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是被百度边缘化,还是跟随百度在新的变革中如影随形?当百度通过自身的变革试图在互联网的平台征战中获得更大的话语权之时,站长们也面临着新的征程。  相似文献   

2009年元旦过后,中国零售市场传出了一些令人欣慰的消息:上海第一八佰伴18小时内销售过2.58亿元;杭州的解百、百大、银泰武林店、杭州大厦四家店元旦3天销售2亿元。当然,为这巨大销售数字做背书的是"买500送330"这样的促销手段。  相似文献   

近年来,中国汽车类产品出口呈现快速增长势头,汽车贸易于年初首次出现顺差,并一直持续到现在,让几十年来始终处于纯进口的中国人着实乐了一把。于是,有人作出了乐观判断:“中国汽车出口时代已经到来”,“中国将成为出口大国”,有企业甚至扬言,他们90%的产品都要出口。我们毫不怀疑,在未来一段较长时间里,中国汽车出口还将继续高速增长,但却不能据此断言,中国汽车的“出口时代”已经到来;声言“中国将成为汽车出口大国”,不仅为时过早,徒然让跨国公司  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展,建筑施工企业正面临着激烈的市场竞争。由于建筑施工企业经营管理层和劳务作业层两层分离及第三层改革的不断推进,企业已从劳务密集型逐步向智力密集型的总承包管理型企业转变,促进了项目施工总承包管理的深入和发展。建筑业正逐步形成工程总承包建设和总分包管理的市场体系,项目管理的内容已逐步形成以总分包合同管理为重要内容,建立了生产要素优化配置的机制,实现了资源的优化组合,保证了工期、质量、成本的控制和组织协调。在这种情况下,建筑施工企业要想实现企业经济运作的良性循环,就要狠抓成本管理,努力降低成本,建立合同成本管理体系,形成成本管理机制,最终促进经济效益的提高。  相似文献   

预期国外公司在中国加入WTO后的市场推进周期,并不那么容易。一方面,国外公司不顾一切蜂拥而入的局面在中国加入WTO后没有明显出现,利益驱动下的理性使得“中国大蛋糕说”更像是一句励志格  相似文献   

灾害概念是指整个国家或某个地区,因受到自然或其他灾害影响,出现某些股票因灾害而受益,从而集体上涨,在短期内出现较大涨幅的现象。近期,灾害概念股集中涌现,频频出现在涨幅榜的前列。  相似文献   

This paper measures the impact of the entry of large supermarkets on incumbents of various sizes. Contrary to the conventional notion that big stores drive small rivals out of the market, data from Tokyo in the 1990s show that large supermarkets’ entry induces the exit of existing large and medium-size competitors, but improves the survival rate of small supermarkets. These findings highlight the role of store size as an important dimension of product differentiation. Size-based entry regulations would appear to protect big incumbents, at the expense of small incumbents and potential entrants.  相似文献   

The role of product quality in industries influenced by network effects has been the subject of significant debate among management theorists. Some have suggested that network effects can result in inferior products, as consumers value a large cohort of fellow adopters over the technical quality of a given product. Others argue that cases of market domination by inferior products are quite rare and that product quality is an important aspect of network‐based competition. Thus, a fundamental question has arisen from this debate: in industries influenced by network effects, does product quality matter? This research uses a sample of product releases in the application software industry from 1986 to 1998 to test the impact of product quality on installed base growth for a given product line. Using software quality measures from archival trade publication reviews, quality is found to have a positive and significant impact on growth, even after controlling for installed base size and other product, firm, and segment characteristics. This finding suggests that the first‐mover advantages often ascribed to network industries may be more complex than previously thought. Rather, effective strategy in network competition appears to center on the trade‐off between early product releases, with the intent of establishing an early installed base, and later product releases, with the intent of improving the quality of the focal product. Several potential extensions of this work are offered, with a specific focus on (1) the impact of variation in the strength of network effects across industries, and (2) the dueling incentives faced by incumbents in network industries, who may possess greater capabilities to produce high‐quality products but limited incentive to do so. Other potential contributions for theory and practice are offered and discussed.  相似文献   

李昂 《中国石化》1999,(9):20-21
1998年7月,中国石油天然气集团公司、中国石油化工集团公司宣告成立。这是中国工业史上的一件大事,是对国有企业实施战略性改组的重大措施,也是对我国石油石化行业进行结构调整的重大步骤。如何进一步发挥体制优势,加快两大集团发展,笔者认为可从以下五个方面运作。一、协调好石油、石化两大集团关系从微观经济学的行业市场划分原则看,石油石化业的市场结构是属于寡头垄断。在寡头垄断行业(下称寡占行业)中有一个至关重要的特征,也是寡占行业匕别于其他行业的一个主要特征,这就是相互依存的特性。在富占行业中,市场上只有少数几…  相似文献   

