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British public investment has declined sharply both as a share of GDP and as a share of government spending since the 1970s. Only part of this decline is explained by privatisation, which transferred some public investment to the private sector. More important was the very large and permanent reduction in public house‐building between the mid‐1970s and the early 1980s. Between the late 1980s and the early 1990s, the rate of public investment recovered somewhat, but after that time it declined again, reaching a record low in 1999. The most recent decline in public investment has affected a range of central government programmes, and it has not been significantly offset by investment under the Private Finance Initiative. The government now plans to increase investment spending, although levels look set to remain low by historical standards for some time to come.  相似文献   

It is well documented that the venture capital industry is highly volatile and that much of this volatility is associated with shifting valuations and activity in public equity markets. This paper examines how changes in public market signals affected venture capital investing between 1975 and 1998. We find that venture capitalists with the most industry experience increase their investments the most when public market signals become more favorable. Their reaction to an increase is greater than the reaction of venture capital organizations with relatively little industry experience and those with considerable experience but in other industries. The increase in investment rates does not affect the success of these transactions adversely to a significant extent. These findings are consistent with the view that venture capitalists rationally respond to attractive investment opportunities signaled by public market shifts.  相似文献   

, 《国际融资》2013,(6):60-61
2012年,在中国VC/PE市场整体低迷形势下,一方面投资机构普遍面临募资与退出困境,投资活跃度也大幅下降。而另一方面,在此前全民PE热潮中高涨的企业投资市盈率也在寒冬中理性回归,投资市场有望触底反弹日前,ChinaVenture投中集团对境内外数十家GP  相似文献   

This paper examines the pricing of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). Unlike standard corporations, evidence suggests that REIT IPOs are correctly priced in the initial market. Significant negative initial-day return for mortgage REITs is found to be a function of using the bid price to calculate returns for those securities, which trade initially over the counter (OTC). If the bid-ask average or the ask price is used in calculating returns, any apparent overpricing disappears. Additionally, we find that once transactions costs are considered, an investor is better off purchasing a REIT on the offering.  相似文献   

We explore the optimal disclosure policy of a certification intermediary where (i) the seller decides on entry and investment in product quality, and (ii) the buyers observe an additional public signal on quality. The optimal policy maximizes rent extraction from the seller by trading off incentives for entry and investment. We identify conditions under which full, partial or no disclosure can be optimal. The intermediary's report becomes noisier as the public signal gets more precise, but if the public signal is sufficiently precise, the intermediary resorts to full disclosure. However, the social welfare may reduce when the public signal becomes more informative.  相似文献   

We examine investment banks' networking function in capital markets, using a sample of Private Investments in Public Equity (PIPEs). We argue that investment banks develop relationships with investors through repeat dealings, and that investment banks' networks of relationship investors form the basis of their networking function. We find that investment banks, especially those with larger investor networks, help issuers attract investors. Correspondingly, an issuer that desires more investors is more likely to hire an investment bank than place the shares directly. We also find that issuers pay higher fees to hire investment banks with larger investor networks. Our empirical findings suggest that the networking function of investment banks is important in securities offerings.  相似文献   

Public firms provide a large amount of information through their disclosures. In addition, information intermediaries publicly analyze, discuss, and disseminate these disclosures. Thus, greater public firm presence in an industry should reduce uncertainty in that industry. Following the theoretical prediction of investment under uncertainty, we hypothesize and find that private firms are more responsive to their investment opportunities when they operate in industries with greater public firm presence. Further, we find that the effect of public firm presence is greater in industries with better information quality and in industries characterized by a greater degree of investment irreversibility. Our results suggest that public firms generate positive externalities by reducing industry uncertainty and facilitating more efficient private firm investment.  相似文献   

Using country-level data, we study the relation between institutionalization of capital and various measures of reliance on public equity markets. For developed and developing countries, assets under institutional management (mutual funds, pension funds, and insurance companies) are negatively related to the number of listed companies, market capitalization, and trading volume. The negative relationships are estimated on the margin, as other factors such as GDP have countervailing positive partial effects and are generally stronger for more highly developed countries. Results indicate that as direct ownership of equity by retail investors is displaced by investing through institutions, financial systems become less public-market-centric.  相似文献   

王丽芳 《新金融》2002,(10):30-31
根据美国通用汽车对中国市场所作的预测,2000年至2005年,中国的轿车需求将保持20%至25%的年增长,其中私家车将保持33%的发展水平;目前中国有购车能力的家庭为700万户,到2005年这个数字将提高到4200万户;到2010年,中国有可能成为全球第三大汽车市场,占全球份额的6%,仅次于美国和日本;到2025年,中国汽车市场的规模将达到目前美国的规模.……  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to determine how large a capital risk a monetary institution is incurring by receiving capital payments under obligation to yield a fixed guaranteed interest until a prescribed date, even if the market rate of interest should fall below the rate guaranteed, and to investigate to what extent the risk is decreased if it is possible to invest the payment first received at a rate of interest exceeding the rate guaranteed.  相似文献   

