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This paper adds to the literature on the strategic use of managers’ contracts in competition by examining whether market‐share delegation, in which managers receive rewards based on a combination of profits and market share, and the order of moves affect input pricing in a vertically related market. It shows that: (i) input pricing is not affected by delegation form and the order of moves between upstream and downstream firms under quantity competition; (ii) downstream firms obtain the same profit as in the simple Nash equilibrium regardless of delegation forms in a delegation–input price–quantity competition game; and (iii) the upstream monopolist will set input price beforehand regardless of the delegation form. Since the outcomes in our model create higher quantity and lower price in a Cournot product market, it lessens the double‐marginalization problem in such a vertically separated industry.  相似文献   


Economics has reshaped antitrust enforcement over the last quarter century. Its impact has been most dramatic in merger analysis, with the shift toward unilateral effects theories and away from market concentration-related theories of collusion. Progress on both the theoretical and empirical fronts has also changed enforcement priors and competitive analyses concerning vertical restraints and monopolization. Economists also have made valuable assessments of the effectiveness of antitrust enforcement, though more work in this area is needed.  相似文献   

This empirical note deals with the contractual design of relationships between producers and retailers. It provides evidence on the links between the features of vertical contracts organizing franchising networks and the performances of these networks. An agency perspective is used to understand the structure of contracts. We focus on the relevance of vertical restraints by the upstream firm to prevent retailers from free‐riding in the distribution networks. From six frequent contractual provisions we distinguish two types of contracts according to the degree of constraint imposed on the franchisees. Econometric estimations carried out on this basis offer evidence consistent with the hypothesis that within franchising systems, more constrained contracts for retailers encourage better performance at the network level.  相似文献   

Apple’s choice of the agency model (i.e., Apple demands a share from the retail price set by the publishers) when entering the e-book market was surprising because: (i) the upstream firms can accrue all rents in a simultaneous move game if it determines the retail price; and (ii) the incumbent, Amazon, used wholesale pricing arrangements. This paper compares the two different contract types, pure and mixed: one retailer opts for wholesale, the other for the agency model. Departing from a standard and symmetric oligopolistic setup of Bertrand competing retailers and producers, the model accounts for retailers having (a) a significant contribution to the final value and (b) a strategic first-mover advantage. Both conditions combined are necessary (but not sufficient) in order to explain Apple’s choice and the possibility of an asymmetric equilibrium.  相似文献   

Retailers can benefit from allowing customers to touch their products. The influence of tactile input on evaluation, however, remains undemonstrated in the literature. In four experiments, effects of tactile input were observed for product categories wherein tactile input was diagnostic, and depended on product quality. While this effect was moderated by individual differences in need for touch when there was no opportunity for multiple product comparisons, there was no support for a mediating role of affect. Implications for retailing theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of retailers' margin related bargaining power in the context of food retailer-manufacturer relationships. The study is based on an empirical analysis of 97 trading relationships between Irish food manufacturers and their Irish and British retail customers. It complements earlier research, focused mainly on structural characteristics of the industries, by integrating product and relationship characteristics into the analysis. Using measures based on manufacturers' perceptions, the study finds that retailers' margin related power over food manufacturers is positively related to the importance of economies of scale in manufacturing, retail concentration and own brand penetration of the market. The results also show that retailers' margin related power increases as product shelf-life increases and as manufacturers' specific investments increase.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2015,91(4):546-568
Despite the vast increase in marketing channels research published in the past decade, few contemporary analyses review or synthesize the domain. This article provides a comprehensive review of marketing channels research from 1980 to 2014. To present a multidimensional view of marketing channels, the authors evaluate extant literature from four perspectives: (1) key theories and constructs, (2) marketing channel strategies, (3) units of analyses, and (4) substantive topics in channels research. A content analysis of the relevant topics within each perspective that have had the greatest impact on channel research provides insights into research trends. This multidimensional analysis offers an integrated guide to extant literature, as well as an outline of promising directions for research, in light of the most significant trends.  相似文献   

