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《Statistica Neerlandica》1954,8(3-4):191-196
Book reviewed in this article:
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, Paul G. Hoel
Statistical Theory with Engineering Applications en hierbij aansluitend Statistical Tables and Formulas, A. Hald
Design for Decison, Irwin D. J. Bross
De wetenschap van het toeval, H. E. Levinson, vertaling van J. J. A. Mooy, W. P. van Stockum & Zoon
Statistiek. Deel I, De statistische methode, O. Bakker. J. Muusses  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1959,13(1):101-110
Book reviewed in this article:
Traité de statistique théorique et appliquée, D. Dugué
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, H. Richter
Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis, T. W. Anderson
A Course in Multivariate Analysis, M. G. Kendall
The Mathematical Theory of Epidemics, Norman T. J. Bailey
Models of man, social and rational mathematical essays on rational human behavior in a social setting, Herbert A. Simon
Survey methods in social investigations, C. A. Moser
Sampling in Sweden. Contributions to the methods and theories of sample survey practice, Tore Dalenius  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1957,11(4):239-247
Book reviewed in this article:
Factor Analysis, An introduction and manuel for the Psychologist and Social scientist , Raymond B. Cattle.
Mathematics and Statistics for use in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry , L. Saunders en R. Fleming.
Initiation aux methodes statistiques en biologie , M. Lamotte, Masson et Cie., Parijs.
The Analysis of Family Budgets , S. J. Prais en H. S. Houthakker.
Guide to elementary statistical formulas , Robert E. Johnson en Doris N. Morris.
Applied General Statistics , F. E. Croxton en D. J. Cowden.
Proceedings of the Second Symposium in Linear Programming
Mathematische Statistik , B. L. van der Waerden.
Introduction to Factor Analysis , Benjamin Fruchter.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1964,18(2):225-238
Book reviewed in this article:
Statistical Management of Inventory systems, H. M. WAGNER
Flows in Networks, L. R. FORD Jr. and D. R. FULKERSON
Programmes, jeux et réseaux de transport, C. BERGE et A. GHOUILA-HOURI
An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, H. D. BRUNK
Éléments de Calcul des Probabilitiés, théorique et appliqué, J. BASS
Handbook of Nonparametric Statistics (Investigation of Randomness, Moments, Percentiles and Distributions), J. E. WALSH, D. van Nostrand
Décompositions des lois de probabilités, Yu. V. LINNIK
The Laplace Transform: An Introduction, E. D. RATNVILLE
Tables for Testing Significance in a 2 times 2 Contingency Table, D. J. FINNEY, R. LATSCHA, B. M. BENNETT and P. Hsu
The Development of Firms, A. S. MACKINTOSH
Introduction to Statistical Inference, H. FREEMAN
Inleiding tot de Medische Statistlek, deel 1,2e editie, H. DE JONGE
A Guide to Operational Research, ERIC DUCKWORTH
The statistical basis of acceptance sampling, S. K. EKAMBARAM  相似文献   

A Comprehensive Bibliography on Operations Research: J. KRIENS
Elementary Medical Statistics, D. MAINLAND, W. B. Saunders, CHR. L. RÜMKE
The Statistical Method in Business FREDERICK A. EKEBLAD, John Wiley & Sons sh.B. VAN DER MEER
The theory of graphs and its applications, C. BERGE sh.W. R. VAN ZWET
Inleiding tot de Mediscbe Statistiek druk, H. DE JONGE
Business Economics and Statistics, A. J. MERRETT and G. BANNOCK J. H. C. LISMAN
Integration, Measure and Probability, H. R. PITT, Oliver & Boyd W. MOLENAAR
Statistiek voor M.B.A., H. A. J. VAN DER POST, Uitgeverij H. Stam N.V. B. VAN PRAAQ
Elements of Linear Programming, R. C. GEARY and M. D. MCCARTHY J. C. G. BOOT  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1963,17(3):319-327
Book reviewed in this article:
Theories of Economic Growth and Development, Irma Adelman
The Foundations of Statistical Inference, A Discussion, L. J. Savage a.o.
Computers, D. S. Halacy jr.
Elements of Statistical Inference, David V. Huntsberger
Regional Economic planning, Techniques of Analysis for less developed areas, Edited by Walterlsard and John H. Cumberland
Input-output and National Accounts, Richard Stone, Organisation for European Economic Co-operation
Decision, order and time in human affairs, G. L. S. Shackle
A Course in the Geometry of n Dimensions, M. G. Kendall
Mathematical Programming, S. Vajda  相似文献   


