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This paper sheds light on the importance of the validity of PPP hypothesis for the accessing process of the candidate countries towards EMU. The evidence of nonlinear adjustment in real exchange rates suggests the estimation of a nonlinear SETAR model. While linear half‐life estimates are biased upward (five years on average), SETAR half‐life estimates imply a faster reverting process (1.5 years on average). Moreover, we found that TPI‐based real exchange rates are more appropriate than CPI‐based real exchange rates in testing for PPP hypothesis. For the cluster of EMU countries and for the pre‐EMU period, our nonlinear model confirms stationarity for the majority of the TPI‐based real exchange rates with half‐life estimates less than a year.  相似文献   

In this paper we use the behavioural and permanent equilibrium exchange rate approaches to produce long–run equilibrium exchange rates for the effective real exchange rates of the New Zealand dollar. We demonstrate that a well founded measure of the equilibrium value of the dollar may be recovered from a relatively small set of fundamental variables and that this can be used to produce an assessment of the dollar in terms of periods of misalignment.  相似文献   

East Asian and Latin American economies present opposite exchange rate electoral cycles: exchange rates tend to be more depreciated before and appreciated after elections among East Asian economies, while the opposite is true in Latin America. We propose an explanation for these empirical findings where the driving force of the opposite exchange rate populism in these two regions is their difference in the relative size of tradable and non‐tradable sectors, coupled with the distributive effect of exchange rates. In a setup where policy‐makers differ in their preference bias toward non‐tradable and tradable sectors, the exchange rate is used a noisy signal of the incumbent's type in an uncertain economic environment. The mechanism behind the cycle is engendered by the incumbent trying to signal he is median voter's type, biasing his policy in favor of the majority of the population before elections.  相似文献   

汇率制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙伯良 《经济与管理》2004,18(11):56-58
汇率制度变迁的历史及其国际比较表明:没有任何一种汇率制度能适合任何国家或一个国家的任何时期,每一个国 家都应根据自己的实际情况去选择适合自身经济发展的汇率制度。  相似文献   

“汇改”后人民币汇率制度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自2005年7月21日人民币汇率形成机制进行重大改革以来,人民币对美元的基准汇率一直处于单边升值的态势.从宏观经济特征和模型实证分析中可以得出,虽然"汇改"后人民币货币篮子发挥了一定的作用,人民币汇率的灵活性在逐渐增强,但主要还是参考美元汇率来进行调节,属于"软钉住美元的汇率制度".  相似文献   

本文对新汇制十个月的表现、人民币汇率的未来走势、汇改的贸易效应、中国高贸易顺差的根源等进行了研究.认为:我国贸易收支与汇率变动的相关度不高,中国的高贸易顺差是国际产业转移形成的"迁移效应"等深层次根源的结果,人民币升值的贸易收支改善效应不大,但对贸易条件和产业结构具有一定的改善作用;不管是从短期还是中长期来看,人民币仍会有较强的升值预期,要注重人民币升值的节奏,适取小幅度、慢性化、长期性升值的原则.  相似文献   

We examine exchange rate passthrough into US import prices for 29 manufacturing industries using eight exchange rate indexes. These indexes vary by the number of currencies included; whether the weight on each currency is based on total trade with the United States or solely imports; and, whether the weights vary by industry. Our results indicate that passthrough is generally incomplete but varies across industries. Moreover, passthrough is sensitive to the exchange rate index. Using bootstrapped J‐tests we show that major currency indexes perform better than their broad currency counterparts. When using a major currency index, industry‐specific exchange rate indexes are preferred to aggregate indexes.  相似文献   

This paper is a step in the direction of a larger research project aimed at determining the long run equilibrium value of the euro/dollar real exchange rate. Given this value, one could then give a precise meaning to the notion of undervaluation or overvaluation of the euro, and calculate its misalignment. The problem however arises of how to assess the reliability of such misalignment calculations. In our opinion, we must have a benchmark (namely a period in which we exactly know from outside sources the misalignment itself), against which we can test the validity of the model underlying our calculations. This of course is not (yet) possible for the euro, so that all the calculations of the misalignment of the euro that have been made can only be compared with one another, without knowing which is the good one. Hence, before building a model to be applied to the euro/dollar, we tested our ideas incorporating them in a basic model to be applied to the lira/dollar in a period in which we do know the actual misalignment of the lira from outside sources.  相似文献   

We compute the value of fiscal multipliers (for government primary expenditure, Income and wealth taxes and for Production and import taxes) in the Eurozone countries since the creation of the currency union (2000Q1-2016Q4), in order to understand how the values can vary according to the public debt level, the pace of economic growth, and the output gap. Imposing quarterly fiscal shocks, the results showed that government expenditure had a positive effect on output, with an annual accumulated multiplier of 0.44, whereas tax multipliers presented negative signs: the Income and wealth and the Production and import taxes stood at ?0.11 and ?0.55, respectively. Furthermore, the spending multiplier showed a higher value for countries with lower levels of public debt, during recessions, and in countries with negative output gaps. On the other hand, tax shocks seemed to be recessive in highly indebted countries and those facing positive output gaps.  相似文献   

