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他山之石,亦可攻玉——中小休闲食品企业的营销之道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济快速发展、城市化进程加快以厦生活水平的提高,人们对休闲生活的要求也在不断的增强.这都给休闲食品行业带来了飞速发展的契机。历经多年.休闲食品在产品的类别、花色品种、数量质量、包装装潢以及生产工艺等方面.均有了显著的提高。  相似文献   

三四级市场正成为新的营销主战场,国际品牌从高端市场向下延伸,本土品牌更植根于此,甚至有很多新品牌诞生之后,直接就奔向三四级市场。  相似文献   

李伟 《广告大观》2009,(2):67-68
休闲食品顾名思义,多之不多,少了也不妨,介于吃与不吃、可有又可无之间。既不像必需品,因日常生活离不开而不得不买,也不像奢侈品为获得巨大的心理满足感而不管忠实的追随者,怎样打入市场,打动消费了休闲食品营销的关键。  相似文献   

休闲食品企业应从需求、技术、口味和品种等方面,不断进行开发和定位,切实抓好采购、生产、包装等环节,实施有效的品牌管理,尽可能低成本、差别化地分销,以便实现快速、健康、可持续的发展。  相似文献   

目前,我国休闲食品的市场容量已超过300亿元,然而相对于中国巨大的人口基数和市场需求来说,这只是沧海一粟。几块钱一包的薯片或者糖果,相对于单位产品的利润,这片市场显得过于贫瘠。对于休闲食品来  相似文献   

休闲食品从广义而言包含正餐、主食之外的所有食品,包括蜜饯、肉干和薯片、糖果等,即人们主要为休闲消遣而选择的食品。具体来讲,休闲食品共有八大类:谷物膨化类、油炸果仁类、油炸薯类、油炸谷物类、糖食类、肉禽鱼类、干制果蔬类等。休闲产品主要有三种消费特征:风味型、营养型、享受型、特产型,消费者涵盖全部人群:儿童零食、青少年享受、成年及老年人暇趣等。  相似文献   

机会,留给有准备的企业 “汉字是很奇妙的,在中国汉字中.危机这个词本身就是威胁和机遇的两面体。”谈及当前的经济形势,巨人投资有限公司常务副总裁程晨还是比较轻松。在她看来,这一次的经济危机由海外渡及到中国.海外危机的严重程度是甚于中国的.因此这次危机对外资企业、跨国企业的打击要远远大于中国本土企业。“比如.我们可以看到前两年在中国快速发展的外资公司.今年加大了终端的让和幅度,  相似文献   

近年来,我国与中东的贸易呈持续上升趋势,宁夏清真产品对中东的出口也主要集中在沙特、阿联酋、以色列、伊朗等国。特别是宁夏实施扩大与中东国家交往战略以来,自治区外事部门已将阿联酋的迪拜酋长国作为我区与海湾阿拉伯国家交流的突破口,并通过与驻阿使馆、宁夏穆斯林协会的沟通联系,互相转达了开展友好往来的意愿,这对于推  相似文献   

随着我国进入WTO以后,市场对于诚信度的渴求越来越高,“企业诚信度是什么?那是对客户承诺的服务态度以及对社会群体的信用度,那是企业赖以生存和发展的根本条件,那也是企业获得更高经济效益和社会效益的一种最佳手段!”听起来枯燥繁琐的理论,在葛基中总经理看来却是一个企业奉为“金科玉律”,乃至于不可侵犯的商业运作“潜规则”。  相似文献   

以沪东造船厂为核心企业组建的沪东造船集团,是中国特大型企业,是我国具有制造大型民用船舶、军用舰艇、大功率船用柴油机和大型钢结构、冶金设备、陆用电站、地铁盾构、港口机械等八大类型产品生产能力的综合性大型造船企业.  相似文献   

韩国强 《广告大观》2009,(11):86-86
当前,受全球性金融危机的影响,美、欧、日三大经济体经济遭受重创,复苏缓慢,也使我国的经济发展面临空前严峻的国际经济环境。而媒体市场竞争加剧,也迫切需要根据经济发展的大局调整各自的竞争策略。  相似文献   