《Statistica Neerlandica》1965,19(4):375-395

《Statistica Neerlandica》1962,16(3):303-316
Book reviewed in this article:
Introduction to Matrix Analysis, R. Be11man
Elements of the Theory of Markov Processes and their Applications, A. T. Bharucha-Reid
Elementary Statistical Exercises, F. N. David and E. S. Pearson
Sample Design in Business Research, W. Edwards Deming
Planning Production, Inventories, and Work Force, C. C. Holt, F. Modigliani, J. F. Muth, and H. A. Simon, with contributions by C. P. Bonini and P. R. Winters
Quantitative Methods in Pharmacology: Proceedings of a Syposium held in Leyden on May 10–13 1960. Uitgegeven onder redactie van H. de Jonge door de N.V. Noordhollandse Uitgeversmaatschappij te Amsterdam
„Die Steuerlastverteilung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland” von Gerhard Zeitel, J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck)
The advanced theory of statistics, M. G. Kendall and A. Stuart
Vol. 1, Distribution theory,
Vol. 2, Inference and relationship,
Allgemeine Methodenlehre der Statistik. II Höhere Methoden unter beaonderer Berücksichtlgung der Anwendungen in Naturwissenschaft, Medizin und Technlk, J. Pfanzagl
The Fundamentala of Statistical Reasoning, M. H. Quenouille, Griffin's Statistical Monographs and Courses.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1967,21(3-4):293-307
Book reviewed in this article:
"Netwerkplanning volgens PERT", Oorspronkelijke uitgave Federal Electric Corporation. Voor Nederland bewerkt door H. POOLMAN Jr en TH. M. FEMER.
Group representations and applied probability, E. J. HANNAN
Wahrscheinlichkeit und Information, A. M. YAGLOM und J. M. YAGLOM
Linear programming and the theory of the Arm, K. E. BOULDING en W. A. SPIVEY
Einftihring in die matbematische Statistik, L. SCHMETTERER
Recent results in information theory, S. KOTZ
Formeln und Tabellen der mathematischen Statistik, U. GRAF, H. J. HENNINO en K. STANGE
The elements of probability theory and some of its applications, H. CRAMER
Quality control and industrial statistics, ACHESON J. DUNCAN
Méthodes Statistiques de ľéonometrie, E. MALINVAUD
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, H. RICHTER
Linear statistical inference and its applications, C. R. RAO, Wiley
Gebouw en getal - capita aselecta uit het bouwen en de statistiek, aangeboden aan JAN VAN ETTINGER
The Mathematical Approach to Biology and Medicine, NORMAN T. J. BAILEY
Zum Problem der Produktionsplanung in Ein- und Mehrproduktunternehmen, W. DINKEL-BACH
[1] Die grundlagen der Theorie der Markoffschen Prozesse, E. B. DYNKYN
[1a] Theory of Markov processes, E. B. DYNKYN
[1b] Markov Processes, 2 delen, E. B. DYNKYN
[2] Probability and related topics in physical sciences, M. KAC, Interscience publ., London, 1959.
[3] Markov chains with stationary transition probabilities, K. L. CHUNG
[4] Probabilités et potentiel, P. A. MEYER
[4a] Probability and potentials, P. A. MEYER
[4b] Processus de Markov, P. A. MEYER
[5] Intégration, N. BOURBAKI
[6] Principles of random walk, F. SPITZER
[7] An introduction to probability theory and its applications, second edition, W. FELLER  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1963,17(4):515-520
Book reviewed in this article:
Neuere Methoden und Ergebnisse der Ergodentheoiie, K. Jacobs
Geometrical Probability, M. G. Kendall and P. A. P. Moran
Rapid Statistical Calculations, A collection of distribution-free and easy methods of estimation and testing, M. H. Quenouille
Random Wavelets and Cybernetic Systems, Enders A. Robinson
Methods of Feasible Directions, A Study in Linear and Non-Linear Programming, G. Zoutendijk
Wiskundige Propaedeuse voor Economisten, 2de druk, J. H. C. Lisman  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1962,16(4):459-468
Book reviewed in this article:
Analysing Qualitative Data, A. E. Maxwell, Methuen's monographs on applied probability and statistics, Methuen
Population Redistribution and Economic Growth, United States 1870–1950, E. S. Lee, A. R. Miller, C. P. Brainerd, R. A. Easterlin, S. Kuznets, D. S. Thomas
