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把握全球产业调整机遇培育和发展战略性新兴产业   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
科技创新将深刻影响或改变未来的经济发展和竞争格局。依靠科技创新,发展战略性新兴产业,既可以对当前调整产业结构起到重要支撑作用,更可以引领未来经济社会可持续发展的方向。要积极发展具有广阔市场前景、资源消耗低、带动系数大、就业机会多、综合效益好的战略性新兴产业,并在有基础,有条件的领域率先取得突破。  相似文献   


Britain and Sweden have often been cited to illustrate the contrasting fortunes of post-War European economies. Britain seemed destined to struggle with bad labour relations and comparatively poor levels of output, whilst Sweden established a reputation as a model of corporatist management and high productivity.1 The industrial turmoil of the 1970s swept Scandinavia as well as the U.K. and blurred this convenient contrast, but it was the dramatic improvement in the performance of British manufacturing in the 1980s which has forced us to reappraise the nature of ‘the British disease’. This improvement has been attributed by a number of writers to the changed climate of industrial relations, as many employers broke with the bad bargaining practices of earlier decades.2 The power of the unions has been curtailed if not completely extinguished and resistance to new technologies has been overcome in many of the traditional strongholds of craft production. It seems logical to conclude that the defeat of the unions and the reform of industrial relations have been essential prerequisites of improved output.3 Yet the evidence is, at best, ambiguous. Current debates on productivity in Britain during the 1980s indicate the difficulty of measuring changes in contemporary output and the limits of the data available for such an exercise.4 The Swedish economy, and Scandinavia more generally, were historically successfully in combining a steady improvement in output with very high levels of trade unionism.5 It was able to sustain this progress during the 1970s and 1980s in the face of mounting pressures on the Swedish model. Established agreements were called into question by the outbreak of large scale strikes whilst dissatisfaction with central negotiations became apparent on the shop floor and in the board rooms of Swedish industry. Wage differentials increased whilst productivity improvements declined during the 1980s, particularly in the export industries. The trade unions were less attractive to manual workers in Sweden as well as Britain and in the opening months of the 1990 the Social Democrats were thrown into crisis by the resistance to their efforts to introduce austerity controls on labour. Sweden seemed to have belatedly arrived at the same impasse which British labour faced a decade earlier.  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》2002,13(2-3):170-196
This article analyzes wage-setting behavior in four types of enterprise: state-owned enterprises (SOEs), township and village enterprises (TVEs), joint ventures (JVs), and foreign-invested firms (FIFs) in China's light consumer goods industry in 1998. We find that there is no significant difference among the four types of firms in the returns to education, while FIFs pay a wage premium for experience. Gender wage discrimination is found equally across all four firm types. However, the wage advantage enjoyed by urban residents seems to have disappeared across all ownership categories.  相似文献   

The change of government in South Africa and the subsequent implementation of the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) has necessitated afresh look at the spatial‐economic development policies of the past. Recently, an attempt was made to measure differences in existence level in South Africa using a combination of First and Third World criteria. In this paper these differences are related to general trends in population redistribution in the country since 1960 in an effort to assess the probable impact of existence level difference and migration on urbanisation in South Africa in the long run. On the basis of these assessments, expected trends in urban development in South Africa are compared with previous industrial development policies in an effort to determine RDP imperatives for the future.  相似文献   

发达国家老工业基地调整与改造的借鉴与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析发达国家老工业基地衰退的原因,借鉴其成功经验,提出对我国东北老工业基地振兴的启示.  相似文献   

The paper describes the evolution of export shares and quantifies the contribution of geographical and sectoral specialization as well as that of “competitiveness” of some industrial and emerging market economies between 1985 and 2003. While the strong growth of emerging countries as world competitors has lowered the market shares of all industrial countries, the results of a constant-market-share analysis indicate that the latter have benefited from positive specialization effects. Specifically, industrial countries gained from being specialized in fast-growing sectors (high-tech) or destinations (Asia). The magnitude of these effects, however, has been quite diversified across the main countries. Among the emerging economies, the striking export growth of China was determined by a strong rise in competitiveness that allowed the country to gain market shares across all sectors and destinations.  相似文献   


First, we summarise the chronology of the China-U.S. trade war. We then show that the China-U.S. trade surplus, correctly measured, is not as large as it is made out to be, but is nevertheless still a large number. In terms of the total domestic value-added generated by the exports of goods to each other, the China-U.S. bilateral gap is even smaller. Next, we analyse both the immediate and real impacts of the mutual tariffs on the two economies. Third, we discuss economic and technological competition between China and the U.S. and present long-term projections of the two economies to 2050. Fourth, we identify the economic complementarities between China and the U.S. We then discuss the possibility of coordinated expansion of trade. Fifth, we also discuss the thorny bilateral issues in the economic relations between the two countries.  相似文献   

