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女性休闲障碍因素探析——以杭州为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以经济学、管理学、社会学等多门学科理论与方法为指导,对杭州市女性休闲行为进行了系统的问卷调查,深入分析了女性休闲的障碍因素.研究结果显示,时间障碍和收入障碍构成城市女性休闲活动的主要障碍;城市女性休闲障碍因年龄、就业状况、学历、收入等不同存在显著差异.高学历女性享有较多的休闲时间,高收入女性能够支付较高水平的休闲花费.人际障碍对女性休闲的负面影响不大.杭州女性休闲呈现明显的外向性、物质性的特点.这些发现有助于相关部门和企业深入理解我国女性体闲的障碍因素,对其制定有针对性的政策和营销策略来消除女性休闲障碍、提高女性休闲质量具有重要参考价值.  相似文献   

场所是娱乐休闲活动的空间属性.从市场角度研究影响消费者娱乐休闲场所选择的因素及其影响程度,对促成消费者的场所依赖具有深刻的理论及现实意义.本文以长沙市和兰州市为抽样调查样本地,针对中西部城市居民对于娱乐休闲场所选择影响因素的感知差异及其影响因素采用空间序列横向比较法进行分析,得出在城市娱乐休闲发展的不同阶段居民对场所选择的偏好差异,并从微观层面为两市娱乐休闲场所发展提供参考性意见.  相似文献   

国民经济迅速发展,提高了人们的物质生活水平,使得人们对于休闲娱乐的需求不断提升,旅游俨然已经成为人们放松身心的重要休闲方式。在这过程中,年轻一代作为旅游消费的主力军,如何充分满足年轻旅游消费者的需求,成为旅游部门重点研究的热门话题。大数据时代背景下,数据挖掘、云计算等技术的应用为旅游管理工作开展提供了可靠的技术支撑,可以大大激发旅游群体的消费积极性。本文针对大数据在现代旅游管理中的有效应用展开讨论。  相似文献   

北京五类人群休闲方式的比较与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵鹏  刘捷  付玥 《旅游学刊》2006,21(12):17-21
随着生活水平的不断提高,人们对于休闲活动的需求也越来越大,也越来越重视休闲在自己生活中的地位.本文通过对北京五类人群的调查与研究来了解北京不同阶层人群的休闲方式的不同之处,以及他们选择休闲方式的决定因素和制约因素,从而揭示休闲在人们生活中的重要地位,倡导不同阶层人群选择健康与积极的休闲方式.  相似文献   

一、休闲旅游是一项对闲暇时间"连续性"要求很高的活动 闲暇时间的连续性是指连续可用的闲暇时间长度.当前,随着我国居民收入水平的提高,人们的休闲需求出现了多样化趋势.但是,不同休闲活动对闲暇时间的连续性要求却是不同的,有些休闲活动只需一个较短的闲暇时间即可,大多数日常休闲活动就是如此.  相似文献   

休闲与生活质量关系的量化考察:国外研究进展及启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
宋瑞 《旅游学刊》2006,21(12):48-52
参与休闲活动能够提高人们的生活质量,这是国内学界普遍认同的观点.然而这个观点更多地是从逻辑推演而来,还缺乏实证的量化考察.对休闲与生活质量关系的量化考察,涉及主客观两类指标的设置;而其最终价值在于帮助决策者制定和调整相关政策,采取有效措施,从而全面改善居民的休闲状况,提高其生活质量.  相似文献   

大陆赴台自由行游客地方认同与休闲效益关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
台湾是许多大陆游客向往的休闲胜地, 大陆游客赴台自由行热度的持续升温, 这既给台湾带来巨大的旅游经济效益, 更可增进海峡两岸的民间交流和人民情谊。文章通过实证研究探讨大陆赴台自由行游客对台湾的地方认同及其在台从事休闲活动所获得的休闲效益等程度表现的差异性, 并检验地方认同与休闲效益间的相关性。研究表明, 大陆赴台自由行游客对台湾的地方认同以环境认同程度最高, 依恋程度最低, 其在台湾从事休闲活动所获得的休闲效益以社会效益最高, 生理效益最低;不同个人背景与游程规划的大陆赴台自由行游客在地方认同与休闲效益程度方面有显著的差异;地方认同与休闲效益间呈显著正相关且彼此间存在典型相关关系。研究成果可作为海峡两岸旅游职能部门及旅游企业完善休闲法规、环境与产品组合的参考。  相似文献   

休闲:经济学分析与统计   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
宋瑞 《旅游学刊》2002,17(6):26-31
作为现代经济社会的一个重要特征,日益凸现的休闲需求和不断丰富的休闲活动促使我们众理论角度对其进行深入分析。本文结合理论和应用两个方面,在回顾并分析经济学对休闲的理论诠释及某些国家的相关统计的基础上指出,要深化对“休闲产业”的理论探讨,加强对休闲消费的调查研究。  相似文献   

