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基于北京市郊区农户调研数据,运用Logistic回归、多元线性回归及主成分分析方法,考察农户土地利用行为的影响因素。结果表明:(1)农户农业劳动力占比,打工、创业机会以及市场政策因素对农户种植选择行为影响显著;农业劳动力占比、家庭农业收入占比以及当前农作物价格对农户土地投入行为影响显著;住宅距耕地距离,打工、创业机会,对流转政策的了解程度对土地流转行为影响显著。(2)对农户综合行为影响最显著的是土地收益因子,其次是政策制度因子和农户特征因子。为了引导小农户与现代农业发展有机衔接、促进农民增收,建议加大农业科技投入,培育新型农民,提升农户农业技术水平,提高农户土地投入积极性;完善农业保护制度,稳定农产品价格,保证农户农业生产收益稳定;健全农村集体土地市场,促进集体土地合理流转,因地制宜有效引导农户参与规模经营。  相似文献   

本研究通过农户问卷调查的方式,以亚洲开发银行三江平原湿地保护项目为例,分析了农民对农业政策及其环境影响的评价.研究认为:农民总体上对目前国家出台的惠农政策了解程度较高,但对农机补贴和粮食价格保护政策的了解程度相对较低.粮食市场价格是影响三江平原农户种粮决策的最主要因素,粮食补贴政策对三江平原农户种粮决策的影响不如预期的大;多数农民认为目前国家出台的惠农政策不会导致湿地被重新开垦,但促进放牧养殖和农药化肥使用的政策会对现有的湿地资源保护产生不利影响;在湿地资源的管理方面,政府主导带动社区参与和社区组织建设的模式得到大多数亚行项目农户的认可,但该管理模式的可持续发展须基于社区合作机制的重建.  相似文献   

土地确权是农村集体产权制度改革的重要内容,然而很少有研究从农民的视角分析土地确权政策的实施效果。评价政策实施效果,农民满意度是关键指标。基于农民抽样问卷调查数据,用有序Logit模型检验了影响基层土地确权工作农民满意度的因素,研究发现:农民对土地确权政策的了解程度和在土地确权工作中的参与程度等政策认知因素与农民对土地确权工作的满意度显著相关,农地地形特征和农户家庭特征等客观因素也显著影响了农民对土地确权工作的满意度。其政策含义是,可以通过加强宣传、切实落实土地确权政策的方式来提高农民的土地确权政策认知,进而提高农民的土地确权工作满意度。但是也有诸如农地特征等政策实施者不能左右的客观因素影响了农民的土地确权工作满意度,因此,政策实施效果评价要综合考虑如上因素。  相似文献   

文章采用计量经济模型对重庆市统筹城乡背景下土地流转的意愿进行了实证分析。模型结果显示土地流转政策满意度、家庭非农收入比重、社会保障水平、户主受教育年限、农户技能状况等五个因素对农户土地流转意愿具有显著影响,基于此文章提出了制定合理的土地流转政策、促进劳动力转移、培育新型农民和健全社会保障制度等建议。  相似文献   

首先简单总结当前土地流转的现状,然后对农户户主特征、家庭特征、资源禀赋特征、外部环境等方面可能影响农户土地流转行为的因素的影响机理进行详细的分析,最后提出大力发展非农产业,加强农民技能培训、建立健全农村土地流转机制与管理体制、逐步完善农村社会保障体系等政策建议。  相似文献   

不同类型的失地农民及其征地补偿分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
城镇化进程中的农民失地问题,本质是土地这个基本生产资料失去之后农民收入来源的丧失。土地对于不同收入、不同生活水平农民的作用是不一样的,失去土地后的境况和反应也因此具有显著的差异。根据农民对土地依赖程度的不同,可以将失地农民分为纯农户、兼业农户和非农户等三种类型,以下对这三类农户的失地境况及其反应进行分析。  相似文献   

基于三峡库区427个样本农户的调查数据,分析了目前农户转入土地的行为特征,通过建立Logistic模型对农户转入土地行为的影响因素进行了甄别,并对农户转入土地行为的主观解释进行了分析。研究表明,农户自身及家庭特征、土地资源特征、环境因素和政策因素对农户转入土地行为均有一定程度的影响。其中,非农收入所占比重、耕地面积和地理条件是影响农户是否转入土地的主要因素。  相似文献   

运用多元有序Logistic模型对广东省303户农户实地调查数据进行实证分析,从农民基本特征、水利设施状况和政策宣传情况等三方面剖析影响农民对农田水利基础设施建设满意度的因素.研究结果表明:农民基本特征、水利设施状况和政策宣传情况三者都对农民对农田水利基础设施建设满意度产生影响,但各变量的影响方向和影响强弱却并不一致.最后提出加快农田水利建设,提高农民对农田水利建设满意度的政策建议.  相似文献   

