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This study contributes to the limited established empirical research on the impact and relevance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the capital markets of emerging economies. We conducted an event study to demonstrate how the timing of CSR announcements by firms that have aligned their strategies to newly instituted social regulations in South Africa influenced stock prices. Using a unique dataset of publicly listed South African enterprises that undertook CSR initiatives during the ten year period from 1996 to 2005, we found that investor reactions to CSR announcements concluded during the late phase of institutional reforms are viewed positively by investors. Furthermore, CSR announcements of substantive monetary value result in significantly higher shareholder returns.  相似文献   

We analyze the price effects of steel commodities on stock market returns in emerging and developed economies. These commodities have recently attained increased media exposure due to the rise in the U.S. steel import tariffs, which pose the threat of reducing global demand for steel products and, consequently, lowering prices abroad. However, little has been investigated on the impact of steel commodity prices on worldwide stock market returns. By performing structural VAR and GARCH techniques on a weekly-frequency time series from 2002 to 2015, we find positive and statistically significant effects of linear and non-linear steel commodity price shocks on real stock returns in the commodity markets. In the highly diversified financial markets such as U.S. and Germany, real stock returns do not significantly respond to steel commodity price shocks, although we find highly significant positive responses from developed economies such as Australia, Japan and South Korea. Results are robust to different model specifications. Our evidence suggests that higher tariffs on steel imports represent a larger disadvantage to commodity markets which are more largely impacted by steel commodity prices. We provide economic policy implications based on recent literature.  相似文献   

The daily transmission of U.S. comprehensive stock indices to foreign stock markets has been studied extensively, but the transmission may just be that the foreign stock prices respond to news underlying the change in the U.S. stock indices. Besides the regularly economic announcements, news relevant for the U.S. economy may include qualitative news and non-economic events. Due the daily nature of the news, there is no appropriate reference as to its impact on the U.S. or foreign economy and the only accessible reference probably is the change in the financial asset prices. But the U.S. stock index is general in nature and cannot be used to offer specific information about the U.S. economy. Some U.S. asset prices other than stock indices may reveal more specific information about the U.S. economy. Looking into the daily relationship between these U.S. asset prices and stock indices of four American countries in two periods with drastically different economic conditions, this study finds that the daily relationship between these U.S. asset prices and foreign stock prices is consistent with the prevailing U.S. economic fundamentals. From the relationship we identify some U.S. economic conditions foreign stock prices respond to. These economic conditions include real economic shocks, monetary policies, and business default risks.  相似文献   

This research utilized an event study method to assess how the stocks of publicly traded companies responded before and after announcing their partnership with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Climate Leaders program. Although the stocks exhibited an average non‐significant positive abnormal return of 0.56% on the day of the announcement, the cumulative abnormal returns for the stock prices of the firms for two of the three event windows showed statistically significant negative returns. These results suggest that these firms' public announcements of joining the USEPA Climate Leaders partnership did not have a positive impact on stock performance. While no immediate financial benefit was found in this research, the practices implemented by these firms to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions may still bode well for long‐term corporate earnings and attractiveness to investors. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to provide empirical evidence regarding deficits and their effects on stock prices. We investigate whether changes in deficits cause changes in stock prices and if so, in what direction. We use Granger causality tests and impulse response analysis of vector autoregressive models to assess the relationship between budget deficits and stock prices in several industrialized nations. The evidence from impulse response analysis and Granger causality tests shows that only in the U.S. deficit reductions have an inverse effect on equity returns.  相似文献   

This paper examines a sample of 48 cooperative R&D ventures announced in the period 1983–1990 to determine their impact on the stock price of the announcing firms. It finds that the venturing firms earn statistically significant positive abnormal returns over periods surrounding the announcement date. These gains are greater than those that result from announcements of increases in expenditures on in-house R&D. The cross-sectional analysis reveals that abnormal returns to the venturing firms are independent of industry concentration, larger in international ventures than in domestic ventures, and equal in cooperative agreements and equity joint ventures. These results support the transactional efficiency perspective of cooperative R&D ventures and suggest that the relaxation of antitrust laws as they apply to cooperative R&D ventures in 1984 is a welfare-improving policy.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of oil prices and exchange rates on stock market returns in BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa) from a time–frequency perspective over the period 2009–2020. We use wavelet decomposition series to develop a threshold rolling window quantile regression to detect time–frequency effects at various scales. The empirical results are as follows. First, our findings confirm that the effects of both crude oil prices and exchange rates on BRICS stock returns are asymmetric. Positive shocks of crude oil have a greater impact on a bull market, whereas negative shocks have a greater impact on a bear market. Second, there is a short-term enhancement effect of crude oil and exchange rate on BRICS stock markets. In addition, volatility in the macro financial environment also exacerbates the impacts of oil prices and exchange rates on the stock market, and these fluctuations are heterogeneous. Overall, these findings provide useful insights for international investors and policy makers.  相似文献   

