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日前,英特尔公司决定对位于上海的投资性公司英特尔(中国)有限公司追加1.1亿美元的注册资本,以增强其在华的投资运营。另据本刊记者了解,为进一步整合其亚太地区业务,注册在上海市的英特尔(中国)有限公司还将向商务部申请认定为国家级跨国公司地区总部。 相似文献
宋秀卿 《展览与专业市场信息》2009,(7):40-41
在全球,MEDICA是世界知名的综合性医疗展,被公认为世界上最大的医院及医疗设备展览会,以其不可替代的规模和影响力位居世界医疗贸易展的首位。 相似文献
德国被誉为“展览王国”,全球十大展览城市德国拥有六个,其中,科隆是世界四大展览中心城市之一,每年定期举办40至50个展览会,其中有25个是所在行业规模最大的专业展览会。中国企业出展科隆的规模自1996年开始持续扩大。为了深入了解出国展和来华展的一些情况,日前,本刊记者采访了科隆展览(中国)有限公司冯向军总经理。 相似文献
齐玲 《中国商贸:销售与市场营销培训》2010,(1):46-48
<正>见其人,形似李安听其声,磁性稳妥言谈中,语调平和但思想掷地有声举止间,稳健沉着又尽显豪爽从容随着3G时代的来临,商机四伏,硝烟弥漫的中国已成为智能手机新的战场,坚持勤奋、执着、创新 相似文献
(2013年1月21日,上海讯)风雨兼程,励精图治,理光中国迎来十周年庆典。作为全球领先的数字办公解决方案和文档管理服务提供商,理光携手中国用户走过了十载光辉岁月。回顾过去,理光始终站在客户的立场上思考和行动,以先进的技术和卓越的服务不断为客户创造新的价值,帮助客户推进业务、取得成功。目前,中国市场在理光集团全球营销部署中占据了十分重要的地位,在北、上、广开拓了上万家直接服务的客户,最高年度营业额高达人民币 相似文献
Atsuko Kanai 《Journal of Business Ethics》2009,84(Z2):209-216
Since the collapse of Japan’s bubble economy in the early 1990’s, the Japanese economy has only recovered slightly. This has
direct implications for employment. Both the seniority wage system and the lifetime employment system, which were popular
during the period of economic growth in Japan, unavoidably changed to an outcome-wage system. Now there is greater mobility
in employment, increased use of non-regular employees, and diversed working patterns. The problem of karoshi – a potentially
fatal syndrome resulting from long work hours – has been known since the early 1980s. This problem has become more serious
in recent years. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the economic and employment conditions in Japan,
as well as to examine the working lifestyle of Japanese men and its connection to “karoshi.” It is argued that (1) the long
work hours are not the preference of individuals, but rather the result of the adaptation to the work environment, and; (2)
solving this problem requires re-conceptualization of workers’ human rights on the part of both companies and the society
as a whole. 相似文献
Riad A. Ajami 《Journal Of Asia-Pacific Business》2013,14(2):91-93
ABSTRACT Globalization causes major shifts in the business environment and in business practices. Forecasting such changes is crucial for the preparation of responses to them. This article reports on a Delphi study conducted with a global set of experts drawn from the policy, business and academic communities. Over three rounds of interchange, these experts analyzed and debated the likelihood of changes in the international business environment over the next decade and the impact of these changes on policy and on corporate practices. The findings identify major sectoral transformations, shifts in the trade framework and its institution, and strategies for corporate adjustment. 相似文献
This article identifies the state of competitive intelligence (CI) in Asia—specifically, two of its most prominent economic powers, China and Japan. Comparisons with Western, mainly U.S. practice, are made, particularly where data and management research from those countries supports this approach. In terms of current practice, CI in Japan is more developed than in China, although China continues to devote increasing attention and resources to the area. Decision makers in multinational companies, competing in China or Japan, or with firms that originate there, should be aware of the competitive implications emanating from their utilization of CI. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
我国社会主义市场经济已经初步建立,但目前市场经济还有一些不到位的地方,需要进一步发展到位;也有一些因经验不成熟,犯了市场幼稚病而发生的过度市场化的地方。这些市场化不足和过头都需要继续调整完善。本文指出,市场经济初步建立之后,其积极方面和消极方面也随之充分地显露出来。国家应在社会主义市场经济中,就总量平衡、环境资源保护及社会公平分配上引发的问题,发挥宏观计划调控的作用,要讲市场与计划两种手段相结合。 相似文献