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The value of a job is an important issue for management, human resources, law and public policy, yet we lack good empirical estimates of this value. This article presents a theoretical framework for valuing jobs and estimates the average economic value of an Australian job at approximately $104,000. However, judges awarding compensation for unfair dismissal under the Fair Work Act implicitly value a job at around $10,000. If the economic value estimate is correct then workers place a high value on keeping their job, which has important human resources management implications, such as worker commitment and risk-taking.  相似文献   

This article characterizes the nonlinear relation between oil price change and GDP growth, focusing on the panel data of various industrialized countries. Toward this end, the article extends a flexible nonlinear inference to the panel data analysis where the random error components are incorporated into the flexible approach. The article reports clear evidence of nonlinearity in the panel and confirms earlier claims in the literature??oil price increases are statistically and economically significant while oil price decreases are not and previous upheaval in oil prices causes the marginal effect of any given oil price change to be reduced. Our result suggests that the nonlinear oil?Cmacroeconomy relation is generally observable over different industrialized countries and it is desirable for one to use the nonlinear function of oil price change for GDP forecast.  相似文献   

Islamic Banks hold well over US $700 billion in assets and are growing at over 15% p.a. Islamic Banking and Finance (IBF) involves wider ethical and moral issues than simply ‘interest-free’ transactions. Its advocates argue that these make it more economically efficient than conventional banking and promote greater economic equity and justice. To what extent, then, do actual Islamic Banking practices live up to the ideal, and how different are they from conventional banking? A preliminary investigation shows that, three decades after its introduction, there remain substantial divergences between IBF's ideals and its practices, and much of IBF still remains functionally indistinguishable from conventional banking. This runs counter to claims by IBF advocates that it would rapidly differentiate itself from conventional banking. However, despite not providing an alternative to conventional banking and finance, IBF does strengthen a distinctly Islamic identity by providing the appropriate Islamic terminology for de facto conventional financial transactions.  相似文献   

If a firm can influence its monitorability vis-à-vis an environmental regulator, it is shown that increasing the thoroughness of inspections induces the firm to substitute towards more transparent technologies, whilst increasing their frequency may cause substitution the other way. Perversely, when the effect of such substitution is taken into account, an increase in the frequency of inspections (or, equally, the stringency of penalties) may worsen the firm's environmental performance. The agency should favour more thorough inspections than existing theory suggests, particularly in sectors where the scope for such substitution is great. Moreover, when monitorability adjusts only sluggishly to policy shocks (because it is an embodied characteristic of capital, for example) the environmental impacts of increased frequency and increased thoroughness well over- and under-shoot their respective long-run impacts. In assessing regulatory reform, therefore, it is important to leave sufficient time for the class of adjustments identified to occur. The possibility of overshooting can be used as an alternative to existing regulatory capture theories to explain why the efficacy of some classes of regulatory reform may fade through time.  相似文献   

The literature on Regional Systems of Innovation (RSI) has produced an extensive body of research in recent years and has been used widely as a framework for the design and implementation of policies in a variety of regional contexts. However, certain lack of clarity remains in relation to the defining elements and the dynamics of RSI, which make it difficult to operationalize and to articulate properly the concept for policy purposes. This lack of clarity is motivated by the fact that the concept of RSI is influenced by a number of theories and approaches, in particular institutional, systemic and evolutionary approaches to innovation and learning. As a result of this mix of influences, the concept of RSI derives different and even conflicting theoretical assumptions and policy rationales. The paper advocates a more coherent evolutionary articulation of regional systems and a better understanding of the complexity surrounding policy processes.  相似文献   

Whether a preference relation can be represented using state-independent utilities as opposed to state-dependent utilities may depend on which acts count as constant acts. This observation underlies an extension of Savage's expected utility theory to the state-dependent case that was proposed in this journal by Edi Karni. His result contains a condition requiring the existence of a set of acts which can play the role of constant acts and support a representation involving a state-independent utility function. This paper contains necessary and sufficient conditions on the preference relation for such a set of acts to exist. Results are obtained both for the Savage and the Anscombe and Aumann frameworks. Among the corollaries are representation theorems for state-dependent utilities. Relationships to Karni's work and extensions of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

There is something extreme about Ludwig von Mises’s methodological apriorism, namely, his epistemological justification of the a priori element(s) of economic theory. His critics have long recognized and attacked the extremeness of Mises’s epistemology of a priori knowledge. However, several of his defenders have neglected what is (and what has long been recognized by his critics to be) extreme about Mises’s apriorism. Thus, the argument is directed less against Mises than against those contributions to the secondary literature that assert his methodological moderation while overlooking what the most prominent critics have found extreme about Mises’s apriorism. Defending Mises as a merely moderate apriorist because he held only a narrow part of the foundation of economics to be a priori is a straw-man defense against criticisms of his apriorism as epistemologically extreme.  相似文献   

This paper addresses Douglas North's latest book in the light of his intellectual lifework. North's original insistence upon the role of transaction costs did not require a departure from the neoclassical framework as clear-cut as the one required by North's latest emphasis on the role of intentionality. North's recent interest in the cognitive premises of institutional constraints to rational choice considerably expands the scope of the economic analysis of change. However, North still considers institutions supporting homo oeconomicus to be the most important progressive element in history. The paper argues that North's message goes beyond what he would be willing to transfer into the practice of economic historians. In particular, North's new conceptual framework should open the way to the acknowledgment that a plurality of progress-oriented institutions are possible, and that individualism itself could be seen as a multi-dimensional concept.  相似文献   

