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从"人合"到"资合"--一家民营企业的股份制改造 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
天正集团 《企业管理(北京)》2004,(1):59-61
“你光是叫人家为你打工,那是举长久的,改造企业的机制,吸收员工入股,就是要让大家都成为企业的老板,当企业的主人,为自己挣钱。” 相似文献
<正>黄色的安全帽,邮政绿的工服,金黄色的胸饰,一群朝气蓬勃的年轻人,带着激情、带着笑容阔步走来。这是一群采矿者、"淘金者"。灿烂的笑容,活力进射的脚步,让人动容。作为典型的劳动密集型高危行 相似文献
刘建军 《企业管理(北京)》2004,(7):52-55
一项调查表明.作为“空降兵”的职业经理人与资方的联姻平均不过两三年。通过很多的职业经理人滑铁卢事件及其引发的争论.明白无误地揭示了目前中国职业经理人与企业主之间的关系:猜疑、隐瞒、相互利用、抵制甚至对立缺乏诚信与权益保障机制。 相似文献
黑龙江宝宇集团是植根于哈市、发展于本埠、以房地产开发为主业、多元化经营的民营企业。自进入房地产市场以来,累积开发面积近100万平方米,先后开发了“通达世家”、“铂宫”、“凯旋城”、“荣耀上城”、“温莎国际公寓”、“荣耀天地”等一大批高端地产项目。宝宇集团品牌和企业形象得到了社会各界的广泛认可, 相似文献
刘汉元(通威集团董事局主席):经济发展速度越快,社会在一定程度上越稳,这就是自行车理论。我们可以在发展、稳定之间找到均衡。速度过快有可能飞车,就像各种资源比如石油、天然气等等的供应有可能限制我们国内经济的快速增长。如果我们能用其他方式突破能源、资源短缺的瓶颈问题,就可以追求更快的增长速度。如何在经济快速发展的过程中实现与 相似文献
中国民营企业的国际化路径设计向来是中国民营企业发展过程中理论与实践的探讨热点,而借助东方管理思想中的15哲学要素,则可以从理念、原则、制度及具体措施上对民营企业的国际化路径提供借鉴、指导。文章借助东方管理学的哲学要素对中国民营企业国际化路径设计提出了相关建议。 相似文献
2004年1月1日,是《中华人民共和国个人独资企业法》颁布四周年。一部降低人们创业门槛的法律,施行之时曾引起国内外广泛关注,被媒体炒得沸沸扬扬, 相似文献
Profit sharing generates conflicting changes in the relationship between supervisors and workers. It may increase cooperation and helping effort. At the same time it can increase direct monitoring and pressure by the supervisor, and mutual monitoring and peer pressure from other workers that is transmitted through the supervisor. Using UK data on satisfaction with the boss, we show in both cross-section and panel estimates that workers under profit sharing tend to have lower satisfaction with their supervisor. This result persists even as profit sharing has no or a positive influence on other dimensions of job satisfaction. Additional estimates show that lower satisfaction with the supervisor is largely generated by women, who may be less able to respond to peer pressure, and by non-union workers, who may have more to lose by failing to respond to peer pressure. 相似文献
In this study, we investigate a dynamic model wherein an overconfident and a risk-neutral informed trader optimally exploit their long-lived private information regarding the value of an asset. We find that when the degree of overconfidence becomes larger, or the intensity of private information flow becomes larger relative to the initial private signal, the market becomes more stable. Additionally, we find that the greater the intensity of private information flow relative to the initial private signal, the more evident the patient transaction and the slower the information is incorporated in the price. 相似文献
“陈嘉庚精神”或“陈嘉庚主义”单就企业经营管理哲学思想而论,其集中体现就是陈嘉庚所一贯提倡的“诚”、“信”、“果”、“毅”四个字。陈嘉庚的经商为人之道,很值得当今的企业经营管理者们学习借鉴。 相似文献
商业案例、教学案例和案例研究的关系 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对目前我国案例研究规范性不足的现状,本文从商业案例、教学案例和案例研究论文的角度出发,分别探究三种案例的本质以及它们之间的逻辑关系,并对未来的案例研究提出了以下建议:作为案例研究的基础,要重视商业案例;掌握将商业案例改编为教学案例的技巧;将案例研究和统计分析结合使用,以得出更加科学可信的研究结论。 相似文献
This paper finds wealth enhancement from equity private placement issuances where liquid assets are provided to slack-poor
companies. This result runs counter to the expected Jensen's (1986) excess free-cash-flow problem, where the predominant findings
of numerous studies include negative wealth effects from externally financed liquidity enhancements. We also find greater
announcement-period returns for smaller firms and firms with better recent performance. Investors appear to view either of
these factors, together with the private investor’s willingness to provide additional liquidity, as an asymmetric information
release on the firm’s viability and likelihood of improved performance. 相似文献
阐释了民营经济在国民经济和社会发展中的作用,分析了当前民营企业融资的现状,提出了进一步发展民营经济需解决好民营企业的融资问题,指出了拓宽民营企业融资的渠道。 相似文献
One of the remedies launched in combating corruption in the forest sector is privatization of state forests (and private forest ownership). We hypothesized that privatization could reduce deforestation through reducing corruption. We found a statistically significant strong positive relation between corruption and deforestation for the period between 1995 and 2008 by using two different corruption indices and panel data, a highly statistically significant negative correlation between private forest ownership and corruption across countries by using univariate and multivariate models for three different corruption indices, and a highly statistically significant negative correlation between private forest ownership and deforestation across countries by using univariate and multivariate models. 相似文献