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中药老字号品牌历史悠久,有着深厚的文化底蕴,但是在激烈的市场竞争环境下,中药老字号品牌营销面临品牌定位偏差、品牌形象老化、品牌营销创新不足等问题,给老字号品牌生存和发展带来了重大挑战。本文分别从强化核心品牌理念、淡化品牌地域差异、加大品牌传播力度以及实施品牌营销创新等四个方面提出有针对性的品牌营销策略,以进一步提升品牌价值、形象和影响力。  相似文献   

老字号品牌是我国商业经济和文化发展中的一笔重要财富,缘于传播方式和渠道的原因,绝大多数老字号品牌面临着巨大的生存危机;我国老字号品牌存在定位模糊、品牌形象中庸、品牌传播不够等问题;老字号品牌传播必须重视必要的广告投入、引入文化营销策略、创新媒介传播方式、彰显民族特色。老字号企业需要扬长避短,深入挖掘自身优势,合理运用营销手段和传播策略。  相似文献   

中华老字号是具有深厚历史底蕴的民族文化遗产,是宝贵的商业经济资源。在如今数字经济背景下,尽管多数老字号品牌面临品牌老化和市场竞争压力,但仍有机会依据其独特的品牌资产优势重新焕发活力。从提高消费者对老字号品牌的购买意愿这一最终目的出发,探究老字号品牌焕活发展路径,采用逆向思维,逐步倒推探究。消费者的购买意愿由消费者对品牌的认同感直接影响,消费者品牌认同感的强度与老字号的品牌真实性体验深度相关,消费者体会的品牌真实性需通过老字号品牌传承与创新的良好平衡来实现,而最终老字号品牌通过采取与品牌特性适配的活化策略进行传承和创新的改变,为老字号突破重围提供新的发展思路。  相似文献   

庆丰包子铺在北京餐饮老字号中属于后来出现的中式快餐,由于一直默默坚守品质经营,近年来适时把握发展契机开展品牌创新经营,口碑突出,"字号"相传,逐步成为全国快餐知名品牌.本文简要回顾了庆丰包子铺的发展历程,从品牌标识、理念、定位、菜品和服务创新、信息化标准化建设及品牌传播等方面阐述"庆丰包子铺"的品牌经营创新举措,为快餐类"字号"及中式快餐品牌开展品牌创新经营提出建议.  相似文献   

餐饮老字号具有独特的品牌文化和地域优势,也存在墨守陈规、缺乏创新的不足.随着人们生活水平不断提高,精神消费、旅游休闲和娱乐消费增加,消费者需求更加精细化和多样化,对餐饮老字号带来更多的挑战.本文回顾了"全聚德"品牌发展历程,从菜品和服务、品牌经营模式、资本经营、互联网+餐饮以及品牌文化传播等方面梳理了"全聚德"近年来的品牌创新举措,并为餐饮老字号品牌开展创新经营提出了建议.  相似文献   

老字号品牌作为商业发展的重要组成部分,其发展的境况备受关注,但在市场竞争日趋激烈的情况下,老字号的品牌发展存在着许多问题,如品牌定位不明确、个性识别不足、形象老化、传播手段单一等。为提升老字号品牌的竞争力,通过剖析当前安徽省老字号品牌存在的问题,从品牌定位、品牌个性、品牌传播和品牌延伸等方面探索老字号品牌发展的对策,以供老字号企业作为借鉴。  相似文献   

如今,因品牌单一、营销策略不当、目标市场定位不准确等原因,老字号品牌老化问题尤为突出。部分老字号企业为破解品牌老化、营收下降的困境,纷纷实施创新。然而,实施的效果却是喜忧参半,究其根源,盲目跟风创新,忽略了传承和创新的平衡是老字号企业发展面临困境的重要原因。老字号发展目前处在双元情境下,即老字号企业虽然面临着资源依赖、管理落后、创新能力不足等组织惰性问题,却拥有着独特的文化价值和较高的品牌美誉度。基于此,本文引入品牌双元性理论框架,基于消费者视角,探讨老字号传承与创新的结合方式和适用情境,研究老字号企业如何从传承与创新两个层面实施双元性发展。  相似文献   