One of the main arguments of behavioral finance is that some properties of asset prices are most probably regarded as deviations from fundamental value and they are generated by the participation of traders who are not fully rational, thus called noise traders. Noise trader theory postulates that sentiment traders have greater impact during high-sentiment periods than during low-sentiment periods, and sentiment traders miscalculate the variance of returns undermining the mean-variance relation. The main objective of this research is to construct a model to evaluate the returns and conditional volatility of various stock market indexes considering the changes in the investor sentiment by measuring the effects of noise trader demand shocks on returns and volatility. EGARCH model is used to determine whether earning shocks have more influence on the conditional volatility in high sentiment periods weakening the mean–variance relation. This paper takes an international approach using weekly market index returns of U.S., Japan, Hong Kong, U.K., France, Germany, and Turkey. Weekly trading volumes of these indexes are regressed against a group of macroeconomic variables and the residuals are used as proxies for investor sentiment and significant evidence is found that there is asymmetric volatility in these market indexes and earning shocks have more influence on conditional volatility when the sentiment is high.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the effects of tornado activity on house prices and stock returns in the US. First, using geo-referenced and metropolitan statistical area (MSA)-level data, we find tornado activity to be responsible for a significant drop in house prices. Spillover tornado effects between adjacent MSAs are also detected. Furthermore, our granular analysis provides evidence of tornadoes having a negative impact on stock returns. However, only two sectors seem to contribute to such a negative effect (i.e., consumer discretionary and telecommunications). In a macro-analysis, which relies on aggregate data for the South, West, Midwest and Northeast US regions, we then show that tornado activity generates a significant drop in house prices only in the South and Midwest. In these regions, tornadoes are also responsible for a drop in income. Tornado activity is finally found to positively (negatively) affect stock returns in the Midwest (South). If different sectors are examined, a more heterogeneous picture emerges.  相似文献   

This article unveils the dependence structure between United States stock prices, crude oil prices, exchange rates, and U.S. interest rates. In particular, we employ linear and nonlinear estimation methods, such as quantile regression and the quantile-copula approach. Over the 1998–2017 period, we find that there is a positive relationship between the dollar value and the S&P 500 stock price, with the exception of the lower and upper tails of the stock return distribution. Further evidence is obtained on the dependence structure between other asset returns. The stock returns are negatively related to oil prices but positively to U.S. interest rates. Our results highlight the way that financial assets are linked, which have implications for risk management and monetary policy.  相似文献   

The firms listed on China's stock market are less than ten years old and to date there has been relatively little research on the usefulness of their accounting disclosures for investors. This study focuses on the information content of annual earnings and dividend announcements made by listed Chinese companies. Earnings, cash dividends, and stock dividends are announced concurrently in China and so this allows for tests of their information usefulness and of the interactions between the three signals. Based on a data set of up to 1,232 announcements, we find that unexpected earnings, proxied by earnings changes, are positively related to abnormal returns. Thus, earnings are used by investors in setting market prices. Stock dividends corroborate or attenuate the earnings signal. If the sign of the unexpected stock dividend (increase, decrease) is the same as the sign of the unexpected earnings, then the earnings signal is stronger. If the signs are opposite, the earnings signal is weaker. Unexpected cash dividends have little impact on the earnings signal. Stock dividends per se have a small association with stock returns. In contrast, cash dividends have no discernible association with stock returns and this is consistent with dividend irrelevance arguments. Our results are robust across a number of sensitivity tests.  相似文献   

Interest in reshoring, defined as the return of manufacturing and service operations from previously offshored locations to the U.S., has gained momentum recently. Yet, there is no academic evidence on the shareholder value implications of reshoring decisions. This paper analyzes the shareholder wealth effects of 37 reshoring decisions announced by U.S. firms during 2006–2015. Our results indicate that reshoring announcements result in positive abnormal stock returns. Mean (median) abnormal stock returns on reshoring announcements are 0.45% (0.29%), corresponding with a mean (median) market value change of $322.57 million ($31.60 million). Our findings imply that the benefits associated with the reshoring tend to outweigh the costs. This finding is relevant for firms faced with the decision of whether to move business activities from offshore to domestic locations. It is also of interest to policy makers who may seek to further stimulate the reshoring phenomenon.  相似文献   

This study examines the heterogeneous effects of the COVID-19 outbreak on stock prices in China. We confirm what is already known, that the pandemic has had a significant negative impact on stock market returns. Additionally, we find, this effect is heterogeneous across industries. Second, fear sentiment can directly cause stock prices to fall and panic exacerbates the negative impact of the pandemic on stock returns. Third, and most importantly, we demonstrate the underlying mechanisms of four firm characteristics and find that those with high asset intensity, low labor intensity, high inventory-to-revenue ratio, and small market value are more negatively affected than others. For labor-intensive state-owned firms, in particular, stock performance worsened because of higher idle labor costs. Finally, we created an index to measure the relative position of an industry in the supply chain, which shows that downstream companies were more vulnerable to the effects of the pandemic.  相似文献   

