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For a vast class of discrete model families where the natural parameter is constrained to an interval, we give conditions for which the Bayes estimator with respect to a boundary supported prior is minimax under squared error loss type functions. Building on a general development of éric Marchand and Ahmad Parsian, applicable to squared error loss, we obtain extensions to various parametric functions and squared error loss type functions. We provide illustrations for various distributions and parametric functions, and these include examples for many common discrete distributions, as well as when the parametric function is a zero-count probability, an odds-ratio, a Binomial variance, and a Negative Binomial variance, among others. The Research of M. Jafari Jozani is supported by a grant of the Institute for Research and Planning in Higher Education, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Iran. The Research of é. Marchand is supported by NSERC of Canada.  相似文献   

In the present paper families of truncated distributions with a Lebesgue density forx=(x 1,...,x n ) ε ℝ n are considered, wheref 0:ℝ → (0, ∞) is a known continuous function andC n (ϑ) denotes a normalization constant. The unknown truncation parameterϑ which is assumed to belong to a bounded parameter intervalΘ=[0,d] is to be estimated under a convex loss function. It is studied whether a two point prior and a corresponding Bayes estimator form a saddle point when the parameter interval is sufficiently small.  相似文献   

Yuzo Maruyama 《Metrika》1998,48(3):209-214
In the estimation problem of unknown variance of a multivariate normal distribution, a new class of minimax estimators is obtained. It is noted that a sequence of estimators in our class converges to the Stein's truncated estimator. Received: March 1998  相似文献   

For the invariant decision problem of estimating a continuous distribution function F with two entropy loss functions, it is proved that the best invariant estimators d 0 exist and are the same as the best invariant estimator of a continuous distribution function under the squared error loss function L (F, d)=∫|F (t) −d (t) |2 dF (t). They are minimax for any sample size n≥1.  相似文献   

S. Wang 《Metrika》1991,38(1):259-267
Summary Using Silverman and Young’s (1987) idea of rescaling a rescaled smoothed empirical distribution function is defined and investigated when the smoothing parameter depends on the data. The rescaled smoothed estimator is shown to be often better than the commonly used ordinary smoothed estimator.  相似文献   

The problem of estimating a linear function of k normal means with unknown variances is considered under an asymmetric loss function such that the associated risk is bounded from above by a known quantity. In the absence of a fixed sample size rule, sequential stopping rules satisfying a general set of assumptions are considered. Two estimators are proposed and second-order asymptotic expansions of their risk functions are derived. It is shown that the usual estimator, namely the linear function of the sample means, is asymptotically inadmissible, being dominated by a shrinkage-type estimator. An example illustrates the use of different multistage sampling schemes and provides asymptotic expansions of the risk functions. Received: August 1999  相似文献   

We propose estimators of features of the distribution of an unobserved random variable W. What is observed is a sample of Y,V,X where a binary Y equals one when W exceeds a threshold V determined by experimental design, and X are covariates. Potential applications include bioassay and destructive duration analysis. Our empirical application is referendum contingent valuation in resource economics, where one is interested in features of the distribution of values W (willingness to pay) placed by consumers on a public good such as endangered species. Sample consumers with characteristics X are asked whether they favor (with Y=1 if yes and zero otherwise) a referendum that would provide the good at a cost V specified by experimental design. This paper provides estimators for quantiles and conditional on X moments of W under both nonparametric and semiparametric specifications.  相似文献   

Yoshikazu Takada 《Metrika》2000,52(2):163-171
A sequential point estimation of the mean of a normal distribution is considered under LINEX loss function. The regret of sequential procedures are obtained. Furthermore, it is shown that a sequential procedure with the sample mean as an estimate is asymptotically inadmissible. An accerelated stopping time is also considered. Received: December 1999  相似文献   

We develop a generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator for the distribution of a variable where summary statistics are available only for intervals of the random variable. Without individual data, one cannot calculate the weighting matrix for the GMM estimator. Instead, we propose a simulated weighting matrix based on a first-step consistent estimate. When the functional form of the underlying distribution is unknown, we estimate it using a simple yet flexible maximum entropy density. Our Monte Carlo simulations show that the proposed maximum entropy density is able to approximate various distributions extremely well. The two-step GMM estimator with a simulated weighting matrix improves the efficiency of the one-step GMM considerably. We use this method to estimate the U.S. income distribution and compare these results with those based on the underlying raw income data.  相似文献   

The problem of estimating a normal mean with unknown variance is considered under an asymmetric loss function such that the associated risk is bounded from above by a known quantity. In the absence of a fixed sample size rule, a sequential stopping rule and two sequential estimators of the mean are proposed and second-order asymptotic expansions of their risk functions are derived. It is demonstrated that the sample mean becomes asymptotically inadmissible, being dominated by a shrinkage-type estimator. Also a shrinkage factor is incorporated in the stopping rule and similar inadmissibility results are established. Received September 1997  相似文献   

