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本文通过融合Grossman—Hart-Moore(1986,1990)产权理论方法和Helpman—Krugman(1985)一体化均衡方法,力图从微观企业层次解释中美贸易顺差问题。研究发现:最终产品商对加工企业所有权安排与贸易组织结构的选择,是导致中美贸易失衡的国际生产组织根源;中美贸易顺差的实证分析支持这一结论。结果表明:中国外贸失衡是国际生产与贸易活动的一种外化形式,只要全球生产贸易格局不变,中美贸易失衡本身就是一种常态;在国内外经济形势不确定条件下,解决中国外贸失衡困境问题需要战略转向,重点应该寻求微观解决方案。  相似文献   

近年来,随着中美贸易顺差问题的不断凸显,外商投资企业在中美贸易顺差中的影响和作用也受到关注.经分析发现,贸易逆差转移效应和贸易替代效应的发生是外商在华直接投资导致中美贸易差额形成的主要原因,这两种效应的发生加剧了中美贸易的失衡.由此,我国的外贸战略应做出适当的调整,以缓解外商直接投资对我国形成的对美贸易顺差的巨大压力.  相似文献   

论中美高技术产品贸易失衡之“谜”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中美高技术产品贸易失衡是由中美两国在高技术产品上出现与其比较优势不符的贸易所致。21世纪初,中美高技术产品贸易失衡主要表现为中美信息与通讯贸易顺差,以及中国对美部分高技术产品贸易顺差转为逆差;美国对华技术出口管制对贸易失衡的影响在减弱,外商对华高技术产品加工生产工序的产业转移,成为失衡的主要原因。由此造成美国、中国、东亚经济体在中美高技术产品贸易中形成三方"互利",但非"共赢"的利益分配格局。  相似文献   

中美贸易长期失衡,导致中美贸易摩擦的不断升级,本文分析中国本土企业在两国贸易顺差中取得的贸易利益,指出中美贸易顺差带给中国本土企业的贸易利得有限,并分析了原因,提出了提高中国本土企业在中美贸易中的贸易利得的建议.  相似文献   

随着中美贸易的发展,两国的贸易失衡问题不断扩大,由此引发了许多贸易摩擦.本文介绍了美在华直接投资和中美贸易失衡的概况,重点分析了美在华直接投资时中美出口和进口贸易的影响,得出美在华直接投资加剧了中美贸易失衡,最终提出建立以"所有权"为基础的贸易差额统计体系;完善外资政策,加强对外资流向的正确引导;加强中国企业在美国市场的投资活动等措施采降低中美贸易顺差,从而缓解中美贸易摩擦.  相似文献   

中美贸易不平衡及中美贸易摩擦的发展趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着中美贸易不平衡不断扩大,中美贸易摩擦日益加剧。分析表明:货物贸易顺差是中美贸易顺差的根源;按商品类别中美贸易商品结构存在失衡;美国对中国产品的贸易保护措施已从单纯反倾销到反补贴、再到反倾销和反补贴并用,进而发展到利用体现海关知识产权保护的337调查。中美贸易的自由发展也由此受到了严重的影响。  相似文献   

中美贸易顺差的原因及调整方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中美贸易顺差不断扩大是全球经济发展的潜在不安定因素,而造成该现象本质原因是中国和美国贸易结构不平衡.本文通过计量模型找出对中美贸易失衡影响较大的因素是中国出口退税机制和两国储蓄率的高低,并为中国调整贸易顺差、优化贸易结构提出了政策性建议.  相似文献   

中美贸易不平衡问题一直是两国经济关系发展的绊脚石,为此而频起贸易纠纷,干扰了两国贸易的正常进行。本文首先回顾近30年中美贸易的发展状况和人民币汇率改革历程,进而分析人民币实际汇率波动对中美贸易失衡产生的影响,其结论是:人民币升值在短期内难以对中美贸易顺差产生调节作用,从长期来看则会产生一定作用,从而进一步分析中美贸易失衡产生的深层次原因,并提出解决中美贸易不平衡的政策建议。  相似文献   

作为世界上最大的两个经济体,中、美两国之间的贸易一段时期内处于失衡状态,具体表现为中国对美国的巨额贸易顺差。在2008年金融危机后,中美贸易发生了一系列新的变化。导致中美贸易失衡的直接原因是政策干预及统计差异,深层原因是全球产品价值链的特定分工格局,集中表现为中国国际收支账户的“双顺差”。为扭转贸易失衡,中国需要调整外资政策,减少外资依赖,鼓励创新。  相似文献   

中美贸易失衡一直是影响双边贸易关系的重要因素,而高技术产品贸易的失衡又是导致中美贸易失衡的主要原因。文章通过中美高技术产品进出口情况分析出中美高技术产品贸易顺差在持续扩大,并利用ARCA指数的测度探究两国高技术产品贸易失衡结构特点及其原因。并认为,中美高技术产品贸易失衡主要由于美国对华出口管制、高技术产业转移等原因所导致。  相似文献   

