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This study examines the impact of unconventional monetary policies on the stock market when the short‐term nominal interest rate is stuck at the zero lower bound (ZLB). Unconventional monetary policies appear to have significant effects on stock prices and the effects differ across stocks. In agreement with existing credit channel theories, I find that firms subject to financial constraints react more strongly to unconventional monetary policy shocks [especially large‐scale asset purchases (LSAPs)] than do less constrained firms. These results imply that the credit channel is as important as the interest rate channel in the transmission of unconventional monetary policies at the ZLB.  相似文献   

李文韬 《金融论坛》2021,26(4):33-45
本文基于2007-2019年的数据实证分析利率、信贷、汇率、股票市场和房地产市场等货币政策传导变量对中国八大综合经济区经济增长和物价的影响.研究发现,中国货币政策传导存在明显的区域非对称效应;银行信贷和利率渠道对各区域经济增长和物价影响的方向基本一致,影响幅度存在较大差异;汇率对各区域经济增长、物价影响的方向和幅度均存...  相似文献   

Estimating monetary policy effects when interest rates are close to zero   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a nonlinear structural VAR approach, we estimate the effects of exogenous monetary policy shocks in the presence of a zero lower bound constraint on nominal interest rates and examine the impact of such a constraint on the effectiveness of counter-cyclical monetary policies based on the data from Japan. We find that when interest rates are at zero, the output effect of exogenous shocks to monetary policy is cut in half if the central bank continues to target the interest rate. The conditional impulse response functions allow us to isolate the effect of monetary policy shocks operating through the interest rate channel when other possible channels of monetary transmission are present.  相似文献   

本文运用协整检验、向量自回归模型以及脉冲响应函数等计量方法,对中国2001—2011年货币政策信贷传导渠道的有效性进行了实证分析,同时给出货币渠道的结果作为对比。实证结果表明,货币渠道和信贷渠道对货币政策的传导共同发挥作用,但两者均存在一定程度的传导障碍,并且近年来货币渠道相对信贷渠道而言似乎更具影响力。另外,本文还进一步探讨了货币政策冲击对工业企业现金流的影响,并给出了工业企业现金流主要组成部分(销售收入、利润总额以及利息支出)对货币冲击的脉冲响应函数图。  相似文献   

This paper examines cyclical variation in the effect of Fed policy on the stock market. We find a much stronger response of stock returns to unexpected changes in the federal funds target rate in recession and in tight credit market conditions. Using firm-level data, we also show that firms that face financial constraints are more affected by monetary shocks in tight credit conditions than the relatively unconstrained firms. Overall, the results are consistent with the credit channel of monetary policy transmission.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes intraday changes in firm‐level equity prices around interest rate announcements to assess the transmission of U.S. monetary policy to the global economy. We document that foreign firms on average are roughly as sensitive to U.S. monetary policy as U.S. firms, although we also find considerable cross‐sectional variation across firms. In particular, foreign stocks in cyclically sensitive industries show stronger responses to interest rate surprises, consistent with a demand channel of policy transmission. In addition, transmission of U.S. policy appears to be stronger to economies with fixed exchange rates. Evidence for a credit channel is weaker.  相似文献   

Relying on quarterly data since 1998 we estimate, for China and the U.S., small scale econometric models that economize on the number of variables employed and yet are rich enough to provide useful insights about spillover effects between the two countries under different maintained assumptions about the exogeneity of the macroeconomic relationship between them. We conclude that inflation in China responds to credit shocks. Indeed, the monetary transmission mechanism in China resembles that of the U.S. even if the channels through which monetary policy affects their respective economies differ. We also find that the monetary policy stance of the PBOC was helpful in mitigating the impact of the 2008–9 global financial crisis on China's financial conditions. Finally, spillovers from the U.S. to China are significant and originate from both the real and financial sectors of the U.S. economy.  相似文献   

