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为探讨空铁联运网络性能评价方法,提出构建更合理的空铁联运网络优化建议,通过节点度、最短路径旅行时长,计算城市出行便捷度指标和网络出行便捷度指标用于衡量空铁联运网络性能,设计城市重要度指标用于衡量新增中转城市对于空铁联运网络性能的提升效果。基于铁路12306数据对当前铁路12306空铁联运网络性能进行量化分析,计算比较各城市重要度,结果表明提出的方法可以有效发现并分析对空铁联运网络性能提升较大的城市,提出优化建议。对于城市重要度大于1的城市,建议在部分铁路客运站与机场间新增空铁联运服务以提升网络出行便捷度;对于城市重要度小于1的城市,建议考虑通过优化列车开行方案、增加航班班次密度等方法达到优化空铁联运网络的目的。  相似文献   

接续方案设计是空铁联运时空衔接的重要部分,良好的接续方案对于提升旅客效用、吸引空铁联运客流具有重要意义。针对“铁路换乘航空”的单向空铁联运,考虑列车与航班票额约束、换乘守恒约束、枢纽流量守恒约束、换乘时间约束,以联运旅客量最大、旅客全程旅行时间总和最小为目标,建立整数规划模型,针对模型特点采用分层序列法求解。以石家庄正定机场、正定机场站组成的换乘枢纽为例,根据某日实际数据,求解空铁联运接续方案及其对应的旅客量。通过与高速铁路直达的对比,说明空铁联运接续方案在旅行时间上的优势。通过调整列车票额比例上限的取值,求解对应的接续方案数量、空铁联运旅客量以进行灵敏度分析,从而给铁路运营方提供决策支持。  相似文献   

旅客空铁联运是一种新型的客运模式,通过高速铁路扩大航空运输的辐射效应,有利于提高旅客空铁联运的市场竞争力。在分析旅客空铁联运影响因素的基础上,构建基于面板数据计量的机场辐射效应模型,以北京首都机场为中心,天津机场、石家庄机场和太原机场为辐射对象,针对旅客空铁联运机场辐射效应进行实证研究。实证结果表明,开展旅客空铁联运,大型机场对周边机场的辐射效应增强,在缓解大型机场客流压力同时促使周边机场客流提升,进而改善交通运输网络与服务质量,刺激区域经济增长。  相似文献   

目前国内航空运输系统和高速铁路网络的结合,大多通过新建高速铁路引入既有机场来实现,2个系统如何有效结合,发挥各自优势,方便旅客出行,实现优势互补是一个复杂的系统工程。通过分析国内外空铁联运现状及存在问题,以空铁联运结合较好且对机场既有设施及运营影响较小的杭州萧山国际机场为例,对车站与航站楼相互关系的处理、高速铁路线路局部地段技术标准选择、线路走向与机场总体布局的协调、车站埋深、规模和站型等方面进行系统分析,提出高速铁路引入机场方案研究的总体思路和设计要点,以期为国内研究高速铁路引入既有枢纽机场实现空铁便捷换乘,打造效率优先、安全可靠的空铁联运系统提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着经济的不断发展,旅客出行方式呈现出跨地域、多方式、个性化等多样性需求,而多式联运是应对客运市场需求变化的有效措施。由于多式联运对系统信息交换效率要求较高,因而传统的联运售票模式在多式联运的直接应用中具有一定的难度。为解决多式联运中的跨行业信息交互问题,在阐述航空和铁路售票系统现状的基础上,结合区块链技术在解决跨域多方协作业务中可以有效提供信任基础及高效交易信息交互的优势,基于区块链技术特征,对其在空铁联运业务中解决多方信息协作问题的应用模式进行研究,为空铁联运应用落地提供关键的技术支撑。  相似文献   

2012年12月1日,上海铁路局与中国国际航空股份有限公司联手打造的"畅行地空空铁联运"产品正式上线,这标志着上海铁路局与国航联手实现了双向联运,该铁路局管内上海虹桥、苏州北、无锡东、常州北、杭州5个高速铁路车站的40趟高速铁路列车与上海虹桥国际机场或上海浦东国际机场的国航航班实现了空铁双  相似文献   

