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2011年度慈善一日捐活动启动以来,青岛全市上下踊跃捐款,到市慈善总会捐款的人络绎不绝。这项活动得到了青岛市委市政府领导的高度重视。山东省委常委、青岛市委书记李群,市委副书记、市长夏耕,近日分别听取了市慈善工作的汇报,并就进一步做好慈善工作作出指示。经市委市政府批准,青岛市今年在全省率先启动慈善一日捐活动。4月19日下午,青岛市委市政府领导及工作人员在市政府一楼大厅举行了捐款  相似文献   

背景:在今年青岛市慈善总会组织的"2007年青岛市"爱心飞扬——慈善一日捐"活动中",卫生系统以43万元捐款数额名列前茅。其中市立医疗集团的捐款超过10万元,市海慈医疗集团捐款也超过5万元,其它单位有9家捐款在万元以上,12家单位还捐出了平日节约的一些开支。"慈善一日捐"为何在卫生系统不但能够"畅行其道",而且逐年递增?带着这个问号,记者走访了青岛市卫生局、青岛市市立医疗集团、市海慈医疗集团……  相似文献   

公立医院发展建设资金筹资渠道主要有财政补助、银行贷款、国外贷款、融资租赁、商业信用、职工集资、投资合作、慈善捐款等几种形式.通过比较,本文认为公立医院在积极争取财政补助与慈善捐款的基础上,可以将银行贷款作为最主要的筹资渠道,同时应进一步改良财政补助的结构与方式.  相似文献   

3月12日,青岛市慈善总会副会长宗和、副秘书长李庆年、青岛朗讯公司总裁刘宇昕、青岛市儿童医院院长陈文一等在儿童医院举行了捐赠仪式,青岛朗讯公司通过市慈善总会向在儿童医院接受治疗的贫困患儿捐款1万美元。这是该公司连续第5年向儿童医院贫困患者捐款,累计捐款已近20万元。  相似文献   

“尽管与2010年两干多万元的慈善捐款额度相比,去年的捐款额少了五百万,但是不要紧,我认为做慈善最重要的是有一个公开、透明的制度和一颗诚信的心,这样的慈善精神已成为中天人的自觉行为!”10月18日,在中天集团举行的“2011《中天公益慈善绿皮书》”发布仪式上,董事长楼永良说出了自己对慈善的肺腑之言。2011年,中天捐赠的社会公益慈善金额为1475.2万元。  相似文献   

圣元集团成为胶南最大捐款企业近日,胶南市慈善总会收到自成立以来最大的一笔捐款一圣元国际集团下属青岛圣元营养食品有限公司向胶南慈善定向捐款1000万元人民币,用于该市"老党员之家"安老工程的建设。根据双方的协议,1000万元的定向捐款将在2008年、2009年分别给付,首期500万元善款已于签署协议的当月到账。据了解,胶南市慈善总会自成立以来,通过开  相似文献   

在这多事之秋,人们把目光聚焦在企业的慈善活动上。但是企业的慈善活动营销却很难做好。如果要你策划一个能带来一定影响力的企业慈善项目,你会怎么做?捐款?捐款数额小了又不能真正发挥作用。大家都在讨论者慈善活动营销的成效,但同时却没能对成效进行“衡量”。可惜,对于许多企业而言,他们的慈善活动都只能带来微小的影响。难怪2008年麦肯锡的调查数据表明,  相似文献   

现今很少有企业能够轻视媒体的力量了。最近发生在中国的一场大地震所带来的一系列慈善捐款活动,就令很多企业深刻感受到了网络媒体的力量。在媒体的高效率下,每个企业的捐款数字都以最快的速度曝光,慈善榜单的形成,  相似文献   

自4月13日开展慈善一日捐活动以来,青岛全市各级党政军机关、企事业单位干部职工和社会各界人士纷纷奉献爱心,截至5月4日,青岛市慈善总会共接收善款348.62万元。卫生系统捐款61万元5月3日,青岛市卫生局慈善一日捐捐款仪式在市疾病控制中心隆重举行。卫生局机关及22个局直单位  相似文献   

慈善捐赠法律关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会的进步,人们生活水平的提高。慈善事业正在如火如荼地开展。但在慈善捐赠中,却存在着这样那样的问题,比如慈善捐款被挪用、被贪污等等。这些问题都极大地影响着受益人和捐赠人对慈善事业的信心。就主要探讨了关于慈善捐赠中存在的若干法律问题。  相似文献   

The United States is one of the most charitable nations, yet comprises some of the most materialistic citizens in the world. Interestingly, little is known about how the consumer trait of materialism, as well as the opposing moral trait of gratitude, influences charitable giving. We address this gap in the literature by theorizing and empirically testing that the effects of these consumer traits on charitable behavior can be explained by diverse motivations. We discuss the theoretical implications, along with implications for charitable organizations, and offer suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

