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企业以实物、无形资产对外投资的计价问题山东潍坊会计学校侯君邦当企业以实物、无形资产方式对外投资时,对投出资产的计价,我国《企业财务通则》规定:“企业以实物、无形资产方式对外投资的,其资产重估确认价值与其帐面净值的差额, 计入资本公积金”。关于这一规定...  相似文献   

关于企业以实物、无形资产对外投资的核算问题陕西中国标准缝纫机公司李广晖《企业财务通则》第二十四条规定:“企业以实物、无形资产方式对外投资的,其资产重估确认价值与其帐面净值的差额,计入资本公积金。”这一规定似有不妥,笔者不揣浅陋,提出来求教于同仁。第一...  相似文献   

股东出资制度是股东出资形式、出资比例、出资期限以及相关程序等与股东出资相关规定的统称。股东出资制度是公司资本制度的重要组成部分,是确立完备的公司资本制度的前提和基础。因此,各国或地区的《公司法》都对股东出资制度做出了细致而严格的规定。  相似文献   

我国中小企业存在以虚假实物出资的问题,在验资业务中又存在审验程序不到位的情况,带来验资风险。验资机构及其注册会计师如何提高验资质量,保持应有的职业谨慎,最大限度地规避验资风险。本文对此进行了探讨。  相似文献   

一、案件由来 2006年3月,GL公司的股东W以PHS/CDMA双模手机专利申请技术的独家使用权作价315万元投入到GL公司.某会计师事务所对该技术的独家使用权进行了评估,评定其价值为349.92万元,并据此出具了验资报告.后W将在GL公司的股权作价70万元转让给了另一自然人.现GL公司以W出资不实、专利申请技术不能作为注册资金为由起诉W,把会计师事务所列为第二被告,索赔415万元.一审法院驳回了原告的诉讼请求.原告上诉至省高级人民法院.  相似文献   

第一章 总则 第一条 为规范注册资产评估师执行无形资产评估业务行为,维护社会公众利益和资产评估各方当事人合法权益,根据《资产评估准则——基本准则》.制定本准则。  相似文献   

Risk and return on long-lived tangible assets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Assuming rational expectations, a specialization of Ross' Arbitrage Pricing Theory is used to obtain a simple securities market valuation formula when dividends follow linear stochastic processes. The implications of this model for the use of accounting data to measure risk and for capital budgeting are explored. A new measure of riskiness based on accounting data is derived, and the use of risk-adjusted discount rates is evaluated.  相似文献   

This study examines the stock market's valuation of customer-related intangible assets for a sample of publicly-traded U.S. firms. Customer-related intangible assets are found to be positively associated with equity prices, but valued at a discount relative to goodwill. These results suggest that value-relevant information is lost if customer-related intangible assets are subsumed into goodwill rather than being reported separately. This evidence can be useful to standard setters potentially considering extending to public companies a recent FASB Accounting Standards Update allowing private companies not to recognize separately from goodwill certain customer-related intangible assets.  相似文献   

The measurement and recognition of intangible assets: then and now   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Claire Eckstein   《Accounting Forum》2004,28(2):139-158
“In the Fortune 500 there are thousands upon thousands of statistics that reveal very little that’s meaningful about the corporations they purportedly describe. At least that’s the verdict of a growing number of forward-thinking market watchdogs, academics, accountants, and others.”(Fortune, April 2001). In today’s economy value is often created by intangible (intellectual) capital. The accounting profession has not met the challenge of measuring and reporting the results of knowledge-based entities. The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia estimates that in the year 2000 more than US$ 1 trillion was invested in Intangibles. The problems relating to the measurement and recognition of intangibles are international in scope.This paper reviews existing and recently promulgated US, UK, and IASC accounting standards relating to Intangibles. Inconsistencies in the measurement and reporting of Intangibles under US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are highlighted, and evidence is provided that suggests that recognition of Intangible (Intellectual) Capital is in accordance with existing accounting principles In particular, the newly promulgated Financial Accounting Standards Statements on Business Combinations, Goodwill, and other Intangibles is reviewed. The objective of the comparisons to UK and IASC standards and the review is to provide evidence that will improve the measurement and reporting of intangible (intellectual) capital and facilitate harmonization. Improving the global financial reporting infrastructure will ultimately lead to the reporting of relevant and reliable quality earnings.  相似文献   

Measuring the strategic readiness of intangible assets   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Measuring the value of intangible assets such as company culture, knowledge management systems, and employees' skills is the holy grail of accounting. Executives know that these intangibles, being hard to imitate, are powerful sources of sustainable competitive advantage. If managers could measure them, they could manage the company's competitive position more easily and accurately. In one sense, the challenge is impossible. Intangible assets are unlike financial and physical resources in that their value depends on how well they serve the organizations that own them. But while this prevents an independent valuation of intangible assets, it also points to an altogether different approach for assessing their worth. In this article, the creators of the Balanced Scorecard draw on its tools and framework--in particular, a tool called the strategy map--to present a step-by-step way to determine "strategic readiness," which refers to the alignment of an organization's human, information, and organization capital with its strategy. In the method the authors describe, the firm identifies the processes most critical to creating and delivering its value proposition and determines the human, information, and organization capital the processes require. Some managers shy away from measuring intangible assets because they seem so subjective. But by using the systematic approaches set out in this article, companies can now measure what they want, rather than wanting only what they can currently measure.  相似文献   

在市场中,客户相伴生产者和供应商而生。在作为生产者和供应商的企业被转让时,相应的客户资源也将跟随转移。如何评估客户资源的价值,企业转让中的交易双方对此都十分关注。本文拟就此阐述个人的一些见解。  相似文献   

We examine the value relevance and reliability of reported goodwill and identifiable intangible assets under Australian GAAP from 1994 to 2003; a period characterised by relatively restrictive accounting treatment for goodwill and relatively flexible accounting treatment for identifiable intangible assets. Our findings, using an adaptation of Feltham and Ohlson (1995), suggest that for the average Australian company the information presented with respect to both goodwill and identifiable intangible assets is value relevant but not reliable. In particular, goodwill tends to be reported conservatively while identifiable intangible assets are reported aggressively.  相似文献   

从验资准则看验资业务的新变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年2月,财政部发布了《中国注册会计师审计准则第1602号——验资》(以下简称"新准则"),后又发布了准则指南(以下简称"新指南")。和《独  相似文献   

This paper examines the effectiveness of three transfer pricing methodologies for an intangible asset that is developed through bilateral, sequential investment. In general, a royalty-based transfer price that can be renegotiated provides better investment incentives than either a non-negotiable royalty-based transfer price or a purely negotiated transfer price, and in some cases induces first-best investment. This result contrasts with previous research that finds that the inability to limit renegotiation of initial contracts reduces investment efficiency. Further, I examine how tax transfer pricing rules inform optimal internal transfer prices when the firm decouples internal and external transfer prices.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a general framework for the pricing of capital assets in a multiperiod world. Under quite general conditions, the analysis shows that the equilibrium expected nominal return on any asset can always be expressed as the sum of the risk-free rate and various risk premiums. The first risk premium is identical to the usual risk premium in the Sharpe-Lintner-Mossin capital asset pricing model. The mathematical forms of all the remaining risk premiums are identical even though each individual risk premium may be present for a different reason.  相似文献   

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