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根据我国企业实践,绝大多数管理创新属于引进型创新,即在组织外部已存在的管理实践或思想的基础上引进加工而成的创新。因此,有效获取管理创新知识,即知识源问题,成为我国企业引进和实施管理创新的关键。在总结管理创新相关研究的基础上,提出管理创新的三类主要知识源:内部知识源、市场知识源和专业知识源。研究发现:大部分企业以非当地企业为参照群体;咨询机构是我国企业管理创新的重要来源;政府政策导向作用明显;内部员工没有发挥应有的作用。在此基础上,对广州本田的环境绩效管理模式创新做案例分析,具体分析管理创新中知识源的作用。  相似文献   

This paper reviews research on open innovation that considers how and why firms commercialize external sources of innovations. It examines both the “outside‐in” and “coupled” modes of open innovation. From an analysis of prior research on how firms leverage external sources of innovation, it suggests a four‐phase model in which a linear process—(1) obtaining, (2) integrating, and (3) commercializing external innovations—is combined with (4) interaction between the firm and its collaborators. This model is used to classify papers taken from the top 25 innovation journals, complemented by highly cited work beyond those journals. A review of 291 open innovation‐related publications from these sources shows that the majority of these articles indeed address elements of this inbound open innovation process model. Specifically, it finds that researchers have front‐loaded their examination of the leveraging process, with an emphasis on obtaining innovations from external sources. However, there is a relative dearth of research related to integrating and commercializing these innovations. Research on obtaining innovations includes searching, enabling, filtering, and acquiring—each category with its own specific set of mechanisms and conditions. Integrating innovations has been mostly studied from an absorptive capacity perspective, with less attention given to the impact of competencies and culture (including “not invented here”). Commercializing innovations puts the most emphasis on how external innovations create value rather than how firms capture value from those innovations. Finally, the interaction phase considers both feedback for the linear process and reciprocal innovation processes such as cocreation, network collaboration, and community innovation. This review and synthesis suggests several gaps in prior research. One is a tendency to ignore the importance of business models, despite their central role in distinguishing open innovation from earlier research on interorganizational collaboration in innovation. Another gap is a tendency in open innovation to use “innovation” in a way inconsistent with earlier definitions in innovation management. The paper concludes with recommendations for future research that include examining the end‐to‐end innovation commercialization process, and studying the moderators and limits of leveraging external sources of innovation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of three indirect mechanisms linking word‐of‐mouth communication with one of the most important innovation attributes influencing the adoption decision: perceived usefulness. The authors hypothesize that word‐of‐mouth (WOM) communication impacts perceived usefulness by influencing potential adopter perceptions of the credibility of innovation information, the size of the adopter population, and the availability of complementary products. To test these hypotheses, the authors analyze the survey responses of over 550 potential adopters of e‐readers and smartphones. In both product samples, the perceived credibility of WOM information is positively related with perceived usefulness, which is positively related with purchase intent. Consistent with theoretical arguments regarding the importance of access to expert information sources, findings indicate that, relative to personal WOM, written and virtual WOM have stronger relationships with consumer perceptions of the credibility of innovation information. In addition, in both samples, perceived usefulness is positively related with the perceived availability of complementary products, which is positively related with both personal and written word‐of‐mouth. Finally, perceived usefulness has (1) a direct relationship with the perceived size of the local adopter population in the e‐reader sample and (2) an indirect relationship with the same variable that is mediated by the perceived availability of complementary products in both samples. In turn, the perceived size of the local adopter population is positively related with exposure to personal word‐of‐mouth.  相似文献   

大中型工业企业在我国经济发展中起主导作用,其技术创新能力不容忽视.本文采用DEA方法对我国1996~2008年省际大中型工业企业的技术创新效率进行了测算.首先将技术投入产出过程划分为两个阶段,针对不同的技术来源特点,设定不同的效率测算起点,并对各省份历年技术创新效率进行测算.研究表明,大中型工业企业技术成果生成效率波动不大,而技术成果转化效串有下降的趋势;技术成果生成效率较高的省份技术成果转化效率较低.  相似文献   

