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壳牌集团进入中国 荷兰皇家/壳牌集团是由荷兰皇家石油公司和英国运输贸易有限公司于1907年合并而成,业务遍及全球145个国家,雇员人数约11万5000人,是世界上最大的能源企业之一.  相似文献   

荷兰为议会制世袭君主立宪王国,经济以石油化工、电子、造船和畜牧业为主,是实行自由经济制度的国家。荷兰国家审计院成立于十四世纪,有六百多年历史。其审计体系为国家审计、内部审计和民间审计三部分。荷兰从十四世纪开始,许多审计机构相继出现,形成各类审计机构并行的局面。直到1795年荷兰才将各类审计机构合而为一,成立了国家审计院,最初对国王负责。到1814年,荷兰《宪法》规定,设立审计院,进行审计工作,对议会负责并报告工作。一、审计院的任务荷兰《宪法》规定,国家审计院的任务是审计中央政府的收支,主要对中央…  相似文献   

山西人张慧春,骨子里继承了“晋商”精明。博士学的是环保,但毕业后做了近十年的贸易。现在,成为首席代表的张慧春所效力的 DHV 公司是1917年在荷兰成立的一家跨国工程公司,它是荷兰工程领域内的龙头企业之一。主要有4大块业务:饮用水和污水处理、环境和基础设施建设、工业建筑以及通信和航空。作为一个“洋打工”,张最初看中的还是 DHV 的专业技术。“技术是吸引我的关键。荷兰是临海的国家,她一直在不断的和水做斗争,因  相似文献   

在7月11日沈阳"东博会"新闻发布会上,本刊记者采访了荷兰贸易促进委员会沈阳代表处首席代表.  相似文献   

本文分析了新新贸易理论的提出背景、核心思想、中国经验和面临的挑战,以及多重异质性模型的理论和实践意义。随着经济全球化的深化,企业已经成为出口行为的主体,基于企业层面异质性的新新贸易理论正在构建传统贸易理论的微观机理。新新贸易理论的核心理论思想是企业层面异质性是预测和解释贸易行为的基础,其经典模型是生产率异质性模型。这一模型极具理论启发,但也遇到了中国现实的挑战;拓展生产率异质性模型,发展多重异质性模型不仅可以提升新新贸易理论的现实解释力,而且可以释放更大的理论创新空间。  相似文献   

荷兰病:实证研究及最新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
经典荷兰病指的是资源繁荣引起生产要素从其他部门(特别是制造业)转移到资源部门,由此产生的逆工业化现象。本文在回顾荷兰病理论基础上,具体描述了经典荷兰病模型、作用机制及其经济结构调整效应,按照假设演进的线索系统梳理了荷兰病数理模型及适用范围,从方法论和检验思路上评述了荷兰病经验检验的线索和进展。本文扩展了荷兰病的内涵,综述了其他生产要素(土地资源、旅游资源、财政资源、金融资源、劳动力资源)新型荷兰病效应的表现和特征,论述了经典荷兰病、新型荷兰病和比较优势陷阱的关系。  相似文献   

发展服务贸易是义乌国际贸易综合改革试点重要任务之一。本文在回顾已有文献基础上,分析义乌服务贸易现状及存在问题,然后针对义乌服务贸易发展实际情况和作为义乌县级市的权限提出义乌发展服务贸易的对策。  相似文献   

秦法萍  郭璞 《现代企业》2009,(10):15-16
一、产业内贸易理论及分析 产业内贸易理论,是解释产业内同类产品贸易增长特点和原因的理论。传统的国际贸易理论,主要是针对国与国劳动生产率差别较大的和不同产业之间的贸易,但自20世纪中后期以来,随着世界国际贸易发展,在贸易实践中又出现了一种新现象,即国际贸易大多发生在发达国家之间;  相似文献   

