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Innovation related network systems would need to be re-aligned and adapted within major technological shifts and their capability to re-align themselves determines the dynamic capabilities of a national innovation system. In this paper, we present a particular phenomenon in industrial evolution, which we call a shift in the 'innovation trajectory', taking the case of the Japanese robotics industry that now undergoes major shifts in many respects. We consider activities directly involved with innovation in the entire value chain from invention to commercialization, and identify the structural changes in the national systems due to the shifts in innovation trajectory. Having utilized the basic framework of ''Techno Economic Network'', this paper analyzes six different structural shifts, which are related to product, technology, market, actor, competitive and socio-economic structures. This paper draws attention to the fundamental management and policy level concerns over the emerging shifts at four different decision making hierarchical levels. With concrete empirical evidences and results from interviews, this paper concludes that a new set of approaches is needed to shape these emerging innovation shifts.  相似文献   

国家创新系统是一个复杂的大系统,多层次性是其主要特征。本文从演化经济学的视角出发,用动态的观点探析国家创新系统的层级结构、功能及层次之间的作用机理。认为国家创新系统不仅是一个自上而下的过程,还应当是一个自下而上的过程,并将这一过程描述为小生境中创新的产生、社会技术体制对创新的选择和社会技术地景对创新的选择三个阶段。而后分别从企业、区域与国家三个层级进一步考察新技术的产生、发展、改进和扩散的演化过程,指出层级间个人或集体行为有机联系并相互作用,使国家创新系统有效运行。最后,在分析的基础上提出国家应根据不同层次影响创新因素的特征进行有效政策定位,并给出相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

科技人才作为科技创新的主体,是区域创新系统的重要投入,其省际分布状况潜在影响着各区域创新效率。基于2009-2016年我国内地30个省级区域科技人才与研发面板数据,在创新价值链分解的基础上,分别考察科技人才数量与结构维度对区域创新系统三阶段效率的影响。结果发现:在数量维度下,科技人才分布规模对区域知识创新效率、专利创新效率有非线性倒U型影响,先后从人才聚集规模经济效应转向不经济效应;整体集中度提高即全国科技人才分布相对集中有助于提升各地区专利创新与产品创新效率;在结构维度下,科技人才队伍中女性与博士研发人员越来越高的比重对知识创新效率表现为负向影响作用。最后,结合新旧动能转换背景,提出积极发挥人才集聚正向效应的建议。inno[]rlzb[]rlzb[]czpz[]czpz[]cyjg[]cyjg[]dwkf[]dwkf〖BHDG1*3,WK7*3ZQ,WK6。9DWW〗  相似文献   

我国战略性新兴产业创新能力评价及政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于能力观视角,结合国家创新驱动发展战略及创新管理理论,从创新政策扶持等5个方面构建我国战略性新兴产业创新能力评价体系。搜集我国内地31个省级行政区战略性新兴产业2010-2016年数据,运用因子分析和聚类分析法衡量我国各省级行政区战略性新兴产业创新能力,揭示不同地区战略性新兴产业创新能力的差异与原因,并对我国内地31个省级行政区进行类别判断。研究发现:我国战略性新兴产业整体创新能力较弱,区域发展不平衡问题依然存在;多数地区存在创新短板,“木桶效应”限制了区域整体创新潜力;不同地区创新能力大致呈金字塔形态分布,且“胡焕庸线”两侧差距明显。最后,针对不同地区实际情况和区域特征提出政策建议。  相似文献   

产业创新是我国推进供给侧改革、提高全要素生产率的核心。在寻求新发展动能过程中,构建传统产业与新兴产业跨界耦合创新网络,形成以创新带动有效供给、以有效供给刺激有效需求的传导机制,这既是国家发展战略性新兴产业的要求,也是促进传统产业转型升级、保证我国经济可持续发展和推动供给侧结构性改革的关键。在比较传统产业创新链与新兴产业创新链区别的基础上,探讨了跨界耦合视角下传统产业与新兴产业创新链耦合机理,提出了产业创新链跨界耦合关系结构模式。各地政府应创造有利于形成跨界耦合创新网络的环境条件,通过产业创新链耦合战略,建立完善的创新资源耦合供给机制,创造新供给,在共生网络内形成创新驱动的双重动力,提高整个产业集成创新能力,以实现传统产业转型升级和战略性新兴产业培育的战略目标。  相似文献   