产业集群竞争优势的经济机理分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
产业集群是指在某一特定区域,大量产业联系密切的企业以及相关支撑机构在空间上的集聚,并形成强劲、持续竞争优势的企业形象.这种新型的区域经济,在专业分工、交易成本、外部经济、劳动力市场、竞合博弈和创新等方面具有很强的竞争优势.产业集群现象在我国也是普遍的存在着.如何实施产业集群战略,培育企业合作网络,加强产业集群竞争优势,对区域经济发展具有重要的现实意义.这就要发挥政府在产业集群形成与发展中的作用,充分重视产业集群在老工业基地改造中的作用,重要制度文化的创新,以发挥产业集群的竞争优势.  相似文献   

Developing countries are rapidly increasing their shares ofmanufactured trade, not just in labour-intensive products, butalso in capital- and skill-intensive ones; their shares arerising particularly rapidly in the high-technology area. However,manufactured exports remain highly concentrated in the developingworld, with a few countries dominating all forms of export.Within the successful exporting countries, there are significantdifferences in the 'technology content' of exports. These trendsare difficult to explain with received trade theory, even takinghuman capital into account, or with reference to broad economicpolicies: it is useful to bring in 'learning', along with scaleeconomies, increasing returns, and agglomeration as determinantsof comparative advantage. These factors imply market failures,and so a role for policy in developing genuine comparative advantages.This article suggests that emerging trade and location patternsin the developing work are explained by market imperfectionsand government policies to overcome them.  相似文献   

西部大开发:产业结构调整与新的经济增长点的培育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本组论文是国家社科基金项目《西部地区培育新的经济增长点与面向 2 1世纪产业升级问题研究》的阶段性成果 ,其主要观点是 :在西部大开发中 ,应按照点 (城市 )、线 (经济带 )、面 (大经济区 )等层次展开生产力布局 ;要从实际出发 ,把规律和实际、一般和特殊结合起来 ,选择主导产业 ;采取积极措施进行国有企业的技术创新 ,实现西部地区产业升级 ;加快西部地区交通运输业发展 ,把房地产业培育为西部地区新的经济增长点  相似文献   

Industrial restructuring and regional policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wren  C; Taylor  J 《Oxford economic papers》1999,51(3):487-516
The paper examines the changing regional specialisation of UKemployment over the period 1971-94, analysing the extent towhich UK regional policy has altered the industrial structureof the Assisted Area regions, making them less vulnerable toeconomic change. All regional economies are found to have becomemore specialised, but industry has become less geographicallyconcentrated leading to a convergence of regional industrialstructures towards the national pattern of employment. Thesetrends are stronger in the Assisted Areas, and have been promotedby the operation of regional policy, but the major policy effectoccurs through the large-scale capital grants which have acceleratedthe employment decline of the traditional manufacturing industriesin which the Assisted Areas were relatively over-represented.  相似文献   

The Northern Song period (960–1127) has been recognized as one of the most important eras in China's economic and demographic history. This study investigates the key factors and mechanisms that led to economic restructuring and wealth generating to support a growing population. By revealing state‐led changes in the economy, it challenges some commonly circulated interpretations of the remarkable economic development and population growth in Northern Song China.  相似文献   

随着产业地产领域的竞争越来越激烈,以产业、资源、数据为核心的三要素将成为竞争制胜的不二法门,从开发到运营,从增量到存量,从载体到服务,大势所趋,行业也将呈现出新的面貌。  相似文献   

The financial crisis has substantially damaged the Thai economy. Dealing with the economic recovery is not a simple task. Both banking and corporate sectors must be restructured simultaneously. Therefore, the Thai government has implemented its restructuring program in both banking sector and corporate sectors. Besides, expansionary fiscal policy has been implemented as well. Although significant progress has achieved in financial restructuring, much remains to be done to take the Thai economy out of the recession, as there are a number of structural weaknesses.  相似文献   

本文认为公司治理结构重构是指通过变更公司治理主体的地位和作用,对公司治理结构做出重新构造,形成新的公司治理结构。公司治理结构的重构分为以公司外部利益相关者为主导和以公司管理当局为主导两种类型。本文还分析了影响我国公司治理结构重构的主要因素,一是公司各利益相  相似文献   

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