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目标:白云尚城在综合素质上,成为一个标志性楼盘。战略:首先要做强,然后迅遂地做大。实施方案:做好小区的内部环境,包括软件、硬件两个方面。  相似文献   

苏黎 《房地产导刊》2009,(12):120-121
专注产品一直是美的地产开发住宅产品的总体思路,近年来美的地产投入了大量的精力进行市场定位和差异化产品设计,产品线覆盖别墅、公寓到中低端产品,风格则从中式、欧式到现代,应有尽有,市场覆盖面极广。  相似文献   

汪中求先生所著的《细节决定成败》,在油田风靡一时。书中所阐述的观点主要有三个:一是细节,二是服务,三是优势。纵观古今中外。“细节”“服务”和“优势”始终是各级经营管理者关注的焦点。而“细节”是决定“优势”的前提和基础。所以“细节”是关系企业竞争力的重要因素。“细节”是什么?我们说“细节”就是追求完美。一个形象比喻:管理是树。品牌是挂在树上的果子。细节是大树的枝叶,放弃细节就等于打光大树的叶子。这棵树再也结不出美丽的果实——品牌,向细节管理要优势。  相似文献   

住宅产品的三层次定位方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今,住宅市场中产品同质化倾向日趋严重,住宅产品缺乏个性。无论在产品功能上,还是在产品的建筑风格、户型设计、环境营造、配套设施等方面都大同小异。这与很多房地产开发企业盲目克隆,对产品定位无所作为,缺乏创新的勇气和激情有关。 产品定位是创造产品差异化,从而建立竞争优势的有效途径。正确的产品定位是房地产开发企业在竞争中  相似文献   

时代地产正在演绎一个房企打造高端品牌的故事。随着时代·白朗峰刷新中山市的豪宅标准、奠定其在高端住宅开发领域的基石后,南沙·依云小镇“也立志打造成珠三角最高端的休闲地产项目”,珠海金湾·依云小镇“将成为珠海市最高端社区的典范”,清远·黄花湖畔也把项目定位为“建筑高端休闲度假社区”这些无不昭示时代地产正逐步将产品转攻高端市场的全新战略。  相似文献   

笔者认为,在现在相对成熟的市场前提下,品牌建设的过程应该依据企业发展的进程逐步跟进,是一项长期的工程,只有夯实了企业发展的基础才能谈品牌建设。一夜而红的品牌  相似文献   

彭雨平 《企业研究》1994,(11):13-14
企业在进行市场细分,选定目标市场以后,怎样进入目标市场便成了至关重要的问题。为了进占目标市场,企业必须进行目标市场上的定位。目标市场定位的主要内容有产品定位、价格定位、分销定位和促销定位,而其中,尤以产品定位最为重要,是整个目标市场定位的基础和核心,它决定着其它几个方面的定位。 具体来说,产品定位就是要根据竞争者现有产品在市场上所处的位置,针对消费者对该产品某种特征或属性的重视程度,强有力地塑造出本企业产品与众不同的、给人以鲜明印象的个性或形象,并把这种形象生动地传递给消费者,从而使该产品在市场上确定适当的位置。可见,着力寻找或者是创造产  相似文献   

目前,奥园已在产品研发上建立了一整套“低碳健康住宅”技术支持体系,并根据各个项目的不同特点选择应用,将“低碳健康”的品牌理念贯彻到项目的开发建设中。  相似文献   

知名度不等于品牌 品牌“卖”的是情感和文化,是理念与服务上的快人一步。房地产市场有一种假象,以为有了知名度,就有了品牌。其实不然,品牌是企业的一种战略性资产,品牌是一种意识,是生命力的呈现,代表着企业、产品与消费者间的构成关系。  相似文献   

王永红 《英才》2009,(1):111
对房地产行业来说,我觉得2009年的形势会更加严峻,尤其是对商品房市场而言。原因有几方面。 首先,城市住房市场的消费者信心不足,这是受整个宏观大环境的影响。 其次,政府加大了保障性住房的办度。在这之前,整个城市住宅地产市场大概只有不到5%的份额是政府在做,而未来三年,预计保障性住房会占到整个市场份额的30%-50%。可想而知,商品房的市场空间会越来越小。  相似文献   