以往国际贸易理论一直被分为自由贸易理论与保护贸易理论两大对立的类型。新贸易理论是在二者对立过程中产生的一种新的外贸政策逻辑 ,它是在自由贸易与保护贸易之间选择了一条中间性的道路 ,主张各国政府应遵循“有条件、合作”的贸易积极性规则制定和实施贸易政策。这一新理论对于目前以自由贸易政策为主导的发达国家与以保护贸易为主要政策内容的发展中国家都具有很好的指导意义。本文旨在通过对新贸易理论的阐述结合中国的外贸实践 ,分析目前中国外贸政策制定过程中在理论依据的选择上存在的问题 ,从而阐明新贸易理论对我国外贸政策的指导意义 ,进而得出中国外贸需要走继续加大开放力度和实施必要干预的综合道路。  相似文献   

作为世界金融中心的纽约,发源于北美殖民地的一个小小的贸易前站,在其独一无二的地理优势和荷兰裔移民冒险精神的催化下,它逐步成长为一个繁荣的都市。华尔街正是从这  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis of outsourcing and trade in a spatial model à la Hotelling. In this setting, we discuss the trade-off between transport-cost-related disadvantages and outsourcing-related production cost advantages of a large economy and we investigate how the existence of national transport costs influences both the structure of industrial production and the pattern of final goods trade. In addition, the model gives a rich picture of the possible welfare effects of trade liberalization. In particular, we show that a final goods exporting country definitely gains from economic integration, while a final goods importing country may lose. Finally, when lowering domestic outsourcing activities, trade liberalization may reduce world welfare, even if pro-competitive effects lead to a decline in consumer prices.  相似文献   

Outsourcing and trade in a spatial world   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides an analysis of outsourcing and trade in a spatial model à la Hotelling. In this setting, we discuss the trade-off between transport-cost-related disadvantages and outsourcing-related production cost advantages of a large economy and we investigate how the existence of national transport costs influences both the structure of industrial production and the pattern of final goods trade. In addition, the model gives a rich picture of the possible welfare effects of trade liberalization. In particular, we show that a final goods exporting country definitely gains from economic integration, while a final goods importing country may lose. Finally, when lowering domestic outsourcing activities, trade liberalization may reduce world welfare, even if pro-competitive effects lead to a decline in consumer prices.  相似文献   

Globalisation has narrowed the gap between producers and consumers of goods and services. The linkages between international trade and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have started to be recognised, yet the extent of outsourcing of emissions across nations is unknown. Filling this gap in knowledge is critical for designing effective policy mechanisms for assigning responsibility for reductions in emissions. Here we present a structural decomposition analysis of global trends in outsourcing of emissions from 1990 to 2010 for 186 individual countries. To this end, we disaggregate total CO2 emissions for each country into contributions from the domestic economy and international trade. This allows us to unveil outsourcing trends for all nations confirming a world-wide shifting of emissions-intensive production across borders. We categorise nations into “outsourcers” – countries that outsource carbon-intensive production to so-called contractor nations. Our detailed assessment of the commodity content of global outsourcing flows reveals interesting insights about the trade of carbon-intensive commodities.  相似文献   

Considerable efforts have been made in recent years to produce detailed topologies of the Internet, but so far these data have been overlooked by economists. In this paper, we suggest that such information could be used to characterize both the size of the digital economy and outsourcing at country level. We analyse the topological structure of the network of trade in digital services (trade in bits) and compare it with the more traditional flow of manufactured goods across countries. To perform meaningful comparisons across networks with different characteristics, we define a stochastic benchmark for the number of connections among each country-pair, based on hypergeometric distribution. Original data are filtered so that we only focus on the strongest, i.e. statistically significant, links. We find that trade in bits displays a sparser and less hierarchical network structure, which is more similar to trade in high-skill manufactured goods than total trade. Moreover, distance plays a more prominent role in shaping the network of international trade in physical goods than trade in digital services.  相似文献   

徐枫 《企业经济》2012,(3):106-110
大力发展金融服务外包是我国未来金融服务贸易主要的经济增长点。在发展实践中,以京沪为代表的大城市起到了良好的带动作用,尤其是上海的金融服务外包发展较为成熟,具有完善的融资平台和成熟的市场体系,并定位高端化市场。与之相比,北京金融服务外包国际化水平相对不足,高端金融BPO业务仍处于初级阶段,通过两市金融服务外包的对比分析,为北京提供了经验与借鉴,也为进一步提高我国大城市金融服务外包的国际竞争能力提供了有益尝试。  相似文献   