张毓 《空运商务》2014,(5):48-49
笔者从河北机场管理集团获悉,2014年第一季度,石家庄机场空铁联运客流达到55353人次,同比增长193%。空铁联运客流倍增的背后不仅是石家庄机场航空市场的进一步扩大,也说明包含空铁联运的综合交通枢纽建设已成为区域经济发展的重要助推器。  相似文献   

为有效识别关键节点以分析抗毁性,通过建立空铁联运双层加权网络模型搭建分析框架,提出一种基于熵权的综合中心度关键节点识别方法,针对东航空铁联运客运网络进行关键节点识别与节点重要性排序,进而分析不同攻击模式下东航空铁联运网络的抗毁性。研究结果表明:东航空铁联运双层网络的关键节点在不同子网络层的分布呈非均衡性;联运网络在随机性攻击模式下的抗毁性较强,而在选择性攻击模式下的抗毁性较弱,然而,当攻击节点比例较低时,联运网络在2种攻击模式下的抗毁性差别并不大,攻击节点达到一定比例后,选择性攻击下的抗毁性才会显著弱于随机性攻击;2种攻击模式下,东航空铁联运双层网络的抗毁性均优于其子网络层。  相似文献   

张毓 《空运商务》2014,(6):41-41
5月23日至7月31日,石家庄机场与春秋航空公司合作,正式在春秋航空官方网站上推出空铁联运“一票通”,只要乘坐春秋航空航班经石家庄机场进出北京的旅客,就可以享受“0元”火车票。  相似文献   

我国跨境电子商务发展迅速,业务需求不断攀升,为航空物流企业未来发展增添动力,机场正在成为跨境电商物流中的重要环节。基于我国航空跨境电商物流发展现状,梳理机场跨境电商物流业务模式,分析机场跨境电商物流存在问题,进一步提出完善机场跨境电商货运设施建设、提高机场跨境电商清关能力、推进空铁联运和“卡车航班”、积极构建跨境电商信息服务平台、优化国际货运航班时刻资源等对策,以更好促进机场业务模式转变,对提高机场综合竞争力和完善现代物流体系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Air-rail integration has become a popular idea to relieve airport congestion and environmental impact of transport industry, especially amid the fast expansion of high-speed rail network around the world. This study examines the circumstances under which air-rail integration can be better justified, by focusing on the effects of reducing air-rail connecting time on transport operators' profits, consumer surplus, and social welfare. We show that while consumers always benefit from less air-rail connecting time (an integrated hub with seamless transfer between air and rail services is always preferred by passengers), operators of the two modes, air transport and high-speed rail, won't have an incentive to integrate unless the cost of integration is sufficiently low. Nonetheless, reducing air-rail connecting time enhances total surplus when the hub airport suffers from a certain degree of capacity constraint and the cost of air-rail integration is not too high.  相似文献   

根据高速铁路的技术特征,对高速铁路、城际铁路的线路走向、车站及站场布局、与其他交通方式无缝化衔接、主要通道客货分线运输、旅客列车运输组织协调等因素进行了分析,对高速铁路路网规划、运输组织理论作了初步探讨,并对高速铁路网规划建设和运输组织实践作了简要分析。  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of multimodal passenger rail hubs as part of the high-speed rail (HSR) network in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The instrumental, attitudinal and affective experience of the journey through the interchange is assessed from the user perspective. Surveys are used from three HSR stations: Beijing South, Chengdu East and Suzhou North (N = 150), representing three types of HSR stations, i.e. national capital, regional capital and sub-regional city. ‘Expected’ and ‘realised’ facilities are compared – with the difference representing the ‘disgruntlement’ factor (after Stradling et al., 2007).The unprecedented urbanisation process currently being witnessed in the PRC, together with the rapid development of the HSR network and associated multimodal interchanges, offers much opportunity to develop a leading-edge public transport system and urban development predicated on the use of public transport. Although the importance of intermodal interchange hubs is being increasingly recognised, the journey experience through the interchange often remains poor, with problems including Wi-Fi availability, waiting and seating, the availability of door-to-door ticketing, crowdedness, access to the hub, time of travel through and waiting in the hub. MANOVA analysis and factorial (three way) MANOVA analysis are used to explore the differences between intermodal hubs, with many instrumental and particularly attitudinal and affective factors being significantly influenced by location.  相似文献   