本文首先通过对枕头的历史进行研究,介绍了枕头古代与当代的发展;其次通过对枕头功能的研究,把其归纳为物质功能与精神功能两部分;最后通过设计思维、材料选择、科技与艺术结合三部分对枕头的设计创新进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文利用2009~2013年高技术产业统计年鉴数据,考察了自主创新、技术引进和投资拉动对中国高技术产业发展的影响和作用,研究发现:投资拉动、自主创新和技术引进都能显著推动高技术市场化;投资拉动和技术引进能够有效促进高技术产业化;技术引进对高技术国际化的正向推动作用比较明显。结果说明,创新驱动和投资拉动是我国高技术产业发展的重要动力来源,但是对高技术产业发展不同层面有着不同的影响和作用。研究结论和相关建议为中国高技术产业发展实践提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

2009年7月22日上市。2009年10月底全国销量即达12000辆;2009年12月。首次参加“爱我中国车“评选即一举夺得技术创新大奖,东风风神S30的表现,让人们对这辆定价才七万多的A级车刮目相看。  相似文献   

Using agency theory, this paper investigates advantages linked to Japanese industrial organization. Three variables theoretically linked to keiretsu organization, ownership structure, inter-firm investment, and financing flexibility were able to correctly classify U.S. and Japanese firms. We detect polarization of U.S. and Japanese firms in terms of performance and strategic decisions.  相似文献   

In this article we analyse what drives both the specific choices and the relative amount of change in labour market policies in two countries, Britain and Spain, in the 1990s. Although we find more substantial and radical labour market reform in Britain, Spain experienced greater union inclusion in policy‐making. We examine the roles of economic institutions and the ideology of the governing party and find that neither accounts satisfactorily for the labour market changes in our cases. Domestic political variables, especially electoral factors and the power and autonomy of government, give more insight into the similarities and differences between the two countries.  相似文献   

为了探明如何有效配置创新资源以提升我国高技术产业的创新效率,以高技术产业原始创新和引进吸收消化再创新为分析对象,依据我国高技术产业1995~2008年的区域面板数据,采用随机前沿分析法(SFA)分别测度了创新投入在两种创新方式下的效率值。结果表明:原始创新投入的技术创新产出弹性最高,但经济效益产出弹性最低;引进消化吸收再创新投入对技术创新产出有正向的影响,但对经济效益产出却产生负向的影响。此外,政府资助、金融支持、产学研合作、市场结构等因素在不同创新产出指标下对创新效率影响有着显著差异。加大原始创新投入扶持力度、调整引进与吸收消化再创新投入结构、调整创新人才培养方式可以提升我国高技术产业整体创新效率。  相似文献   

The large potential of lead users (LUs) in developing innovative and radically new product concepts is well established in the literature. However, in a widely acknowledged study, Hoffman et al. introduced the new concept of emergent‐nature consumers (ENCs) and showed the superiority of this group of individuals over LUs in developing new product concepts. Consequently, they postulated ENCs to be “the right consumers” to be integrated in new product development processes. In this article, we critically reflect and build on Hoffman et al.'s study and further investigate the promise of the ENC concept as compared to the LU concept. In a pilot study, we replicated the study by Hoffman and colleagues: We conducted a crowdsourcing competition and asked for concepts for new services; those concepts had been generated collectively by the participants and had been assessed by a consumer crowd. In the main study, the participants of a crowdsourcing competition submitted individually generated concepts for products, which were evaluated by industry experts. Across both studies, using different empirical methods in two different contexts, and in contrast to Hoffman et al.'s work, we find support for LUs outperforming ENCs (as well as average users) in generating the commercially most promising concepts. Thus, our insights reinforce the existing user innovation literature and the notion of LUs being the primary source of new product/service concepts.  相似文献   

作为中国古老的一种刺绣工艺,挑花自世纪之交起悄然以十字绣的形式盛行在中国的大街小巷,并逐步走进了都市生活。中国是一个刺绣大国,刺绣工艺种类繁多,却独独挑花工艺能够漂洋过海,并以全新的形式渗入到各阶层人们的日常生活,这不能不说是一个奇迹。挑花工艺的盛行是一个成功的案例,我们应当学习其中值得借鉴的方方面面,并将其应用到其他刺绣工艺上,以继承和发展中国优秀的刺绣艺术。  相似文献   

