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We test whether voluntary or mandatory risk factor disclosures (RFDs) in 10-K filings is associated with a reduction in stock price crash risk. We find that the level of mandatory RFDs in 10-K filings is associated with a reduction in stock price crash risk but find no similar relationship for voluntary RFDs. We exploit two exogenous shocks to mitigate endogeneity concerns that remain to be addressed in the literature. We investigate the moderators for this relationship and find the reduction is magnified among firms with higher information asymmetry, higher litigation risk, or better corporate governance. Overall, our findings identify a potential avenue to mitigate stock price crash risk and provide evidence that mandated RFDs contain useful information content and benefit investors.  相似文献   

We examine whether and how product market competition affects insider trading profitability. We empirically show that the insiders of firms in highly competitive industries make higher abnormal profits. Our identification strategy includes both a quasi-natural experiment setting and an instrumental variable approach to address endogeneity concerns. We also run an extensive array of robustness checks and find that our baseline results remain substantially unchanged. Our cross-sectional analyses show that insider trading profitability is more pronounced for firms with: a higher level of trade secrecy, a higher level of R&D, a lower level of management voluntary disclosures, less readable 10-K reports and highly tone-ambiguous financial disclosures. We also find that our results are robust to the inclusion of corporate governance mechanisms. Overall, this study is consistent with the theoretical predictions that support the information asymmetry and proprietary cost channels of competition and that increases in competition lead insiders to undertake more rent-seeking activity.  相似文献   

Although subsidiary disclosures in firms’ filings with the Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC; Exhibit 21) represent the most granular required public disclosure of a firm's geographic footprint, little is understood about the quality of the disclosure, and anecdotal evidence suggests firms may not fully comply with the disclosure requirements. We use data provided by multinational firms to the Internal Revenue Service regarding their foreign subsidiary locations to explore the accuracy of public subsidiary disclosures on Exhibit 21 of Form 10-K per SEC rules. The overall incidence of nondisclosure is low, suggesting that most firms comply with Exhibit 21 disclosure rules, and that for most applications, Exhibit 21 disclosures provide a reasonable proxy for locations of significant subsidiaries. Nevertheless, there is some evidence of nondisclosure, particularly when subsidiaries are in tax havens, when the firm is more highly scrutinized in the media, or when the firm has other characteristics consistent with low-quality disclosures such as SEC comment letters.  相似文献   

Practitioners have long criticized risk-factor disclosures in the 10-K as generic and boilerplate. In response, regulators emphasize the importance of being specific. By using a computing algorithm, this paper establishes a new measure (Specificity) to quantify the level of specificity of firms’ qualitative risk-factor disclosures. We first examine determinants of variations in Specificity, and document that firms with high proprietary costs provide less specific risk-factor disclosures. More importantly, we find that, controlling for numerous determinants, the market reaction to the 10-K filing is positively and significantly associated with Specificity. In addition, our results suggest that analysts are better able to assess fundamental risk when firms’ risk-factor disclosures are more specific. Together, these findings suggest that more specific risk-factor disclosures benefit users of financial statements.  相似文献   

Beginning in 2005, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) mandated firms to include a “risk factor” section in their Form 10-K to discuss “the most significant factors that make the company speculative or risky.” In this study, we examine the information content of this newly created section and offer two main results. First, we find that firms facing greater risk disclose more risk factors, and that the type of risk the firm faces determines whether it devotes a greater portion of its disclosures towards describing that risk type. That is, managers provide risk factor disclosures that meaningfully reflect the risks they face. Second, we find that the information conveyed by risk factor disclosures is reflected in systematic risk, idiosyncratic risk, information asymmetry, and firm value. Overall, our evidence supports the SEC’s decision to mandate risk factor disclosures, as the disclosures appear to be firm-specific and useful to investors.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether managers influence credit ratings via voluntary disclosures. I find that firms near a rating change have a higher incidence of a disclosure regarding product and business expansion (PBE) plans. This finding is more evident for firms that are subject to lower proprietary costs of disclosures, which implies that managers do trade off both the benefits and costs of the disclosures. I find no evidence that firms close to a rating change selectively release good news or suppress bad news on PBE. Overall, my results suggest that firms generally exhibit a credible commitment to maintaining disclosure transparency for a desired credit rating.  相似文献   