何春成都大西南广告公司董事长大西南广告公司从1992年成立伊始,就坚持"最短时间、最好作品"服务理念,致力于"在中国文化基因里建构当代广告",并在中国传播领域大力倡导执行"经营、销售、传播一体化工程",使其真正成为企业品牌发展中的全程策略伙伴。16年来,秉承"中国策略,创意中国"的发展理念跻身中国一流广告公司行列。从金融产品的开发设计到整合推广,我们必须将自己置于经营银行的高度,才能更好地进行品牌形象与产品的创新设计。大西南日臻完善的"消费群体调查分析系统"、"产品创新设计管理系统"以及"创意终端制作系统"将为金融行业注入一种新的传播源动力。  相似文献   

未来企业之间的竞争,更多的还是品牌之间的竞争,能否有效、持续开展品牌建设成为企业的生存和发展的关键。苏州"老字号"品牌承载着苏州老一辈人的记忆,具有良好的品牌知名度,但品牌文化具有保守性,面临着新兴品牌的巨大挑战。苏州"老字号"企业品牌建设中存在品牌意识淡薄、经营理念落后、传播方式单一、品牌延伸不当等问题。为进一步加强苏州"老字号"企业品牌建设,可以树立品牌意识,创新品牌经营理念,拓宽品牌传播渠道,强化品牌延伸核心价值观。  相似文献   

2006年国家商务部出台"振兴老字号工程"的方案,为传统餐饮老字号的发展带来机遇。本文主要通过探讨传统餐饮老字号在传承与发展中面临品牌意识不强和运营模式老化,产品创新匮乏等问题时,如何突破瓶颈,构建符合时代发展的老字号品牌。为传统餐饮老字号的品牌重塑和经营策略提供策略建议,使传统餐饮老字号品牌凤凰涅槃,重获新生。  相似文献   

This research investigates the effects of advertising strategy, that is, rational advertising and emotional advertising, on brand love. Based on the consumer-brand relationship literature, brand love is defined as a reciprocal, dynamic, multiplex, and purposive relationship between satisfied consumers and their brands, and has three key components: brand intimacy, brand passion, and brand commitment. Using a series of pretests and a main experiment, we examine how rational and emotional advertising affect brand love as well as its components for different products and services. Results show that for products, there is an interaction between advertising strategy and product type in influencing brand love. Specifically, rational advertising is more effective for utilitarian-value based products while emotional advertising is more effective for hedonic-value based products. For services, we find that emotional advertising is more effective for both utilitarian- and hedonic-value based services.  相似文献   

The research presented in this article focuses on the effectiveness of advertising strategies used in services communication. For this purpose, a quantitative study of 50 magazine advertisements for services in tourism and banking/insurance was conducted with a sample of 249 respondents. This research shows that, for both sectors, certain advertising strategies are more effective than others, and that the most effective advertising strategy is one that showcases the service customer. This strategy is more effective than those highlighting competitive advantage, contact staff, a physical representation of the service or the company’s brand image.  相似文献   

鉴于老字号价值优势的主要来源是其长期的历史沉淀,构建了沉淀投入动态模型对老字号价值失效、激活与实现过程进行分析,并通过南京冠生园案例和2005~2016年30家老字号上市企业的样本数据分别进行创新资本投入对老字号价值影响的实证检验。研究结果表明:有形与无形沉淀赋予老字号人文、历史意涵,成为其独有的价值优势;“沉淀”的两面性需要老字号注重它的合理与有效利用,避免成为老字号价值激活的阻碍;激活“沉淀”的创新资本投入可成为企业承继核心能力的重要手段,并有效促进老字号价值恢复与实现。据此,老字号应积极搭乘“一带一路”之车,加强自身本土化与现代化建设,提高企业创新驱动能力,并呼吁政府实施“激活”老字号战略,以营造良好的发展环境。  相似文献   

Using an indigenous model of Chinese brand relationship quality (CBRQ), the author analyzes the transfer phenomenon of the time-honored brand equity between parents and children from the perspective of combining intergenerational influence and brand equity. Results show that the time-honored brand equity from parents basically has no way to pass on to their children besides trust. Moreover, the positive relationships between parents and the time-honored brands are even destroyed to some extent. Implications related to the revitalization of the time-honored brands are also discussed. Translated and revised from Yingxiao Kexue Xuebao 营销科学学报 (Journal of Marketing Science), 2007, 3(2): 1–19  相似文献   