在紧急状态下,浅海石油平台的应急电源对平台的安全扮演着极其重要的角色,为了增强平台的安全等级,尝试从独立于工程甲乙双方第三方的角度,参照国家、行业的多项标准、规范和工作经验,对在工程设计图纸审查阶段、建造阶段和生产期海洋石油平台应急电源的重点检验内容进行了阐述,其中在图纸审查阶段主要是审查应急电源图纸的科学性、合理性、安全性;建造检验阶段主要是检验应急电源施工的质量、设计图纸的执行情况、国家标准的实施情况及是否对平台的安全构成威胁;生产期检验的主要内容是检查应急电源功能的完整性.  相似文献   

The Wal-Mart Innovation Network (WIN) is a cooperative experiment designed to test an infrastructure for stimulating American innovations—new products invented and manufactured in the U.S.A. The WIN venture focuses on independent and small business inventors because it is here that WIN is likely to have the greatest impact. Contrary to the opinions of many, inventors continue to be a major source of new products, processes and services. Unlike their corporate and institutional counterparts, noncorporate inventors suffer from the lack of viable channels for getting their creative efforts to the marketplace and often are lacking in some essential resource or expertise. Rather than attempt to stimulate invention, the WIN strategy is simply to make it easier for existing ideas and inventions to reach the marketplace. In addition to other resources, WIN draws on the expertise of some 160 volunteer Wal-Mart executives, buyers and marketing specialists who provide an assessment of marketability. Although innovation is the primary focus of the WIN venture, the bottom line objective is the creation of new, domestic manufacturing jobs.  相似文献   

For those of us trying to understand the nature of innovation, the role of the scientist or engineer presents a conundrum. Such individuals are often sources of innovation in both products and processes, yet routine science and engineering is typically carried out in an environment that stresses structure, order, and adherence to prescribed methods–exactly the wrong setting for successful innovation. To help explain the diminishing role of science and the burgeoning role of individuals in innovation, Carol J. Steiner presents a philosophy of innovation. Suggesting that unconventional individuals, rather than conventional science or engineering, are central to innovation success, this philosophy of innovation is derived from a philosophy of human nature formulated by Martin Heidegger. Heidegger identified three elements of human nature: (1) it is human nature to be practically involved in a complex world rather than rationally involved with a conceptually simplified world; (2) it is human nature to be authentic (i.e., unconventional, uncommitted to one's paradigm) at least some of the time; and (3) it is human nature to be cooperative. In other words, the methods and organizational structures that characterize “good” science are in direct conflict with human nature. By examining things in isolation from their natural linkages, the scientist misses the holistic view–the big picture–necessary for successful innovation. Central to this philosophy of innovation is individuality understood as authenticity. The term authenticity refers to both an unconventional (i.e., unscientific) approach to the world and an openness to alternative viewpoints. This openness is the basis for cooperative rather than competitive interaction. The fundamental themes of this philosophy of innovation are the importance of individual experience, the importance of unconventional (free) interpretations, and the importance of respect for individual uniqueness. The magic moments of innovation arise when scientists or engineers assert their individuality, break free from the structured thinking of their traditional methods, and synthesize novel interpretations that move their projects in new directions. This philosophy of innovation is not presented as a means for determining why innovation succeeds or fails. Instead, it provides a framework for assessing organizational or personal approaches to innovation. In other words, it gives managers a means for understanding and interpreting the human elements of particular innovation projects.  相似文献   

现代包装设计是指以现代科技对产品包装进行开发研究,达到最理想、最适用的新包装而进行的设计。  相似文献   

金融创新是一把非常锋利的双刃剑,其本身兼具高风险、高收益性,我们必须对其风险进行监管使其有利于金融市场的发展。本文从分析金融创新的涵义和负面作用入手,阐述金融创新风险的成因,提出风险监管的对策。  相似文献   

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