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星级酒店利益相关者结构及其影响分析——以广州为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
熊伟  吴必虎 《旅游学刊》2007,22(4):92-96
文章采用实地访谈的方法,对广州星级酒店业的高层管理者、股东以及政府部门相关负责人等18位行业人士进行了深度访谈,访谈结论认为广州星级酒店利益相关者由核心利益相关者、战略利益相关者、边缘利益相关者以及环境利益相关者构成,各利益相关者对酒店的经营发展有着重要的影响,但这种影响的力度和内容存在较明显差异,同时受访者还普遍认为酒店要建立利益相关者管理模式意义重大,但是实践具有一定的难度.  相似文献   

高星级酒店的生存与发展主要取决于顾客的满意度,满意度则取决于从业人员的服务意识。在这一趋势下,酒店行业对从业人员的服务水平有了新的要求,因此为顾客提供优质而真诚的服务已成为现今高星级酒店主营的特色项目之一。本文主要分析了我国当前酒店业服务人员的服务意识现状,阐明了服务意识对高星级酒店发展的重要性,并对如何提高酒店从业人员的服务意识提出相应方案。  相似文献   

<正>随着我国酒店业的迅猛发展,目前中高星级酒店对专业度高、英语能力强、具有国际视野、综合素质高的人才的需求十分迫切。而目前我国高职院校在培养酒店管理专业人才的过程中还存在一定的问题,所培养出的学生大多英语能力欠佳,无法在实际工作中用英语与外国客人交流。文章对广东文理职业学院酒店管理专业的英语教学展开探究,分析基于OBE理念的教学实践,使英语教学从一般用途向专门用途转变,构建适合广东文理职业学院酒店管理专业的教学模式,使学生结合所学专业学习英语知识,明确学习目标,提高学习兴趣和学习效率,培养能够满足国际品牌高星级酒店需求的技能型、实用型人才。  相似文献   

周叶 《西部旅游》2022,(17):76-78
中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅发布的《国家信息化发展战略纲要》指出了信息技术的重要性。信息技术能够推动酒店业向数字化、网络化、智能化方向发展,提升酒店产品质量,满足顾客消费需求,最终提升顾客整体消费体验。文章主要研究信息技术在酒店业的应用现状,探讨应用过程中所存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出酒店应从实际运营需求出发,结合酒店文化,适度使用信息技术,挖掘新技术,创新酒店服务,助力酒店业可持续发展。  相似文献   

广东作为传统港口与最早对外开放的省份之一,凭借自身毗邻港澳、东南亚的地区优势,较早发展了工业与服务业,酒店业同样也很发达,星级酒店鳞次栉比。正是由于广东省的国际化地位,相应地也就对酒店员工的外语水平有一定的要求。本文以广东高星级酒店作为研究样本,以其员工外语水平作为研究对象,在实地考察几家五星级酒店的基础上,分析目前广东高星级酒店员工的外语水平状况,针对现状分析原因,并为提高高星级酒店员工外语水平提出建议,例如定期培训、完善培训体制、增强员工外语学习自主性,培养员工实践外语的能力,开展与地方高校的外语人才校企对接项目等。  相似文献   

目前,中国酒店业员工工作满意度低、离职率高等问题严重制约了酒店业的持续、健康发展.虽然有不少国内外学者从很多维度研究了对酒店员工满意度的影响,但从领导者社会责任取向来研究对员工工作满意度的影响还相对缺乏,不利于解决酒店员工满意率偏低的问题.该研究通过对长沙地区高星级酒店员工进行问卷调查,运用因子分析、多元回归分析等方法研究了酒店领导者社会责任取向与员工工作满意度之间的关系.研究表明,工作满意度受员工对酒店领导者企业社会责任取向感知、工作报酬、工作环境和工作关系的影响,其中,工作报酬影响最大,其次为员工对领导者社会责任取向的感知、工作环境和工作关系;通过控制工作报酬、工作环境和工作关系等要素,员工对领导者法律责任取向的感知对工作满意度的正向影响最大,其次为员工对领导者经济责任取向的感知,而员工对领导者道德责任取向的感知对工作满意度影响不显著,员工对领导者慈善责任取向的感知与工作满意度不相关.这一研究结果对降低员工离职率,培养酒店社会责任氛围具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

珠三角地区是我国改革开放最早的地区,酒店业也发展的十分迅速,作为经济水平相对发达的城市,珠三角地区高星级酒店对于人才的需求也逐步加大。然而,近年来,珠三角高星级酒店在发展的过程当中正面临着严重的人才流失问题,针对此现象,本文主要分析了珠三角高星级酒店人才流失的原因,并提出了相应的改进对策。  相似文献   