We take a general perspective on capital accumulation games with open loop strategies, as they have been formalized by Back and Paulsen (Rev. Financ. Stud. 22, 4531–4552, 2009). With such strategies, the optimization problems of the individual players are of the monotone follower type. Consequently, one can adapt available methods, in particular the approach of Bank (SIAM J. Control Optim. 44, 1529–1541, 2005). We obtain consistency in equilibrium by proving that with common assumptions from the oligopoly literature on instantaneous revenue, equilibrium determination is equivalent to solving a single monotone follower problem. In the unique open loop equilibrium, only the currently smallest firms invest. This result is valid for arbitrary initial capital levels and general stochastic shock processes, which may be non-Markovian and include jumps. We explicitly solve an example, the specification of Grenadier (Rev. Financ. Stud. 15, 691–721, 2002) with a Lévy process.  相似文献   

《国际融资》杂志近期参加了多个有关清洁技术的论坛,这些论坛特别强调了清洁技术作为新的增长点的商机和前景,还特别指出了商机和政策支持的不可分性,即所有与环保有关的技术,最终都要靠政策来推动,没有政策的推动就难以发展(参看本栏目文章《清洁技术产业渐成PE/VC投资热点》)。具体到近年来发展较快的风能产业,有关的政策解读更明确,特别是2008年年底以来,在国际金融危机发生的过程当中,很多国家和政府宣布要大大增加可再生能源和低碳或者清洁技术的公共财政投入,以刺激经济增长并增加就业岗位,而中国的政策利好也是不断(参看本栏目文章《风能产业的政策利好和投资机遇》  相似文献   

In the classical portfolio optimization problem considered by Merton, the resulting constant proportion investment plan requires a diffusive trading strategy. This means that, within any arbitrarily small time interval, the investor must impractically both buy and sell stocks. We study the problems of a mean-square and a power utility investor for whom the trading strategy is constrained to be smooth, i.e. nondiffusive. This means that over sufficiently small time intervals, the investor is either a seller or a buyer of stocks. The mathematical framework is built around quadratic objectives such that trading activity is punished quadratically. Mean-square utility is quadratic, and power utility is covered by quadratic punishment of distance to Merton’s power utility portfolio. We present semi-explicit solutions and, in a series of numerical illustrations, show the impact of trading constraints on the portfolio decision over the investment horizon.  相似文献   

Investing and consuming may not be so different as traditional economic theory has understood them. The consumer research literature has begun to view consumption not simply as rational decisionmaking, but as a more multisensory activity in which emotion and fantasy play important, if not essential, roles. This new perspective has been extended by Holt (1995) in a matrix of metaphors in which consumption can be viewed as an interaction with objects and/or other persons as an end in itself and/or a means toward toward other ends. This paper theorizes how this matrix might apply to investment and uses a literary analysis of the best-selling The Motley Fool Investment Guide to examine whether or not our knowledge of consumers might in this way inform our understanding of investors.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes and models the significant components of international trade in financial services, namely, foreign direct investment in banking for the US, the UK and Germany. It distinguishes between banks' activities abroad and FDI in banking by banks and non-banks. A model for FDI in banking is proposed which contains certain explanatory variables peculiar to FDI in banking as compared to FDI in manufacturing. The components of the model of FDI in banking is different from those models designed to explain banks activities abroad. The empirical results of this study of FDI in banking indicate that bilateral trade, banks' foreign assets, the cost of capital, relative economic growth, exchange rates and FDI in non-finance industries are the major determinants of foreign investment in banking.  相似文献   

This paper, to our knowledge, is the first to examine herding in foreign direct investment (FDI). We investigate it from two perspectives, first the number of countries investing in the host country and then the dollar volumes of those investments. Our results provide strong evidence of herding in FDI. We also show herding in the divestures of these investors. We show that herding in FDI is related to host country characteristics and governance parameters.  相似文献   

As an effective investment strategy, investors often invest jointly in a company by forming a syndicate. The unique feature of this paper is that it endogenizes the formation of an investment syndicate. We provide a theory on the endogenous formation of networks in investment syndication and analyze how several key factors such as risk aversion, productivity, risk and cost affect incentive and syndicated investment. We also apply the theory to venture capital investment and identify empirical evidence in support of it.  相似文献   

林达 《国际融资》2002,(6):46-46
什么是投资银行 投资银行是主要从事证券发行、承销、交易、企业重组、兼并与收购、投资分析、风险投资、项目融资等业务的非银行金融机构,是资本市场上的主要金融中介.  相似文献   

中国海域、海岛开发现状 由于海洋环境的特殊性,海洋不是人类的居住环境,人们总觉得海洋开发离自己比较遥远,企业对海洋资源开发与利用也不知如何下手.但随着国际上对海洋资源的一些开发新案例相继出现,中国对海洋资源的开发利用也呈现多样化的趋势.比如一些国家正在研发水下房屋建设,迪拜已推出了水下别墅项目,各种海上游乐设施和海上运动项目已被人民广泛接受,海洋的开发类型越来越多,不但有传统的海洋产业在蓬勃发展,而且又在不断产生新的海洋产业.  相似文献   

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