The relationship between knowledge investments, innovation and competitiveness is an important topic in both academic research and economic policy and has been studied extensively over the past decades. Nowadays, investments in private and public R&D are believed to make up the heart of a modern knowledge economy. The present paper adopts an evolutionary economics perspective and investigates whether, in addition to private R&D activities, also institutional support systems and policy interventions play a role in inducing innovation initiatives and creating impacts on the performance and competitiveness of industries. We aim to find support for the hypothesis that the competitiveness of industries in the international arena is sustained by the dynamic interaction between national, regional and sectoral innovation systems. This may provide stakeholders with a better understanding of the context in which they operate. Since according to the evolutionary metaphor, the growth of an innovation system follows complex dynamics that cannot simply be analysed within a static quantitative equilibrium framework, we use here an alternative approach based on qualitative pattern recognition analysis originating from artificial intelligence analysis. Besides R&D expenditures, human capital expenditures are regarded as the major input in the knowledge creation process in our analytical framework. To this end, in our paper a qualitative causal model that maps out conditional relations between key factors in national innovation systems will be described. The focus of our investigation is on systematic patterns in the competitiveness of the EU Member States, using statistical information on innovation input and output data from the European Innovation Scoreboard. In our analysis we find support for the hypothesis that there are indeed significant interactions between distinct institutional levels, which may provide guidance to the strategic orientation of nations and the European Union in terms of the emphasis on competitiveness vis-à-vis cohesion.  相似文献   


Using data from the Ecuadorean Innovation Survey of 2015, this paper identifies the innovation patterns that can be found in Ecuador. In addition, we analyse the influence of the regional innovation systems in determining these patterns. The results show that there are six differentiated patterns of innovation, although they all are related to the adoption and imitation of technologies. Finally, we observe that different regional characteristics condition the way in which firms organise innovation.  相似文献   

This article argues that styles of innovation diffusion dynamics depend on both national and niche-specific factors and that their respective influence changes during the innovation diffusion process. Based on a review of approaches, dealing on the one hand with differences in national innovation and technology systems and on the other with process of niche formation and development, a theoretical synthesis and pattern of analysis is suggested for interpreting and comparing empirical findings from two different technology examples. The analysis of combined heat and power (CHP) in Germany, UK and the Netherlands, and of electric vehicles in Germany, Sweden and France allows us to identify different styles of innovation diffusion dynamics. These styles are determined by the relative importance of national and niche-specific factors in different phases of the process of technological change. Support in lent to the hypothesis that a style which combines impulses for innovation at both structural and niche is particularly conducive to radical change.  相似文献   

In parallel with the increasing complexity and uncertainty of social, technological, economic, environmental, political and value systems (STEEPV), there is a need for a systemic approach in Foresight. Recognizing this need, the paper begins with the introduction of the Systemic Foresight Methodology (SFM) is introduced briefly as a conceptual framework to understand and appreciate the complexity of systems and interdependencies and interrelationships between their elements. Conducting Foresight systemically involves a set of ‘systemic’ thought experiments, which is about how systems (e.g. human and social systems, industrial/sectoral systems, and innovation systems) are understood, modelled and intervened for a successful change programme. A methodological approach is proposed with the use of network analysis to show an application of systemic thinking in Foresight through the visualisation of interrelationships and interdependencies between trends, issues and actors, and their interpretation to explain the evolution of systems. Network analysis is a powerful approach as it is able to analyse both the whole system of relations and parts of the system at the same time and hence it reveals the otherwise hidden structural properties of the systems. Our earlier work has attempted to incorporate network analysis in Foresight, which helped to reveal structural linkages of trends and identify emerging important trends in the future. Following from this work, in this paper we combine systemic Foresight, network analysis and scenario methods to propose an ‘Evolutionary Scenario Approach,’ which explains the ways in which the future may unfold based on the mapping of the gradual change and the dynamics of aspects or variables that characterise a series of circumstances in a period of time. Thus, not only are evolutionary scenarios capable of giving a snapshot of a particular future, but also explaining the emerging transformation pathways of events and situations from the present into the future as systemic narratives.  相似文献   

This article argues that styles of innovation diffusion dynamics depend on both national and niche-specific factors and that their respective influence changes during the innovation diffusion process. Based on a review of approaches, dealing on the one hand with differences in national innovation and technology systems and on the other with process of niche formation and development, a theoretical synthesis and pattern of analysis is suggested for interpreting and comparing empirical findings from two different technology examples. The analysis of combined heat and power (CHP) in Germany, UK and the Netherlands, and of electric vehicles in Germany, Sweden and France allows us to identify different styles of innovation diffusion dynamics. These styles are determined by the relative importance of national and niche-specific factors in different phases of the process of technological change. Support in lent to the hypothesis that a style which combines impulses for innovation at both structural and niche is particularly conducive to radical change.  相似文献   

