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In continuous time, we study a financial market which is free of arbitrage opportunities but incomplete under the physical probability measure P. Thus one has several choices of equivalent martingale measures. In the present paper, the (unique) martingale measure P * is studied which is defined by the concept of the numeraire portfolio. The choice of P * can be justified by a change of numeraire in place of a change of measure. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 90A09, 91B28, 91B62, 93E20, 62P05 Journal of Economic Literature Classification: G10, G12, G13  相似文献   

According to the classic no arbitrage theory of asset pricing, in a frictionless market a No Free Lunch dynamic price process associated with any essentially bounded asset is a martingale under an equivalent probability measure. However, real financial markets are not frictionless. We introduce an axiomatic approach of Time Consistent Pricing Procedure (TCPP), in a model free setting, to assign to every financial position a dynamic ask (resp. bid) price process. Taking into account both transaction costs and liquidity risk this leads to the convexity (resp. concavity) of the ask (resp. bid) price. We prove that the No Free Lunch condition for a TCPP is equivalent to the existence of an equivalent probability measure R that transforms a process between the bid price process and the ask price process of every financial instrument into a martingale. Furthermore we prove that the ask (resp. bid) price process associated with every financial instrument is then a R super-martingale (resp. R sub-martingale) which has a càdlàg version.  相似文献   

Abstract We consider a special class of financial models with both traded and non-traded assets and show that the utility indifference (bid) price of a contingent claim on a non-traded asset is bounded above by the expectation under the minimal martingale measure. This bound also represents the marginal bid price for the claim. The key conclusion is that the bound and the marginal bid price are independent of both the utility function and initial wealth of the agent. Thus all utility maximising agents charge the same marginal price for the claim. This conclusion is in some sense the opposite conclusion to that of Hubalek and Schachermayer (2001), who show that any price is consistent with some equivalent martingale measure. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 91B28, 91B16, 60J70 Journal of Economic Literature Classification: G13  相似文献   

We examine how price impact in the underlying asset market affects the replication of a European contingent claim. We obtain a generalized Black–Scholes pricing PDE and establish the existence and uniqueness of a classical solution to this PDE. Unlike the case with transaction costs, we prove that replication with price impact is always cheaper than superreplication. Compared to the Black–Scholes case, a trader generally buys more stock and borrows more (shorts and lends more) to replicate a call (put). Furthermore, price impact implies endogenous stochastic volatility and an out-of-money option has lower implied volatility than an in-the-money option. This finding has important implications for empirical analysis on volatility smile.  相似文献   

We discuss utility maximization problems with exponential preferences in an incomplete market where the risky asset dynamics is described by a pure jump process driven by two independent Poisson processes. This includes results on portfolio optimization under an additional European claim. Value processes of the optimal investment problems, optimal hedging strategies and the indifference price are represented in terms of solutions to backward stochastic equations driven by the Poisson martingales. Via a duality result, the solution to the dual problems is derived. In particular, an explicit expression for the density of the minimal martingale measure is provided. The Markovian case is also discussed. This includes either asset dynamics dependent on a pure jump stochastic factor or claims written on a correlated non tradable asset.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the effects on derivative pricing arising from price impacts by large traders. When a large trader issues a derivative and (partially) hedges his risk by trading in the underlying, he influences both his hedge portfolio and the derivative's payoff. In a Black–Scholes model with a price impact on the drift, we analyze the resulting trade-off by explicitly solving the utility maximization problem of a large investor endowed with an illiquid contingent claim. We find several interesting phenomena which cannot occur in frictionless markets. First, the indifference price is a convex function of the contingent claim – and not concave as in frictionless markets – implying that for any claim the buyer's indifference price is larger than the seller's indifference price. Second, the seller's indifference prices of large positions in derivatives are smaller than the Black–Scholes replication costs. Therefore, a large trader might have an incentive to issue options if they are traded at Black–Scholes prices. Furthermore, he hedges option positions only partly if he has a negative price impact and thus exploits his ability to manipulate the option's payoff. For a positive price impact he overhedges the option position leading to an extra profit from the stock position exceeding a perfect hedge. Finally, we also study a model where the large shareholder has a price impact on both drift and volatility.  相似文献   