以国内现有的研究影响农户土地流转行为因素的量化实证结果为基础,利用元分析将农户的家庭特征、个人特征、生产特征等方面的具体因素对其流转行为的影响情况进行汇总,解决了现有研究结论不一致、不具有普适性的问题.同时还发现中央不断推行的土地流转政策对于家庭总人数少的农户流转行为的影响力较强,从而找到了政策提升农户土地流转行为.  相似文献   

对我国中部粮食主产区农民售粮情况的实地调研显示:当前农民售粮行为正发生显著改变,由单纯注重价格向统筹考虑售粮价格、便利性及机会成本等转变,且不同规模、不同性质的农户售粮方式开始分化。农民售粮方式和节奏的变化,已经对粮食市场流通主体经营行为、粮食市场稳定、国家宏观调控等产生明显影响。因此,亟需引导农民形成合理价格预期,支持农户科学储粮,完善托市调控政策等,发挥好农户储粮分期销售对促进农民种粮增收、服务国家宏观调控、维护粮食市场稳定的协同作用。  相似文献   

大量的劳动力流失使得以家庭劳动力为主体的小规模农业经营体系已经难以维持。构建具有现代农业特点的新型农业经营体系需要通过土地流转来扩大农户的经营规模,实现机器对劳动的替代。然而,现实中土地流转受到各种因素的影响,流转速度仍然很缓慢。本文通过Probit模型对CHIPS2008的8 000户农户数据进行了分析,并采用IV Probit和2SLS方法来回避内生性问题。本文研究发现:第一,农户家庭中非农就业劳动力比例增大有助于提高农地流动的概率,但非农就业比对土地流转的正面作用会受到来自农业兼业化的负面影响。第二,与非农就业收入水平相比,非农就业稳定性对农地流转的影响程度更高,这揭示了城乡分隔体制下的中国小农经营与外国单纯追求利润的企业化农场经营行为方式是有差异的。第三,养老和医疗保险可以减少农民家庭的后顾之忧,降低他们对土地作为社会保障手段的依赖程度。但从具体数据分析结果来看,有无城市户口对农户土地流转的影响程度要比养老和医疗保险的因素更为显著。  相似文献   

中国农村住户参与转移就业的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2002年度全国农村住户抽样调查数据,当年农村劳动力转移就业比例达40%左右,转移农户占全部农村住户的比例达70%左右。农户对转移就业的参与概率随初始收入的提高而不断提高,至初始收入达到很高的水平之后开始下降;较多的土地资源不利于农户参与转移就业,但对农户参与就地转移的负面影响要小于异地转移;较多的农业固定资产不利于农户参与异地转移,而较多的非农业固定资产有利于其参与就地转移;家庭人口特征、社会资本等因素也会对农户参与转移就业产生影响。  相似文献   

文章利用实地调研的1 192户农户和25个乡镇数据,采用分层模型分析了不同收入水平农户参与农地承包经营权抵押融资的意愿及其影响因素。估计结果表明,影响农户参与农地抵押意愿的因素有乡镇层面特征、农户家庭特征、农户认知;宗教信仰、融资模式、主办金融机构数目以及家庭网络关系是影响不同收入水平农户参与农地抵押融资意愿的共同因素;随着农户收入水平的增加,乡镇层面的影响因素呈现倒U型。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explain why public policies that were expected to alleviate rural poverty in Pakistan have not worked. The analysis is based on a system dynamics model that incorporates the income distribution processes of a typical developing country agrarian economy consisting of a capitalist and self-employed sector. Only the economic factors arising out of the rational decisions of the two sectors regarding production and disbursement of income have been taken into account. These factors are considered adequate for explaining the persistence of rural poverty, although the role of social and political factors is acknowledged.The study suggests that the absence of an economic force that should encourage land ownership by its cultivators is a key factor responsible for the poor economic condition of the working rural household that form the majority of the rural population. Land is easily separated from cultivators and is concentrated among the few capitalist households. This concentration significantly reduces income in self-employment and thus leaves the cultivators with very little bargaining power for negotiating compensation for thier labor. Thus development policies striving to increase productivity may only serve to increase the claim to income of the few capitalist households, leaving incomes of the majority of the households unchanged while also assuring continuation of low worker compensation.The study indicates that a development policy for alleviating poverty should simultaneously incorporate fiscal instruments to encourage transfer of land ownership to its cultivators and measures that help increase the productivity of land.  相似文献   

