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学生满意度测评是高职专业院校教学水平评估的一项重要指标。科学全面的对满意度进行测评能够有效的提高学校的办学质量。本文简单分析了满意度测评与层次分析法的关系,并以一个简单的具体实例展示了层次分析法的应用步骤和效果,希望能对高职专业院校的发展提供一点参考。  相似文献   

近年来高职院校发展较快,逐渐形成规模。随着高职院校的发展,人们对于高职院校的管理也更加关注。在高职院校的招生、基建、师资等校务上,资金的使用去向、资金的合理性等是高职院校的重要问题,如何能够对高职院校的资金使用进行有效控制,本文我们对成本管理在高职院校会计核算中的应用进行分析探究。  相似文献   

林青  李金凤 《西部旅游》2023,(21):97-99
<正>在文旅融合、旅游行业快速复苏的背景下,粤港澳大湾区需要更多具备专业知识和深厚文化底蕴的复合型人才,以推动区域旅游产业快速发展。但是目前粤港澳大湾区高职院校的旅游人才培养层次、结构和质量未能满足企业、行业、社会经济发展的新需求。对此,文章从粤港澳大湾区旅游人才需求特点出发,提出高职院校分层分类精准育人的旅游人才培养目标和实施路径,以期为文旅融合背景下粤港澳大湾区高职院校旅游类人才培养提供借鉴。  相似文献   

正公共基础课是高职课程体系的重要组成部分,公共课是学习一切自然科学和社会科学的基础,公共课教学对培养学生正确的人生价值观,良好的道德修养、心理品质、文明习惯和职业素养等,都具有极为重要的意义。提高公共基础课教学质量是高职院校提高教学质量、办人民满意教育的客观要求。高职公共基础课程课时量大约占总课时量的三分之一。高职院校学生对基础课的学习情况究竟如何,学习过程中有什么问题,对基础课课程设置、教学模式、考核方式等都有哪  相似文献   

随着国家的不断的发展和时代的不断进步,我国的经济发展建设对技术性人才的需求量越来越大,专门技术性人才逐渐成为社会发展和进步的主力军。目前我国对会计专业人才的需求量也日益增多,高职院校的会计专业人才培养任务重、学生数量多,亟须一套科学完备的教学实践模式展开会计专业的实际应用教学,下面对分层次教学模式在高职院校中会计专业的教学实践展开分析和论述。  相似文献   

随着改革开放的不断深入,我国全面进入经济发展新阶段,酒店管理专业人才需求量日益增多,这就为酒店行业带来了新的发展机遇。但对于高职院校来讲,传统人才培养体制对院校发展影响比较大,使得一些高职院校酒店管理专业人才核心职业能力培养较为落后,人才无法满足酒店管理岗位工作需求。在此基础上,本文主要论述了高职院校酒店管理专业学生,职业核心能力培养的相关知识,希望对我国高职院校尤其是酒店管理专业发展有所帮助。  相似文献   

杨媛春 《西部旅游》2022,(24):100-102
高职院校旅游教育是以培养符合旅游业需求的人才为最终目标,所培养的人才是具有创新能力的综合人才,高职院校要充分认识到校企合作对人才培养的重要作用。在校企合作背景下,高职院校旅游教育作为我国旅游人才培养的重要组成部分,应结合院校自身实际,与相关企业联动互通,共同培养符合旅游产业发展需求的综合人才。文章基于校企合作的具体内涵,分析了当前高职院校旅游教育通过校企合作进行课程改革的必要性,并对高职院校旅游教育中校企合作的现状进行分析,最后提出校企合作背景下高职院校旅游教育课程改革的创新策略,以供参考。  相似文献   

赵茜茜 《西部旅游》2022,(10):106-108
随着我国社会经济和信息技术的不断发展,大数据技术应运而生,并逐渐运用到各行各业中,在旅游行业也得到了深度应用,这就对旅游人才的培养提出了更高层次的要求。对此,高职院校的教师要立足于传统的旅游教学模式,认识到高职旅游教学必须在大数据的背景下进行创新。文章探讨大数据背景下高职旅游教学中存在的不足,进而探讨大数据背景下高职旅游教学创新的策略。  相似文献   

财务管理向来是保证高职院校持续、健康发展的关键环节,学校要筹措教育资金、保障自身权益、制定合理的经济规范以及经费计划等,都离不开财务管理工作的有效开展。因此,高职院校必须深化改革财务管理运行机制,以满足当前高职院校教育事业蓬勃发展的要求。本文首先阐述了我国高职院校财务管理运行机制的外在环境,分析了高职院校财务管理运行机制中存在的问题,然后以此为立足点,提出了完善高职院校财务管理运行机制的一些建议。  相似文献   

旅游已经成为当今世界文化融合的主要形式.高职院校应该如何抢抓机遇,发展旅游英语教学,培养出高水平、高层次、复合型人才以满足旅游业的需求便成为了当今旅游英语教育教学的主题.主要从高职院校的人才培养目标入手,分析现代旅游英语教学的特点以及高职院校的现状,提出高职院校旅游英语教学的发展思路.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,各行各业对实用性人才的需求日益增大,因此,深入教学改革,提高旅游高职教育教学的质量问题慢慢凸显出来。本文就深入教学改革,对影响旅游高职教育教学质量的因素进行分析并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