Using a sample of European real estate firms over the 2007–2010 period, this study provides some evidence that measurement-related fair value disclosures reduce information asymmetry. We find a negative association between the extent of fair value disclosures and the bid-ask spread, but no association with two additional measures of information asymmetry (zero returns and price impact). Contrary to our expectation, we fail to find evidence that firms using model estimates exclusively benefit the most from such additional disclosure. Analysing measurement errors (the absolute difference between the selling price of an asset and its fair value prior to sale), we find that firms that use model estimates exclusively and provide more measurement-related disclosures have lower errors and more accurate fair value estimates. In other words, if our lack of results is due to investors not using this additional disclosure this is to their detriment.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a measure of firm-specific cybersecurity awareness that can be used in empirical research exploring cyber-related issues facing corporations. It extends and updates Gordon et al. (2010), who develop an indicator capturing the existence of disclosures related to “information security” and show a positive association between market valuation and their measure. Since publication of their paper, cyber-related events have become more frequent and salient, and disclosure of cybersecurity issues has become more extensive. Increased disclosure is largely due to a 2011 requirement by the Securities and Exchange Commission, which provides guidance for disclosure of cyber-related issues in 10-K filings. Based upon this post-guidance disclosure, we develop a new measure that captures the extent and relevance of cyber disclosures and show that the market positively values cybersecurity awareness. We also show that a more negative tone in cyber disclosures is associated with lower market values. Our results are robust to inclusion of measures of IT governance and controlling for the firm’s overall disclosure characteristics.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the relation between the readability of narrative disclosures in 10-K reports, and corporate liquidity and payout policies. We find that firms with less readable disclosures hold significantly more cash. We also find that this relationship is stronger for firms with weak corporate governance, and with higher financing constraints and refinancing risks. Further analysis also shows that firms with less readable disclosures pay fewer cash dividends and repurchase less stock. Our findings are robust to different estimation methods, and to alternative specifications of key variables. The findings from this study contribute to the emerging research that stresses the importance of 10-K report readability in protecting shareholder wealth.  相似文献   

To date, there is only meager research evidence on the usefulness of mandatory annual report risk disclosures to investors. Although it has been argued that corporate disclosure decreases information asymmetry between management and shareholders, we do not know whether investors benefit from high-quality risk reporting in a highly regulated risk disclosure environment. In this paper, we performed association tests to examine whether the quality of firms' mandatory risk disclosures relate to information asymmetry in the Finnish stock markets. In addition, we analyzed whether the usefulness of risk disclosures depends on contingency factors such as firm riskiness, investor interest, and market condition. We demonstrate that the quality of risk disclosure has a direct negative influence on information asymmetry. We also document that risk disclosures are more useful if they are provided by small firms, high tech firms, and firms with low analyst coverage. We also found that momentum in stock markets affects the relevance of firms' risk reports.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the voluntary decomposition of consolidated earnings disclosures into industry segments has information content in the sense that such disclosures better enable investors to predict earnings. The broad rationale underlying the experimental design is that if segment disclosure does enable investors to better predict earnings then residual abnormal returns (after controlling for unexpected earnings) surrounding the earnings announcements of firms providing segment disclosures should on average be significantly lower than a matched' group of firms that do not provide this type of disclosure. Using a short event window design, our results support this view.  相似文献   

Some firms voluntarily make disclosures about the controls and processes in place to ensure the reliability of fair value estimates. Consistent with these disclosures being driven by investors’ concerns about the reliability of their SFAS 157 estimates, we find that firms with more opaque estimates are more likely to provide such disclosures. We then examine whether these disclosures improve investors’ perception about the reliability of fair value estimates. We find that they are associated with higher market pricing and lower information risk for Level 3 estimates. Further analyses of the disclosures reveal that the following types of information are particularly important to investors: discussion of the external and independent pricing of fair value estimates and their proper classification according to the SFAS 157 hierarchy. Overall, our results suggest that the voluntary reliability disclosures that firms provide beyond SFAS 157’s three-level estimates help reduce investors’ uncertainty toward the more opaque fair value estimates.  相似文献   