对于高星级酒店来说,高素质的酒店员工是其正常运营的前提与基础。而且,人才的各方面素质及职业素养在很大程度上决定着酒店的品牌形象及服务品质。但是,由于受到就业新政策、新观念以及酒店自身管理等诸多内外因素的影响,近几年来,高星级酒店面临着非常严峻的人才流失问题。本文围绕着高星级酒店人才培养与流失问题的解决对策进行了专项研究,相关观点及建议供高星级酒店管理人员参考。  相似文献   

劳动力成本上涨成为中国劳动密集型企业普遍关注的问题,它也是推动第三产业转型的重要原因.酒店作为典型的劳动密集型企业,员工流动问题一直备受关注,但是从人力资本角度的研究很少.本文运用人力资本投资理论对珠海向澳门的劳动力迁移现象进行了实证分析,发现基础工资差距是导致酒店业劳动者个体迁移的主要原因,而两地员工福利水平的差距及地理临近性进一步增加了酒店业个体劳动者迁移的愿望.文章最后建议,珠海酒店企业可以采取增加员工收入、完善员工福利保障及创新盈利模式的措施来解决员工高流动性的问题.  相似文献   

面对能源价格的不断攀升,高能耗、低利润水平已经成为当前酒店业经营所面临的突出问题,但我国在酒店业推广节能减排方面的研究却相对滞后。本文以广东省星级酒店为例,就酒店业推广节能减排的影响因素问题进行了问卷调查与深度访谈。通过因子分析得出了影响酒店业推广节能减排的5个主要因子,即节能管理、经济因素、外在环境、信息交流和政府政策,构建了酒店业推广节能减排的影响因素模型。该研究对推动酒店业节能减排的理论研究和实践运用具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Despite growing interest in the boutique and lifestyle sector of the lodging industry, there is not an accepted definition of either “boutique hotel” or “lifestyle hotel.” Boutique and lifestyle hotel strategies provide hotel companies with important points of differentiation in an increasingly competitive marketplace. The current study determined definitions using a Delphi analysis of responses from a diverse group of experts from the lodging industry. Forty-one panel members were involved in the process that was undertaken with three rounds of questions. The study determined that boutique hotels are best characterized as small, stylish hotels that offer high levels of service. Lifestyle hotels are described as innovative and provide more of a personal experience than so-called “branded” hotels.  相似文献   


Numerous research studies are being conducted that are related to e-commerce and information technology (IT) applications in the hospitality industry with regard to operational, profitability, productivity, and management perspective. The focus of this study is to examine current e-commerce and IT applications in the hospitality industry and to identify the business travelers' needs relative to advanced e-commerce and IT applications to improve customer service. Hoffman and Chung (1999) stated that what customers want most is not what restaurants and hotels are necessarily implementing. This study discusses the typical problems and obstacles of implementing e-commerce and IT applications in hospitality, using the lodging e-commerce and IT applications to satisfy customers, and developing the lodging e-commerce and IT applications as a corporate competitive advantage. Moreover, this study investigated a variety of e-commerce and IT applications related to customer service, satisfaction, and retention as well as e-commerce and IT applications as a distribution channel for receiving travelers' information and accommodation booking. This study provides valuable implications for the hospitality practitioners about customer needs relative to e-commerce and IT applications.  相似文献   

Chinese hotels have undergone a series of reforms in the past three decades. With both increased demand and supply of hotel products and services, it is important for hotel practitioners and governing bodies to understand challenges that face the current Chinese hotel industry so that a proactive plan can be formulated to guide further hotel development. The current study conducted six focus groups with 46 Chinese hoteliers to explore the most critical issues, concerning the Chinese hotel industry. In total, the hoteliers identified 38 issues to be critical to the hotel industry in China. The issues were further ranked based on the level of importance to the industry.  相似文献   

Numerous research studies have been conducted that are related to e-commerce and information technology (IT) applications in the hospitality industry with regard to business operation, profit, output, and management perspective. The focus of this study is to examine current e-commerce and IT applications in the hospitality industry and to identify the business travelers' perceptions in order to improve customer service. One of the problems in the hospitality industry is that customers want advanced e-commerce and IT applications, but restaurants and hotels are not necessarily implementing them. This study discusses the typical problems and obstacles of implementing e-commerce and IT applications in hospitality, using the lodging e-commerce and IT applications to satisfy customers, and developing the lodging e-commerce and IT applications as a corporate competitive advantage. Moreover, this study investigated a variety of e-commerce and IT applications related to customer service, satisfaction, and retention as well as e-commerce and IT applications as a distribution channel for receiving travelers' information and accommodation booking. This study provides valuable implications for hospitality practitioners about customer perceptions relative to e-commerce and IT applications.  相似文献   


Numerous research studies are being conducted that are related to e-commerce and information technology (IT) applications in the hospitality industry with regard to operational, profitability, productivity, and management perspective. The focus of this study is to examine current e-commerce and IT applications in the hospitality industry and to identify the business travelers' perceptions and needs relative to advanced e-commerce and IT applications to improve customer service. Hoffman and Chung (1999) stated that what customers want most is not what restaurants and hotels are necessarily implementing.