残障儿童家庭在参与休闲活动过程中承受着种种压力。本研究对15组曾得到旅游志愿者帮助的残障儿童家庭,就休闲活动中的压力事件及与志愿者的互动感受等相关问题进行了访谈研究,发现:(1)积极参与休闲活动可提升残障儿童家庭的抗逆能力;(2)旅游志愿者可以帮助残障儿童家庭对休闲活动过程中的压力事件进行新解读和新认知。本文认为:(1)在休闲活动开展前,旅游志愿者自身应注重培养开放性、宜人性、责任性的人格特征和魅力;(2)在休闲活动过程中,旅游志愿者应通过沟通互动和情感联结的方式帮助残障儿童家庭将活动中遇到的障碍、危机和压力视为一种宝贵经验和成长机遇;(3)旅游志愿者可以在自我认知、自我提升、旅游需求、社会资源等方面给予残障儿童家庭技术援助,以帮助残障儿童家庭发展乐观接纳、未来设想和逆境成长的抗逆能力。本文为探讨旅游志愿者的工作意义提供了新的思考视角。  相似文献   

日常休闲活动是老年人健康幸福生活不可或缺的部分。本研究以常德市武陵区为例,运用地理空间分析方法,按照需求-行为-设施分析思路,揭示城市老年人日常休闲活动需求与供给的时空规律。分析发现:(1)益智和康体是城市老年人主要休闲活动类型,休闲活动时间分配存在显著的类型差异,益智类平均时长最长,其次为康体类,公益类休闲活动的平均时长最短。(2)老年人户外休闲活动主要集中在10:00、15:00、19:00三个时间段,对应的活动空间主要集中在居住区、附近街道和城市广场、公园等,活动空间半径存在显著的类型差异。(3)老年人休闲活动需求以及建立在休闲活动需求上的闲暇行为与城市休闲设施供给总体空间匹配度较高,其中游憩类休闲活动与休闲活动设施的匹配度最高,其次是文化类活动,最后是康体类活动。据此建议,中小城市应进一步重视老年人日常休闲活动需求-行为-设施供给三个层面之间的匹配,加强老年友好城市与社区建设。  相似文献   

This study adopts the partial least squares (PLS) method to analyse the relationships among positive emotions, leisure constraints, leisure negotiation strategy, and participation frequency in outdoor recreational activities using stratified proportional sampling of Taiwanese students (N = 569) and SmartPLS 2.0 statistical software to perform statistical analyses. This study determined that positive emotions not only directly affected the level of involvement in outdoor recreational activities but also indirectly increased involvement by improving negotiation ability. While leisure constraints have a direct, positive and significant impact on the leisure negotiation strategy, they do not significantly influence the level of participation in outdoor recreational activities. This article observed that the level of participation did not depend on constraints but instead depended on the process of ‘leisure negotiation’ based on the constraints. In the future, different samples can be used to test the stability and adaptability of this model; alternatively, other variables can be added to better understand college students’ participation in outdoor recreational activities.  相似文献   

Why do hearing-impaired people desire to undertake outbound travel as backpackers despite their hearing and speaking limitations? To investigate the reasons, this study applied the push and pull model of travel motivation as the framework. A total of 30 hearing-impaired backpackers participated in face-to-face interviews and responded to questions concerning their motivation to travel overseas. The results of this study reveal many unique motivation themes in the push and pull groups; specifically, five push themes (constraints of group tours, self-challenge, independence, different experience, and invitation by hearing-impaired friends) and two pull themes (enjoy local culture and lifestyle and the “I have been there” feeling) were identified. Furthermore, the participants’ desire to travel as backpackers is based on their previous negative experiences in group tours. Moreover, they prefer backpacking with hearing-impaired partners than with normal-hearing partners. Furthermore, for them, their independence enables them to their parents that they can travel alone. In addition, the study findings suggest that “communication negotiation” should be considered for inclusion in the motivation typology as a new dimension for hearing-impaired backpackers. Finally, the current study provides valuable insights into the behaviors of hearing-impaired backpackers and recommendations for tourism operators.  相似文献   

北京郊区休闲度假旅游用地现状及未来趋势研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章分析了北京郊区高尔夫球场、滑雪场、度假村和主题公园四大类型休闲度假旅游用地现状及未来增长,认为近期和远期北京郊区休闲度假旅游用地将比2005年分别增长0.62万公顷和1.36万公顷.文章还分析了未来休闲度假旅游用地供给可能性,认为部分用地需求能够得到供给保障,部分用地需求则无法保障.最后提出北京郊区休闲度假旅游用地将呈现出集约化发展、复合化利用和向边界外围周边地区转移三大趋势.  相似文献   