异质性消费者与异质性厂商的异质性匹配从需求与供给两方面诱致贸易活动产生,基于消费者异质性假定与厂商异质性假定所构建的异质性匹配内生贸易模型,是在新贸易理论与新新贸易理论基础上的综合性拓展和研究新范式引入的逻辑起点。本文的主要贡献在于,在消费者异质性与厂商异质性假定条件下构建国内国际均衡模型,从异质性消费者与异质性厂商的异质性匹配角度对贸易活动进行内生性解释,把产业内贸易与跨国公司内贸易纳入到统一的贸易理论分析框架之中,基于贸易理论新范式对跨国公司产生、产业内贸易与跨国公司内部贸易、企业跨国投资、企业跨国并购与合并、跨国企业贸易联盟的形成进行内生解释,把一个异质性匹配新范式引入贸易理论研究并对当代主流贸易理论进行新拓展。  相似文献   

We study a setting with many countries; in each country there are firms that can sell in the domestic as well as foreign markets. Countries can sign bilateral free‐trade agreements that lower import tariffs and thereby facilitate trade. We allow a country to sign any number of bilateral free‐trade agreements. A profile of free‐trade agreements defines the trading regime. Our principal finding is that, in symmetric settings, bilateralism is consistent with global free trade. We also explore the effects of asymmetries across countries and political economy considerations on the incentives to form trade agreements.  相似文献   

This paper critically assesses the free trade agreement between Canada and the United States. Reviewing the theoretical literature on the gains from trade and the empirical literature on bilateral trade liberalization reveals that no presumption should exist that bilateral free trade would significantly improve Canada's welfare. Moreover, because of uncertainty over future abrogation or contingent protection actions, much of the predicted rationalization of Canadian industry may not occur. If, on the other hand, firms in Canada make major investments to take advantage of the agreement, Canada's bargaining position with the United States on trade and other issues could be weakened.  相似文献   

技术性贸易措施下出口企业被动创新效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
技术性贸易措施虽然对出口国有显著负面影响,但同时也会迫使出口企业投资研发,产生被动创新效应。当创新的预期收益大于创新研发的一次性投入时,出口企业就会以研发投资的创新来应对国外技术性贸易措施。进口国技术性贸易措施越不苛刻,同时出口企业初始产品质量越好,出口企业定价能力越强,出口企业越倾向于选择被动性创新投资策略。  相似文献   

本文旨在系统性地探究异质性企业贸易理论的起源与发展过程。首先对促使该理论诞生的实证挑战从企业的选择性出口、市场进入成本、资源再分配三个方面进行了综述;然后指出该理论发展的两条脉络和各自的理论基础,并在此基础上从平均生产率和贸易利得两个角度阐述了异质性企业贸易理论和新贸易理论之间的紧密联系,二者最大的差别便在于对边际生产成本的处理上,前者以边际成本的异质性替代企业的异质性,后者则忽略了企业之间的异质性。同时,针对国内学者的一些认识,本文也提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

This article identifies the effect of trade policy on market power through new data and a new identification strategy. We identify market power by observing how exporting firms price discriminate across markets following variations in bilateral exchange rates. Pricing‐to‐market is prevalent in all countries in our sample, even among small firms, although it is increasing in firm size. More importantly, we find that the effect of nontariff measures (NTMs) is not isomorphic to that of tariffs. Whereas tariffs reduce the market power of foreign firms through rent‐shifting effects, NTMs reinforce the market power of nonexiting firms, domestic and foreign alike.  相似文献   

This article looks at two features of globalization, namely, productivity improvements and falling trade costs, and explores their effect on welfare in a monopolistic competition model with heterogenous firms and technological asymmetries. Contrary to received wisdom, and for reasons different from adverse terms of trade effects, it is shown that improvements in a partner's productivity must hurt us. Moreover, falling trade costs can raise welfare in the technologically advanced country while reducing it in the backward one, if technological asymmetries are large enough.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom holds that increasing international capital mobility reduces incentives for firms to lobby for trade protection. This paper argues that the effects of increased international capital mobility on the lobbying incentives of firms depend critically upon levels of inter-industry mobility. General-equilibrium analysis reveals that if capital is highly industry-specific, greater international mobility among some types of specific capital may increase lobbying incentives for owners of other specific factors and thereby intensify industry-based rent-seeking in trade politics. Evidence on levels of inward and outward investment in US manufacturing industries between 1982 and 1996, and on industry lobbying activities, indicate that these effects may be quite strong.  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper analyses entry policy in an open economy using an intra-industry trade model. Entry policy is the policy by which a government regulates the number of firms in the country. Implementation of this policy is accompanied by subsidies. In this paper, only one country implements this policy and the other country does not enforce any regulations. We show that the national entry policy makes both countries better off than they would be at the market equilibrium if a certain condition is met. This means that national entry policy is not necessarily a beggar-thy-neighbour policy.  相似文献   

This article tests the anti-competitive effect of trade restrictions under the Multi-Fiber Arrangement in the U.S. textile industry. The modeling approach differs from that of traditional empirical studies. That is, it allows for non-competitive behavior by domestic firms and therefore permits estimating the effect of trade policy on domestic firms' conduct, market power, and profit margins. The model is estimated for several selected product categories of the U.S. textile industry. Empirical results indicate that trade restrictions enabled domestic producers to behave less competitively and raise their profit margins. The empirical evidence is significant in the man-made fiber sub-sectors. The anti-competitive effect, however, tended to taper off over time, suggesting that higher profits might have induced new entry and hence boosted competition.  相似文献   

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