The Ownership of Major Consumer Durables, J. S. Cramer
Elementaire Statistiek, L. A. van Wijk, J. B. Wolters
Elementary Statistics, P. G. Hoel
The passage problem for a stationary Markov chain, J. H. B. Kemperman, Statistical Research Monographs, Volume 1
An introduction to Statistical Communication Theory, D. Middleton
An Introduction to infinitely many variates, E. A. Robinson, Grifin's Statistical Monographs and Courses
Queues, D. R. Cox en W. L. Smith, Methuen's Monographs on Applied Probability and Statistics  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1959,13(4):515-526
Book reviewed in this article:
Statistics, An Introduction, D. A. S. Fraser
Introduction to Statistical Reasoning, Philip J. McCarthy
Statistics of Extremes, E. J. Gumbel
Information Theory and Statistics, Solomon Kullback
Linear Programming: Fundamentals and Applications, R. O. Ferguson and L. F. Sargent
Statistique Appliquée à la Biologie Expérimentale, L. Lison
Principles of research in biology and medicine, D. J. Ingle
Elementti of Vital Statistics, B. Benjamin
Inleiding tot de Medische Statistiek, Deel I, H. de Jonge
Immigrants and their children, 1850–1950, E. P. Hutchinson
Statistiek van A - Z. Vademecum voor bedrijfspraktijk en studie, A. J. M. Rooswinkel  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1962,16(2):205-212
Book reviewed in this article:
De organisatie van de kwaliteitszorg, J. H. Enters, H. E. Stenfert Kroese N.V.
Statistiek voor Medici. Korte inleiding, Chr. L. Rumke, C. van Eeden, uitgeverij L. Stafleu en Zoon
De bloemisterij in Nederland
Characteristic Functions, E. Lukacs, Griffins Statistical Monographs and Courses no. 5 Charles Griffin and Cy. Ltd.
Portfolio Selection, Efficient Diversification of Investments, H. M. Markowitz, Cowles Foundation Monograph 16
Finite Markov Chains, J. G. Kemeny en J. L. Snell, University Series in Undergraduate Mathematics, Van Nostrand, Princeton, New Jersey
Operations Research and Systems Engineering, onder redactie van Charles D. Flagle, William H. Hugginsen Robert H. Roy
Tables of the Hypergeometric Probability Distribution, G. L. Lieberman and D. B. Owen, Stanford Studies in Mathematics and Statistics III
Probability with statistical applications, Frederick Mosteller, Robert E. K. Rourke, George B. Thomas, Jr.
Probability: a First Course, F. Mosteller, R. E. K. Rourke, G. B. Thomas, Jr.  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1957,11(3):171-183
Book reviewed in this article:
Elementary statistical methods , W. A. Neiswanger.
Elementaire statistische opgaven met uitgewerkte oplossingen , J. Hemelrijk en Doraline Wabeke.
Non parametric methods in statistics , D. A. S. Fraser. Wiley & Sons, N.Y.
Statistical Analysis of Stationary Time Series , U. Grenander and M. Rosenblatt, L. Wiley & Sons, N.Y.
Principles of Medical Statistics , A. Bradford Hill.
Mathematical thinking in the social sciences , Paul F. Lazarsfeld (editor).
Tables for use with Binomial Samples , Donald Mainline, Lee Herrera and Marion I. Sutcliffe.
Finite Mathematics , John G. Kemeny, J. Laurie Snell and Gerald L. Thompson.
Waarschijnlijkheid en statistiek , Hans Freudenthal.
Bedrijfsstatistiek , P. de Wolff.
Wiskundige Propaedeuse voor Economisten , J. H. C. Lisman.  相似文献   


Book reviewed in this article:
Methods of statistical analysis, by C. H. Goulden
De organisatic van de vcrkoop door L. Meertens
Statistics for technologists, by C. G. Paradine and B. H. P. Rivett  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1959,13(2):249-253
Book reviewed in this article:
Statistical sampling for auditors and accountants, L. L. Vance and J. Neter
De invloed van de zichtbaarmaking van de kwaliteit op de arbeider en zijn werk, Th. L. Stolk, Stenfert Kroese N.V.
Residential Finance, 1950, Richard U. Ratcliff, Daniel B. Rathbun, Junia H. Honnold  相似文献   

《Statistica Neerlandica》1956,10(2):141-155

《Statistica Neerlandica》1955,9(3):173-187

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