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21世纪初农业投资与农业经济发展研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
技术与资本是21世纪我国农业经济发展的决定性因素,而技术进步关键在于增加投资。农业投资根据国情分成公益性投资、基础性投资与竞争性投资,分别由政府、政府与企业及农护、社会投资者与企业及农户承担。加速我国农业经济的发展,必须创新农业投资体制,强化农业投资管理。  相似文献   

“天然气———21世纪的能源”已成为全人类的共识,新气田的不断发现、储量的不断增长和新的跨国输气管线的建成以及贸易范围的扩大,加速了天然气工业的全球化和天然气全球化的进程。第21届世界天然气大会把21世纪称为天然气的黄金时代。未来几年内我国天然气需求将快于煤炭和石油,天然气市场在全国范围内将得到较大发展。可以预料,天然气工业将成为21世纪我国国民经济新的增长点。随着世界经济迅速发展,人口急剧增加,能源消费不断增长,温室气体和各种有害物质排放激增,人类的生存环境受到了极大挑战。在这种形势下,清洁的、热值高的天然气…  相似文献   

21世纪前10年的发展趋势基本上仍在20世纪90年代经济全球化、区域集团化、金融自由化发展的基础上进一步向纵深发展,以利率自由化、金融市场自由化为核心的金融自由化将进一步深化.  相似文献   

靳文 《金融博览》2008,(5):64-66
当股市哀鸿遍野的时候,有一只基金却常常扮演熊市中的英雄角色,它就是美豳的先锋基金;当人们面对复杂的投资方法和信启、而感到无所适从时,一位老人的话“面对复杂,请回归简单”如醍醐灌顶,他就是先锋基金的创始人——约翰·鲍格尔。  相似文献   

吴飚韵 《理财》2007,(10):89-90
经过了几年的"熊市",中国股市终于在2006年开始启动"牛市"行情,至今依然持续造好。虽然中间也经历了几次调整,但都有惊无险,没有改变后市走强的格局。行情屡创新高,同时也刺激着投资者的投资意欲,"价值投  相似文献   

18世纪,最值得骄傲的是工业革命,资产阶级的思想启蒙运动宣告了新的社会制度的确立。  相似文献   

信息技术的飞速发展使一种全新的教育模式伴随着Internet的全球普及而发展起来,国内网上教育项目不断涌现,本从人才培养模式出发,就网络教育的教育体制及教学模式做了一些探讨。  相似文献   

This article makes the case for a new contract between business and government that will help us address the critical challenge of our time: the globalization of commerce, and its disruptive effects on labor, local communities, and the environment. The authors begin by showing how globalization has created a new playing field for government and business in which our current governance models and a social contract that proved remarkably effective during the 20th century can no longer ensure economic stability and social progress. While the private sector has for the most part demonstrated its ability to adapt and flourish in a global economy, governments have struggled, thanks in large part to complex decision‐making processes and centralized bureaucracies that were created in response to 20th‐century realities. The result has been ever more indebted nations and governments that have been unable to maintain the core foundation and social investments on which their economic competitiveness and the social well‐being of their citizens depend. Our challenge now is to create a new social contract between business and government that is equal to the challenges of a global economy. The authors identify a number of key issues that must be addressed in creating this new framework, and explore recent and emerging business leadership initiatives that are working to address them. These range from initiatives that encourage greater self‐regulation by business of its impact on society and the environment to those that explore ways for the private sector to help governments deliver services more cost effectively. As part of the fallout from the recent financial crisis, business, broadly speaking, no longer enjoys the level of public trust it once did, which has added significantly to the challenges it now faces in taking on greater social responsibility. To direct its considerable resources to the greater public good while continuing to produce a competitive return to shareholders will require a degree of innovation and leadership that many companies will find difficult. But without this increased participation of business and its leaders, it is hard to see how we will prosper in the increasingly uncertain future we now face.  相似文献   