职业技术教育应当使受教育者获得在某一领域内从事工作所需要的广泛知识和基本技能。培养适应"广泛就业需要"的复合应用型人才,是新世纪经济社会发展的客观要求,也是世界职业教育改革发展的趋势。职业教育的发展必须适应当前知识经济发展、教育大众化和世界职业教育改革的趋势,并根据其办学形式多样化、与普教的有机融合、终身教育体系构建以及学习化社会的逐步建立来把握职业教育发展的宏观走向。  相似文献   

关于构建高职会展管理专业课程体系的探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着现代会展业对专业化人才需求的扩大 ,会展专业人才的培养已引起相关部门的关注。本文分析了国内外会展教育的基本情况 ,提出了高职院校构建会展管理教育专业课程体系的构想。  相似文献   

The impacts of cultural values on technology acceptance at national level have been investigated by previous studies, but not at individual level. Hence, the research question of the present study is what are the impacts of cultural values at individual level on technology acceptance? The detailed objective is to investigate the impacts of cultural values at individual level on the extended technology acceptance model by considering technology readiness. A research framework was developed, and the technology acceptance model was extended from the perspective of hotel employees. Results showed that highlighting long-term benefits of hotel technology such as workload reduction and performance enhancement can be considered to improve the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. In addition, introducing a new hotel technology under a less masculine cultural environment can greatly help hotel employees minimize their discomfort. Accordingly, an effective and successful hotel technology can be achieved.  相似文献   

Restaurant customers demand both personalized innovative, yet, affordable service delivery. Accordingly, restaurant groups that seek expansion must consider how to respond effectively to the standardization–authenticity paradox. This paper addresses two questions: what is the relationship between standardization and authenticity? How can restaurant managers use these concepts for the strategic positioning of their restaurant group? Typically, researchers present the two dimensions as a binary. In contrast, this paper first presents a theoretical model and analyzes the variations in the standardization–authenticity relationship. Subsequently, it classifies restaurant group expansion strategies into four categories: standardization of authenticity, authentic alliance, standardized chains and heterogeneity, and examines their respective level of competence required to increase performance. It concludes by presenting suggestions to position restaurants in terms of the extent of standardization and the extent of flexibility.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study are to analyze developmental trends, hospitality curricula structures and strategies of curriculum development for planning the integrated curriculum of foods and beverage (F&B) management of the vocational and technological educational system in Taiwan. The qualitative and quantitative research methods – theoretical analysis, document analysis, focus group in-depth discussion, and questionnaire investigation – were applied to this study. The vertical curriculum design – from vocational high school level to college and university level – and contents were developed by this study. The major findings of the research provide a basis for curriculum development of F&B management education.  相似文献   

This work aims to review the implementation situation of experiential learning (EL) in China’s hospitality education and explore the perceptions of students on the effectiveness of the adopted EL methods. Observations and focus group discussions are conducted in three vocational colleges and three universities in China. The study reveals that EL activities are widely utilized in China’s hospitality education. Generally, students state that EL is more effective than traditional classroom learning. Nonetheless, they consider some EL activities as being ineffectively implemented. Several suggestions are given in this paper to provide support to hospitality educators for improving the utilization of EL methods and facilitate student learning. Furthermore, unique EL methods that are not documented in literature are adopted in China’s hospitality education.  相似文献   

李彬  秦宇  温婧 《旅游学刊》2016,(10):125-137
自20世纪末大众旅游兴起,一批旅游与酒店创业企业开始出现,如今已发展成为当前旅游企业中的领跑者。在“大众创业万众创新”的政策出台与国内外旅游需求出现新变化的环境下,更加多元化的、庞大的旅游与酒店创业企业群体正在成长。与如此蓬勃发展的旅游创业实践相比,国内外旅游创业学术研究还没有深入展开。文章在对国内外旅游与酒店创业文献回顾的基础上,发现旅游创业研究在对创业理论中的几个基础维度,包括创业环境、创业主体、创业企业、创业过程和创业绩效以及这些维度间的关系方面需要进一步深入研究。进而,在一般创业理论框架基础上,提出了一个旅游与酒店创业研究的理论框架,并结合自2007年以来对70多家旅游与酒店企业实地调研所发现的管理实践问题,提出了一个研究问题清单,为后续学者拓展旅游与酒店创业研究提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

To what extent do the ratings of hotels in social media depend on the hotels themselves and to what extent do they depend on the destination of the hotel? That is, if we were able to place a hotel with the same characteristics and services at two different destinations, would both have the same rating or would they differ? By using multilevel regression analysis, we have quantified the extent to which differences in client satisfaction with hotels can be attributed to the destination in which the hotels are located. We have measured this through ratings provided through social media outlets. Data downloaded from TripAdvisor from a sample of 7173 hotels were used. After controlling for specific variables, an 11.38% of the variance could be attributed to the destination. Thus, both hotels and destination management organizations (DMOs) are involved in client satisfaction and must work jointly to secure it.  相似文献   

Tourism as complex interdisciplinary research object   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tourism is currently a complex and globalised phenomenon with demonstrated socio-economic importance. While tourism is a socially recognised phenomenon, its status as scientific object within an academic field seems to be still in question. We ask the following questions: What is the order of construction of the field of knowledge constituted around tourism? Is it a paradigmatic order or an epistemic order? In what ways do the scientific object’s specificities constitute an important element of understanding of a new episteme? How do different definitions of tourism allow for a reconstruction of the field? This article seeks to summarise the current debate in the light of broader reconstructions of scientific discourse and reflect from an interdisciplinary epistemological perspective.  相似文献   

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