地方感研究进展及研究框架   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
唐文跃 《旅游学刊》2007,22(11):70-77
游憩者通过对游憩地环境的感知而赋予这些地方特定的意义与价值;通过游憩活动的参与,游憩者与游憩地之间逐渐形成各种形式的情感联结关系,并影响到游憩者对这些地方和休闲服务提供者的态度及其游憩行为.这是地方感的研究范畴,也是国外游憩地理学的研究热点.本文阐述了国外地方感研究的主要领域及其进展,分析了地方感研究中主要概念的维度与态度要素构成,构建了地方感研究框架,同时讨论了我国地方感研究的理论与现实意义,指出了研究方向与重点.  相似文献   

This research note examines the relationship between adherence to religious doctrine and participation in gambling as a leisure pastime. In the United States, recreational gambling is a common leisure pastime for many African Americans. Our ideals about the value of gambling are often shaped within families, based on their lived experience with recreational gambling and also within religious communities. Two doctrinal statements from the Methodist strand of Protestantism provide critical assessment of gambling as a leisure pastime. This case study examined African American Methodists’ perceptions about religious doctrine that addresses gambling; their choice to gamble despite their familiarity with the doctrinal position of the Church; and the perception of gambling as a sinful leisure pursuit. Religious doctrine may deter some adherents from participating in gambling as a leisure pursuit but not everyone. Many can be familiar with religious doctrine, may not agree with it and will proceed to gamble. Finally, even if gambling is perceived as a sinful leisure activity, it concurrently can be viewed as a ‘harmless’ vice.  相似文献   


The ocean beaches of the United States are an economically important resource. As American culture has become increasingly more preoccupied with leisure activities, however, traditional commercial interests along the beach have been replaced by expressive activities. In terms of the number of participants, the vast majority of beach users have performed their leisure activities without the benefit of sophisticated equipment or infrastructure, and without high‐capital expenditure; that is, they have been engaged in low‐capital beach uses. With particular reference to these low‐capital beach uses, this paper examines the role of culture in determining leisure beach activities using the example of the differential development of marine recreational fishing and surfing on the East and West Coasts of the United States. Based on participant observation, legal histories, and popular and academic literature one location on each coast was chosen, and the development of these two leisure activities compared and contrasted. Variations and changes in cultural contexts at the local and national levels were found to be important factors in explaining the observed differential development of these activities in the two locations.  相似文献   


Online communities are changing the way people enjoy leisure activities through computer-mediated interactions, yet little is known about how these groups form, function, and network. The current study draws on two years of involvement with a Meetup group, using participant observation and ethnographic interviews of the group's live interactions and content analysis of the group's online communication. Throughout this article, the author analyzed the life cycle of online communities and discovered that technology acts as a catalyst for group formation and that the fast and exponential growth of groups centered on common leisure interests. Computer-mediated communications also accelerated the pace of conflict among groups and the formation of alternate communities to satisfy the same need. Patterns of group formation, consolidation, conflict, splintering, and re-grouping repeated themselves throughout the observation period. Finally, the present research discusses how this new form of social interaction facilitates leisure pursuits and encourages creativity in the creation of diverse activities which foster continued participation.  相似文献   


The current social and political climate in the U.S. requires a reexaminationof how marginalized groups shape their leisure around political identity development and resistance. This paper will first provide a brief introduction to the concept of sociopolitical development (SPD) and its role in culture specific out-of-school time programs that serve Black youth. Next, using a multiple case study approach, the authors examined how leisure informs the SPD of Black youth. Results identify SPD as a critical component of these recreational program’s theoretical approaches, leadership structure, staff selection and training, and curriculum design. Study results inform the ways recreational agencies can serve as sites for SPD and activism for marginalized groups like Black youth.  相似文献   

This paper is aimed to segment recreational swimmers according to their involvement level, profile the involvement groups according to demographic variables, and further test the role of negotiation strategies in the development of swimming involvement. Two hundred and sixty (N?=?260) recreational swimmers participated in the study and completed Kyle et al.'s three-facet involvement scale and Alexandris et al.’s five-dimension leisure negotiation scale. The results of cluster analysis revealed three distinct involvement groups: high, medium and low involved recreational swimmers. The high involved group consisted mainly of females, middle-aged and married individuals; the medium involved group did not have a clear demographic profile, while the low involved group consisted mainly of males and young individuals. The three involvement groups had statistical significant scores in all the five negotiation strategy dimensions, with the high involved individuals having the highest scores and the low involved individuals having the lowest ones. These results provide empirical support for the negotiation proposition, which was developed by Jackson, Crawford, and Godbey. They further contribute to the existing leisure literature by showing how demographic segmentation can be used in combination with psychographic variables in order to profile groups of participants.  相似文献   

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