拉里·埃利逊是一个很幸运的人:除了比尔·盖茨,他比任何人都富有.他是世界上除了微软之外最具实力的软件公司的首席执行官.  相似文献   

21世纪个人银行业务显身手   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张剑辉 《银行家》2005,(1):51-51
社会转型、体制转轨、战略转移,21世纪的银行业既是个人银行、家庭银行、服务银行,又是网上银行、电子银行、数字银行,个人银行业务发展面临新形势、新任务、新特点。 世界要是没有银行,企业将会是怎样?在过去肯定是死路一条。但今天,有了发达的股票市场、债券市场后,企业仍然能够很好的生存。另一方面,已经过上小康日子或者已经开始走向富裕的中国人,开始由自然人向经济人、文化人转变,由劳动人向消费人、投资人转变。哪里有人哪里就有客户,哪里有客户哪里就有个人  相似文献   

香港会计师公会专业创新科技导向委员会的工作有力证明了公会加大力度为会员服务的决心新思想有时就像双刃剑。相信你也不止一次听人说过:“我当然想了解有益于业务/工作/事业的新事务,可是实在抽不出时间。”也许甚至你自己也说过类似的话。面对日新月异、五花八门的新科技发展,你可能感到眼花缭乱:怎么可能有时间认真了解,从中找到对你专业事务大有帮助的科技呢?为帮助会员在这个信息技术时代与时并进,香港会计师公会(以下简称“公会”)致力于为会员提供切合业务发展所需的创新产品与服务。同时,公会完全理解这项工作所面对的众多挑战,因…  相似文献   

走向未来--21世纪经济与科技发展大趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
21世纪 ,世界经济与科技发展有两大趋势 :其一是科学技术继续加速发展 ,知识经济将成为主导的经济形态 ;其二是经济全球化。这两大潮流也冲击着中国 ,它既是挑战 ,也是机遇 ,我们必须正确对待之。  相似文献   

周红玉 《新理财》2010,(9):92-93
“这几年艺术品投资比任何其他投资的回报都高,有的几年时间可以翻几百倍,我个人做什么都赔过钱.但投资艺术品从没赔过钱。几年前,有个台湾收藏家,给了我5张范曾的画,借了30万,后来钱没还,画就给我了,现在不到10年,这些画,一张就值80万。”  相似文献   

世纪之交的国际金融风险及其防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一国金融发生波动或危机时并不仅仅局限在一国之内,而是通过各种途径传统到其他国家或地区,使之承受金融和经济动荡之苦,世纪之交,各国应从搞好自身金融安全,改革汇率制度,国际金融体系,完善预警和监测体系,加强国际金融协调与合作等方面,切实防范国际金融风险。  相似文献   

Michael Marien   《Futures》2002,34(3-4)
Futures-thinking in various ways may or may not be expanding. But it is clearly an ever-changing activity, and appears to be ever more fragmented by culture, subject matter, style, and ideology. ‘Futures Studies (FS)’ as a subset of this larger activity is highly problematic as a viable entity, due to seven disabling myths: that FS is a field, that futurists are generalists, that futurists are primarily ‘futurists’, that FS does what no one else does, that FS is generally understood and appreciated, that FS is static, and that FS is a community. In contrast to these idealized but unsupported myths, the world of futures-thinking is presented as it really is, based on the author’s preparation of over 20,000 abstracts of futures-relevant literature over the past 30 years. Underlying complexity and wide diversity are sketched in three synoptic charts on the six purposive categories of futures-thinking (and 115 different terms that have been used), 17 general topical categories, and 12 generic continua on which futures-thinkers can be located. Based on this complex and fuzzy reality, futures studies should embrace its distinctiveness and strive to be a horizontal field connecting all others—a visible, respected, and ever-renewing network of humble hubs for integrative ‘big picture’ thinking about trends and visions of probable, possible, and preferable futures. To attain this status in the decades ahead, FS must communicate a shared and frequently-revised vision, emphasize all six purposive categories (especially integration and questioning), develop a serious global information system (and use it), establish an academic presence at leading institutions, fight back against ignorant futurist-bashers, promote multiple excellences, engage in ‘second profession’ recruitment and training, and secure adequate funding. These actions are necessary for establishing any meaningful ‘futures studies’ community.  相似文献   

21世纪的员工具有许多新的特点,对人力资源管理也提出了更高的要求。人力资源管理必须进行全方位的变革,才能适应形势发展的需要,为企业的发展奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

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