This study discusses the typical problems and obstacles of implementing e-commerce and IT applications in hospitality, using the lodging e-commerce and IT applications to satisfy customers, and developing the lodging e-commerce and IT applications as a corporate competitive advantage. Moreover, this study investigated a variety of e-commerce and IT applications related to customer service, satisfaction, and retention as well as e-commerce and IT applications as a distribution channel for receiving travelers' information and accommodation booking. This study provides valuable implications for the hospitality practitioners about customer perceptions and needs relative to e-commerce and IT applications.  相似文献   

Using a database of Majorcan hotels, this paper examines several previously untested determinants of environmental innovations in hotels derived from the Porter hypothesis and from the specifics of knowledge transfer in the tourism industry. The empirical analysis is original in that it distinguishes between eight types of environmental innovations. The results show that hotels’ general predisposition to implement innovations, manager remuneration based on environmental performance, staff satisfaction, environmental accounting, and trainings are important determinants of the overall environmental innovation activity of Majorcan hotels. Moreover, the use of environmental management systems is associated with innovations with cost-saving potential, whereas the hotel star category is associated with innovations that contribute to hotel quality, such as wastewater treatment, noise reduction, noise isolation, and visual impact improvements. Furthermore, high levels of staff satisfaction are related to the implementation of water-saving and noise reduction innovations, as such innovations require staff participation, whereas the role of information sources in explaining innovation adoption varies based on the technical complexity of innovations. The paper concludes with policy implications for sustainable tourism development, recommendations for the hoteliers, and directions for future research.  相似文献   

Analysis is performed by green hotel features: energy conservation, water conservation, waste management, green purchasing, and corporate social responsibility. Questionnaires were distributed to managers of hotels and travel agencies via snowball-sampling. Findings show that hoteliers have higher green hotel attitudes than travel agency managers. By gender, female managers have higher green hotel attitudes. Managers with less work experience have higher green hotel attitudes. Managers who work for upscale hotels have higher green hotel attitudes than managers of typical hotels and travel agencies. Managers working in south or east Taiwan have higher green hotel attitudes than those in north or central Taiwan.  相似文献   

During the past decade, information technology (IT) has significantly changed the way the hotel industry controls and manages operations. While many technologies have been utilized, some newer technologies have emerged in the literature and in practice, and many of them impact the hotel's security. The purpose of this study is to understand how hotels with different service levels are currently using these technologies, and if having an internal IT department and sufficient IT budget impacts the use of these technologies. Among the results, this study identified a gap between hoteliers’ understanding of IT budget adequacy and the adequacy of installed IT security systems. The results also showed that luxury properties were significantly more likely to employ adequate IT security systems than other service levels.  相似文献   

Alongside many global businesses, hotels have recently shared in the movement to serve the gay market. If the perception of being gay-friendly is not the same for hoteliers and their gay guests, a marketing discrepancy may exist and loyalty of the gay segment could be at risk. To address this issue, a sample of 188 gay guests and 48 hoteliers was explored. Differences tests were conducted to evaluate the hotel attribute importance ratings of gay guests versus hoteliers when considering that segment. After conducting a factor analysis, a regression determined the impact of each factor on gay guest loyalty, with the social environment component having the greatest impact. Most importantly, hotels should support the gay community beyond simply offering a room, an intangible yet important display of social responsibility. This study augments previous hospitality research on the gay guest segment and provides avenues for future qualitative and quantitative studies.  相似文献   

This research examines the relationship between geographic, brand, and segment diversification and hotel failure rates based on ownership structure, i.e. franchised and company-operated hotels, in the Texas lodging industry. Literature on diversification strategies is mainly based on financial measures of performance and offers mixed results; only few studies have assessed firm failure rates directly based on distinct diversification strategies at the establishment level. The performance outcomes are significantly heterogeneous not only based on the strategies, but also on the ownership structures, which are yet to be examined. Using data from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from 2000 to 2018, a semi-parametric Cox proportional hazard model is estimated, and the findings reveal that failure rates are not significantly tied to particular types of diversification and ownership structures. This research provides insights on hotel diversification strategies and their relative dominance on hotel failure rates based on franchised and company-operated hotels.  相似文献   

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