In Jouini and Kallal [Jouini, E., Kallal, H., 1995. Martinagles and arbitrage in securities markets with transaction costs. Journal of Economic Theory 66 (1) 178-197], the authors characterized the absence of arbitrage opportunities for contingent claims with cash delivery in the presence of bid–ask spreads. Other authors obtained similar results for a more general definition of the contingent claims but assuming some specific price processes and transaction costs rather than bid–ask spreads in general (see for instance, Cvitanic and Karatzas [Cvitanic, J., Karatzas, I., 1996. Hedging and portfolio optimization under transaction costs: a martinangle approach. Mathematical Finance 6, 133-166]). The main difference consists of the fact that the bid–ask ratio is constant in this last reference. This assumption does not permit to encompass situations where the prices are determined by the buying and selling limit orders or by a (resp. competitive) specialist (resp. market-makers). We derive in this paper some implications from the no-arbitrage assumption on the price functionals that generalizes all the previous results in a very general setting. Indeed, under some minimal assumptions on the price functional, we prove that the prices of the contingent claims are necessarily in some minimal interval. This result opens the way to many empirical analyses.  相似文献   

Alliance portfolio diversity (APD) helps firms access diverse capabilities and knowledge. APD can also increase transaction costs, but it is unknown whether and how transaction cost theory’s (TCT’s) insights about hierarchical integration operate at the portfolio level. We adapt TCT to the portfolio level to suggest that the transaction costs from APD encourage integration into alliance partners’ industries, and we introduce the concept of shared-specific investments to pinpoint one source of transaction costs within portfolios and predict which industries will be integrated. Using data from 1996–2013 on S&P 500 firms, we find evidence in support of our theorising. Juxtaposing results with other theoretical perspectives suggests that TCT offers complementary insights about which activities to perform in the firm versus the alliance portfolio.  相似文献   

We extend the fundamental theorem of asset pricing to the case of markets with liquidity risk. Our results generalize, when the probability space is finite, those obtained by Kabanov et al. [Kabanov, Y., Stricker, C., 2001. The Harrison-Pliska arbitrage pricing theorem under transaction costs. Journal of Mathematical Economics 35, 185–196; Kabanov, Y., Rásonyi, M., Stricker, C., 2002. No-arbitrage criteria for financial markets with efficient friction. Finance and Stochastics 6, 371–382; Kabanov, Y., Rásonyi, M., Stricker, C., 2003. On the closedness of sums of convex cones in L0L0 and the robust no-arbitrage property. Finance and Stochastics] and by Schachermayer [Schachermayer, W., 2004. The fundamental theorem of asset pricing under poportional transaction costs in finite discrete time. Mathematical Finance 14 (1), 19–48] for markets with proportional transaction costs. More precisely, we restate the notions of consistent and strictly consistent price systems and prove their equivalence to corresponding no arbitrage conditions. We express these results in an analytical form in terms of the subdifferential of the so-called liquidation function. We conclude the paper with a hedging theorem.  相似文献   

User costs and bubbles in land markets   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In asset markets with speculative behavior, the long-run equilibrium relationship between asset prices and the discounted flow of future rents may become invalid. We distinguish short-term user costs and longer-term user costs with variables that reflect fundamentals. We show how to work around the empirical problem of measuring speculative expectations about asset price changes and derive a simple user cost formula where the asset price change in the short-term relationship comes out as the long-run change in the overall price level.  相似文献   

We consider a multi-asset continuous-time model of a financial market with transaction costs and prove that, for a strongly risk-averse investor, the reservation price of a contingent claim approaches the super-replication price increased by the liquidation value of the initial endowment.  相似文献   

A comparison of financial duration models via density forecasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using density forecast evaluation techniques, we compare the predictive performance of econometric specifications that have been developed for modeling duration processes in intra-day financial markets. The model portfolio encompasses various variants of the Autoregressive Conditional Duration (ACD) model and recently proposed dynamic factor models. The evaluation is conducted on time series of trade, price and volume durations computed from transaction data of NYSE listed stocks. The results show that simpler approaches perform at least as well as more complex methods. With respect to modeling trade duration processes, standard ACD models successfully account for duration dynamics while none of the models provides an acceptable specification for the conditional duration distribution. We find that the Logarithmic ACD, if based on a flexible innovation distribution, provides a quite robust and useful framework for the modeling of price and volume duration processes.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2005,126(1):201-232
We empirically analyze the impact of transaction costs on the performance of essentially affine interest rate models. We test the implied Euler restrictions and calculate the specification error bound of Hansen and Jagannathan to measure model misspecification. Using both short-maturity and long-maturity bond return data we find, under the assumption of frictionless markets, strong evidence of misspecification of affine yield models with up to three factors. Next, we incorporate transaction costs in our tests. The results show that the evidence of misspecification of essentially affine yield models disappears in case of monthly holding periods at market size transaction costs.  相似文献   