Invest In China     
US Denim Giant has the China OperationJuly 12, 2005 International Textile Group (ITG), Greensboro, NC an- nounced its plan to build a state-of-the-art denim plant in the city of Jiaxing, Zhejiang province, China. The joint venture partnership will be called Cone Denim (Jiaxing) Ltd, 51% owned by a subsidiary of ITG (a WL Ross & Co. company) and 49% held by Novel Holdings Ltd, a Hong Kong based subsid- iary owned by Chou family. The Cone Denim (Jiaxing) Ltd is expected to operate…  相似文献   

最近.西方国家频繁炒作中国产能过剩问题.其背后可能包藏祸心,为今后更为严重的贸易保护主义留下伏笔、寻求依据。对此,有关方面和企业要高度警惕。  相似文献   

受油价高升影响,今年上半年国内市场化工产品价格整体出现强劲上扬走势。其中,重点跟踪的150多种石油和化工产品同比上涨的占了近80%,部分维持高位的品种价格依然继续猛烈上涨,特别是下游石化产品连登台阶。进入7月份,整体涨势仍丝毫不减。  相似文献   

真相一受灾减产供应有缺口 2005年春茧生产、收购总体形势的确好于往年,但江苏、浙江等部分主蚕区在秋茧生产期间却受灾害性气候、环境污染、农药中毒等不利因素影响,爆发了大面积桑蚕病虫害,产量和质量有较大幅度的下降,部份农户绝收,江苏、浙江的减产幅度在30%以上.虽然广西、安徽等地有大幅增产,但全年蚕茧产量为61万吨,仅比上年增长6.9%.全年丝产量为11.3万吨,增长幅度也仅为10%.  相似文献   

中海油确定2005年勘探开发目标,中国化工集团欲收编山东“小炼油”,黄立功:民营进入改变石油业人才竞争环境。  相似文献   

李丽 《汽车观察》2009,(7):64-65
“至少在我看来,腾中重工开始肯定是有诚意购买悍马的,至于后来,在媒体上看到腾中重工的消息并掀起这么大舆论风暴,他们的想法我就不清楚了。  相似文献   

刘力智 《中国石化》1999,(12):10-11
当前正在进行的债权转股权工作,是以国有商业银行组建的金融资产管理公司(信达、华融、长城、东方)和国家开发银行自身作为投资主体,将以往形成的不良信贷资产转为金融资产管理公司对企业的股权,以及国家开发银行对企业的股权,变银行与企业之间原来的债权债务关系,为金融资产管理公司及国家开发银行与将要实施债转股企业之间持股与被持股或控股与被控股的关系,是由原来的还本付息变为按股分红。实施债转股后,金融资产管理公司与国家开发银行将成为企业阶段性持股的股东,可依法行使股东权利,参与公司重大事务的决策,但不干预企业…  相似文献   

风险投资是指在没有任何财产抵押的情况下,以资金与创业者持有的股权相交换而产生的一种投融资模式。其投资是建立在对创业者持有的技术,甚至是设想的认同基础之上的,实质就是专为扶植高科技成果转化而在市场经济中形成的一种资本运营方式。风险投  相似文献   

中国石油、石化两大集团公司的组建,实现了政企分开及上下游、内外贸和产销三个一体化,但“三个一体化”只是企业经营方式的调整和充实,其深层次的意义在于实现市场化、企业(集)化和资本化。市场化、企业(集团)化和资本化要求两大集团公司必须按市场经济的规律办事,按照公司的运作规范去组织生产经营活动,优化配置集团资源,谋求优势互补和协同效应,把石油的生产、加工、经营等只是作为企业实现资本增值的一种手段,通过资本市场,合理安排集团公司的投融资活动,实现集团公司经济效益的最大化。石油、石化两大集团公司的交叉重组,不是企业的简单划转和归并,两大集团公司不能“穿新鞋走老路”,而应抓住重组的契机,积极深化改革,转换机制,真正把企业办成适应市场变化和竞争要求的国际化大公司、大集团。  相似文献   

We examine the incentives of a monopolistic search engine, funded by advertising, to provide reliable search results. We distinguish two types of search results: sponsored and organic (not-paid-for). Organic results are most important in searches for online content, while sponsored results are more important in product searches. By modeling the underlying markets for online content and offline products, we can identify the sources of distortions for each type of result, and their interaction. This explicit treatment proves crucial for understanding, not only spillovers across markets, but also fundamental policy issues, such as the welfare effects of integration. In particular, integration of the engine with a small fraction of content providers is welfare-enhancing when incentives to distort are stronger for sponsored than organic search, but welfare-reducing in the opposite case.  相似文献   

近年来,枣庄矿业集团田陈煤矿结合自身实际,内强素质、外树形象,注重把先进管理模式和企业管理标准相结合,创立实施了RMO管理模式(Refined Management Overall).即全方位精细化管理模式,努力打造工作学习化、行动军事化、管理精细化、质量标准化、生产安全化、环境生态化的“六化”型矿井.全矿上下呈现出生产势头旺、安全形势稳、改革步伐快、精神面貌新、整体状态好的良好发展态势。  相似文献   

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