We compare how Finland and the Netherlands organize home care services, both in legislation and in procurement practices, from a service triad risk perspective. We find Finnish public bodies rely to a great extent on inhouse provision and hybrid outsourcing. Dutch public bodies rely completely on outsourcing, using framework agreements with many care providers in parallel. Incentives used in contracts affect financial and service quality risks assumed by buyers, suppliers, and end-customers in the triad. This research improves our understanding of risk allocation among the actors in the service triad based on buyer decisions on outsourcing and supply market conditions. The risk profiles for all three actors in the home care service triad are affected by the manner in which public bodies outsource home care services: the purchasing practices. The delivery method (whether public and private or all private) and the number of providers impact the information position of the municipality versus the care provider in the triad.  相似文献   

A distinctive feature of the present wave of economic globalization is that the principle of world-wide arbitrage is increasingly applied to individual components of value-added chains, rather than final goods. The result is a phenomenon called outsourcing, or international fragmentation. Economists have investigated this phenomenon with a focus on welfare and factor-price effects, mainly using Heckscher-Ohlin-type trade models. Existing studies emphasize a positive welfare effect of international fragmentation, but reveal ambiguous effects on factor prices. This paper first reviews the existing literature, identifying the crucial modeling differences that drive the various results. It then presents an alternative view on international fragmentation based on the specific-factors model. The analysis explicitly deals with the cost of international fragmentation, emphasizing that there will typically be a fixed-cost element, with important consequences for the welfare effect of outsourcing. Moreover, the paper highlights a crucial distinction between outsourcing with and without foreign direct investment. With foreign direct investment, outsourcing of a single fragment is sufficient to drive the domestic wage rate to the foreign level, adjusted for the cost of fragmentation. This holds irrespective of the factor-intensity ranking of fragments. If outsourcing takes place without foreign direct investment, then the factor-intensity ranking matters. Domestic labor loses if a labor-intensive fragments moves “offshore”, and vice versa. In both cases, international fragmentation may cause a welfare loss, if the cost of fragmentation includes a fixed element.  相似文献   

针对中欧班列发展的问题,从中国与欧洲、日韩与欧洲各国的贸易特征入手,分析贸易品类、货物流向、货物规模;基于不同运输方式的运费、运输周期构建经济分析模型,测算符合铁路运输经济性的货物特征,以及国际贸易中具备铁路运输经济性的货物总量规模,进而指导中欧班列实现更符合市场规律的高效发展。  相似文献   

This paper investigates outsourcing and foreign direct investment (FDI) decisions in North–South trade under conditions of wage uncertainty. The North has a financial advantage to raise capital, but the South has the advantage of low wages. If the expected outsourcing cost is lower than the in-house production cost, some outsourcing to a Southern firm is optimal. However, outsourcing to an FDI firm is superior to outsourcing to a Southern firm as well as in-house production. This finding is consistent with the rising foreign direct investment in China by Northern firms.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between exchange‐rate changes and stock returns for a sample of Dutch firms over 1994–1998. We find that over 50 per cent of the firms are significantly exposed to exchange‐rate risk. Furthermore, all firms with significant exchange‐rate exposure benefit from a depreciation of the Dutch guilder relative to a trade‐weighted currency index. This result confirms that firms in open economies, such as the Netherlands, exhibit significant exchange‐rate exposure. We collect unique information on the most relevant individual currencies for each firm with respect to their influence on firm value. Our results indicate that the use of a trade‐weighted currency index and the use of individual exchange rates are complements. We also measure the determinants of exchange‐rate exposure. As expected, we find that firm size and the foreign sales ratio are significantly and positively related to exchange‐rate exposure. In contrast with our hypothesis, off‐balance hedging using derivatives has no significant effects. Finally, in line with theory, we find that exposure is significantly reduced through on‐balance sheet hedging, i.e., through foreign loans and by producing in factories abroad.  相似文献   

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