人民币均衡实际汇率的估计与实际汇率错位的测算   总被引:81,自引:5,他引:81  
基于均衡实际汇率理论 ,本文应用多种经济计量方法实证分析了自 2 0世纪 50年代中期至 2 0 0 0年期间人民币实际汇率状况 ,估计出人民币均衡实际汇率 ,进而测算了实际汇率错位状况。研究结果表明 :在计划经济时期 ,人民币实际汇率长期被高估。改革开放后 ,均衡实际汇率长期处于贬值状况 ,现实的实际汇率长期被低估。在亚洲金融危机期间 (特别是 1 997和 1 998年 ) ,人民币实际汇率出现了明显的高估。 1 999年这种高估状况得到部分缓解 ;2 0 0 0年出现了根本性好转。在现实中 ,1 999年以后中国出口的快速增长也证实了这一结论。  相似文献   

张衔 《财经研究》2001,27(6):48-52
本文探讨了自20世纪80年代以来,在国际经济学文献,特别是有关人民币汇率问题的的期文献中流行的汇率分析工具一定实际汇率的含义,本文证明,由于实际汇率存在着由名义汇率造成的扭曲,因而不仅不是一个比相对购买力平价更有效的汇率分析工具,而且会导致决策风险,事实上,实际汇率的作用仅在于检验某一名义汇率是否相对购买力平价汇率,对汇率进行调整的依据只能是对购买力平价,本文同时证明,在东南亚金融危期间我国人民币的确没有对外贬值的必要。  相似文献   

新汇率体制下中国上市公司外汇风险暴露研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以沪市180指数样本股作为研究对象,通过测量上市公司经营活动产生的现金流相对贸易加权汇率指数及我国主要贸易伙伴货币汇率变化的敏感度,来考察我国企业的外汇风险暴露问题。研究显示,我国上市公司总体外汇风险暴露程度比较高,公司规模与短期外汇风险成正比关系,外国控股程度的高低对风险暴露则没有明显的影响。  相似文献   

This paper explores the interaction of fundamental and portfolio factors in the determination of the exchange rate. The weights on the factors evolve endogenously as a function of relative fundamental and portfolio errors. The model also generates exchange rate mixture distributions that may be skewed, leptokurtic or bimodal and as such can explain small and large changes endogenously. The model is applied to the exchange rates of Australia and the ASEAN3 to examine the role of fundamental and portfolio behaviour, especially over the 1997/98 currency crisis period.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of the volatility of the underlying macroeconomic fundamentals on exchange rate volatility utilizing the bounds testing approach to cointegration. The results show that, in the long run the volatility of the money supply is the sole determinant, whereas in the short run overshooting is found.  相似文献   

文章运用Granger因果检验方法和DCC-MGARCH模型,对外管局禁止境内机构从事NDF交易后人民币对美元即期汇率市场、境内远期汇率市场和境外NDF市场之间的动态关联关系进行了实证研究,研究发现:市场间常条件和动态条件相关系数随着合约期限的增长呈递减态势,即期市场与NDF市场之间的相关性最强,境内外远期市场之间的相关性最弱;虽然即期市场存在对NDF市场的信息波动溢出效应,但从总体上看,NDF市场的价格引导力量强于即期市场和境内远期市场,处于市场价格信息的中心地位。  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the forward rate is an unbiased predictor of the future spot rate has been rejected in many empirical studies. The rejection of this hypothesis could occur because market behavior is inconsistent with rational–expectations or because there exists a risk premium. Equations describing the forward premium and the change in the exchange rate are estimated jointly, and tests of both the rational–expectations and no–risk–premium hypotheses are conducted. Empirical estimates, obtained using quarterly data for the yen–dollar exchange rate, reject the rational–expectations hypothesis and suggest that there exists a time–varying risk premium.  相似文献   

The problems with a single currency in Europe are neither temporary nor curable. Any persistent defence of the euro will result in a long‐lasting recession and high unemployment in countries using fiscal austerity to pursue ‘internal devaluation’. It may lead to a revival of populist and nationalist movements, political collapse and disorderly eurozone break‐up. This article argues for a controlled segmentation of the eurozone via the exit of the most competitive countries and an agreement on a new European currency coordination system.  相似文献   

James W. Scott 《Geopolitics》2020,25(3):658-677

This essay contextualises Hungarian antipolitics of Europe as an element of radical conservative nation-building and as a reflection of the strategic use of borders. Two concrete examples of border politics will be elaborated that document shifts from EU-conformity to EU-contestation and the increasing political significance of culturalist arguments. These cases, moreover, are exemplary of the dual nature of then nationalist-conservative agenda which involves: 1) the implementation of an ethnopolitical and thus extraterritorial, de-bordered notion of nation and 2) the unilateral securitisation of Hungary’s borders, for example with Serbia, in a self-proclaimed defence of European integrity. The research that informs this essay is based on a review of media sources, academic and policy-focused literature. The essay begins with a discussion of links between Hungarian euroscepticism and the radical conservative nation-building project and continues with an analysis of post-1989 border politics with regards to the areas mentioned above. Considerable attention will be devoted to the Hungarian government’s politics of borders and contestations of European Union within the context of the so-called refugee crisis and wider debates regarding immigration and asylum.  相似文献   

笔者通过建立VAR模型,结合我国实际情况,探讨了人民币"外升内贬"传导机理,实证分析人民币汇率悖论的传导路径。研究结果表明中国汇率升值引起外汇占款增加,外汇占款的增加导致货币供应量的增加,最终引起物价水平上涨。  相似文献   

As government deficit spending declines, the question of its impact on the exchange rate is clearly relevant. Recent empirical work has been contradictory. This paper presents a two-country cash-in-advance model to calculate explicitly the long- and short-term effects of government deficit spending on the exchange rate. It is shown that increases in deficit spending result in a short-term appreciation of the currency. The currency will eventually depreciate, to what degree and for how long depending on the method used to finance the deficit.  相似文献   

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