This paper builds a unifying framework based on the theory of intertemporal consumption choices that brings together the limited participation‐based explanation of the Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model's poor empirical performance and the transaction costs‐based explanation of incomplete portfolios. Using the implications of the consumption model and observed household consumption and portfolio choices, we identify the preference parameters of interest and a lower bound for the costs rationalizing non‐participation in financial markets. Using the US Consumer Expenditure Survey and assuming isoelastic preferences, we estimate the coefficient of relative risk aversion at 1.7 and a cost bound of 0.4% of non‐durable consumption. Our estimate of the preference parameter is theoretically plausible and the bound sufficiently small to be likely to be exceeded by the actual total (observable and unobservable) costs of participating in financial markets. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The well documented positive relation between returns and lagged illiquidity suggests that illiquidity is a priced characteristic of stocks. Recent studies suggest that stock returns are inversely related to the contemporaneous unexpected illiquidity, which is consistent with price revisions to reflect realized illiquidity. This study analyzes the relations between stock returns and illiquidity innovations and finds that that the negative illiquidity shock premium persists beyond the contemporaneous interval. However, transaction costs overwhelm any potential profits from strategies that attempt to exploit the price adjustments to the shocks, suggesting the markets are efficient with respect to illiquidity information.  相似文献   

Since the level of markets’ information efficiency is key to profiteering by strategic players, Shocks; such as the COVID-19 pandemic, can play a role in the nature of markets’ information efficiency. The martingale difference and conditional heteroscedasticity tests are used to evaluate the Adaptive form of market efficiency for four (4) major stock market indexes in the top four affected economies during the COVID-19 pandemic (USA, Brazil, India, and Russia). Generally, based on the martingale difference spectral test, there is no evidence of a substantial change in the levels of market efficiency for the US and Brazilian stock markets in the short, medium, and long term. However, in the long term, the Indian stock markets became more information inefficient after the coronavirus outbreak while the Russian stock markets become more information efficient. Intuitively, these affect the forecastability and predictability of these markets’ prices and/or returns. Thereby, informing the strategic and trading actions of stock investors (including arbitrageurs) towards profit optimization, portfolio asset selection, portfolio asset adjustment, etc. Similar policy implications are further discussed.  相似文献   

With incomplete markets and numeraire assets, there are open sets of economies such that their equilibrium allocations can be improved upon by a reallocation of period zero endowments. This strengthens the classical results on constrained Pareto inefficiency of equilibria in GEI.  相似文献   

The success of an electronic reverse auction (eRA) does not manifest just in price reductions but also in the reduction of transaction costs and costs of the purchasing organization. A dynamic process view allows a better understanding of these dimensions. We illustrate that using the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) concept. The goal of our study is to determine the impacts of eRAs on Total Cost of the Purchasing Function (TCPF). Therefore we analyze the impacts on three different levels: the process step, the transaction, and the tool integration level, enabling process awareness of firms using eRAs.  相似文献   

The paper applies a Factor-GARCH model to evaluate the impact of the market portfolio, as a single common dynamic risk factor, on conditional volatility and risk premia for the returns on size-based equity portfolios of three major European markets; France, Germany and the United Kingdom. The results show that for the size-based portfolios the factor loading for the dynamic market factor is significant and positive but the association between the risk premia and the conditional market volatility is weak. However, the dynamic market factor is shown to explain common characteristics in the conditional variance such as asymmetry and persistence. This finding is consistent across markets and portfolio sizes.  相似文献   

In an incomplete market model where convex trading constraints are imposed upon the underlying assets, it is no longer possible to obtain unique arbitrage-free prices for derivatives using standard replication arguments. Most existing derivative pricing approaches involve the selection of a suitable martingale measure or the optimisation of utility functions as well as risk measures from the perspective of a single trader.We propose a new and effective derivative pricing method, referred to as the equal risk pricing approach, for markets with convex trading constraints. The approach analyses the risk exposure of both the buyer and seller of the derivative, and seeks an equal risk price which evenly distributes the expected loss for both parties under optimal hedging. The existence and uniqueness of the equal risk price are established for both European and American options. Furthermore, if the trading constraints are removed, the equal risk price agrees with the standard arbitrage-free price.Finally, the equal risk pricing approach is applied to a constrained Black–Scholes market model where short-selling is banned. In particular, simple pricing formulas are derived for European calls, European puts and American puts.  相似文献   

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