This study investigates the trade credit channel of monetary policy transmission in Turkey by using a large panel of corporate firms and includes detailed information on balance sheets and income statements of firms that regularly reported to the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey during the period 1996-2008. The study suggests that the composition of external finance differs considerably across firm types based on size and export performance under tight and loose financial conditions. Small and medium-size manufacturing firms and firms with a low export share are less likely to have access to bank finance, especially in tight periods. In addition, financially constrained firms with limited access to bank finance (small, low-export-share firms) tend to substitute trade credits for bank loans more aggressively in tight periods as monetary policy tightens. The large volume of trade credit on firms' balance sheets and its positive response to contractionary monetary shocks imply that the trade credit channel might subdue the traditional credit channel of monetary transmission.  相似文献   

What transmission channels drive the effect of monetary policy on consumption inequality? This paper investigates this question with tractable Two-Agent New Keynesian models with search-and-matching frictions and wage rigidities. I make a distinction between credit-constrained households and unconstrained households and find that an expansionary monetary policy shock decreases consumption inequality between those two households through three channels: (i) the income composition channel, through fluctuations in labor and profit income; (ii) the savings redistribution channel, through fluctuations in real interest rate; and (iii) the earnings heterogeneity channel, through fluctuations in unemployment. The results are in line with the empirical evidence.  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates the impact of monetary policy on the credit supply of Islamic versus conventional banks of Malaysia using an unbalanced panel dataset over the period 2005-2016. While estimating the effects of three alternative measures of monetary policy on banks' credit supply, we include several bank-specific and macroeconomic variables in the specification as control variables. We provide strong evidence on the existence of the credit channel of monetary policy transmission mechanism in Malaysia. Yet, we show that Islamic banks respond considerably less to changes in monetary policy instruments as compared to their conventional counterparts. We also find that the monetary policy measures affect small-sized banks and less-liquid banks more as compared to large-sized and more-liquid banks. Our findings suggest that for an effective monetary policy, there is a vital need to consider the nature of Islamic banking while devising any monetary policy instruments to manage credit supply in the economy.  相似文献   

This paper studies the international transmission of monetary policy through banks in small open economies using the examples of Switzerland and Canada. We assess the inward transmission of foreign monetary policy for Switzerland and the outward transmission of domestic monetary policy for Canada. In both country cases, we focus on the international bank lending and the international portfolio channel, which make opposing predictions about how monetary policy transmits internationally through banks. Our results on the inward transmission of foreign monetary policy through banks in Switzerland are consistent with a role for the international portfolio channel, but we find no evidence for the traditional international bank lending channel. The results on the outward transmission of domestic monetary policy in Canada suggest that foreign lending by Canadian banks is affected through both channels, which work as predicted and largely balance each other.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of anticipated and unanticipated interest rate changes on aggregate and sectoral stock returns in the United Kingdom. The monetary policy shock is generated from the change in the 3-month sterling LIBOR futures contract. Results from time-series and panel analysis indicate an important structural break in the relationship between stock returns and monetary policy shifts. Specifically, whereas before the credit crunch, the stock market response to both expected and unexpected interest rate changes is negative and significant; the relationship becomes positive during the credit crisis. The latter finding highlights the inability, so far, of monetary policymakers to reverse, via interest rate cuts, the negative trend observed in stock prices since the onset of the credit crisis.  相似文献   

In light of the current low-interest-rate environment, we reconsider the merits of strict money growth targeting (MGT) relative to conventional inflation targeting (IT) and to price level targeting (PLT). We evaluate these policies in terms of social welfare through the lens of a New Keynesian model and accounting for a zero lower bound (ZLB) constraint on the nominal interest rate. Although MGT makes monetary policy vulnerable to money demand shocks, MGT contributes to achieving price level stationarity and significantly reduces the incidence and severity of the ZLB relative to both IT and PLT. Furthermore, MGT lessens the need for fiscal expansions to supplement monetary policy in fighting recessions.  相似文献   

