications of this integrative theory to human resource management and strategy development as well as future research efforts.  相似文献   

Organizational systems are drenched in tensions and paradoxes. For a leader, addressing and engaging those tensions in constructive ways may unlock greater benefits for the followers, teams and the organization at large. A leader with a paradox mindset successfully deals with contradictory yet interdependent demands with their paradoxical thinking. While embracing these tensions leverages performance and innovation, experiencing these tensions may also lead to frustration and defensiveness, resulting in negative consequences. Considering the burgeoning importance of paradoxical leader behavior in paradox management and leadership literature, we conduct a systematic review of paradox theory of leadership. Based on the review we propose a multi-level conceptual model stating the dual effect of being a paradoxical leader. To do so, we unveil the individual and contextual factors influencing paradoxical leader behavior on the individual followers, teams and the organization. We present future research avenues and discuss theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

This paper employs a practice perspective to study and conceptualize supplier-switching processes in business relationships. It is based on case study research of a company in the international marine industry, which intended to switch one of its key suppliers for a new one as a result of cost-cutting strategies and dissatisfaction with the old supplier. The case study describes the process, which ended with the old supplier being only partially switched. The findings show how (partial) switching from one supplier to another happened via three key sub-processes and associated practices, which the involved actors in the case drew upon in the switching process: (1) initiation – a process enabled by legitimizing and search practices; (2) substitution – a process enabled by transfer, translation, and transformation practices; and (3a) stabilization – a process enabled by institutionalizing practices; and (3b) restoration – a process whereby the old supplier is retained as a result of new conditions, this retention being enabled by certain repair practices. By identifying the processes and practices that enable switching to happen, the findings offer an initial conceptualization of supplier-switching processes, which comprises an important and heretofore underexplored aspect of supplier switching. The research highlights the importance of recognizing how relationships embedded in interorganizational routines are produced and reproduced in the switching process through the actions and interactions of the actors involved.  相似文献   

公路工程中的匝道桥,很多是处于平面曲线上的后张法预应力钢筋砼现浇箱梁.文章对预应力筋伸长值计算是否要考虑平面曲线的影响,进行了简单地探讨.  相似文献   

公路工程中的匝道桥,很多是处于平面曲线上的后张法预应力钢筋砼现浇箱梁。文章对预应力筋伸长值计算是否要考虑平面曲线的影响,进行了简单地探讨。  相似文献   

Quality & Quantity - This paper introduces a method for creating scales of constructs based on word bigram cooccurrences in natural language text. Instead of using a stop-word list to drop less...  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship researchers have yet to explore the full range variance that occurs in entrepreneurial value creation because we have focused almost exclusively on financial performance as the dependent variable in our research. However, such arbitrary narrowness is not supported by research, which shows entrepreneurs to not focus exclusively on income maximization. Consistent with calls for an expanded view of the consequences of entrepreneurship, we develop a typology of entrepreneurship dependent variables that supports broadening the scope of entrepreneurship research to include economic, environmental and social value. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

In recent decades, there has been a proliferation of higher-order multidimensional constructs in the management and psychology literatures. Unfortunately, few guidelines have been presented for assessing the appropriateness of these constructs. In the current paper, the authors present seven recommendations for evaluating the construct clarity of multidimensional constructs. As an example, these guidelines are applied to existing multidimensional constructs, such as core self-evaluation and work engagement. The guidelines presented in this paper provide a roadmap for researchers interested in developing multidimensional constructs and identifying aspects of existing multidimensional constructs that are in need of improvement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to develop a conceptually and methodologically sound measure of group faultlines (demographic alignment of members along multiple attributes within a group). This measure takes into account the concept of faultline strength (the extent of a demographic alignment across members within a group) and, thus far neglected in past work, the concept of faultline distance. This faultline distance measure reflects how far apart the emerging subgroups are on demographic characteristics. This new, more elaborate conceptualization of faultlines is validated by presenting a number of hypothetical examples that demonstrate the distinct properties of faultline measures. We also validate our measures by empirically examining the relationships between faultline strength and distance, and active, or perceived, faultlines.  相似文献   

运用传统会计知识和经验、兼容演绎法和归纳法对人力资本理念下的现代企业会计进行创新思考,先演绎成包括会计假设、会计确认、会计计量、会计账户、会计记录、会计报告六个一体化的理论方面,后归纳为包涵传统会计、人力资源会计两个立体化的观念层次,形成了人力资本理念下的现代企业会计理论模块与观念构架。  相似文献   

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