当前经济全球化浪潮已成为不可逆转的趋势,国际经济环境的变化尤其是原油价格的波动和美国经济走势越来越直接地影响和制约着中国经济的发展轨迹。在后地产时代,由于中国资本市场对外逐步放开,中国房地产的波动形态也不可避免地打上国际因素的深刻烙印。  相似文献   

曾经与某乳品企业谈起他们在某城市的推广活动,他们的营销副总介绍说:“我们的推广非常注重实效,不说别的,每天在全市穿行的100辆崭新的送奶车,醒目的品牌标志,统一的车型颜色,本身就是流动的广告,而且我要求,即使没有送奶任务也要在街上开着转,多好的宣传方式,别的厂家根本没重视这…点。”我脑海中开始浮现这些流动的广告在城市中与消费者频频接触的场景,想象着它的默默的影响力。  相似文献   

西方有句谚语:"总统是靠不住的".有一位管理学家曾经做了这样一个假设:假如一架飞机不幸失事,而飞机上载着A公司的老板与B公司的老板,这两位老板都不幸遇难.事后,A公司出现一片混乱,呈现出群龙无首的状态;而B公司则依然井然有序,没有受到太大的影响.造成这种差异的一个原因就是B公司已经具备了一套系统的管理制度.  相似文献   

The critics of best practice research argue that it is based on selective reporting, does not ask whether innovations are sustainable and does not compare excellent organizations to those that are failing. This article attempts to defend best practice research from these criticisms as well as provide suggestions for future best practice research. The best applications to innovations awards are shown to be representative samples of innovative activity and sustainable. A number of examples of practitioner studies of best practice and academic or auditor studies of organizational failure are provided. The article concludes with suggestions as to how to integrate studies of success and failure, such as case studies of turnarounds and more quantitative studies intended to explain differences in performance among organizations (for example, league tables). The conclusion reached is that the criticisms of best practice research have become less relevant as best practice research has become methodologically more sophisticated.  相似文献   

The FSA seeks to address the putative financial incompetence of the borrowing public by improving its financial capability. The response of rational agents to asset price inflation in the UK is one indication of the competence with which many people use innovations in the financial services industry. The FSA succeeds only in shielding government failures in the money and housing markets.  相似文献   

梁学斌 《房地产导刊》2008,(10):102-103
作为顺德最后一块独栋别墅用地,御海东郡不会浪费这方万分稀缺的山水生态资源。美的地产期望通过用心的琢磨,使之成为一个能够让房子的主人长期居住,并为之骄傲的地方。  相似文献   

The tragic deaths of twenty-three young Chinese cockle pickers in Morecambe Bay on the Lancashire coast have been attributed to the machinations of global capitalism. In fact, these migrant workers came to the UK to escape the poverty created by socialism in China and were working under a regime of state-regulated access to the cockle beds. An alternative market-orientated regime of private property rights in the cockle beds might have prevented the tragedy.  相似文献   

李燕珠 《房地产导刊》2009,(10):100-101
2005年,赵晖奉命“南征”,按照集团公司的要求成立恒升公司以完成雅景湾项目(即中房观湖国际)的收购与开发工作,这一役展现了赵晖的实力。  相似文献   

In an attempt to elucidate some possible conditions for success in managerial decision making, data were analysed from 53 cases of decisions in eight British organizations, five business firms and three non-business organizations (two universities and a District of the National Health Service). No clear relationships between features of the processes of making the decisions, and their successfulness were found until the business firms and the non-business organizations were separated. Clear differences then showed up, relatively speaking, in the conditions conductive to success. In the business firms, a successful decision was more likely to result from a decision-making process in which resources were available. In other words, in business a successful decision is most likely when sufficient information and sufficient means of implementation are to hand. By contrast, in the universities and the Health District, a successful decision was associated more with the social qualities of the decision-making process itself. In other words, in non-business organizations a successful decision is most likely when the right people participate and the people at the very top do not interfere too much.  相似文献   

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