中国城镇化正进入加速发展时期.旅客运输需求总量迅速增加,城市间旅客交流强度加大,同时对交通运输效率和节能环保提出了更高要求。高速铁路所具有的技术经济优势,非常适合中国城镇化发展需要。中国正在建设的高速铁路网,对促进城镇聚集以及沿线城市体系的形成和完善,带动城市开发建设和服务业发展,提高城市居民生活质量将发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

This paper studies trade-offs between efficiency (performance) and fairness (equity), when assigning ATFM delay pre-tactically (on-ground at origin airport) due to reduced airport capacity at destination. Delay is assigned as the result of the optimisation of a deterministic multi-objective problem considering flight and passenger perspectives when defining objectives of performance and fairness. Two optimisation cases are presented: one where objectives are based on flight metrics, and another one where they are based on passenger metrics. The paper defines and analyses efficiency-fairness trade-offs: the concepts of price of fairness for flights and passengers are defined as the percentage of efficiency loss due to the consideration in the optimisation of fairness; whereas the price of efficiency is considered as the fairness loss relative to the maximum value of the fairness metric, when considering flight or passenger delay in the optimisation. The optimisation model is based on the ground holding problem and uses various objective functions. For performance, total delay for flights (considering reactionary delay), and total delay for passengers (considering outbound connections) are defined. For fairness, the deviation of flight arrivals from a Ration By Schedule solution, and the deviation of delay experienced by passengers with respect to the one obtained in an RBS situation are used. An illustrative application on traffic at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, a busy European hub airport, and including realistic values of traffic is modelled. A comprehensive trade-off analysis is presented. Results show, how in some cases, gains on one stakeholder can be achieved without implying any detriment on the other one. Passengers are more sensitive to the optimisation and hence, their consideration when assigning delay is recommended. Further research should explore how to combine flight and passenger indicators in the optimisation and consider how the lack of data availability could be mitigated.  相似文献   

在阐述博弈论理论基础上,结合票价变动所产生的旅客流量的变化,选择斯坦科尔伯格模型对高速铁路与航空定价过程进行描述,借助双层规划建模的思想,建立了诱发客流影响下高速铁路与航空运输多层规划动态定价模型,并采用基于灵敏度分析的启发式算法通过实际算例对所构建模型进行计算。结合高速铁路与航空动态定价过程的分析,得出诱发客流影响下高速铁路与航空运输趋于均衡的客票定价区间。最后对高速铁路与航空竞争定价的博弈过程中双方客流量及利润的变化进行分析。  相似文献   

高速铁路的建设和运营需要与之相适应的现代化铁路调度指挥体系,以确保高速铁路及整个铁路网络的运输安全、正常秩序和高效节能。结合高速铁路运输特点及对调度指挥的要求,探讨如何设计高速铁路调度体系,如何开发建设高速铁路调度指挥系统。  相似文献   

Soaring air traffic, increasing urban expansion and airports operating at full capacity are reasons that have caused a discussion about improvements in airport landside access systems. One approach to better match customer demands and address airport congestion is to facilitate the intermodal integration of airports. Building on a survey on intermodal passenger air transportation, we elaborate on the current and future situation at major airports. Our findings indicate a high modal concentration and dependence on individual access modes. However, while airport managers intend to reduce the share of these modes, they plan to increase that of high-occupancy airport access modes. We analyze the underlying motives that cause airports to extend their connections to surface infrastructure. In a case study, we assess an intermodal best practice solution for the integration of air and rail.  相似文献   

针对城际快速交通地区综合路网发达,交通方式间换乘便捷,人口出行多方式、多路径的特点,提出包括基于综合路权、换乘阻抗,以及动态多路径概率分配思想的多方式、多路径客流方式划分与配流组合预测模型,对城际快速轨道交通客流进行预测,并通过对穗莞深城际快速轨道交通的客流预测,验证了模型的科学性和有效性。  相似文献   

广东省城际轨道交通规划和建设对于缓解广东省内外交通压力,满足高速发展的广东经济和城市化建设具有重要意义。分析广东省城际轨道交通存在的问题,采用多模块网络层次分析法的线网规划方法,在广东省城镇空间布局和产业发展格局的宏观指导下,详细分析城际客运需求,提出广东省城际轨道交通线网架构,并通过不同线网架构的优缺点分析,给出推荐线网方案。  相似文献   

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