The meaningfulness of charitable giving is largely owed to the imaginary conceptions that underpin this form of giving. Building on Taylor's notion of “social imaginary” and Godelier's work on “gift imaginary,” we theorize the imaginary of charitable giving. Through a combination of qualitative methods the charitable gift imaginary and its role in givers' meaning making are explored in a specific socio-cultural context. The theoretical foundation and the generated data enable us to map the imaginary of charitable giving across four distinct clusters and theorize meaning – making as navigation across relatively stable assemblages of conceptions of poverty, donors, end-recipients and charitable giving. These assemblages are suggested to form a multifaceted imaginary that is both cultural (shared) and personal (individually performed).  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between the proportion of women serving on firms' boards of directors and the extent to which these same firms engaged in charitable giving activities. Using a sample of 185 Fortune500 firms for the 1991–1994 time period, the results provide strong support for the notion that firms having a higher proportion of women serving on their boards do engage in charitable giving to a greater extent than firms having a lower proportion of women serving on their boards. Further, the results suggest a link between the percentage of women on boards and firm philanthropy in the areas of community service and the arts, but found no link between women boardmembers and firm giving to support education or public policy issues. The implications of the findings and some areas for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The CEO's Influence on Corporate Foundation Giving   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Some scholars have argued that CEOs may have excessive influence on their foundation's trustees to give away a portion of company profits to charitable causes in order to gain access to elite circles or support the CEO's personal causes. This may result in charitable contributions that ultimately serve the personal interests of the CEOs without regard to corporate interests or social needs. We examine the extent that CEOs appear to direct charitable giving to be compatible with their own personal interests, and if CEO participation on the foundation board affects the relationship between CEO personal interests and charitable giving. Using a sample of 160 corporate foundations, our results showed that CEOs' interests, as measured by membership in different non-profit organizations, was associated with foundation charitable giving. This association decreased, but was not eliminated, when CEOs were absent from the foundation board. Implications of these findings for researchers and managers are discussed in regards to both agency theory and stewardship theory.  相似文献   


Charitable organizations are under increasing financial pressure to attract and retain private donors. However, research examining consumer attitudes toward and motivations for giving to charity have yielded ambiguous results. A cross-disciplinary literature review suggests individual donation behavior is based on several factors including attitudes toward helping others, attitudes toward the charitable organization and various intrapersonal, social and economic motives. Using exploratory factor analysis seven factors are identified which influence monetary donations to charitable organizations. Of these seven factors, two factors measure attitudes relevant to charitable giving and five factors capture motivations for charitable giving. These measures are important to academicians, policy makers and practitioners in the development of theory and marketing strategy.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of corporate giving programs on the link between certain categories of corporate crime and corporate reputation. Specifically, firms that violate EPA and OSHA regulations should, to some extent, experience a decline in their reputations, while firms that contribute to charitable causes should see their reputations enhanced. The results of this study support both of these contentions. Further, the results suggest that corporate giving significantly moderates the link between the number of EPA and OSHA violations committed by a firm and its reputation. Thus, while a firm's reputation can be diminished through its violation of various government regulations, the extent of the decline in reputation may be significantly reduced through charitable giving.  相似文献   

Most charitable organizations can only rely on appeals to purely philanthropic motivations in attempting to solicit donor contributions. The decision processes exhibited by the targets of charitable solicitations are very different from those the same individuals use in making daily purchase decisions. Although both charitable giving and purchase contexts have been studied extensively, there are numerous organizations that require targeted customers to use a decision process that merges elements of both domains. Charitable hybrids, such as museums and universities, are such organizations, supplementing traditional revenue streams by soliciting charitable contributions, thus evoking a complex consumer decision process. For these firms, giving good service may yield an added benefit of maximizing charitable contributions received. Drawing on both the services and charitable giving literatures, a model of the consumer decision process is developed in this hybrid situation. In an exploratory test of the model, initial evidence is found that both classes of effects have significant influence on donors' intentions to give. However, in charitable giving contexts, organizational identification appears to fill a central role in influencing decision outcomes, which diminishes the role of satisfaction. The findings provide provocative evidence that further research in this setting is warranted. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Motivations for prosocial behavior have been explored in diverse ways. Empirical research suggests that empathy is an important motive for prosocial behavior. Building upon previous studies, in this article the authors hypothesize that charitable giving is distinctively affected by different components of dispositional empathy, including empathic concern, perspective taking, and personal distress. Using the 2008–2009 wave of American National Election Studies data set, this study examines the impact of these three components of dispositional empathy on probability and amount of giving to various charitable causes. The results support the authors’ hypotheses that the three components of dispositional empathy are associated with charitable giving in different ways. In particular, empathic concern consistently stimulates the likelihood and amount of giving. The effects of perspective taking and personal distress are mixed. The results offer several direct implications for fundraisers and nonprofit organizations in crafting effective fundraising appeals.  相似文献   

We investigate corporate giving behaviors of prestigious business award winners in Korea. In particular, we examine whether firms strategically use corporate giving to enhance corporate reputation. We find that (1) award winners generally make more charitable contributions than nonwinners prior to winning awards and maintain significant charitable contributions after winning awards; (2) multiple award winners make even more charitable contributions than single‐award winners; and (3) an increase in charitable contributions does not raise the probability of winning awards in the year after the increase. The results suggest that CEOs of award‐winning firms do not use corporate giving opportunistically to enhance their status and reputation. Rather, significant charitable contributions by award winners may be indicative of a sound business strategy to maximize long‐term firm value.  相似文献   

This article investigates the effects of firm size, profitability, industry affiliation, and the business cycle on retailer philanthropy. The importance of industry and firm effects on giving was analyzed with regression models using industry-fixed effects as well as firm strategy variables. The analysis included instrumental variables methodology to account for simultaneity in the charitable giving–profits relationship. Data were gathered from the IRS Corporate Statistics of Income Sourcebook, data that provide firm size class measures covering the entire firm size distribution ranging from small retailers up to large multi-national retail firms. Retailer philanthropy was measured as the ratio of charitable contributions to total receipts. Important findings include a cubic relationship between retailer philanthropy and firm size; industry effects stronger than those observed for retail profit; and the absence of business cycle effects. The empirical research relating retail charitable giving to firm attributes including firm size and advertising, industry and business cycle factors are unique in the business ethics literature. Prior studies regarding the importance of industry on charitable giving utilized data across broad sectors of the economy. Firms from different sectors could be expected to differ in philanthropic approach due to differences in public contact as well as differences in public relations exposure. The strong industry effects reported for this sample of exclusively retail firms, with similar public contact, provide strong evidence for the importance of industry in determining firms’ charitable strategies.  相似文献   

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