本文研究了权证发行对于正股定价效率的影响。以正股日收益率为研究对象,运用GARCH-M模型、带虚拟变量的市场模型以及自相关回归方程分析了在权证上市前后正股总风险、系统性风险、收益率自相关性的变化。实证结果表明:权证上市交易提高了正股的总风险,对系统性风险的影响不十分明确;正股收益率变化不显著;正股日收益率自相关性不显著地减弱。股票定价效率并未得到显著提高。本文认为原因可能来自于信息的负外部性、市场过强的投机性和创设制度本身的缺陷。  相似文献   

Given current environmental concerns, the organic food market is an important issue in terms of sustainability. The consolidation of this market is based on trust. Many consumers rely on partial information to assess the quality of organic food and cannot determine its authenticity with certainty. They are led to trust the actors of the organic food chain and the government. In addition, numerous industrial and sanitary scandals have highlighted the need for the actors of the sector to establish relationships based on trust and transparency in order to guarantee the traceability of products and to protect the health of consumers. This research examines the impact of trust and confidence in producers and retailers on the intention to purchase organic food. To address this research issue, we conducted an online questionnaire survey of 316 organic food consumers in France. The results show the central role of quality as a strategy for building and maintaining trust with producers and retailers. They show for the first time the positive impact of trust in producers on trust in retailers. The results of this research allow us to provide advice to growers and retailers to maintain trust and promote purchase intent.  相似文献   

This study investigates the drivers of customer retention in a liberalizing market. The authors address key retention issues that allow them to contribute to existing retention research in several critical ways. They (1) examine the effects of pricing and mass advertising, (2) account for (new entrants) competitors' actions, (3) investigate the dynamic impact of marketing tactics, and (4) study the proposed relationships in a market recently opened to competition. Using longitudinal data for a sample of 650 mobile phone consumers and a split-population hazard model that accounts for the notion that some customers are never at risk of defection, the authors show that both the focal firm's (incumbent) and the competitors' price and mass advertising exert a significant influence on the probability of terminating an existing incumbent relationship. They find that the relationships between marketing variables and retention are not static but vary over time. Price is generally less effective in the early stages of market liberalization, which suggests that customers become more price sensitive in later stages. Finally, the study findings can have important strategic implications on designing customer management and marketing resource allocation strategies, as well as on providing a competitive regulatory framework in liberalizing markets.  相似文献   


The global marketplace is becoming increasingly complex in which to conduct business. Firms marketing consumer goods have a somewhat easier time than those selling industrial products, since more has been written about them and the international consumer goods have been analyzed for a longer period of time. In addition, the international marketing literature, has looked more at the elements of product, promotion and place than price. This literature gap has created a void in the understanding of marketers as to how to effectively price industrial products in international markets.

The paper identifies the important industrial pricing strategies in international marketing and examines the underlying determinants that affect their outcome. In addition, the specific causal relationships between the determinants and pricing strategies are examined through a logistic regression analysis.  相似文献   

Should manufacturers of products such as automobiles and household appliances offer cash rebates to all consumers at the time of purchase, or offer trade deals to retailers? The authors conduct an analytical inquiry that shows that choosing between these two types of price promotion critically depends on the consumer sensitivity to both regular and promotional prices. More specifically, when consumers are more (less) sensitive to promotions than to regular prices, manufacturers are better (worse) off offering trade deals (consumer rebates) rather than consumer rebates (trade deals). Consistent with traditional predictions found in the economic literature, either of the two promotions can be offered indiscriminately if consumers make no difference between promotional offers and regular-price reductions. The theoretical and managerial implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2022,65(4):457-467
Most CEOs take a narrow, tactical view of pricing and delegate pricing to lower levels of the organization. This myopic approach is costly, as it prevents companies from realizing their potential. In the hands of the best-run companies, pricing is not a battlefield tactic to win a particular competitive skirmish but a transformative long-term strategy for sustained competitive advantage. We present an agenda of six specific action items that defines how to unlock the power of pricing. CEOs and senior executives, our research suggests, should not set prices, but instead, they should create the context, the capabilities, the behaviors, the infrastructure, and the aspirations that enable their organization to excel in pricing.  相似文献   