The paper aims to develop an adequate account of macroeconomic causality. It discusses the definition that is central to Woodward’s interventionist account and the definitions that can be extracted from Hoover’s remarks on privileged parameterization and from the potential outcome approach that Angrist and Kuersteiner have introduced into macroeconomics more recently. The definition to be defended can be regarded as the gist that is common to all three definitions when they are relieved of overly restrictive conditions. It says (roughly) that X causes Y if and only if there is a possible intervention on X that changes Y, where X and Y stand for macroeconomic aggregates, where an intervention is understood as a manipulation of an intervention variable I that satisfies conditions requiring that I be a cause of X, and that there be no confounders of X and Y, and where an intervention variable is either a variable or a parameter.  相似文献   

While energy intensity in China has fallen almost continuously since the onset of economic reform in the late 1970s, beginning in 1996 the data show a striking decline in China’s absolute level of energy use. Most of this decline can be accounted for by falling coal consumption in the industrial sector. In order to investigate this energy puzzle, this paper employs a unique set of panel data for approximately 2500 of China’s most energy intensive large and medium-sized industrial enterprises during 1997–1999. Rising relative energy prices, research and development expenditures, and ownership reform in the enterprise sector, as well as shifts in China’s industrial structure, emerge as the principal drivers of China’s declining energy intensity and use.  相似文献   

In this paper wer use the duality approach to demand theory to evaluate the value to a consumer of a farecard which allows travel at zero marginal pecuniary cost. The analysis is extended to networks with two modes of travel (bus and underground).Illustrative figures are calculated for farecards on the London Transport network.  相似文献   

When comparing ‘new’ and ‘old’ behavioral economics (BE), many argue that ‘new’ BE has close ties with what is often called ‘mainstream’ economics. The aim of this paper is to reframe the ‘old’ vs. ‘new’ BE debate and investigate the nature of the relationship between psychologists, behavioral economists, and ‘mainstream’ economists. This will lead us to develop the concept of ‘space of interaction’, building on Galison’s metaphor of ‘trading zones’, to emphasize the role of outsiders, strategic thinking, and negotiation in ‘new’ BE. By discussing some often implicit arguments in an otherwise disconnected literature, we seek to bring new arguments to the discussions through a careful study of those relationships in the history of ‘new’ BE and its more recent developments. Leaving aside the orthodox/heterodox contrast and comparative approaches, we hope to provide a different account of the changes in ‘new’ BE and its relationship with the ‘mainstream’.  相似文献   

Ever since an “evolutionary” perspective on the economy has been suggested, there have been differing, and partly incommensurable, views on what specifically this means. By working out where the differences lie and what motivates them, this paper identifies four major approaches to evolutionary economics. The differences between them can be traced back to opposite positions regarding the basic assumptions about reality and the proper conceptualization of evolution. The same differences can also be found in evolutionary game theory. Achievements of the major approaches to evolutionary economics and their prospects for future research are assessed by means of a peer survey.
Ulrich WittEmail:

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) are commonly associated with undue advantages due to preferential treatment by the state. Simultaneously they are often quoted as handicapped given the notorious state interference, management problems and agency tensions. They used to be regarded as a mainly domestic issue but in the context of globalisation and the fact that states enter treaties with new obligations, SOEs’ performance ceased to be solely a domestic problem, increasingly so as state-owned multinational enterprises (SOMNEs) emerge. This article presents the results of research on Polish SOEs’ outward foreign direct investment (OFDI). It offers an overview of overseas activities of nine major Polish firms with a state stake and aims to contribute to the conceptual literature on foreign investments conducted by SOMNEs. We distinguish between FDI by SOMNEs as specific – privileged (facilitated) or discriminated (hampered) – investments subject to the home country’s state power and the host country’s state perception.  相似文献   

In an article in the 2006 volume of this journal, Jonathan Temple presented a defence of the use of the aggregate production function in growth theory in the light of various criticisms that have been levelled at it. These criticisms include the Cambridge Capital Theory Controversies, various aggregation problems, and the problems posed by the use of value data and the underlying accounting identity. We show that Temple has underestimated the seriousness of these criticisms, especially the last one, which vitiates the concept of the aggregate production function. Because of the identity, estimates of putative aggregate production functions, such as the aggregate elasticity of substitution, cannot be interpreted as reflecting the underlying technology, and hence the use of the aggregate production function is extremely problematical.  相似文献   


Classical liberal scholars have defined a “minimal state” as performing certain basic functions that include the provision of policing, courts, and national defense. We argue that these functions need not be fully provided by the state. Private provision of all three of these functions exists. Thus a truly minimal state would provide these functions only on the margins where private provision fails. Thus, a truly minimal state is much more minimal than scholars have traditionally envisioned.


Experimental Economics - In experimental economics there is a norm against using deception. But precisely what constitutes deception is unclear. While there is a consensus view that providing false...  相似文献   

Summary. We identify conditions under which preferences over subsets of a consumption world can be reduced to preferences over bundles of "commodities". We distinguish ordinal bundles, whose coordinates are defined up to monotone transformations, from cardinal bundles, whose coordinates are defined up to positive linear transformations.Received: 27 March 2002, Revised: 17 March 2003, JEL Classification Numbers: D11.I am grateful to S. Barberá, C. Chambers, K. Nehring, and O. Sprumont for stimulating conversations and useful remarks. I also thank a referee for helpful comments, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for support.  相似文献   

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