The study examines the relationship between the country-specific governance characteristics of the origination country and the post-listing returns of cross-listed firms. In addition, the study researches the relative impact of those governance indicators on the abnormal returns of cross-listed stocks following the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act. The positive abnormal returns experienced by foreign companies around their listing in the U.S. are shown to be driven by the governance indicators of their home countries, i.e., the worse the governance characteristics of the origination country are, the higher the abnormal return for a cross-listed firm is. The governance indicators that influence abnormal returns to the highest degree are director liability, rule of law, control of corruption, political and economic development, and the integrity of the legal system. The abnormal returns generated by cross-listed foreign firms after the adoption of SOX are higher than those experienced by cross-listed foreign firms in the pre-SOX period. This outcome is pronounced for companies which score the worst on the combined set of country-specific governance characteristics. Thus, the main implication of the study is that foreign companies with a specific set of governance characteristics should consider listing on the U.S. stock markets. To be specific, companies from countries with lower governance standards, as reflected in low scores on director liability and control of corruption, are likely to derive the highest benefits from cross- listing on the NYSE or NASDAQ exchanges.  相似文献   

Using daily data we show sudden, extreme declines in the U.S. stock market for crash dates to lead to a capital preserving (as opposed to strategic or tactical) reallocation to government debt securities. In most cases we find flight-induced reallocation reverses direction within one day of a crash. However, for the 1987 world crash we find increased and persistent return volatility in both equity and bond returns lasting up to five days following this dramatic decline in world equity prices. Like previous research in this area, we find equity crashes alter long-run stock/bond return correlations and lead to increased stock and bond return volatility. Finally, we describe the somewhat unique stock and bond correlation adjustments triggered by the 9/11 attack and the impact this event had on the behavior of U.S. equity investors?? flight-to-safety reaction.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between the inventory dynamics and long-term stock returns of a large panel of U.S. manufacturing firms over the time period from 1991 to 2010. We propose two measures of inventory dynamics: one metric to assess the fluctuations of quarterly inventories within the year and a second metric to quantify relative year-over-year inventory growth. Our results indicate that within-year inventory volatility (IV) and abnormal year-over-year inventory growth (ABI) are associated with abnormal stock returns. Both metrics cannot be entirely explained by common risk factors. We find that firms with high IV and low ABI have the best long-term stock returns, and that stock performance decreases monotonically with higher ABI values. Our results are robust to various control variables including size, book-to-market value, industry and prior performance. We therefore conclude that changes in inventory levels provide valuable insights into the risks and opportunities faced by a company.  相似文献   

Employing the diagonal BEKK model as well as the dynamic impulse response functions, this study investigates the time-varying trilateral relationships among real oil prices, exchange rate changes, and stock market returns in China and the U.S. from February 1991 to December 2015. We highlight several key observations: (i) oil prices respond positively and significantly to aggregate demand shocks; (ii) positive oil supply shocks adversely and significantly affect the Chinese stock market; (iii) oil price shocks persistently and significantly impact the trade-weighted US dollar index negatively; (iv) the US and China stock markets correlate positively just as the dollar index and the exchange rate does; (v) a significant parallel inverse relation exists between the US stock market and the dollar and between the China stock market and the exchange rate; and (vi) the Chinese stock market is more volatile and responsive to aggregate demand and oil price shocks than the US stock market in recent years.  相似文献   

This paper develops a simple model of investment by service firms in intangible customer assets, and tests whether the model identifies some critical drivers of firms’ stock returns. Similar to firms with significant research and development (R&D) expenditures, we argue that firms in fast-growing service industries with few tangible assets can increase firm value by investing in customer acquisition and service (A&S) expenditure. Using a unique hand-collected data set, we show that per-customer changes in firms’ revenues, customer acquisition costs, and customer service costs help to explain their abnormal stock returns.  相似文献   

The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is frequently tested by measuring the degree of mean reversion in stock prices, since highly predictable changes might indicate that investors are not fully rational. Existing studies often rely on statistical tests which impose too restrictive assumptions on the time series behavior of the series of interest, and have very low power. This paper uses a test for unit roots and other nonstationary (and stationary) hypotheses—recently developed by Robinson (1994)—which allows for fractional alternatives and outperforms rival statistics. Its application to U.S. real stock returns suggests that there is no permanent component in stock prices, since the series examined is close to being I(0). The key question then becomes whether there exists an autocorrelated structure, which would imply that the series is perfectly predictable, and hence that the market might not be efficient.  相似文献   

This study attempts to determine if stock splits affect the long-term stock performance of forms, and to explain cross-sectional variation in this performance proxy among firms. The consequences of both higher percentage transaction cost following a stock split and an investor overreaction hypothesis are expected to render negative effects on stock values. The consequences of any earnings and dividend signaling accompanying splits are expected to have a positive impact on stock values. The results of the analysis suggest that the cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) are positive and statistically significant through the eleventh month after a stock split. The CARs then decrease nearly monotonically through the thirty-sixth month after the split (CAR=?8.23%). This indicates that initially the signaling effects dominate, but later the consequences of investors' downward revisions of previous expectations and the increase in percentage transaction cost dominate. The cross-sectional results indicate that firms with higher earnings-growth rates exhibit higher CARs, and firms with higher share prices just before the split exhibit lower CRRs.  相似文献   

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