This paper examines the formation of bilateral free trade agreements (FTAs) on the basis of country heterogeneity in the tariff level. We demonstrate that a country's unilateral incentive to form an FTA depends on the relative magnitudes of the (negative) market concession effect and the (positive) market expansion effect, both of which are determined by the tariff levels of the two FTA partner countries. Global welfare is maximised when all country pairs form FTAs. Two countries in equilibrium are more likely to form an FTA when their tariff gap is smaller or when their tariff levels are neither very high nor very low. This finding is robust to several extensions of the model. Our preliminary empirical analysis provides some evidence for the finding.  相似文献   

Technological advances enable sellers to identify relationships among offered goods. Sellers can leverage this information through pricing strategies such as bundling and sequential pricing. While these strategies have primarily been studied under monopoly assumptions, the strategies are available to competitive firms as well. This paper reports on a series of laboratory experiments comparing bundling and sequential pricing while varying the underlying relationship between the goods in markets where a fraction of buyers comparison shop. The results indicate that sequential pricing is generally as profitable to the seller; however, there is evidence that sequential pricing may be more harmful to consumers than bundling when the goods have complementary values or the buyer’s values are positively correlated.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the sensitivity of total factor productivity (TFP) to foreign competition in the case of a European country. Using the Olley and Pakes method, we calculate the TFP of Spanish manufacturing firms and study the impact of EU tariffs and the presence of foreign products and imports on TFP at the firm level. Applying the System‐GMM method, we find that TFP is negatively impacted by European tariffs, whereas competition in the form of the increased presence of foreign products in the domestic market and firm imports leads to improvements in the TFP. Moreover, these two effects are complementary. We also find evidence of important asymmetries among firms depending on their involvement in foreign markets.  相似文献   

有效利用网络消费者的信息,了解和预测他们的需求和偏好,从而实现客户满意和交叉销售,提高自己的竞争力,已经成为发展网上零售的一个重要切入点。本文根据网络消费者的基本信息、网上购买信息和网上行为信息等,建立了相应的交叉销售识别指标体系,希望对网上零售的发展有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

中国股市定价权不容外移   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王国刚 《财贸经济》2005,(3):3-8,96
中国股市的定价权是中国经济主权的构成部分,它不允许也不可能外移给国际机构。中国股市的国际化绝对不意味着中国股市非中国化,也绝对不意味着需要将股市定价权外移海外。资产定价中的“一价定理”在实践中是不成立。从“一价定理”中试图得出全球股市“一价”的结论,非旦是谋求一件不可能之事,而且可能极容易将研究引入误区。如果说对“一价定理”的实践效能缺乏认识还是属于研究不够深入严谨的话,那么,在明知这一定理存在实践缺陷的条件下,还在继续坚持并误导,就是别有他图了。市盈率存在着诸多缺陷,它只能是一个参考指标,不能是一个判别股价高低的基本指标,它并无一个国际通行的倍数标准。在建立多层次股票市场体系中,需要注意解决股市规则、构建机制、股市品种、机构投资者和制度建设等问题。建立多层次股票市场体系的过程,就是为中国股市国际化作准备的过程,也是中国股市国际化的构成部分。  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2017,93(1):79-95
The paper examines the opportunities in and possibilities arising from big data in retailing, particularly along five major data dimensions—data pertaining to customers, products, time, (geo-spatial) location and channel. Much of the increase in data quality and application possibilities comes from a mix of new data sources, a smart application of statistical tools and domain knowledge combined with theoretical insights. The importance of theory in guiding any systematic search for answers to retailing questions, as well as for streamlining analysis remains undiminished, even as the role of big data and predictive analytics in retailing is set to rise in importance, aided by newer sources of data and large-scale correlational techniques. The Statistical issues discussed include a particular focus on the relevance and uses of Bayesian analysis techniques (data borrowing, updating, augmentation and hierarchical modeling), predictive analytics using big data and a field experiment, all in a retailing context. Finally, the ethical and privacy issues that may arise from the use of big data in retailing are also highlighted.  相似文献   

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