As one of the biggest trade partners of the developing countries the Federal Republic of Germany is of necessity one of the states to which these countries will address their trade-political demands at UNCTAD V. An analysis shows however that, as the classic competences for trade policy decisions have been largely transferred to the EC, the Federal Republic is left with very little scope for action.  相似文献   

随着这两年我国SUV热的火速升温,关注汽车的人如今多数都听说过SUV——“Sport Utility Vehicle”,并且可以迅速地从车流中、车市上将这种轮廓硬朗、个性鲜明的运动型多用途车指点出来。不过,相信大多数人都不知道我国SUV最初是由另一车种——皮卡改装而来的,自然真正了解皮卡的人则是更少了。  相似文献   

The controversy about the pros and cons of state interference in the economy has become much more heated in recent years. In the industrialised countries this can be gauged from the debate about deregulation and privatisation. The proposition that the more market-oriented the economy the more successful it will be is also relevant to policy in developing countries. The following article shows, however, that there is no simple, universally valid link between a country’s economic system and its achievements in the development field.  相似文献   

黄卫华  谭媛媛 《商业研究》2005,(1):137-138,162
秩序和自由是人类的两个基本需求,二者是对立统一的。制度是形成自由秩序的机制。金融市场的完善就是金融自由和金融秩序的博弈发展过程,是形成金融自由秩序的过程。我国在完善金融市场过程中,面临先发挥自由还是先考虑秩序的两难问题。应该是二者同时发展,但是在不同的时期,根据矛盾主要方面的改变应有所调整。  相似文献   

沪产烟以其悠久的历史积淀、稳定的内在品质和良好的品牌形象,在中国卷烟市场,有着骄人的作为,占据着不可替代的市场份额和地位,它曾作为上海制造等同优质产品的身份,在人流、物流极其有限的六、七十年代,最大程度的影响了大半个中国。长期以来,沪产烟的品牌形象以及在市场的表现是令人信服和得到尊重的。随着经济运行进入到社会主义市场经济的轨道,中国加入WTO和《烟  相似文献   

新年伊始,国际汽车巨头戴姆勒.克莱斯勒集团麾下的百年经典品牌梅赛德斯·奔驰在网络卡车代理发展上又有新举.奔驰卡车系列产品在国内外市场早就享有盛誉,也为越来越多的中国用户所熟悉.其在中国市场推出的Actros、Axor和Atego系列载重车产品代表着位居全球领先地位的动力性、可靠性、耐久性和安全性.它们的推出,为中国的用户带来了优异的运营经济和无可比拟的舒适驾驶.其主打产品Actros系列载重车还荣获了"2004年欧洲年度卡车奖".  相似文献   

Entrepreneurial orientation (EO), market orientation (MO) and network ties are typically modeled as separate antecedents of performance. However, the boundary conditions for such models are under-explored, as is their applicability to developing economy settings. Accordingly, drawing on institutional and social capital theories, the current paper argues that the performance benefits of EO and MO are complementary, and vary across different levels of social and business network ties. Using primary data gathered from entrepreneurial firms operating in Ghana, the study findings indicate that aligning high levels of EO and MO improves business performance, and particularly so when social and business network ties are well developed, since under these latter conditions, the performance benefits of aligning EO and MO are greatest.  相似文献   

The relative importance of credit market development and stock market development in boosting innovation remains a long-standing debate issue. In this study, we document how different types of financial markets development affect heterogeneous innovations. Using a broad sample across 42 developed and emerging economies and a generalized difference-in-differences identification strategy, we find that stock market development leads to significantly higher substantive innovation, especially in young and small firms, but has negative impact on incremental innovation. Conversely, credit market development promotes incremental innovation, especially in mature and large firms, but has negative impact on substantive innovation. Further analyses indicate that stronger shareholder protection enhances the positive impact of stock market on substantive innovation, while stronger creditor rights enhance the promoting effect of credit market on incremental innovation, and even turn the negative impact of credit market on substantive innovation into positive. Our paper provides new insights into the heterogeneous effects of credit market and equity markets on the real economy.  相似文献   

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