There are two difficulties with the implementation of the characteristic function-based estimators. First, the optimal instrument yielding the ML efficiency depends on the unknown probability density function. Second, the need to use a large set of moment conditions leads to the singularity of the covariance matrix. We resolve the two problems in the framework of GMM with a continuum of moment conditions. A new optimal instrument relies on the double indexing and, as a result, has a simple exponential form. The singularity problem is addressed via a penalization term. We introduce HAC-type estimators for non-Markov models. A simulated method of moments is proposed for non-analytical cases.  相似文献   

In nonparametric estimation of functionals of a distribution, it may or may not be desirable, or indeed necessary, to introduce a degree of smoothing into this estimation. In this article, I describe a method for assessing, with just a little thought about the functional of interest, (i) whether smoothing is likely to prove worthwhile, and (ii) if so, roughly how much smoothing is appropriate (in order-of-magnitude terms). This rule-of-thumb is not guaranteed to be accurate nor does it give a complete answer to the smoothing problem. However, I have found it very useful over a number of years; many examples of its use, and limitations, are given.  相似文献   

While jackknife and bootstrap estimates of the variance of a statistic are well–known, the author extends these nonparametric maximum likelihood techniques to the estimation of skewness and kurtosis. In addition to the usual negative jackknife also a positive jackknife as proposed by BERAN (1984) receives interest in this work. The performance of the methods is investigated by a Monte Carlo study for Kendall's tau in various situations likely to occur in practice. Possible applications of these developments are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The exact distribution function of the ratio of two sums of gamma variates is derived in this paper. The result applies to ratios of quadratic forms and to a statistic used for testing the equality of scale parameters in two gamma populations.  相似文献   

In frequentist inference, we commonly use a single point (point estimator) or an interval (confidence interval/“interval estimator”) to estimate a parameter of interest. A very simple question is: Can we also use a distribution function (“distribution estimator”) to estimate a parameter of interest in frequentist inference in the style of a Bayesian posterior? The answer is affirmative, and confidence distribution is a natural choice of such a “distribution estimator”. The concept of a confidence distribution has a long history, and its interpretation has long been fused with fiducial inference. Historically, it has been misconstrued as a fiducial concept, and has not been fully developed in the frequentist framework. In recent years, confidence distribution has attracted a surge of renewed attention, and several developments have highlighted its promising potential as an effective inferential tool. This article reviews recent developments of confidence distributions, along with a modern definition and interpretation of the concept. It includes distributional inference based on confidence distributions and its extensions, optimality issues and their applications. Based on the new developments, the concept of a confidence distribution subsumes and unifies a wide range of examples, from regular parametric (fiducial distribution) examples to bootstrap distributions, significance (p‐value) functions, normalized likelihood functions, and, in some cases, Bayesian priors and posteriors. The discussion is entirely within the school of frequentist inference, with emphasis on applications providing useful statistical inference tools for problems where frequentist methods with good properties were previously unavailable or could not be easily obtained. Although it also draws attention to some of the differences and similarities among frequentist, fiducial and Bayesian approaches, the review is not intended to re‐open the philosophical debate that has lasted more than two hundred years. On the contrary, it is hoped that the article will help bridge the gaps between these different statistical procedures.  相似文献   

The exact distribution of the sum of more than two independent beta random variables has not been known. Even in terms of approximations, only the normal approximation is known for the sum. Motivated by Murakami [Statistica Neerlandica, 2014, doi:10.1111/stan.12032], we derive here a saddlepoint approximation for the distribution of sum. An extensive simulation study shows that it always performs better than the normal approximation.  相似文献   

The ranking and measurement of efficiency of decision-making units by two methods—data envelopment analysis and frontier production function—may not always lead to identical results. In this framework we attempt here a critical evaluation of the frontier production function theory in terms of theoretical and empirical implications. It is shown that under certain conditions the two approaches to effciency measurement may lead to identical results.  相似文献   

After defining the concept of representativeness of a random sample, the author proposes a measure of how much the observed sample represents its parent distribution. This measure is called Representativeness Index. The same measure, seen as a function of a sample and of a distribution, will be called Representativeness Function. For a given sample it provides the value of the index for the different distributions under examination, and for a given distribution it provides a measure of the representativeness of its possible samples. Such Representativeness Function can be used in an inferential framework just as the likelihood function, since it gives to any distribution the "experimental support" provided by the observed sample. This measure is distribution-free and it is shown to be a transformation of the wellknown Cramér–von Mises statistic. By using the properties of that statistic, criteria for providing set estimators and tests of hypotheses are introduced. The utilization of the representativeness function in many standard statistical problems is outlined through examples. The quality of the inferential decisions can be assessed with the usual techniques (MSE, power function, coverage probabilities). The most interesting examples turn out to be those of situations that are "non-regular", as for instance the estimation of parameters involved in the support of the parent distribution, or less explored (model choice).  相似文献   

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