The effect of EDGAR on the market reaction to 10-K filings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the impact of making accounting information available on the Internet simultaneously and almost costlessly to all market participants. More specifically, we examine if filing form 10-K on EDGAR has any effect on the information dissemination process when compared to the traditional method of filing. We examine a random sample of firms that file on EDGAR for the first time and compare the market response to their 10-K filing to that of the previous year's filing which was not on EDGAR. Consistent with the preexisting literature, we do not find a market reaction to the pre-EDGAR filing. In contrast, we find both a price and volume reaction to 10-K's filed on EDGAR. We perform a variety of univariate and multivariate tests to ensure that our results are not driven by other factors, i.e., firm characteristics and timing of 10-K filings. Overall, we find evidence that the market reacts more significantly to 10-K's filed on EDGAR. In our multivariate tests we also examine whether the EDGAR effect is more important for certain types of firms. Consistent with our expectations, we find the EDGAR effect is smaller for faster growing firms for which we believe there are more non-EDGAR sources of information. Finally, we document that, on average, 10-K's filed on EDGAR are filed earlier than 10-K's filed under traditional methods.  相似文献   

We investigate whether announcements of ‘subject to’ audit opinions and disclaimers of opinions affect stock prices. The results indicate that many firms experience negative abnormal performance prior to the release of qualified opinions, and that the magnitude of prior abnormal performance differs across types of qualifications. However, there is little evidence of a stock price effect when qualifications are disclosed publicly. It is difficult to construct powerful tests of the announcement effect of a qualified opinion for three reasons. First, the announcement date of the qualification is not easily identified. Second, measuring the unanticipated component of the announcement requires a model of market expectations. Third, controls must be employed for concurrent disclosures. The problems concerning event date identification have ramifications for other accounting event studies, particularly studies of disclosures typically contained in the annual report or 10-K.  相似文献   

Conference calls have become increasingly common in recent years, yet there is little empirical evidence regarding the effect of conference calls on executive compensation. In this study, we examine the effect of voluntary disclosures on equity incentives. We hypothesize that voluntary disclosures, as measured by conference calls, affect executive compensation contracts. Using a dataset of 6263 firm-year observations from both conference call and non-conference call firms, our results are consistent with the argument that the board of directors substitutes voluntary disclosures for more costly corporate governance mechanisms. Alternatively, in firms where CEOs have less equity incentives, the owners demand more voluntary disclosures. The results of this study should be of great importance to executives and capital market participants internationally, such as investors and analysts, since we provide evidence that conference calls affect incentive based compensation contracts, which were shown in prior studies to be value relevant.  相似文献   

The paper investigates whether Big-Four affiliated (B4A) firms earn audit premiums in an emerging economy context, using Bangladesh as a case. The joint determination of audit and non-audit service fees is also examined using a sample of 122 companies listed in the Dhaka Stock Exchange. Our findings reveal that although the B4A firms do not generally earn a fee premium in Bangladesh, they charge higher audit fees for clients not purchasing non-audit services. This suggests that the B4A firms may actually lower audit fees to attract non-audit services, and cross subsidizes audit fees through non-audit-services fees. The lack of a B4A premium implies that there is lack of quality audit in emerging markets. We also document that audit and non-audit service fees are jointly determined in Bangladesh. Thus, we provide evidence of joint determination of audit and non-audit service fees in an emerging economy context.  相似文献   

The release of earnings information has become less timely in recent years partly because firms increasingly disclose earnings concurrently with their periodic reports (e.g., 10-Ks, 10-Qs). We examine whether firms use voluntary disclosure to mitigate the negative economic consequences of less timely earnings announcements (EAs). We find that firms with less timely EAs are more likely to provide voluntary 8-K filings over the period leading to the EA. We also find that investors’ demand for timely information, the nature of earnings news and litigation risk affect the extent to which firms provide voluntary disclosure to compensate for less timely EAs. The negative effect of less timely EAs on information asymmetry is attenuated when firms provide voluntary 8-K filings prior to EAs. Overall, our findings suggest that firms voluntarily communicate with investors using voluntary disclosure when their EAs are less timely.  相似文献   

The goal of this investigation is to provide additional evidence concerning the incremental information content of the 10-K from the aggregate market perspective. As in Foster and Vickrey (1978), the phrase, incremental information content of the 10-K, refers to the information content of the data set in the 10-K which is in excess of that which is contained in the related annual report to shareholders and other preceding announcements such as earnings releases. The statistical procedures seem to imply that the 10-K did not, in general, possess incremental information content from the aggregate perspective for the firms considered herein.  相似文献   

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