利用1989-2004年"中国健康与营养调查"数据,运用固定效果模型和多层生长曲线模型,分析了城乡家庭人均年收入的趋势、现状和特点,探讨了城乡家庭收入差异产生的原因。虽然在这16年间,城、乡家庭人均收入都有了很大的提高,但二者之间的差距在不断上升;在其他条件相同的情况下,城市家庭的人均收入明显超过郊区、集镇和乡村家庭的人均收入;家庭人均收入受地域、社区和家庭等多层次因素的制约。解决城乡之间家庭收入差距的出路包括积极扩大非农就业,加快城镇化步伐,改善社区的就业条件,加大农村地区的教育回报率。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between income and land clearing for households living in tropical forest regions. A simple model of the agricultural household that clears land for agriculture is developed to investigate the relationship between lagged income and cleared land holdings. Analysis of panel data from Peru suggests that lagged income is positively correlated with clearing, though at a decreasing rate, and, because of labor market constraints, clearing is positively correlated with household labor availability. This work suggests that small increases in the incomes of the poorest are unlikely to reduce deforestation in this context.  相似文献   

Li Rui  Zhu Xi 《Applied economics》2013,45(13):1615-1625
Using recent survey data of Chinese rural households, we estimate the impact of credit constraints on Chinese rural households’ income and consumption. Results reveal that 71% of rural households are rationed in the credit markets. The credit constraints have significant negative effects on the income and consumption of rural households. The expenditures on education and medical treatments, the size of land holdings, household head education and the balance of financial capital all affect the demand of credit. Personal connections (relationship) are the most important determinate of the supply for credit.  相似文献   


Land transfer incentives and their effect on farmers’ income in developing countries have been widely examined in the literate, but little is known about the driving mechanism of rural household income effect during land transfer. To fill in this gap, this paper explains the incentives of land transfer, analyses the influencing factors of farmers’ decision on land transfer, then measures the income effects of land transfer and identifies the main sources of income effects, utilizing open-access data collected through the China Family Panel Studies. The empirical results show that land flow out or in is beneficial to raise farmers’ income, indicating that the income effects have a positive feedback to farmers’ decision on land transfer. Further analyses reveal that land flow-out farmers and land flow-in farmers have different main sources of income growth. Our finding suggest that optimizing the incentive role of China’s existing rural land property system can help orderly flow of rural land resources, which subsequently increases rural household income.  相似文献   


This study examines the effects of non-farm income on household consumption expenditures in rural Bangladesh. A two-stage endogenous treatment effect model is built on data from a nationally representative Household Income Expenditure Survey (HIES) 2010 to control selection bias. The HIES follows a hierarchical data structure because the survey is based on two-stage stratified sampling. A multilevel mixed-effects linear regression model is used to capture the unobserved heterogeneity between clusters (PSUs) along with revealing important factors. Results reveal that non-farm income has a significant positive effect on household’s consumption expenditures and non-farm income recipient households spend about 29% more than their counterparts. In addition, higher level of per capita income, education, smaller family size and lower dependency ratio are found to be more effective in increasing consumption expenditures of rural households. Significant cluster-level variations are observed in the analyses. This study recommends that non-farm income generating activities should be encouraged among rural households as this would raise their consumption expenditures and hence, improve welfare and living standards among them.


The construction of the new socialist countryside is being carried out in China nowadays. Although lots of successful experience has been gotten, different problems occur in various regions yet. To analyze the relationships among rural labor migration, poverty alleviation and characteristics of migrants is important in considering the effect of rural labor migration on the construction of the new socialist countryside. Available sampling and typical case study are adopted and 236 questionnaires are collected from[bur villages in northwest GuangxL China, Daxin Lixin, Longhe and Yongchang. We analyze the rural labor migration status, characteristics of migrants, remittance situation and income, household income and the ratio of remittance income to total household income. A bout 2/3 of the households have migrants in surveyed villages. And nearly half of the migration households have only one fam- ily member as migrants in the four villages. The migrants mainly comprise male and the younger, with the education level of junior middte school and higher More than half of the migrants are employed in Guangdong Province. But the characteristics of migrants in Yongchang are more diverse. The rural labor migration in the village is extremely active and extensive. And over 60% of the household with family members as migrants have remittance income. The rate in Yongchang is extremely high (80%). And the income of households with migrants getting remittance income significantly higher than their counterparts. More than half of their income comes from remittance as far as the former kind of household is concerned And in Yongchang, the rate is nearly 80%. The conclusion is that rural labor migration is popular and extensive in lots of villages. And the migration and remittance play an important role in rural household income, especially in some poor villages. For this kind of village, the rural labor migration may be some "compulsory course" in rural development. And the rural labor emigration is an essential way in poverty al-leviation. This is the first step in the construction of the new socialist countryside.  相似文献   

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