金融体系在货币政策传导过程中起“中介”作用,货币渠道过程是通过金融市场从货币政策冲击到市场零售利率的价格传导过程,信贷渠道是通过商业银行从中央银行到商业银行的数量传导过程。完善我国金融体系有利于提高货币政策传导效果,同时也是市场经济体制改革的要求,我国中央银行实施货币政策时应该考虑区域金融差异的客观事实。  相似文献   

Many emerging markets have undertaken significant financial sector reforms, especially in their banking sectors, that are critical for both financial development and real economic activity. In this paper, we investigate the success of banking reforms in India where significant banking reforms were implemented during the 1990s. Using the argument that well-functioning credit markets would reflect a credit channel for monetary policy at work, we test whether a change in monetary policy has a predictable impact on borrowing behaviour of several types of firms, including business group affiliated, unaffiliated private firms, state-owned firms and foreign firms. The empirical results suggest that unaffiliated private firms have the most vulnerable to monetary policy stance during tight policy regimes. We also find that during tight monetary policy regimes, bank credit of smaller firms is more sensitive to changes in the interest rate than that of large firms. In an easy money regime, monetary policy and the associated change in interest rate does not affect change in bank credit, change in total debt and the proportion of bank credit in total debt for any of the firms. We discuss the policy implications of the findings.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the first part of the stock market channel of monetary policy in the euro area. We find heterogeneous reactions of euro area stock markets to unexpected ECB’s interest rate decisions. Splitting all markets into two groups, covering the stock markets reacting significantly to monetary policy shocks and the ones which do not, each sub-group reveals a higher degree of homogeneity. Interestingly, the markets, which react significantly to unexpected interest rate decisions are the markets with the highest stock market capitalization. In general, we find ECB’s decisions to be well anticipated by stock markets.  相似文献   

随着股票市场的蓬勃发展及其与国民经济的联系日益密切,货币政策的传导机制和效应必然受到股票市场发展的影响,同时股票市场也逐渐成为货币政策传导的重要渠道之一。本文首先对货币政策的传导机制与股票市场的关联机制进行分析,然后运用协整分析、向量自回归模型(VAR)、向量误差修正模型(VECM)、脉冲响应函数、方差分解技术等计量方法对我国股票市场对货币政策传导机制的影响进行了实证分析。结果显示股票市场已经成为传导货币政策的一个主要渠道,中央银行制定货币政策时必须要考虑股票市场。  相似文献   

基于货币政策传导理论,依据2008-2017年沪深两市非金融上市企业数据,考量企业异质性与货币政策信贷传导渠道有效性。结果显示:紧缩性货币政策通过银行信贷渠道传导,有效降低企业的投资规模;受企业异质性影响,货币政策信贷传导在高融资约束、高投资机会、高资产可抵押性和非国有企业中更能发挥有效作用。  相似文献   

在银行融资与企业融资两大市场均存在金融摩擦的条件下,经济转型时期的“投资潮涌”蕴含重要货币经济学含义。以货币政策调控行业过剩产能为例,本文为解释转型时期中国货币政策结构调控功能构建一个理论分析框架,并对相关理论假说进行实证检验。经验证据显示:当不同产能过剩行业的企业在抵押能力信息传递上存在系统异质性时,货币政策具有显著产能调控功能,而调控作用的大小与企业产权结构以及货币政策工具类型有关。通过融合“投资潮涌”与BGG理论,本文将BGG理论中的货币政策效应异质性从企业层面拓展至行业层面,进而揭示了传统非结构性货币政策在转型经济背景下何以具有结构调控功能的理论机制。结论表明,进一步夯实金融市场微观基础,协同推进实体经济供给侧结构性改革与利率市场化改革,对于健全价格型货币政策调控体系至关重要。文章也为通过进一步完善和创新分类调控政策思路,实现灵活精准、合理适度的货币政策操作路径提供了政策启示。  相似文献   

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