以873家战略性新兴产业上市公司为研究对象,采用产出导向的DSBM模型测算两阶段整体和不同细分产业的动态创新效率。基于微观企业层面,分别以营业收入增长额、营业收入、营业收入增长率作为技术成果转化阶段的创新产出指标,测算并比较对应的创新效率。结果表明,以营业收入增长额作为创新产出更加符合实际情况,不同细分产业的创新效率存在异质性。进一步运用Tobit模型分析影响企业创新效率的因素发现,在技术研发阶段,企业规模、资产收益率、研发强度、劳动者素质、企业性质对创新效率具有正向影响,研发人员、研发资金、企业年龄、政府补贴对创新效率存在负向影响;在成果转化阶段,发明专利授权数、企业规模、资产收益率、研发强度、劳动者素质对创新效率具有正向影响,员工总数、研发支出、企业年龄、政府补贴、企业类型对创新效率存在负向影响。在创新驱动发展战略实施背景下,结论可为测度战略性新兴产业上市公司动态创新效率提供指导,为提高战略性新兴产业上市公司创新效率提供决策参考。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of open innovation on national systems of innovation. The open innovation concept has become widely established among scholars and practitioners. However, an overview of its impact on national innovation systems is still lacking. Given that the innovating firm is at the core of national innovation systems, a better understanding of shifting innovation strategies at the firm level is of fundamental importance to the actions of policy-makers within the national innovation systems framework. Based on the main analytical approaches of national innovation systems and the current state of open innovation research, we argue that open innovation practices have at least three critical effects on national systems of innovation: (a) they reinforce its importance; (b) they improve its effectiveness; and (c) they diversify its networks.  相似文献   

Innovation fosters structural change and growth and drives socio-economic change. The generation and diffusion of innovation is a dynamic process, which cannot adequately be guided by static policy conceptions. In this paper we will explore the possibility of devising and implementing a ‘learning’ innovation policy. As organisational and technological change is not completely haphazard, we argue that innovation policy can make use of structural regularities in socio-economic change whilst, at the same time, be open to advances in scientific knowledge. We devise a method that achieves these two aims and apply it to a concrete example (knowledge systems). We conclude with practical implications originating from such a ‘learning’ innovation policy.  相似文献   

随着创新资源和知识流动性日益增强,装备制造业逐渐从企业内部独立研发转向协同创新,协同创新网络成为装备制造业的重要创新形式。以黑龙江1985-2017年专利合作数据为基础,对装备制造业协同创新网络演化及特征进行分析。结果表明:①企业是最重要的创新主体,并呈现出“国退民进”特征,民营企业地位迅速提升,国有企业地位有所下降但仍占据关键节点,高校与科研院所参与创新数量较少但为重要的创新实践者和桥接者;②创新网络结构等级性明显,创新网络空间结构存在结构洞现象,高校、国有企业或主要城市占据结构洞位置;③城市尺度、省级尺度协同创新地位不断下降,国家尺度创新成为最重要的空间载体。因此,欠发达地区应拓展创新合作尺度和范围,发挥企业创新主体和技术守门员作用,构建有利于创新资源有序流动和创新主体合作的创新市场体系,建立创新发展共同体和产学研“创新三角”等。  相似文献   

国家实验室是国家科技创新体系的重要组成部分,在国家发展战略中发挥着重要作用。目前,鲜有研究针对国家实验室体系构建进行理论阐述及体制机制探讨。以我国布局国家实验室体系为研究背景,探讨国家实验室体系构建的现实逻辑,结合国家创新系统理论、协同创新理论和合作博弈理论,剖析国家实验室制度创新的理论依据。结果表明:(1)国家创新系统理论是国家创新驱动发展战略的行动指南,也是推动国家实验室发展的重要依据;(2)协同创新理论强调各类创新要素协调合作与相互作用,有助于国家实验室体系实现整体效应最大化;(3)合作博弈理论探讨决策主体均衡问题,对于实验室与外部单位建立良好互信决策机制大有裨益。基于理论分析,围绕政策引导、运行成长、利益共享和风险分担4个方面体制机制创新,提出国家实验室体系构建的政策建议。未来,国家实验室体系研究需要进一步围绕基础理论和实证研究(驱动因素、运行成效和科学评价)等进行深入探讨。  相似文献   

战略性新兴产业技术创新路径的共生模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘美平 《当代财经》2011,(11):105-111
培育和发展战略性新兴产业是我国近期提出的国家重点发展战略。战略性新兴产业是新兴产业与新兴技术深度融合的产业,因此,技术创新对战略性新兴产业的发展显得尤为重要。基于战略性新兴产业技术创新路径的视角,通过对战略性新兴产业技术创新制约因素的分析,提出技术创新路径的共生模式。该模式能够把自组织创新、集合原生创新、次生模仿创新整合到最佳技术创新状态,从而推动战略性新兴产业又好又快成长。  相似文献   

In this paper, we seek to analyse the role of national university systems in combination with technological and market factors as sources of industrial leadership and industry growth in science-based industries. We propose a model in which national university systems and their respective national firms and industries are considered as co-evolving. National firms compete on a worldwide level and they rely on the progress of science and the availability of scientists to innovate. As the global industry develops, firms try to mold their national university systems, but they achieve different degrees of success. Apart from highlighting the role of institutional responsiveness as a source of competitive advantage, our model points to the access to essential inputs for production, the technological and strategic characteristics of firms, the international diffusion of knowledge, and the initial distribution of market demand as key sources of leadership and industry growth. The international mobility of scientists seems to foster the emergence of industrial leadership shifts.  相似文献   

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