Results of two experiments reveal that the use of probability markers in advertisements affects brand attitude and purchase intentions, and that this is moderated by the type of service, customers’ involvement, and their level of tolerance for ambiguity. Services in the study were classified as more or less hedonic/utilitarian, and more or less involving. Probability markers affect consumers’ brand attitude and purchase intentions for less-involving services, while this effect is not significant for more-involving services. In addition, higher tolerance for ambiguity results in preference of hedges over pledges or no probability markers, while for consumers with lower tolerance for ambiguity the opposite holds. With regards to service type, for more-hedonic, less-involving services the use of hedges in advertising copy increases brand attitude and purchase intentions, while for more-utilitarian, less-involving services pledges result in highest levels of brand attitude and purchase intentions.  相似文献   

Brand experience may contribute more to promotional efficacy than concepts such as brand personality/associations/equity/value/attitudes. Yet, little is known about whether managed advertising efforts might evoke more desirable brand experiences and promotional outcomes as a consequence of consumers’ brand experiences. This study examines antecedents and consequences that may be associated with brand experiences. Attitude toward brand name, connectedness to celebrity endorser, message fit, and visual imaging were investigated as antecedents. Brand attitude and brand distinctiveness were examined as consequences. The resulting insights add managerial rigor to advertising processes that currently are often managed more by gut than by reason.  相似文献   

In spite of the EU's prohibition on brand placement in children's programmes, it is argued that children may still be exposed to this advertising format in many occasions. Consequently, and as children may have even more difficulties than adults to distinguish the commercial content from the editorial media content in which it is embedded, an advertising disclosure may be necessary to enable them to cope with brand placement. Entailing two one-factorial between-subjects experiments, the current article examined how different types of brand placement warning cues influenced cognitive advertising literacy and the attitude toward the placed brand, among children between 8 and 10 years old.

In a first study, it was investigated how these outcomes were influenced by warning cues with different perceptual modalities (no vs. auditory vs. visual cue, N = 98). The results showed that a visual warning cue was more effective than an auditory warning cue (vs. no warning cue) in addressing cognitive advertising literacy. However, this higher cognitive advertising literacy could not account for the effect of the visual warning cue on brand attitude.

In a second study, it was examined whether the effectiveness of this visual warning cue was influenced by the timing of disclosure (cue prior to vs. during media containing brand placement, N = 142). Additionally, it was tested whether the effect of the cue on brand attitude could be explained by cognitive advertising literacy if children's sceptical attitude toward the brand placement format was taken into account. The results showed that cognitive advertising literacy was higher when the cue was shown prior to than during the media content. This cue-influenced cognitive advertising literacy resulted in a more positive brand attitude, but only among children who were less sceptical toward brand placement. This positive relation disappeared among moderately and highly sceptical children.

These findings have significant theoretical, practical and social implications.  相似文献   

This study investigates the persuasive advertising and informative advertising effects of CSR initiatives on corporate reputation and brand equity based on the evidence from the life insurance industry in Taiwan. The study finds, first, policyholders?? perceptions concerning the CSR initiatives of life insurance companies have positive effects on customer satisfaction, corporate reputation, and brand equity. Second, the advertising effects of the CSR initiatives on corporate reputation are only informative. Third, the impacts of CSR initiatives on brand equity include informative advertising and persuasive advertising effects. This study contributes the literature by explicit defining the advertising effects of CSR initiatives. Following the first step made by McWilliams et al. (Journal of Management Studies 43(1):1?C18, 2006), the hypotheses of this study crystallize their conceptual framework. The obtained results in this research first identify the informative advertising effects and persuasive advertising effects of CSR initiatives.  相似文献   

培育中国特色的餐饮服务对于本土餐饮品牌的经营与发展意义重大。本文在"中国服务"的内涵基础上,阐明"中国服务"的餐饮特色的内涵与特征;明确使"中国服务"成为走向世界的、独具中国特色的服务品牌,是培育"中国服务"的餐饮特色的核心目标,也是餐饮业发展的长远之计;基于"服务交互"的视角,为培育"中国服务"的餐饮特色,打造中国特色餐饮品牌的管理实践提供方法指导。旨在为餐饮业服务品质的提升,尤其是为本土中高端餐饮品牌的健康发展提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

张家界森林旅游产品品牌定位研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张家界具有得天独厚的自然与人文资源优势,森林旅游在产品开发与品牌个性塑造过程中,却存在着森林旅游基础设施薄弱、旅游规划水平和服务质量不高等问题。应对张家界森林旅游产品品牌个性环境进行分析,对相应的森林旅游产品品牌进行市场定位,进行广告设计与营销宣传,将有利于森林旅游地与旅游产品品个性的塑造与成长。  相似文献   

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